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I think if I look away from the bastard my head will fucking explode


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Glyphid_Dreadnought: *I think if I look* *Away from the bastard my* *Head will fucking explode* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, MJMvideosYT, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


why do you say it like a predator on a discord call


That's what everyone says.... Like that's how people vote on bots...


Um what the sigma


Good bot


Bad on its own Nearly impossible paired with other entities like a Bracken or Ghost Girl One time I was dealing with a slime, a Hoarding Bug, a Bracken, and a Coil Head all at once. I did not survive the ordeal.


Something something skill issue


Should’ve grown eyes in the back of your head smh


It is definitely not bad on its own


I hate that it can cross gaps


How do y'all come up with these insightful posts 🙄


with my brain


Dangit, I was going to comment "with my mind" but you beat me to it!




"ma fucking pancakes"


Deadly tag with a even deadlier tagger 👍


Taggers a word?


I'd give them kisses on the forehead




Mannequin look away and run fast boingboingboingboing


I personally don't like it due to the fact that someone has to always watch it. Solo, just give up for the day: these feel like the only very shitty choices you have to work with these enemies, maybe if they ran deeper into the facility instead of patrolling the same 3 pathways for the entire day they'd be more tolerable, but as a enemy who takes wayyy too little spawn power for the resources they take up, I will never like these enemies until they are changed to not require so much babysitting, or leaving if you are solo. Coil-heads being unable to cross gaps would be a good start. That shit makes no sense for nearly every enemy in the game anyways though. Coil-heads feel too 1-dimensional for them to be fair enemy. They need a higher power rating, IMO. The Jester has similar issues to the coilhead, but worse.


i've seen high quota runners lure coil heads into lobbies, enter an area with a door, close the door on the coil head still in the lobby, then make a run for it deeper into a mansion to explore around. i think it gets the aggro off you if you get far enough away but don't quote me on that. a stun grenade also stuns them for.. 24 seconds? radar booster flashes do so for 5-6 seconds. i do think coil heads still need to be nerfed but i feel like they probably have more counterplay than we think.


Needs to be nerfed a bit, maybe some weak points or blind spots that you can use to your advantage, but nothing in cheaty territory. Otherwise I’m glad it exists


Fun enemy, but it lacks couterplay when alone (And I like to play solo). I once mamaged to confuse it by closing a door and waiting for it to forget about me, but it can't be always done.


Flashbangs can be a good counterplay to it. Stuns them for like 16 seconds.


I like that when it kills a player their head gets replaced with a spring and the head just rolls around. Good detail, nice feature. Makes it unique from other weeping angel/SCP173 monsters.


dat ass i dont like it


Probably my least favorite enemy in the game due ti how unfair they can be. There's literally NO counterplay whatsoever and they're unkillable. I don't remember if you can stun them because I haven't tried but if you can't then they're just broken.


Flashes and doors are counters lol there’s def counter play


Love design but it's UNFAIR asf. The fact thst you CANNOT kill it with any weapon. It doesn't die with a point blank shotgun, landmine or by any other entities. It's an ubstoppable killing machine that's hard to evade when you're not looking or when there's too many of them with another monster on the loose. I saw once a Lethal Company video from a guy named Smii7y and him and his crew were in the library. There was a Jester and 4 Coil Heads and they all died within a matter of less than 5 minutes. THAT's how unfair these things are.


I love its design, I hate its mechanic. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of any weeping angel monster and the coil head has to be the worst one by far. It also makes it even worse that currently I play lethal on a shitty pc so I lag a lot and I get a heart attack every time I run into one. One time I was trying to get out of the facility and a coil ran up behind me and I turned around to look at it, it somehow teleported behind me and pushed me through the rail and off the edge into the pit below…. I’m definitely planning on adding the a rather silly coilhead mod once I get a better pc, so maybe I can get over my fear if the coil is just a silly lil guy


S-S-s Smash


They r so fast omfg


The Coil-Head is a really good addition to the game, but as a usual solo main an early Coil-Head can be run ender. However if it's a late Coil-Head it's all good. All in all I like the enemy but it can just be annoying at times.


Freaking hate when I’m unaware of it being near me and it just kills me, and very easy when I observe it. This thing’s stupid and I can just jump when I’m out of it’s sight and for some reason it stops chasing me and goes back to first phase.


Early-spawn coils are evil. Usually for them, in large enough team games, we end up putting one person on Coil-watching duty for the day. Have fun if one hunts you around in the darkness, especially if Bracken or Ghost Girl are also after you.


The sound it makes as it's tippy-tapping towards you to remove your head is weirdly cute.


Makes good moments


Simple yet good gameplay and design, also, vewy scawy


It needs to be reworked for solo (as in give it more mechanics for solo like the bracken)


I modded it into the weeping angel (I’m afraid)


If it’s playing squid games red light green light. It would win


How do y'all think about grammar?


With my brain.


on its own not a huge deal. but its never on its own. there is always some other entity making it so much more difficult


My favourite enemy!!, tho it's a nightmare to deal with when you are alone.


Usually briefly before a second one comes from behind


If it could only spawn after 1:00 and couldn’t jump gaps it would be perfect


That I should have to stare at its chest and not its crotch. And they should spawn more.


Quota ending with a dick teammate


One of my favorite enemies design and horror wise but I never want to see this guy if I'm doing high quotas.




First time i played i heard something running behind me but when i looked.....it was too late....


Good mob, people cry saying there’s no counter when you can literally flash it for 16 seconds. Doors also stop it so if you close a door and run you will lose aggro It should not be able to cross gaps though


I feel like it needs to have better counter plays or some other balancing changes (maybe changing its indoor power level to not be 1?)