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Idk bro seeing a monster multiple stories tall in the woods like the forest giants might be more scary than a small ghost girl


Yeah but you can’t escape the ghost girl. With the giant, you can just hide until it doesn’t see you. But with the girl, she always knows where you are at all times and when she touches you, your head explodes


At least with the ghost girl it's a sorta quick death, the forest giant frickin eats you.






That's kinky 🤭


Vore 🥹


I knew you'd say that!!!


So based op 😳😳😳


I mean 😱😱‼️






Do not the forest giant


Doesn't even eat you, just puts you in their mouth. You're just shoved down there where your body is crushed


Wdym it doesnt eat us, we can hear it munch and swallow when he gets a player


Little does she know I'm Diddy


Just don't turn around.


**assuming** she works the same way as the game version does mechanically she might be the easiest to deal with, just don't look at her, she can only dpqwn behind you etc. You can close your eyes irl so it's super easy, the main reason she's even dangerous in game is you can't just simply not look behind you because other monsters force you to do so.


But we’re talking about how scary it is, not how easy it is to escape it.


Yes, but that isn’t the same. Something would definitely become less scary if you could just ignore it and it would go away


But that’s not the case with the forest giant. The ghost girl appears behind you and looking at her will send her into the next stage. So as long as you never look at her when you hear her spawn, she’ll never start chasing you and you’ll be fine. But the forest giant has insane sight and hearing and runs faster than you.


The forest giants are deaf. They can't hear you


Yeah but… I didn’t know it did that but it would still be scary nonetheless for both of them


As long as I don’t have Lethal Company stamina, I’ll take my chances with the forest giants.


Ghost girl has more terrifying implications in my mind.


~~all of them~~ Either the sneaky ones like the bracken, or the eyeless dog. Like dude, imagine avoiding eyeless dogs irl, any noise is just death. If you have a fear of heights, tulip snakes may be terrifying in a large group lmao Slime, hoarding bug, baboon hawks and spore lizard all seem chill as long as you don't go near em, not much fear.


The dogs are literally just a quiet place irl


Like a grumpy librarian




For the coil head just say "English or Spanish"


The mirror




Remember, we’re getting the Real Life experience of these monsters, and we have knowledge of them and what they do. Brackens have their gimmick of “check your back every couple seconds, be careful of corners, etc.” For eyeless dogs, we’re human. We can throw things far enough for it to hear, and for us to get by. We have wind to blow the leaves, and rain to hit the grass. We can punch or shake a tulip snake off of us (as much as I don’t want to, they seem like they’d be an amazing pet, like having a really strong crow/raven for a friend.) We have weapons _far better_ than what The Company gives its employees, or lets them acquire. We have spears, saws, axes, hammers, bats, not to mention _firepower._ A forest keeper means nothing to a molotov, a nutcracker’s eye snipped off from behind with scissors.


Or just straight-up guns for everything except ghost girl and slimes.


Yeah that’s fair. I’m more trying to show that living through most of these monsters isn’t _only_ down to whether or not you have a gun. It’s possible to survive with less, for those that don’t have more.


What about thumper


I guess Old Birds. They’re loud, shoot missiles, and can blow up your yummy food you were about to eat.


Are you, by chance, an Earth Leviathan?


No I’m a spore lizard


Yeah I can agree, giants and dogs taste too good to be blown up by the those robots


Yeah there's something about a giant robot playing the sound of a baby crying that just... Somehow feels like it would be even scarier to encounter


Imagine those in world wars


It would probably be the Jester. Especially knowing what it does, knowing that when it starts winding, there is nothing I can do to stop it, THAT's terrifying. That feeling of not being in control of even my own death would be the worst.


That reminds me of my personal head canon that the jester evolved naturally. Imagine what kind of fucked up ass backwards ecosystem would create a creature like this


All I can picture is just a Jester running around the world playing Free Bird


Even not knowing what it does is terrifying. If it stops following you to play pop goes the weasel. You just know something bad is gonna happen when the song stops.


let's put it in the Nestle HQ, no one's the wiser!


Knowing people, giant spiders personally, thumper


The scariest for me would be the old bird, with zero doubt about it. 50 of them was more then enough firepower to take over a major capital city according to lore, and the damage even just one of them could do is concerning to a massive degree. They’re uninjured/undamaged by anything up to a twelve gauge, and god knows what else, so it’d likely take a powerful round, possibly explosives to damage it enough to “kill” it, or at least disable it enough to become a manageable threat. Don’t forget that this is adding a bit of _real life_ logic to these monsters & us. Those rockets the old bird is gonna be shooting _explode,_ which means houses burning, shrapnel and debris flying at high speeds, and you hiding or running as fast as you feasibly can from it. Coilheads are capable of being destroyed, with a big enough weapon*, you just need to call in to someone capable of helping (shit outta luck if it decides it doesn’t want to play around with killing you though, considering it can just stop staying still. I could see somewhat immobilizing it by getting a rope wrapped on its legs though, which for some reason I have in a frankly concerning abundance? It’s known that it can combust upon attempting capture/being dissected, so it’s possible to “kill” it. Sorry for re-writing that I just didn’t think what i said made enough sense there. jesters, although definitely the second scariest for me to meet irl imo, have to be killable by at least something, or at least stoppable in some capacity. Not by me though, i’ve got nothing that can help against _that_ crime of a monster. Just about every other monster can either be killed by more normal weapons, like a large knife in the right spot, a spear, or blunt force trauma with something more effective than a shovel (all of which I have available close enough around the house for me to grab), or they have some gimmick that can help me survive (ghost girl I’m [not] looking at you). Outdoor monsters I’d struggle heavily with, considering all I have going for me is a large yard, without many safe spots for me to stay in/on to survive. Dogs would be a big struggle sneaking around, considering how loud most stuff is to walk on, contrary to how many people think. My best bet is hoping it’s a windy day and making my way around while the trees and leaves are waving. If there’s more than one dog, I could lead them towards each other by throwing stuff from the top of the shed and provoke them into attacking each other (in lore they often mistake each other for prey and fight/kill each other). Forest keepers will suck. Only options i have are either running indoors, calling the police and praying they have enough bullets to kill it, or to try and light it on fire. Considering an explosive the size of an egg is enough to light one up, forest keepers are likely extremely flammable, meaning i could use anything from a hand sanitizer molotov to the “hairspray and lighter” trick.


Sporelizzard Humanity would freak out over the giant immortal gas fleshlight


I could see people domesticating them.


The concept of immortality would RUIN humanity, religion and science will be at its biggest war, people will be trying to kill these things


They're not immortal in canon.


Just physical immunity against human action is deadly


I think hearing crying outside of my house before it gets obliterated would be kinda scary that or the eldritch horror behind the company wall


Ah Jeb. The world destroyer.


Baboon Hawk: The screeching is scary, throwing rocks can scare it away. If it's in a pack game over 7/10 on the fear factor Bracken: Turning around to see a Bracken stand up and the sound of its leaves is terrifying. 10/10 Bunker Spider: He's no Jumping spider, he be scary to see on the wall. But a chase wouldn't be that scary 6/10 Butler: More gross than scary 6/10 Circuit Bees: Getting chased would be so scary, easy to avoid though. 4/10 Coil-Head: I'm peeing myself 10/10 Earth Leviathan: You never know where he is. 8/10 Eyeless dog: Snapping a twig would be so scary 10/10 Forest Keeper: It staring at you before chasing is terrifying. 10/10 Ghost Girl: .... 10/10 Hoarding Bug: Scary at first, more of an inconvenience. 6/10 Hygrodere: Being cornered is scary, that's really it. 3/10 Jester: ... 10/10 Lasso Man: Being grabbed is scary af. 7/10 Manticoil: Shocking to see a 4 winged bird. 2/10 Mask Hornets: Scary, idk what to say really. 8/10 Masked: Finally seeing a person, instantly realizing it's no friend. 7/10 Nutcracker: Can't even run or scream. 9/10 Old Bird: Forest Keeper, but scarier. 10/10 Locust: 1/10 Snare Flea: More gross than scary, 5.10 Spore Lizard: He's so silly! 3/10 Thumper: Seeing it get faster and faster is terrifying 9/10 Tulip Snake: Getting picked up is scary, but it's so silly. 5/10 Bonus: Jeb. What a silly guy. 7/10


Honestly surprised no one has said the Bracken


Earth Leviathan would be crazy OP irl, making it the scariest. At least the Ghost Girl only attacks one person.


Bro the bracken...


Finally someone said it


Coil Head or Bunker Spider


Jokes on her, I created an ID that reads "Legal Paedophile" /j. I must emphasise the #/J It's a joke, I'd sooner die something something etc etc, Burn in hell etc etc. you get the gist




Easy, Bracken. Could you imagine walking into a janitor/supply closet, looking around for something and turning around to see that thing flare up and back away.


Dude it would be eyeless dogs, just this hulking mass of teeth that dive bomb at you constantly over the slightest noise


Bracken would be terrifying


The giant. The design just spooks me so much, it feels so many kinds of wrong. I know you can escape them but goddamn, why do they look like that??


Jester. You're just fucked


Definitely a thumper going mach 10


Jester might be scary out of conditioned fear.


forest giant


replace the ghost girl with N2 from nier


I'd die because of fear if I met 10 feet Bracken when I'm turning back


I can't say much for the scariest. But least scary would be the tunnel spider. That thing looks like the results of 9 generations of inbreeding and I doubt it would be able to figure out how to walk let alone chase me.




Jester 100%




Dude bracken is literally so scary imagine walking around your house and that THING is following you. Or you just see eyes in another room in the darkness


Probably the jester


my pick would be the hygrodere because it will just follow u until you die and could split into possibly millions of atom sized blobs that absorb people to grow and then split and this repeats in a continous cycle ending all life on earth


Bracken,just 2 pairs of glowing eyes in the end of the corridor. Look at it for extra 2 seconds and those eyes will start running at full speed towards you


Either the jester, mimic or thumper


Like a month ago i was driving at Night, i was passing near a Park and i saw a little Girl wearing a red Dress just like that one from LC I know its just Coincidence but i legit almost shat myself


The Bracken, a silent stalker is scarier than something monstrous or ghostlike. Being followed silently, your necks get snapped and your body is nowhere to be found, and no one will know. That's the scariest thing to me than getting your body eaten by a giant monster or getting your head exploded by a ghost girl because it's a thing you can avoid or accept and you are aware of it but with the Bracken, people wouldn't know it existed and you will not know that your neck is about to get snapped.


forest giant. but if we're boutta talk like you take the irl objects some of them are based on and do that..... spider (I've nicknamed him pickles. all spiders to me are pickles now)


imagine *hyperrealistic bunker spider*


Thats a hard question For me it would be the coilhead, in game i dont really atruggle with them, but irl the fact that i have ti keep my eyes on them and have to blink would make it terrifying. I think i would pass out almost immediately from the stress Forest giants are also really scary, but realistically i dont go out in forests and i doubt they would survive much in cities Old birds would be fucking terrifying and id stay the fuck home, hoping the government nukes it or something. Encountering one would traumatize me for life but not as badly as a coilhead Brackens are hot so i dont mind The ghost girl would make me paranoid forever, especially because no one else can see them, so id just end up sounding like a lunatic if i explained it to others, until my head exploded. They're up there with the coilhead and old bird for me. The others arent as bad to be honest, except maybe the earth leviathans


Undoubtedly the Jester. As soon as you see it your death is inevitable. You can hide wherever you want but it wont matter because it knows your precise coordinates at all times and will only get faster the further away you try to run.


Bracken Imagine just looking behind you and seeing a monster trying to snap your neck and getting mad if you look at him while he’s standing.


Old bird, I would have a fuckin heart attack just seeing a broken one


is this whole subreddit just surveys?


A giant night killer robot that only strikes during the night


Def that big ahh forehead


Earth leviathan, legit wouldn't trust the ground anymore


How have only few people said coil head?? Consider the fact it can only move when you’re not looking at it, that also implies that blinking will get it closer to you. Its immortal, it rarely locks off of you, terrifying


Snare flea has no chance against me slamming my head in a door, coil head gets caught up on doors, just lock him in my closet, as for bracken, mimics, nutcrackers, spiders, butler, and thumpers, well, I’m American, my neighbors alone have enough weaponry to wipeout several schools (just another one of our funny units of measurements, don’t think too hard on it). Giant doesn’t even try to fit into small spaces, worm could EASILY be outran and can detect you on top of most things. Slime is… well, slow, worst cause I have to stand on something, or turn in my headphones and throw them across the room. Also keep in mind that the players in LC are by far the shittiest athletes I have EVER seen in a video game, so chances are we could comfortably outrun most of the enemies. So really the scariest ones are old birds, jesters, and ghost girl. For the girl just don’t turn around, old birds would be terrifying , but they’re also deaf and dumb as rocks. But the jester? This is under the assumption that it won’t forget about you if you step outside and follow you, but it could potentially be world ending, assuming you cant just nuke it (saying *just* before nuke really puts it into perspective eh?)


The ghost girl IS real but since only 1 person at a time can see her nobody will ever know


Realistically, any of the ones that are invincible. I could at least try to throw hands with a bracken or a spider but not a fucking giant


Schizophrenics already see the ghost girl so ask them if she’s scary




ghost girl has a bill board head. bracken makes me feel thing. loot bug makes the murderous rage rise. and coil head i feel would just be a stalker online. so worst enemy to meet irl is the butler. getting stabbed is not fun


Old bird would be my worst nightmare


Either coil head or jester


Honestly? the spider. the giant enemy spider.


coil heads. because you blink


Eyeless dogs. Imagine you’re walking back to your ship and see like 4 eyeless dogs there just camping, then you step on a branch and it slowly comes towards you and you slide backwards. The pure F E A R. Also my nose is always clogged, I’m somehow allergic to trees and sneeze a ton and my coughs and sneezes sound like shotgun blasts


Old birds, earth leviathans, forest guardians or eyeless dogs. Thumpers and jesters are high on the list though


oh its the forest keeper


No one said thumper. IT WOULD BE SO SCARY


Tons of people said thumper


Not as many as other stuff. I mean not no one but very little


Ngl, jester everything else is easy to deal with


Well technically you can just leave your house and it’ll stop


Yeah or stand on a shelf


Gotta say for me would be the Braken it’s really quiet and hard to hear


fox kidnapper? is nobody gonna say it man their screams r terrible😭😭😭