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Honestly I love it, it just feels like the definitive Lethal Company experience


Day 1 I always go to Experimentation. No exceptions


I usually prefer Ass


It's not even about what I prefer. It's just a traditional at this point


Maybe for you


Many people now understand you can go to Assurance by typing ass, but not enough people know you can confirm by typing cum. ass cum


you can just type c/d for confirm/deny


No, I must type cum


You restored my hope in humanity. God, what a hero


Don't we all, bud. Don't we all...


Better loot...


My crew's plan is to go to Ass then Tit


Same bro you gotta love Ass 🫦🫦


Same. Ass is the best.


Why, it's so boring and poor loot. Ass is better, less boring and more loot


It's fine for day 1 of the first quota. It has just become a tradition for me


If you want to go high quotas, you are supposed to go Ass or Adamance to collect 1500$ and go Art next round.


The first time is unforgettable the problem is it doesnt have enough scrap and I have The impression that the factory is "empty", like a linear space is a good moon


That's just sex


I think by design its meant to not “have enough scrap??” Dropout ship lands right in front of crewship for new players to explore. Ladders are like the first thing players are able to interact with. Fire exit and main are extremely close, they are literally right in front of you. Players are rewarded new areas when they explore aka the barn on the far right of ship and the tower with I think a tape? — This moon is obviously for new players, hence the name and the fact it’s literally the first moon you start on. So I don’t think Zeekers would want this to have a bunch of scrap to overwhelm new employees, ((let alone for it to be used end game; since there are other moons literally for end game aka titan or artifice. So in fact, the scrap is not a problem whatsoever but rather a design choice))


It's a good moon for new players as a tutorial moon. Little to no monsters inside and outside, but the amount of loot and the shitty loot table is what's keeping everyone from ever choosing it for experienced players when there are better options (like any other moon tbh).


I wish we had more moons with a similar exterior to experimentation, where its dominated by machinery and not wild terrain with like 2 buildings. We need more interior and exterior terrain and visual variety. There's a reason modded moons are so popular


Really nice, honestly I'd love if there where more moons with an exterior like it.


I like how you can access some unused areas if you bring a couple extension ladders.


Oh like where? I've done a bit of exploring around the place but there didn't seem to be much there so I gave up pretty quick lol


You have to climb up the fire escape stairs outside then jump on the pipe on the other wall. Run down the pipe while looking at the wall that has the fire escape on it. You'll eventually notice a hole in the wall. Use one ladder to reach the wall then another on the thin ledge below the hole to reach it. Up there you'll find unused areas from when the interiors weren't going to be randomized. There's a lot of invisible geometry there and you can eventually find your way to the back side of the main entrance door.


Oh I've heard there was an unused entrance up there, that's awesome I'll have to take a look! Thanks


A great cool down moon when me n the boys are tired of getting assblasted on Dine for the 30th time in a row and just need to feel like superheroes


I love how experimentation has the chance for almost anything to happen on it at a really low rate. 1/301 chance to be mansion, ghost girl can spawn etc. You can have some wild unexpected times bringing new players here.


Special place in my heart. Simple, easy to teach people on, so you see a lot of people's first experiences with the game there, which can be very fun. One of my favorite moments in Lethal was when the garage door shut me in at the front door and I had to navigate through the facility to find the fire exit. Apparatus had already been pulled and I had no flashlight, so I had to do it in the dark. Had a real moment of "Oh man, I kinda have to try on the tutorial moon."


Good tutorial, horrible Moon


it contributes most of the firsts, first time playing, first time dying, first time collecting a scrap, first time falling into mud. But most importantly, train.


Perfect introduction. It lulls the player into a false sense of security; it’s easy, it’s simple, there’s just loot scattered around a bit. Then things change when a monster shows up later at night.


Good starter moon. Or a good place to go if you’re already over quota and need a good low-risk moon before pay day.


I wish there would randomly be certain moons that are more dangerous but have insane amounts of loot so I have an excuse to go to experimentation. I like the map but the loot sucks so I never go there


i use a mod that gives better loot if a moon has a weather condition


Good noob map but boring after the first 10 hours


The exterior door that closes as players go through it is cool and I wish we had more exterior events/interactions in other maps.


Which door? Everyone's talking about this but I have zero clue about anything like this


There's a big garage door outside main entrance (depicted in the image) that has a chance to fall a bit everytime someone goes under it, if it falls enough times it can completely fall down, forcing players to go through the fire escape.


Which never happens, unless you purposefully try to bring it down.


Very safe most of the time, especially when you use the fire exit-jump long pipe walk. Easy 500 loot in my opinion. Except that one time we got a nutcracker blocking our way back, 3 teammates died due to his patrolling kick, and I’ve got haunted by the ghost girl ;-;


my first time i played the door closed a bit and i screamed like a bitch i hate the moon


I found a gold bar once, but then I died from coil/loot bug. 2/10. ass is better


It feels like *the* Lethal Company moon. Has all the components.


It’s very easy and feels safe, if we have way over quota and only narrowly escaped sometimes we take a breather and go here


W moon no problems


Its a very good tutorial for new players, but once you know the game you just...go to assurance and never go to experimentation ever again unless everything else is stormy/eclipsed.


It's annoying how many 2 handed objects it gives you


Bunker spider is a great introductory monster so I’m glad it has the highest chance there


I still think it needs more loot. It can be shitty loot but more stuff for noobs to pick up. Or buff all the loot tables on every map.


It's a perfect moon for beginners. The entrances are simple and easily approachable. It has enough little tricks to traverse the moon faster to learn how to jump, manage stamina etc. It is small that you don't get lost easily in the inner layout and has enough loot so that it doesn't overwhelm new players what to do with it in one hand and teach them the timing when to transport them back to the ship on the other. In my opinion the moment you can have an honest opinion about experimentation, the moon is not for you since you have enough experience with lethal company to traverse every other moon. In short. Experimentation is for learning. Every other moon is for looting.


Very small and forgiving for beginners, but not enough loot for veteran players starting a high quota run. I was able to make it to 8th quota on just experimentation, but then I just ran out of stuff, despite almost fully clearing it every time.


Super good for learning the game initially as it's safe. Terrible to go to once you know what you're doing so I haven't touched it in months.




Its not that its bad, it serves its purpose as a training moon extremely well. The fire exit is in a logical place and the enemies generally arnt too bad. The only disappointing thing is the low value scrap and the high spawn rates of two handed items


It has no loot, or monsters.


S-tier moon, also, gold bars can spawn there.


Second worse map in the game.


I like the exterior a lot and wish more moons had that kind of industrial vibe where you climb over man-made objects to get to the facility When I first saw images of the game I thought you’d go across little bridges and catwalks outside to get inside, sadly not much of that is present


It's more of a tutorial moon, you go to it once to learn how the game works and then you play on assurance as a starter moon for the rest of your life.


Its a easy starter moon and feels like it. If you dont like it after 100 hrs of gameplay...duh


I think it’s a great beginner moon, and in a way, serves as a tutorial level for new players. A pretty simple outside area, combined with easy enemy spawns, teaches players a lot of what they would need to know before going on to higher level moons.


A great beginner moon. Not too cursed, but cursed enough to keep you hopeless and money hungry. I like that when you get better it’s about cleaning it out completely. Could use more scrap


Love it. Quintessential Lethal Company. If we don’t have a lot of cash, and feel like crushing a moon. Experimentation is the way to go.


It's good for what it is (the tutorial moon) but once you get better at the game there's not much reason to take it over assurance or march unless their stormy, still a pretty solid moon though


It's lame. I never go to experimentation if I can help it. Loot isn't worth it. I prefer assurance.


It's a good beginner map that teaches and punishes players that linger at the main entrance too much


Most straightforward exterior and perfect for a first timer. Most enemies indoors are shovel food or easy to avoid, and the outside on the bridge is fairly safe from outside enemies, which are just about always dogs and worms. Apparently old birds and forest keepers can spawn, which is wild. The outside is so small, how do you avoid their vision? Complete garbage after you have more than a few games in you. 8-12 scrap is pitiful even in solo play. If you want to show people the thrills and kills of Lethal Company, it's probably a way better idea to show them a map where things actually spawn. Adamance doesn't have the worst exterior to navigate as a newbie and has a way higher chance to spawn some enemies to make you scream. I love the garage door that randomly lowers every time you pass under it. It's got potential to force you into exiting using the fire exit, probably the only map that outright blocks a doorway, but there's no way you pass under the garage door enough to shut it without doing it on purpose.


https://preview.redd.it/mu777u2a789d1.png?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516e125f461cc080e3ae896d442552ebd869fe8b Bro Is Experimentation wtf




Whenever I play in a big lobby I like to walk back and forth at the main entrance to drop the shutters and force everyone to find the fire exit


Always the first moon I go to. Wanna meet first quota quickly and easily? Go here, you’ll get just enough and a lil extra. Also the exteriors pretty cute.




I like it. It’s simple, it’s good, you’re always gonna get like at a minimum 40-70 bucks of stuff. Bad on later quotas obviously but good for first quota. 6/10 moon, respectable


Awful moon. Just go to assurance


I can hear how the ship's gate opens... I can see the facility from outside... It's business time, crewmates...


its good for a starter moon but its loot is on par with embrion so id rather go to ass


Bring a shotgun, shovel hits won’t count on spiders


First of all they do count, and second of all it's experimentation, there's literally no reason to take a shotgun to that moon