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If you give them knickknacks, toys, or any noise making items they should pick them up and mess with them and provide distraction. Boom box could be a solid counter.


But only for a good 10 seconds before getting bored of their new toy. Long enough for a full stamina regen maybe.


Just something to distract them that they will immediately prioritize over you.


I've thought of this too, if you're running away and drop let's say a toy robot, the sacrifice of the one item should let you get away


Forest Keepers are deaf, boom boxes would be ineffective


[Oh? Sound and rhythms can still be felt my guy.](https://youtu.be/bIOEkv7PibM?si=ltpUHHLvZRo7-Aa_). Sonic booms. Vibrations. Boom boxes generate more than just noise.


With that mentioned, the bestiary mentions that they feel movement, right? Perfect for boombox vibrations. Though that's going to be like two birds one stone with Eyeless Dogs around.


Make the boom box jump around like the one in Viscera Cleanup and you can justify it


they don't rely on hearing for locating someone, there isn't anything in the lore stating they are actually deaf though.


I feel like since it’s a toddler perhaps an item could be used to scare it away temporarily that way his stats could still remain the same while the behaviour being consistent with the bestiary description




I'm just saying, forest keepers should eat other enemies too. Had a game where a baboon hawk was dick riding the forest keeper. If it's childlike, it should probably chase an enemy down and try to eat them too


The baboon hawks should attack the dogs like the bestiary says Edit: I also think the inside monsters should have some infighting too. Mainly I think the toy soldier should be shooting literally everything that moves. Maybe not the coil heads since they "can't" be seen moving


I agree with that.


same goes for landmines and turrets... why do they not shoot or activate for monsters??? isnt that the whole reason theyre there in the first place? ik it would probably cause monsters to die like super fast but the logic doesnt really make any sense


I mean they'd make sense if there was a monster thag could corrupt them or hack them or something.


Make it so that the laser pointer can distract them.


New strat discovered: stand on top of the ship with a laser pointer and let the Keeper chase the dot around like a housecat


they should make them easily distracted by toys and interactable items. also they are more likely to chase players with jetpack regardless of they chasing other players. since they have a mind of a toddler, they should have multiple outcomes. for example : 1. if the players gives items and toys, they'll play a little bit. but if player gives more attention to them than that (like giving more items to play, plays with pointer laser, dances with boombox with them), they're more likely to follow that player, expecting you to give them more toys. 2. if a player spends too much time with them, they likely to catch you and bring you to their place, making their toys. if you try to escape, they'll try to catch and brings you back. but if you escape for a second attempt, they probably mad and wants you dead. but that's just me. i like to see more of them behave like one. it'll be interesting.


I like what you said about taking you somewhere else, like they aren't an immediate threat, cos they grab you and tale you away from the ship to play. But if you keep escaping they eat you. Because as it is there isn't anything that directly works to waste your time as such.


A lot of people suggested the ability to harvest dead monsters for money. I think it’d be cool if you could drop a piece of harvested meat or something and it’d temporarily satiate them.


They're not hungry, they're just curious


What if I’m curious when I’m hungry


Eat a snickers


Eat a Snickeepers!


I wish they would act like red light green light. They would only see movement so you have to only move when they aren’t looking at you.


I mostly just wouldn't mind if you could reliably break their LOS like the Bestiary suggests, but they spot you from miles away and through all but the biggest objects. I think they should be interested by "Toy" items, like the teeth or toy robot, which they get tired of and destroy after a few seconds.


They have at least 3 counterplays: 1. Avoid line of sight 2. Stun Grenades 3. Zap-gun


Being eaten by earth-worm.


1 isn't a counter play. It's something that everybody would do if they could, but the harsh reality is forest keeper's vision is so good its not a question of "if" they'll spot you, it's a question of when. 2 works, but it's too expensive to reliably be done and it shouldn't be the only counter play to an exterior enemy even if it should probably be the most viable. 3 essentially doesn't work. It'll save the person currently being eaten momentarily, but unless you're sitting right by the ship or a door to the facility, *you* holding the zap gun are just as doomed as you were before. It won't make a difference in whether or not you can navigate from the ship to the facility or vise-versa.


Stun grenade are not that expensive. They cost 10 more credits than a Shovel. Just drop one at the entrance so that you can grab it on the way out during the trip back to the ship. I've used this strategy a bunch and most of the time we end up not encountering giants anyways meaning stun grenades only really have to be used every 4-8 missions or so. It's not like you're shelling out 40 credits EVERY mission to counter a giant. It's baffling that people are complaining about giants having no counterplay when stun grenades are literally an "escape a giant" button available for the low price of 40 credits. Stun grenades should be considered part of the staple supplies that every lobby should buy along with Flashlights, Walkies, an Extension Ladder, and Shovels but they keep being slept on.


honestly skill issue, ive never died to one of em since Im not terrible at the game.


most humble lethal company player


listing universal stuff for creatures isn't really counterplay tbh. Every other creature has some mechanical counterplay that does not require specific gear. (Except jester)


I wish it was universal stuff.


Another way would be a teleporter. if the person who is pressing the button understands the timing. Any case it gives you a reset and can hopefully allow you collect your loot and for the keeper to walk away.


Issue being now the giant is idle next to all of your stuff. So yeah you reset, but you aren’t getting anything back


Biggest issue with the giants isn't lack of counterplay imo but that they're fucking campers. 99% of the time they never fuck off from the ship once they get near it they just dick around outside it forcing you to deal with them in some way.


4. teleport just before grab works also


This guy understands. Everyone else is wrong and an Intern.




No, I'm being completely serious. Giants are manageable with these 3 things. Either you're good at it or you're not. And sometimes they are just unavoidable. It's just the way it is.


> Giants are manageable with these 3 things. Either you're good at it or you're not. And sometimes they are just unavoidable. what a wild string of statements.


1. Avoid line of sight 2. Stun grenades 3. Zap gun. What is so wild about that? I feel like you just read my comment and not the one that started my statement.


>"Giants are manageable (...) And sometimes they're just unavoidable" ???????? Do you want us to believe one, or the other?


4. Teleporter right when the dots on screen collide. My personal favorite, 90% success rate. Solo tho you’re kinda fucked without a stun. They are expensive but even a single grenade for night time that you keep by the facility for the way back more than pays for itself very easily


I thought the laser pointer distracted them too?


It does not. That's a false rumor that's rapidly circulating.


The amount of rumors in this game is kinda refreshing to see. takes me back to when all the other kids would share rumors they heard, sometimes they would be true and sometimes they wouldnt be.


Laser pointer and shower lowering sanity, it’s funny to see


What are you doing here, Snail overlord ?


Funny seeing you here, Lethal and Enlisted are basically 2 of the 3 or 4 games I play.


'Member the halo 2 scarab gun? I 'member.


thats real tho aint a rumor


I tried firing it on my Xbox once and immediately crashed my game after a few seconds of scarab beam lol


if you go behind the SS Anne, there's a truck, and if you use Strength on that truck, a flowerman will join your crew


You can distract them with the laser pointer


That’s a misconception. https://lethal-company.fandom.com/wiki/Laser_pointer


Wait really?? I need to test that. Not a particularly reliable counter-play though.


It's also not true, and a misconception


Nah, the laser point has no effect on them


The easiest way to help crewmates back inside with forest giant is one person running out away from ship to bait empty handed. I personally go the other side of ship and run outward or around ship. Crewmates can teleport you back if you have one unless you are eaten. You can be teleported until the very last second. But all loot will end up on ship and you lose one body. Unless you're good enough to escape one. The eating animation takes 20 seconds or so if your crewmates weren't close enough or aren't fast enough to get inside during this probably 45 to minute long distraction. Then you might need a new crew. 😊 Love this game. Love the idea you have here!