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Doubl check any paperwork you have for a drop clause. At the same time ask, in writing, for a document showing you agreed to a drop fee.


Ask them to show you where you signed acknowledgment of this fee.


This is what I would recommend. That said, they very likely won’t send you to collections. If they do, reply to your bill collector in writing (right away) that you do not agree to the fee, and that they must provide evidence of any amounts they claim or else cease contacting you.


I wouldn't bet on them not sending it. Depending on the size of the chapter, I've known many fraternities and sororities that frequently send stuff to collections. But yes to advice about how to respond to the collector.


I wouldn’t be so sure. Most of the billing companies greek organizations use have a built in function to send someone to collections. I’ve personally seen it used often. The debt would still need to be legitimate and you could have it removed if they can’t prove you agreed to it. Realistically, the fee is likely within the by-laws of the fraternity which members agree to by joining.




Also reach out to the national office for the fraternity. If your former chapter is trying to shake you down for money then they may be interested, especially if it is not sanctioned.


When I was in a fraternity drop fees were owed because the Greek Life office charged each house a fee per registered member as long as the member was enrolled in school. The Greek Life office didn’t care if members dropped, they use wanted the money. We would even have difficulty getting members removed when they reenrolled for graduate school.


If you didn’t sign anything saying you’d pay it then no you don’t have to pay it. Are you sure it wasn’t hidden in a contract?


Not a lawyer, but finally, something I can weigh in on! I work for a billing solution for Greek Life orgs. We partner with a collections company, but require a signed financial obligation contract to escalate a member’s account to collections. Even if a submission slips through without a signed contract (which *does* occasionally happen) our collections partner rarely accepts those accounts because there’s such a low chance of collection in that instance especially. With that said, I’d strongly suggest you just reach out to the National HQ directly to advise. Write them an email immediately and call them first thing after the holiday. They might be able to squash the whole thing right there! If your old chapter uses a billing software of any kind, it’s *very easy* for them to request to initiate a member’s account to collections. Whether the collections agency actually accepts that account is a different story! If you’re contacted by a collections agency or receive a warning call of any kind, dispute it immediately with the collections agency, Nationals, and the chapter (in writing).


It all depends on the circumstances. There could be things paid for the full year (fall and spring semester) that if you leave and don’t attend, you could then be responsible for as you are no longer a brother. I would ask them where it states the drop fees, and ask them to show you in the bylaws or whatever contract you signed. Some chapters are notorious for this shit so don’t be surprised if this is true




>I dropped this fraternity last semester, had paid all my dues and other associated costs while an active member, and thought that would be the end of it. Is there usually an official channel to be considered "disaffiliated"? It sounds like they already took what they thought were the necessary steps to remove themselves from the fraternity.


You write a letter to your chapter and your National saying you want to disaffiliate.


You may have not signed anything specifically regarding the existence of the “drop fee”, but my guess is that when you were an active member you signed some sort of financial responsibility contract agreeing to stay in good financial standing. Depending on the language of the financial contract, it’s possible you can be sent to collections for failure to fulfill the terms outlined (which may include the drop fee, or more general language that may include the drop fee such as “reasonably assigned fees”). However, I’ve never heard of having to pay to disaffiliate if you were previously in good standing, so I’d recommend contacting the national office for verification.


This would fail as a "reasonably assigned fee" unless spelled out in writing.




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Ah college, where the life lessons come at you quickly. “I was not made aware of this at the time of joining my fraternity…” I’m going to bet on “yes you were, but you didn’t read it” as the correct answer here. $300 is a fairly cheap way to learn about contracts.


I doubt they will pursue you for $300


I would tell them to go ahead and sue me. This means they have to provide evidence. They can't just come and say Bcuz. If you lose you lose. Tell them to collect now. Bcuz they can't and had to pay court costs as well.


There is no such thing as a regular person sending you to collections. They would only be able to collect if they win in small claims court against you. Which they probably wouldn’t unless you specifically agreed in writing to a drop fee.


This isn't a 'regular person', this is a business/organization with which the OP very well may have signed a contract. I wouldn't say it's a slam dunk that they can be sent to collections, but it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility either.


But going to collections for something like this will not do anything to his credit. The only collections anyone really needs to worry about are for credit cards etc. Anyone can send something to collections but the collections agency has no power, they'll just be annoying.




Some fraternities can actually keep you from receiving your diploma over unpaid fees.


Would this not be something that needs to be brought to the attention of a pledge? Kinda like where you need to initial certain spots for contracts and the like? My rental agreement made me initial 8 different spots along with signing the lease.


I doubt they will pursue the $300, but the chance is not zero. If you have no documents talking about the fee, ask them for a copy of the agreement that you signed showing that there is a drop fee.