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Is LEGO blind? Deploy Krennic in Krennic’s microfighter!


I can hear this


Honeslty I have mixed opinions on this microfighter: One the one hand this is the only example I can think off where they fucked it up with the figure selection (I mean yeah the Clone Turbo Tank tecnically didnt come with a Kashyyk trooper but nobody is gonna complain there) and the fact its the same guy from the ISD microfighter but with a different hat doesnt really help it be interesting for the folks that buy microfighters for the figures. On the other side, adding Krennic would´ve probably bumped productions cost for the cape (Im pretty sure that the Rex Y-Wing its the first micofighter to come with a cloth piece) and they would´ve probably needed to change the build of the central fin in order to accomodate the cape. And as much as I wanna use the "Just add him without cape" for once it wouldnt work as the cape is the most striking thing out of Krennic´s design. This is just a personal thingy but I kinda.... like generic figs on microfighters? specially considering those hats were sorta new at the time and its always good to have more imperial army fleet members or if you really wanted you could turn him into a naval clone gunner! https://preview.redd.it/6zcapa1aun8d1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae3c71bdc5083e6c8d3ac1e7b72b5928712d7ad Idk why I said all of this, maybe I just like rambling. Either way thx for reading


Why did you type out a very long, but good point, are you literate and logical?


Are you an Aslumer?


Are we blind? Deploy the garrison!


There is 0 crossover between that sub and this one. They're completely unrelated subreddits. Why would you think they share the same users? Are you stupid?


I know an inmate when I see one(check that user’s profile tho he really is). Am I smart? Also nice Man pfp


Doesn't this idiot know that literacy and logical thinking are awful for resale value?


I think you’re over thinking it. The minifigure included in a microfighter is and has always been the pilot of the vehicle/creature in question (not counting droid vehicles). I don’t think there was any consideration of adding Krennic to the set at all. In fact Lego probably wanted you to buy this as an add-on to 75156 as that set didn’t come with a proper pilot


kylo ren's shuttle microfighter (75264) would like to have a word with you


Oop missed one I suppose, but still 1 out of the 40 or so they’ve made makes it the exception not the rule


75228: escape pod vs dewback microfighters and 75224: sith infiltrator microfighter would also ask for an appointment (uj/ looking through the list of all microfighters those really are the ones piloted by actual pilots of said ship. so those i guess those 3 fighters are really just exceptions. you make a good point and i'm going to use that as my argument going foward now)


I’m pretty sure Maul pilots the Scimitar himself and while the escape pod is an escape pod if it came to it I’m sure Artoo could pilot it, if not it does sort of count towards the droid rule. So Kylo is still the only exception to the rule to microfighters having their own pilots


i would factcheck that maul thing, but that would mean i'd have to go look through phantom menace clips. and i think we both can agree that no sane man should do that in this time and age, letalone watch the movie


Knife fellow opinion


Are you Cumbricks, the leader of the lego community that was promised?


I actually really like the shuttle pilots, I like to use them as like ISB grunts or light imperial troops. I always figure them more valuable than the average stormtrooper but less skilled than ISB agents


I wish more people would Imperial army build, I'm tired of seeing all the clone armies! Then again the only Imperial NCO Lego has made comes with a death star UCS and averages around $50. Imperial army FTW!


One of my fave SW figs is the black cap Imperial crew: [https://brickset.com/minifigs/sw0693/imperial-crew-black-cap](https://brickset.com/minifigs/sw0693/imperial-crew-black-cap) You can find these for surprisingly cheap (under £5 per fig) and they're very ubiquitous in the movies so perfect for army building and populating Imperial MOCs. For ages I was bummed that I never got the battle pack this guy came in but over the past year I've gotten 8 of this fig lol The shuttle pilot also appears in a generic crew role so you can also get them fairly cheaply for the same purpose. Both figs would be great in the pits of a star destroyer bridge so that's def on my list of things to build. When you get into officers and non-stormtrooper personnel there's so much variety in the Imperials. Way more interesting to collect than the clones. Cannot wait for Commander Praji and I hope that fig isn't too expensive on the aftermarket because I'd like to get a couple of them. Another tip for cheap Imperial officers (if you aren't too bothered about what the rank badges mean) is to get Captain Tala Durith from the Kenobi show. Averages under £5 new on BL and can typically be found for even less.


Ignore the grey baseplate, that was to make sure everyone had their full gear before being stationed on my AT-AT USC. Stormtrooper NCO/Battalion Commander up front with the general (next he's getting Rex's pauldron now that it's affordable!). Two lower deck hands (these guys have helmets), two upped deck hands (these guys have hats), two engineers, two AT-AT pilots, a AT-ST pilot and two cadets. Then there is the droids crew: three astromechs, two protocol droids, a black BB and a mouse droid. I will mostly be replacing the one protocol droid Sith C3PO come August! https://preview.redd.it/uz53jqkjvq8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2982c8061cdee356989457c67a8c50867dbaab


That's really nice and I may be slightly jealous of those range troopers lmao (also need to get some of those RO tank drivers) I'm also guilty of gray baseplating on occasion... here's my Imperial army at the moment, excluding a few one-offs and older variants of figs that don't fit with the rest: https://preview.redd.it/1rsy4ontdy8d1.jpeg?width=2616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36219b8d9e6f09c937462772c3bfb4d2fd313ae4


Looking good! Do you plan on accessorizing like I did with mine? The range troopers are my snipers, equipped with short range jetpacks and long range blasters. I like those shields and don't own any, but I'm thinking my Shock Troopers might be in need of them! Here is my newly finished Battalion Commander SNCO Captain SOandSUCH: you can tell his rank by his cheap captains pauldron, his tastes in style by his antiquated blaster, and his aptitude as pilot by his BB astromech. https://preview.redd.it/mxxh7sicty8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79503bc7fffe223e7989bae43c5804084598a9a3


A lot of my officers have been given unique faces. I def wanna try the Rex pauldron on some troopers because it should look sick. I also wish that NCO wasn't so expensive (but Praji coming soon does tide me over for black suited officers)


This was probably Disney's fault. they provide information on what's to come in the series years in advance, and that stuff often changes. So, it's entirely possible that there was a mixup with t... never mind... Lego just hates its fans. it's just that simple. they think we're stupid sheep who will gobble up whatever piss-soaked grass they put in front of us. (i bought five of these. one for me, two for ebay, two for facebook marketplace...please bow to my investment prowess)


Id like to imagine that back in 2016 lego still wanted figures like krennic to be exclusive but now they feel like oppenheimer and decided to put the rare figure in a microfighter instead ![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized)


great way to get the imperial pilots though


True, they’d be way more useful for my ISD interior MOC than Krennic lol


Got any pictures of said MOC?


Needs a dust, but here you go: https://preview.redd.it/eyooypmcxp8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b0e7e3e08541c002e94fa89e4e071045f62211c Mainly based it on *Star Wars: Squadrons*, and built it out of spare parts I had lying around lol.


looks sick, lemme see if i can find some pics of my own imperial MOC


https://preview.redd.it/y6dymdmcyp8d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a2718198cc9fc33f46c9ae58d4bd43a6a58153 found one!






Think of us investors!!!! Krennic is a RARE figure!!!!!!!!


We avoided turning 2008 into 1929


They've really been acting like it lately


That… actually is pretty strange lmao


"We stand here next to *my* shuttle, not yours!"


They’re not putting him in because Lego wants to protect resale value on exclusive minifigures. They wouldn’t take a figure from an expensive set and put in a microfighter, that would hurt resellers!




Muh exclusivity. Noooooo.