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Andrew seems very off in this, somewhat irritated or unhealthy?


I felt the same. Andrew was somewhat restless too. Also, this episode was too casual with no deeper insights on anything in particular. Very vague and surface level.


Exactly. Would’ve liked the “tell us about the 6 girlfriends” question. Very disappointing.


100% from the first sentence out of his mouth, I was like “woah he sounds different.”


Yeah, I also noticed a bump on Andrew’s neck that I haven’t seen before? Idk just very interesting character. Seemed energy drained, yet very assertive. I know he’s admitted to some TRT use - which that itself could explain the lisp, as well as other interesting facial features such as appearing more red in the face. This to me are more so signs of anadrol usage rather than TRT specifically, so it’s quite possible that he is running a different steroid altogether.


They were chewing nicotine gum; Fridman had 4 mg and Huberman had 2 mg. He might be sensitive to nicotine, so has a little bit of a buzz going.


Could definitely be this!


I was thinking where did the lisp come from. I thought nicotine but he mentioned he didn't do it daily so for some reason I discounted it.


I’m listening to it now. The lisp was noticeable before he took out the gum.




I suspect that he has a huge nicotine problem


Huberman said he consumes it 3x a week, idk about Lex.






>(almost certainly) I feel like accusations with that sort of seriousness need more than an "almost certainly" to support this level of circlejerk. It's literally every thread he comes up in, all from people who've either never posted in this sub before, or only do when there's a particular guest they hate.


Sure so when I say almost certainly I mean a stanford scientist who has done entire podcast episodes on STDs told her he couldn't have given her (x) (std I can't remember) because he took a test that was negative, however tests for that STD on males are seen as inconclusive because of how many false negatives you get, he then used his test result to justify it even though he took 1 test and on his podcast episode he specified how shoddy the tests accuracy was but he still not only took a single test but used that to claim she had clearly been unfaithful or caught the std off a toilet seat - I say almost certainly because it's theoretically possible she was sleeping around (0 evidence for and huberman only claimed it in this one conversation with her) or she caught and STD off a toilet seat, but it's more likely that the guy sleeping with multiple women (whom he manipulated into not using condoms) gave her the STD


So, more hearsay? 


Huberman had his assistent respond and it was not disputed that she got an STD and that he took an STD test to "prove" he hadn't given her, and the clinic would have told him how inaccurate the test was when he took it - so either he's really stupid and can't understand basic science (like STD test accuracy) or he was lying and manipulating her - which do you think it is?




Transmitting HPV doesn’t really count. 80% of people will get it.


You will be aggressively downvoted for this


I understand why. But seriously, if you are sexually active *at all*, you likely have HPV. To spin it as huberman “giving someone an STI” is technically true but disingenuous.


Unless we can prove she was a virgin before meeting him. How would we know where her hpv came from.


Women can get tested for HPV




There’s no HPV test for men unfortunately so that makes tracing it back to him. Also it’s a little weird to get so hyped about it given how common it is.


Well when you see people battling and losing cancers from hpv it definitely changed my perspective. My opinion is....that is like saying well they can cure hiv/aids so who cares if someone gave that to you a lot of people get it. go tell that to someone dying from it because someone wasn't being fully honest or lack the ability to have compassion for others and had no real understanding of the magnitude of selfish actions they had imposed on someone else.


Fair point. Its a tough one given there is no test and the deadliest strains don’t have clear symptoms. Vaccines and regular paps have to be emphasized.




[here’s some basic reading for you since you’re apparently Google-illiterate](https://www.health.state.mn.us/data/mcrs/data/qfhpv.html#:~:text=More%20than%2090%20percent%20of,with%20HPV%20in%20their%20lifetime.&text=Around%2050%20percent%20of%20HPV,do%20not%20lead%20to%20cancer)


Not illiterate do you see the word used in the article, it says most adults who are sexually active at one point then let's go look at the source they pulled from, I don't know about you but there's 333 million people in the us "There are more than 150 strains, or types, of HPV. In the United States, about 79 million people currently are infected with HPV, and about 14 million will become newly infected with HPV each year." I'll admit I've never been good at math but it doesn't look like 90% to me, let me ask you this do you consider warts on a child's finger an STD cuz that's also HPV ?


When a quarter of all people currently have it, and of all those people only 79% are adults, and of those adults only 60-70% are sexually active…. Yup, I agree it looks like you’ve never been good at math in addition to being illiterate.




I didn't know Andrew had a lisp


Could also be invisalign


I think he’s maybe wearing a deprogrammer. I suspect that due to his grinding (you can tell his teeth are very worn) he’s doing prosthodontics to open his bite up and get the anatomy back. Just a hunch


This has to be it, thank God other people noticed the lisp I thought I was having a stroke.


Or he’s found correct tongue posture.


I think it's cause he's sucking on a nicotine pouch or something. I could be wrong though.


him getting addicted to Zyn would be darkly comical


It’s definitely new or maybe he isn’t trying to hide it now? Pretty hard to listen to though. Roids can cause a lisp though I’ve heard


I have gone through an uncomfortable number of studies on steroid side effects and have never heard anything about a lisp. Breathing trouble yes but don’t think that would cause a lisp.




Someone in the comments said it might be the audio filter to remove the loud s noises


OK, who did Huberman have the beef with on X?


It was a behavioral scientist who is a cannabis expert who basically just attacked Huberman for his episode on cannabis. Huberman responded respectfully and invited him on the show and after much reluctance and push back, the guy agreed.


Any idea the guys name?


Can’t remember. It was about 1/3-1/2 way thru the episode and he’ll be on HL soon. Lex timestamps so shouldn’t be hard to find.


Just listened and they seemed to be good about not actually naming names. I could have missed it of course. Oh well. I’ll wait for the episode


Matt Hill: https://x.com/canna_brain/status/1787236022520344994?s=46&t=EVlxD-iIMWzqkpM82l1Gaw


Thank you


I feel like his response is pretty reasonable compared to how they described it




The last couple were scientists no?


Trend? He’s friends with Huberman and they’ve been on each other’s podcasts several times. If there’s some trend as you say, this isn’t part of it.


Not a single question about THAT New york magazine article?!


If true, I was really hoping Huberman would own up to it like a gigachad.




Huberman breaking NorCal law naming local spots 🚔


Very curious to know the origin of this promotional image


We need to get Andrew as guest vocal on a deathcore track with that cookie monster voice, he’d for real kill it as a vocalist/ frontman.




Does anyone have a similar spreadsheet of Lex ?


Really annoyed by Huberman going off on a tangent about fucking sunlight for the millionth fucking time instead of listening to Lex talk about his ayahuasca journey.


I love Lex's episodes with his boys




Made the comment before listening, didn’t realize it was that bad haha Point still stands, it’s fun seeing Lex more comfortable