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Some form of 'Behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace' is an arrestable offence in most jurisdictions. The police can also usually detain someone for their own safety. The police can also be slightly too slow to notice you about to get a brick to the face and may also realise the Body Worn Video wasn't on so they have no witnesses to the brick throwing.




It can’t be disturbing the peace if it’s protected free speech and doesn’t fit one of the exceptions. Look at the Westboro Baptist Church for an example


okay this is what i was wondering about, i understand this would be the most likely charge, which i would like a to avoid cause imma honest workin' white man. so why is it disturbing the peace if i don't talk to anyone and am expressing my opinion


Yes, you are expressing your opinion. I think we all know exactly what your opinion is. In the movie, the gangbangers who were about to slice him to pieces were also expressing their opinion. The punishment for that sign probably won't be jail.


my opinion is actually that racism is for simple minded people, and I don't mean that in a good way. To be frank, you have to be mentally disturbed or a sped to actually be racist.




this country is cooked, i have no respect for it i don't want to live without freedom. might as well be English


You don’t want to live here unless you get to say the n word?


Just don’t do it dumbass.


easy for you to say you've never lived


Oh good. We've got another 'edgy as a sphere' type.  If you desperately want to get arrested, find something worthwhile. Join a Non-Violent Direct Action against genocise, police brutality, climate change - reallt anything you want to tell the kids you fought against. 


I am NOT trying to get arrested i just think this would be a fun way to die, and leave a note behind with a manifesto. But it's like I didn't kill anyone, they killed me, I get seen as a martyr. Of course none of this serious it's just for my minecraft simulation (which is based on reality)


I think most people would disregard your manifesto and just assume that you are in fact racist. I would sincerely suggest talking to a mental health professional or trusted loved one about these feelings. In Minecraft, if you must


1. You won't die  2. Death by beating is not a fun wau to die. 3. No one whose opinion is worth even as much as the mud on my boots would see you as a martyr 4. No one would read your manifesto 5. When you are older than 14 you will remember this thread and cringe into the heart of your very soul. 


Free speech is legal, but that doesn't necessarily shield you from consequences.


i know:)