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Yes, contact the police and make a report. They'll inform local pawn shops based on your description or photos of the item. You can tell them you strongly believe you know who took the item, and they may or may not decide to go talk to them.


That's not a "friend." The police may or may not be able to do something about it. If you *don't* report it, you're *guaranteeing* they don't do anything about it.


Yes, you can file a police report.


Depending on the value of the necklace, you can maybe file a claim with your homeowners insurance as well. They will want a copy of the police report. It may or may not be worth the claim, though - ultimately depends on the actual replacement value of a similar necklace, with no value applied to sentiment, unfortunately.


Call the police and report it stolen. They will contact pawn shops. It's either currently at a pawn shop, or it's about to be. Let them know who you think took it but I doubt they can do anything with zero evidence. But at least whoever pawns it will be held responsible.


Drug addict prolly already sold it at the closest pawn shop. Call the police then go to all the local pawn shops to see if they have seen it, If they have they can track her down with video surveillance and get your property back.


Definitely file a police report. That's the only way you could possibly get your necklace back.