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iirc there is an option to remove from wanted list when placing an order or somewhere else... However I prefter to wait until I receive the pieces and manually update my wanted lists because purchases don't always go as planned. You can edit your wanted list to modify wanted quantity or if you don't want to modify the list you can write in the have field for each part (and, when buying, bricklink will be doing want-have for you)


The fact that wanted lists have to be manually updated will be appreciated once you receive your first order where parts are substandard or missing altogether. So, if you move parts from your wanted list to another wanted list that are missing, substandard, or otherwise not received as expected, you can simply delete the entire wanted list you had previously, and the second WL is your “next buy”.


I gotcha bud. Check your chat in a few minutes. It's still a rough draft, but I've got a tutorial I've been working on regarding exactly this kind of situation. Its already helped several other people in the past, so I'm confidant it'll help you with this, needles to say though, you're on the right track and asking the right questions. Alright, I'm gonna go copy paste it to you now, it's too long for the comment section. :D


Thanks heaps I’ll have a look, I did end up working it out. I’m about 94% complete with the parts I need now ☺️


Fantastic! Happy to help, but it sounds like you've got it covered. :D


Could you send your copy and paste my way too? I'm just started exploring Bricklink and find it kinda confusing at the moment. I can't figure out when the lots are incomplete and which pieces aren't in the order. Thanks


Yeah, no problem! It doesn't cover the Unique Lots part yet (getting there), but I can also do a quick rundown on that. So, a Lot is a group of the same part. So say you have one 1x2 brick, and one 1x4 brick, you've got two parts, and two unique Lots. Now say you have ten of each, you now have twenty parts, but still only two unique Lots. Add one 1x6 brick, now you got twenty-one parts, but three Lots. But if that seller has a Lot Limit of 2, that means you can only buy up to two different types of parts. Same will go for the same part but in a different color, a red one, a blue one, and a yellow one would be three lots, but one hundred of each would still only be three Lots, make sense? As for which pieces remain on the Want List but aren't in each order, thats easiest to do after checking in an order, but also the Buy All (not Easy Buy) from a Want List will help you here (which is covered), but if doing it manually, you can always make a copy of the Want List and fill in the Have Quantity on one when making orders, then fill in the Have Quantity against when you actually get the parts in person. I'm gonna send that along now, so check your chat in a few minutes, and feel free to reach back out if you need and I'll help if I can. :D Edit: huh, it's not letting me start a Chat with you, but I got an idea, just give me a bit to split it up and I'll send them as replies to each other.


Part 1. TL;DR - This will help guide you through the process of making the part list and buying on Bricklink, I know it's Crazy long, but please give it a read, I really think it'll help. :D PARTING OUT SET/MOC/SEC START HERE Forward: this is mostly copied from what I sent to someone a while back about ordering from bricklink, maybe not everything in here will be helpful, but hopefully a lot of it is. For a large amount of this, you can replace "set" with "MOC" or "SEC" (My Own Creation, Someone Else's Creation). Specifically from rebrickable, there is a link option that will directly create a Bricklink Want List for you on your bricklink account. This will replace the steps mentioned after this point about Parting Out a (Official) Set to create a Want List (although this may still be useful to you at some point). Everything after that should (hopefully) be of immense help to you, strap in kid, it's gonna be a bumpy ride! :D  To add a little extra clarity: this seems like a lot and might seem daunting, I'm just trying to be thorough - please don't be discouraged - this got way longer than I thought it would. On the page for the set in question, you will see Add To My Wanted List, and below that Part Out. Select Part Out. Add to new Wanted List, name whatever you want, but the set name/number would be smartest so you don't lose track. It'll ask you some other stuff, like of you want to include minifugres. Personally I wouldn't. Getting the figs separate will be easiest and cheapest more likely than not. You can follow the same steps and add just the figs if you would like, but for sake of ease and cost control, I would suggest just the parts. Fair warning, this is almost definitely still going to cost more than the sets would have at original price, but I have a trick for cost management that I'll get to in a minute.


Part 2. PURCHASING START HERE Now you can do this while making the list, but I wouldn't worry then - it'll ask about part condition. Just leave it as any. You can vet your decision per seller by their terms, but almost all used parts are still more than fine unless the seller states otherwise. Once you have the full want list, you can change the options for each part/color to New or Used or Any. I would say anything with printing, or windows, etc should go for New so you get the best condition you can. Stickered pieces can be found prestickered. However, I would say you're probably gonna want to just buy the sticker sheet (this should part out with the set itself); but be careful of sticker shock (pun absolutely intended), but seriously, depending on the set, I've seen sticker sheets costing upwards of $60, and that's just what I've encountered. May want to make some decisions here. Okay, here we should have the want list you're looking at which includes every part for that set. Now when you view a Want List, in the top right you will see a Buy All button. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH "EASYBUY" on the page of all your Want Lists - this will almost certainly be the most expensive way to buy your stuff! Now the Buy All button when viewing the WL (Wanted List going forward), will change to Buy [Selected] if you check the boxes for some of the parts - this is important later. Here's where then fun begins... COST ANALYSIS! An important thing to remember is that Bricklink is an open market. People can charge any amount for any piece. Say for example our good old friend the 2 x 2 Brick, in the basic color of Blue. Now, the cheapest of these on bricklink is $0.00 (fraction of a penny). Most are a few cents. But the most expensive one is $33! What?! Now, if you straight Buy All from the WLs you probably won't even see this one. But! It's possible it might creep in on you somehow. If you would like to avoid that, when looking at that particular piece on the WL, there is a field you can change Max Price, as it says, the maximum price per that piece, it'll ignore sellers with that part above it (unless you tell it not to) or will warn you that it exceeds your max price, right at each sellers entry for it in their store. This can be very helpful going forward, especially with more obscure parts or minifigs. There's probably an entire class I could teach about some more of Bricklinks features for figuring out the minutia here, but that goes too far I think for now. Let's take a second, stretch your neck, breathe, I'm tossing a good amount your way. Alright, let's resume. XD Now let me teach you how to make it a little more affordable, if not more time consuming. In the WL, if you look at any part, you will see a couple fields for Have and Want. The Want number was filled in by the set in this case (or whatever you added to it). Now the Have is the part we're interested in here. To start, if you have a backlog of parts at home, to mitigate cost you can try incorporating what you already Have on hand. See what I did there? Clever, huh? :D So say you Want 10 2 x 2 Brick, Blue. But you already have 8! So you really only need two. But I don't want to keep track of all that... well lucky enough: you don't have to! So you can go through the WL and take any parts you have that work for it, even if it's not enough, and put in the entry for 2 x 2 Brick Blue that you Have 8 and Want 10. Now when you Buy All, or Buy [Selected] including that part, it won't add 10, it'll only add 2. Which means it'll also try to only search for sellers that meet your actual Needs (did it again, I am full of puns on this!). You will also see when browsing through a seller's store, that it will show in items in their inventory "On This WL", or "On 4 WLs", this way when you're just scrolling through a store, you can add things you weren't even thinking of to fill out the order if they have a minimum purchase, or to make the most out of one order, or whatever your reason. You can also view a store's inventory by what's on your WLs, and if you have more than one WL, it'll let you toggle which ones it's showing parts of. The other cool thing about this, and I use this method a lot, is: dont buy it all at once. Select Buy All, and pick one seller. You can even knock the order down a bit. Say its gonna take you an estimated $500 to complete this build. But! You can make an order for say, $50 worth of parts from someone this month. When you receive the order, you can Apply Order # to that WL, which will automatically fill in and update what you now Have. Then just put those parts in one place and wait til you have everything. It even gives you a percentage based progress bar for that WL, so once it reaches 100%, you know you have everything you need to build it! This is probably the best part! XD As an addendum: if buying for multiple WLs in a single order, i prefer to add what I Have manually as I'm checking in the order or right after checking in the order, to make sure no parts get confused between which project you're ordering for. After this, you have completed basic training in Wanted Lists! Congrats! You even learned some more advanced techniques here (by my reasoning anyway), but believe me, there's plenty more! I'll leave some of that for you to explore and learn on your own though. Heck, I don't even know what I'm doing with half the features on here! Okay, maybe an exaggeration, but I really am constantly finding new features or methods with time and experience. :D One last aside, a simple trick to keeping track of stores that you don't want to buy from, either they don't ship to you, or their part prices or shipping prices are too high for you. Or you just don't like the logo they used for the store, you can mark that store as not preferred. Not just because they wronged you. But because you don't want them showing up in search filters because you refuse to pay $100 to ship $20 worth of parts. It doesn't negatively effect the store in any way, it just removes it from your auto buy results unless you tell it to ignore that rule in the search. With that, good luck, and happy building!


Gonna read this now. Thanks!


No prob, glad to help! :D


There we go, sorry, something suddenly came up so I had to pause for a bit. Part 1 and 2 are separated comments going off that original reply from me. Might be easier to read if you copy and paste it all into a document or something, but whatever works best for you. :D


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