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Stopped drinking


Stick to a strict calorie regiment.


Dieting by counting calories, try and keep it within a range that will lose weight for you, eat lots of fiber and protein, sleep, working out and walking are great, the normal stuff.


Thank you! I've just seen some people saying they eat clean and work out but they still gain weight :( so I got abit scared


They probably ate well, nutritionally, but you have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight, so talking to a personal trainer, dietician, nutritionalist, or doctor about what calories you need is always important, also measuring out your food, peanut butter is crazy deceptive. Its important not to starve yourself, but being in a constant deficit will yield the results you need


I couldn’t lose weight on Lex and only gained. I had to switch meds.


What did you switch too?


I switched to Pristiq which is an SNRI. It’s been better so far and am still finding the sweet spot dosage wise. I still couldn’t lose weight though so started Ozempic to help with that. I’ve been able to lose the weight I gained on Lex so I am feeling so much better!


That’s really strange because most people have lost weight on lexapro cuz it tends to curb appetite were you over eating by chance ?


I ended up losing a ton of weight on it mostly bc I quit drinking alcohol and since my anxiety and depression started to go away I don’t emotionally eat


So my question would be: are there people who did NOT gain weight on lexapro? I do have a healthy weight right now (132lbs), height 5’5.7” and do not track calories, neither do I sport (knee injury). I just stop to eat when I feel full. Now I am afraid that even though I eat healthy and balanced and do not struggle with weight gain, I will gain weight. Would I gain weight even though I eat the same way and do not change my (relatively healthy) eating patterns nor portion size? Edit: just started 4 days ago, never struggled with nutrition or weight gain, now afraid to gain weight even if I do not change anything.


Been on lex for a month and a half now, I ended up losing weight from not eating as often as I did. Wasn’t intentional but I find that with lex I ended up not emotionally eating as much. A lot of people say that it’s related to your relationship with food that will determine whether you gain weight or not while on it.


i lost weight when i started! similar experience that impossiblefun described—less emotional eating and less binge/restrict patterns. i have less “food noise” and food anxiety so my relationship with food is so much better. SSRIs and SNRIs both impact my appetite. in the beginning it’s actually too low—i have to be careful to not lose too much but it has evened out over time. not every one gains weight and/or has their appetite increase. take it day by day to see how it goes for you. good luck 💛 i hope it works out for you! lex has saved me in many more ways than one!


Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I experienced extreme side effects during the last 4 days, started off with 10mg and now on day 5 it finally feels a bit more normal. I do not mind the side effects, knowing it will be temporary but knowing I will gain weight on the long term would cause me to get depressed too, as my self-confidence is already low, so that is something I am afraid of :(.


that’s a reasonable thing to be concerned about when taking any new medication, especially those for mental health…it would also be a reasonable thing to consider changing meds—if it even happened in the first place! but there truly isn’t any way to know how the meds will impact appetite, weight etc. until you’ve been on the meds for a bit. and as other commenters have said, there isn’t any solidifying info indicating anything more than correlation, for some people who take the meds. maybe consider meeting with a therapist to help with fear of weight gain, if you haven’t already 💛


Most people do not gain weight on lexapro. The studies done one 1000s of people show people on average only gain a few pounds. People gain weight on lexapro for the same reason people do off lexapro- they are eating too much.


as for as I know there isn’t any evidence of why lexapro makes you gain weight and how you can avoid it. I think it’s just something to be aware of if you start gaining weight or want to lose weight. I would share your concern with a therapist and doctor who is managing your medication so they can help you manage those concerns and make suggestions. Personally, im someone who has gained a lot of weight on Lexapro and is still struggling to lose any weight as I just weaned off of it. I’ve been doing calorie counting with a dietician, have a fitness coach and a therapist and still waiting to lose fat. 🤷‍♀️I have toned muscle though. I’ve never in my life had trouble with losing weight and this is more complicated than calorie counting and exercising. I guess now I can empathize with people who become overweight due to medication !


I have the same issue I’ve been on it for two year and ive been walking eating less and I just can’t seem to even lose a pound I gained 40 pounds in 6 months


GLP-1 😅


I was on Lexapro for around 9 years and came off in 2023, and over the year lost around 20 lbs simply because my appetite become a lot lower without the medication and I wasn't eating and snacking as much. I went back on 10mg in March, largely because of the lack of appetite due to anxiety, and quickly gained around 5 pounds. However, I can say this was because I started snacking a ton, I was eating chips every evening, etc. I decided to get serious about losing weight in May. Counting calories, being mindful of portions, and focusing on incorporating lots of protein and fibre in my meals. I've easily lost 10 pounds since around mid-may and continuing to do so. I was really nervous that the medication would make it harder, but it's been fine!! So it's possible!


It killed my appetite lmao


I found a job I liked.


I did not have weight gain with Lexapro when I started 20 years ago. I was on five for a long time and I went up to 10 when a friend died. I did notice I had the urge to smoke cigarettes more immediately with that increase. I think for non-smokers that might correlate to an urge to snack. I am now a non-smoker and cigarette cravings were replaced with sugar cravings 5or really any food would do). But that settled down after year. If you have healthy eating and exercise practices and aren’t a binge eater, then you should do fine.


I started getting intense hunger cravings a few months after starting lexapro. Like to the point where I felt nauseous I was so hungry. My doctor put me on naltrexone about two months ago and so far I'm down about 13 pounds.


i didn’t gain weight but as similar sentiments mentioned above, i had less cravings and emotional eating, resulting in weight loss. i have found that since my mental health has been cared for, it gets easier to take care of the physical part (balanced diet and exercise)


I’ve lost 10 pounds since I started. I’m eating less, I get full faster, and I’ve been drinking less beer and more water because I’m always thirsty!


I had serious snack "cravings" and extra hunger feelings the first 2-6+ months and gained 15 lbs. What helped me eventually was to stick to only 2 food meals a day. I have coffee with protein oatmilk for bfast, a smallish lunch (approx 400 cal), and a dinner plate full of tasty homemade food (whatsoever I'm craving but no, or very rarely, fast food, and no second helpings!). I've lost a few lbs doing that without counting calories except for the very rough lunch estimates. I don't exercise except yard work and walking the dog. So easy! I do drink wine daily and if I could give up that I'm sure I would lose more quickly.


To add, I do wake up a lot with hunger in the middle of the night. I drink water to stave it off (keep by bedside) and, although its difficult, I resist. By morning hunger is completely gone.


Same way as you lose weight off lexapro. Count calories and travel them with an app. Stopped eating junk food. Contrary to internet folklore, lexapro doesn’t really affect weight. Exercise is great but it’s not how you lose weight. You can’t outrun a bad diet.


Got on ozempic🤪


I only lost so far (day 90 on 10mg) , less snacking and more energy to work out


The book -Serotonin Power Diet


I eat less and don’t binge eat at night but gained 15 lbs ..


Stopping lexapro and substitutiting for prozac


Truly, it's about calories. Exercise and the amount you move outside of exercise (stretching going for walks etc) is key You don't need to cut out any foods, but as a fellow snacker 🙋‍♀️ I find that just having a smaller portion of said snack and paired with protein (a shake, a tuna packet, string cheese etc etc) helps me stay full keep calories low and enjoy my snacks (I literally survive off goldfish and cheese it's lol ) Just keep active . Rest when your body needs it. Up your protein and be mindful:)




Says who?