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I always choose love. I may get angry & write some harsh words. But i don't ever condemn I try my hardest to understand from every perspective. To not judge. I'm not perfect but I don't judge and never condemn. We all put our pants on the same way. No one's better or worse than the next. In my opinion... we're ALL shit.


Super empath here and love is all I got and the suffering of everyone as it is mine. But I do not and never have thrown the love around with everyone not did I ever have but a couple in 40 years that I loved more than everyone in world. Nor do I jump into relationships like nothing playing cheating having fun or not for sure. Yes I had many one night stands in younger years but everyone of them so much went into it that whole time that even the act was as if someone was in love and never was any tactic or lies or anything that was promised to make it happen so that if anyone was hurt it wasnt because of my doing and mostly is was me because I was considered not a for sure thing like if I was with a supermodel and she was wanting more I would choose a ex or someone more believable. And I the hate when I see that people are able to heal their unhealthy lifestyle with comments from strangers that don't know any better and how would they? And because healthy people wouldnt go on hear telling lies and excepting everything as help! Because that's insane and no one should be able to allow that or it have that affect on them and it's beyond cheating on life and can only cause further decent into the darkness COMMING for them because at what point in life are you scared that old age is not making you wise or more prepared or healthier and can you do whatever it takes to repeat something that is obviously worse than a drug addict that keeps going and so sad that if I was lack of empathy or love or didn't feel it at all I would like to think whole life not about fooling everyone and that I need that! I would like to think I would practice what is the actual way of universe before acting like what I am is better and because for someone to have no empathy it takes a huge amount of anothers horrible selfish abuse and so much more to create it! It's not natural as you can see with every ANIMAL AND MOTHER NATURE AND HOW THAT ALONE HAS ENOUGH KILLING AND NATURAL DISASTERS IN IT TO NEED A MAN MADE ONE THAT DOESNT FIT IN THE UNIVERSE AND IS NOTHING MORE THAN A PLAGUE. NOT TO SAY THIS WRITER IS THIS


You are a love hero. A self warrior. Love always wins, even when it doesn't. We were meant to choose love. We are love. That is our innate essence. Love is alignment to who we really are. I love that you choose love. I love love. I love to love. I love you. I love me too. But you. You are the lesson, always and forever choose love over reason.


I wish to hear this from my person :( Best luck to you OP!


Me too 🥰


I would always choose love.


Cuts deep wish the best for lucky one


And know that she meant it.


20 more years?


I chose love


Love all the way.


I choose love to


🖤 this made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, love is the way


Choose love and fight like hell for it.


This is so beautiful ♥️


This is how I choose to think in all relationships. I always give it my all. Sure it could potentially end bad with heartbreak but i can at least say that I was fully invested. It brings me a feeling of peace. Love is something that doesn't have a finite amount. I want to bring as much of it as I can into the world 🖤


Very beautiful


Choosing to love someone is so easy and so worth it❤️


love .love isn’t trying to humiliate someone by dashing that same love in their face on public forums. it’s really ok tho.it’s a small price to pay in order to collaborate with my one in a million friend.


I chose love will you dm me


I have to agree with this. I guess there was a time when I didn’t.


So am I. I always chose love and shall forever choose love


Good idea


Worth the pain. Always.


Very beautiful I choose love every day in every way 😊


Until the Wheels Off;!;


If I could actually share this I would. Every day.


This is awesome to finally see someone choosing the one they love over everything.