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I'm half expecting a corporate e-learning video from the gay and lesbian flag. idk


Sexual Diversity and You: Our Company’s Commitment to Avoiding Class Action Lawsuits Module 1: Redefining Queerness for the Good of the Company (45 minutes) Module 2: Pronouns, How to Use Them (28 minutes) Module 3: Do Trans People Belong in Our Bathrooms? (1312 minutes) Module 4: Management Email Templates for Asking Bisexuals to Have a Threeway (5 minutes, downloadable NDA) Module 5: The Ace/Aro Menace Among Us (72 minutes) Module 6: Nonbinary Dress Codes for Men and Women (64 minutes)


Those are some amazing module names, laughed out loud multiple times Also the fact that the person who created the flags is ace phobic and your title work too well together


The person who made the flags is ace phobic? ☹


they publicly made fun of someone who’s ace on twitter/x


First time I've been glad to have been left out.And Agender too!


They probably don't know that ace exists


Lolsobbing at “nonbinary dress codes for men and women” this is too real 😂😭


That was my favorite too


Lmao the length of the trans bathroom discourse. 😂


Module 4 LMAO!!!


They look like they could be the backgrounds of a powerpoint presentation lol


Same, they kinda look like PowerPoint templates too lol


Oh, I saw the OG tweet with this image on my TL. The OP had some...weird opinions about the OG flags, like how the shades of blue and pink for the trans flag are somehow infantilizing?? IDK, it was really giving chronically online Edit: Turns out that the creator of this image is acephobic, transmedicalist, and has dropped the r-slur in multiple Tweets, so her opinion really counts for jack all 💀


I've seen someone calling them out. They used the R-word multiple times, complained about pronouns in bio and called these people "freaks" , called intersex ppl with slurs


Twitter users be normal challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Well, they’re on Twitter, after all. That should tell you something right off the bat. /hj


What does that at the end mean? Because right now I'm reading it as /handjob.


Yeah, you nailed it! Lol no, the other person was right, it means “half-joking”


Woohoo! Never seen it used before, so glad I could at least get something right in my life 😅


Well... in that case, anyone up for /bj? Sorry, Bad Joke


I believe it is "half joking", though I am not certain


That’s rich, coming from us on Reddit 💀


At least the ‘phobes and ‘ists are only *enabled* here and not *actively promoted*! It’s way better! Lmao


5 years ago? Twitter was far better than Reddit. Now? Reddit is far better than Twitter. In fact, *fucking 4chan is better than Twitter now*.


>In fact, fucking 4chan is better than Twitter now. Theres no fucking way


The worst elements of 4chan, for the most part, moved off of it a while back to other forums like 8chan and (in recent years since Musk took over) back to being pretty open on Twitter about their far-right beliefs, even to the point that neo-Nazism on Twitter has been on a steep incline since Musk took power. Basically 4chan isn't the same cesspit that it used to be and Twitter has taken a sharp turn toward being far-right. For clarification, 4chan has been mellowing out over the past 10 years due to the worst users getting pushed toward other services because most people weren't receptive toward the same shit that used to be tolerated. 4chan isn't *good* but it's nowhere near *as bad* either. Especially not compared to its early infamy.


I hate the teenager and 20-something queers on Twitter. The weirdest takes like “if you identify as pan instead of bi, you’re transphobic” by people with large groups of followers. “Ace isn’t LGBT but here’s a flag for a neogender of demisexual people who love drinking tea and making lizard OCs” ??? Just use the damn rainbow at that point.


>“if you identify as pan instead of bi, you’re transphobic” That makes no sense. I can at least see the logic of the reverse (if you identify as bi instead of pan) even though it's wrong, but *this*? No. Yikes. I have seen "identifying as pan is *bi*phobic" though, and that's also stupid and wrong. Also, "Ace isn't LGBT" isn't really as common with teens and younger 20-somethings. It's actually far more common with millennial and older LGBT+ people. In fact, that used to be the default view the queer community had of us until into the pandemic.


Ugh, yeah. I got bullied into identifying as bi instead of pan for a hot minute.


Not surprised given how they treated the gender and nonconforming flags.


That one came off as them just stealing from the concept of the polyamory flag a bit, but it's missing all of the context for why that new flag works. The new polyam flag honors the old with newer elements to it. And the polyam community hosted a vote to decide on it


I don't recall voting on that. An individual online community is not representative of the whole.


That’s awful wtf 


Ah. Ok. Good to know these ugly ass designs came from a bigot. Edit: The gender non conforming design just steals from the new Polyamory design. And it doesn't do any of the things that make it work. [(Flag in question)](https://www.polyamproud.com/flag)


that flag is literally so gorgeous and then this person wiped their ass with it


That’s the image of a good flag


She also thinks ace and aro people aren't real and shouldn't be included in the community. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzDFHcXQAAFYL_?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzDFExWYAAPD6i?format=jpg&name=large


also they're transmed, the transmed flag is in their pfp


This is not the type of person I want representing me


Which is ironic considering that is the reason light pink and blue were originally chosen for the trans flag- to represent the stereotypical colors typically assigned to the binary genders at birth


Considering their redesign is reminiscent of Colgate idk how much weight their opinion on color theory holds lmao


This aquafresh ad from the 80s was my first thought - https://youtu.be/luVtgX4S3y4?si=1KZgb5i4NgUP0xGy


I absolutely love the OG trans flag. This one looks like complete garbage. I'll take the "infantilizing" one over this ugly thing any day...


SAME. The OG is so cute and gorgeous. IDK why OOP thought *that* was a good replacement. But I never expect truscum to have good sense of style.


This Trans flag is giving Crest toothpaste.




She is also super queerphobic and does not think ace/aro people are part of the LGBT community and people who use any/neopronouns shouldn't be taken seriously.


Ah, see I was abt to ask for an Aroaceflux flag in their style, but then I read the comments. Guess I don’t exist :/


They also had acephobic tweets as well as feeling like they determined who was queer and who wasn’t. A lot of people were calling them out for it


It sounds like they were a piece of work but that particular opinion isn't all that strange. Ivery heard it expressed before, generally by trans men that dislike the pastels and feminine vibe.


I really strongly dislike washed-out and pastel colors (especially baby blue and powder pink), but that is just my misfortune for not liking those colors and being trans. At the end of the day, 🏳️‍⚧️ is the most recognizable trans symbol (I mean, it is an emoji after all) and most people like it so I'm ok with that. I'm not going to have a fit over something that is for everyone but happens to not be to my taste. These suggested flags look like fever dream "graphic design is my passion"


I'm not trans, but I always thought the symbolism of the "baby blue" and "baby pink" is a combination of denying the gender assigned at birth and being reborn as who you are meant to be.


I don't object to the meaning, I just don't like the colors.


Yeah I don't like the colors for the somewhat "femme leaning" thing, but like someone else said, this flag looks like a toothpaste ad. There's no reason not to adjust the colors of the trans flag and put them in stripes, or to use one of the preexisting transmasc ones made by the community


They look like rejected new New Zealand flag designs. These have the vibes of corporate inoffensive minimalist soullessness mixed with Graphic Design Is My Passion.


They immediately reminded me of the Maori flag.


I'm Maori, and several of these look like a poor ripoff of our [Tino Rangatiratanga flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_M%C4%81ori_flag). Which I find inherently offensive. Not because of the association - but our symbols MEAN things and you can't just recolor stuff and claim it means something else.


Yeah. I posted my thoughts on all of them separately, but my first sentence is just calling the bisexual and trans ones bad. It does seem like a Colgate pride flag more than anything


I saw a redesign that went (top to bottom) dark blue, light blue, white, pale pink, dark pink and it looked way better!


Following up my comment, [I tried my hand at it](https://www.reddit.com/r/QueerVexillology/s/NAPq8DmkGA). Idk if they're any good but maybe truer to the community and less... dental lol


Twitter is as Twitter does.


Yeah, saw the thread too, not a fan of the person OR the flags tbh.


Yeah no I'm not using a toothpaste flag


:o I wanna see the discourse! Do you have a link to the tweet?


I don't like them. They feel corporate.


Also I don't think the "T" stands for Toothpaste.


Thank god I'm not the only one thinking that.


Aquafresh. The official toothpaste of the trans community.


Right! And the gay and lesbian ones looking like competing airlines.


[welcome to gay airports](https://youtu.be/41N-YsuJAz8?si=4vlqP7oPenz_btSe)


OMG thank you! I needed that laugh! “Make sure to secure your top first” ☠️


I wouldn't say competing airlines. One's the east coast wing of the company while the other is the west. That or international/domestic


Also wtf changing our colors, we have (imo) the best color scheme out of all the flags (with lesbians, but I'm very biased :p )


Nah, we have both pink **and** purple. We win this.


Respectfully disagree! Well halfway xD Lesbians and gay men have the best flags! Their colors look sooo good together. Trans have the 3rd best xD Sadly i think my pan flag is like the 5th best color combo. 🤔 #personalopinion


True. I kinda like the pink and blue on the original flag more tbh


9 out of 10 dentists recommend (the last one is transphobic)


I don't have money to give you an award, I'm so sorry. But I genuinely laughed at your comment and wanted to appreciate it somehow




I came here to say the exact same thing. This feels like the corporate minimalism of pride flags. Needless to say, yikes.


Yeah. And how dare they ruin the trans flag


r/vexillology got to them


Exactly what I came to say. Weirdly corporate.


They look so cursed 😭🙏


Trans Pride, brought to you by AquaFresh ™


Took the words out of my mouth


They look like a nightmare to sew 🤦‍♀️


That's a good point. I also don't like the hollow looking holes in them




I think the swirls was supposed to be like unity and the trans flag was changed because of like bad colors yk "boy girl" but theyre trans med and stuff


I also kinda get the vision behind the colours "moving" from one side to the other with the trans flag but like... just no. It doesn't look great and it's a bit too literal for my tastes.


The gay/lesbian flags with swirling colors shows a union between same-sex couples. The trans flag shows the colors being transformed/reversed - starting small and then filling the height of the flag representing transition and a switch/expansion of self. Nonbinary having the white swirls going away from each other shows the “non”, an aversion. Bisexual and GNC both reference the old flags but indicate points of conversion - the bi flag doesn’t fully merge bc of the “bi” of genders.  Just to be clear, I hate these, this was my interpretation based purely from looking at the flags. It’s a cynical interpretation bc I got the sense that the creator had a contempt for some of the designees of the flags. 


and also no asexual flag


The person who made them is aro/acephobic so.. Edit: lmao I got a warning for this comment saying it’s encouraging violence, I appealed and they still thought that was correct 💀 fucking Reddit




My partner pointed out they look like cornhole boards and that’s all I can see now




>They look like a nightmare ~~to sew~~


yea, I feel like the main things are that, and the overwhelmingly corporate vibe of them. they look like advertising billboards with the text taken off


My first thought was that they'd be hard to make too. In so many ways, painting, certain types of pins, sewing, etc


To me it looks like something sharted out by a PR company that thinks AI is the best thing to happen to art. Flags should be instantly recognizable, these remind me of the feeling of sweeping past an app I need because they changed their logo again to an even less defined sweeping blob.


Yeah, it looks too modernized imo 😅


Praying that OP did not make those designs bc I would feel terrible reading this 💀


Op didn't make these apparently a bigot did. Most people deserve support for their art and at worst constructive criticism. This creator is a bigot so I'll give them no courtesy when it comes to this sort of art.


Ah fair enough lol


The trans flag looks like print I'd see on a toothpaste tube 💀. I think the simplicity of the different colored stripes helps keep the current flags easily accessible, too. Why fix something that isn't broken?


The trans flag was designed so it could never be displayed upside down. I think Helms’s intent was to avoid violent displays of our flag.


oh that's genius, I keep forgetting how nasty people are with flags sometimes


That's so awesome! Why didn't I see that?




Yeah, the regular stripe flags are usually recognizable as some sort of pride flag even when you don't know the specific one, and are a lot easier to replicate in art or sewing them


Especially when they have colors that aren't common in national/regional flags, like purple or gray.


Omg it looks like Crest toothpaste! 😂😭🪥


The trans and bisexual ones are just bad. The gay/lesbian look like they could be salvaged by ditching the weird white orb and just having the colors swirl together. I'd want to know the symbolism in the LGBT flag. All flags need symbolism and the rainbow one had it in spades. Nonbinary feels disjointed, like it could be two separate flags. Gender nonconforming is ironically very derivative, taking on an existing and popular flag style instead of doing something original like the current intersex flag.


The trans one just doesn't make any sense. The colors feel wrong and the pattern kinda sucks


the idea behind the design was some like being cis then becoming trans message? or something? and because they felt the other colors were infantilizing but yeah it does absolutely suck, especially compared to the trans flag


I love the trans flag. Just because they're pastels doesn't mean "baby". The flag itself is adorable in literally any space and the color arrangement just makes it better


The original poster said "To replace the rainbow flag with an unambiguously LGBT meaning as opposed to "gay" or "q\*\*\*\*", I created this symbolic flag of unity and intersectionality." about the LGBT flag. They also censored queer for some reason???


That's silly. The rainbow flag was already designed to represent the whole movement. Also, that's not the symbolism I mean. Each color on the rainbow flag has a specific meaning attached to it. They're all conceptual and not particular to any one group. There should be nothing arbitrary or purely aesthetic about a flag. If you look up many flags, you'll find meaning for basically everything that makes it different from a plain white rectangle.


They’re ’drop the Q’ crowd.


It feels like a vexillology nerd went wild without any thought


colgate trans


i don’t like the trans or bi flags here, and they are my fav plus i don’t like all the holes, it makes it seem like these people aren’t complete or some other negative connotation


I like the symbolistic perspective here


Bad, and the creator is fuckin weird according to some other commenters. Regardless, why fix what ain't broke?


"gender non conforming" more like tried to draw the flag of Czech republic but fucked up significantly


lol it really does.


I hate them. The OG flags were designed with meaning- actual, literal meaning behind each stripe of color. These feel like they're just completely ignoring this, which is just a slap in the face to the history of the queer community.


Which makes sense, the person who designed these detests the word queer.


and made fun of ace people on twitter/x and called people with pronouns “freaks”


Why am I now a tube of aqua fresh toothpaste 😭 these feel like the ridiculous trend toward minimalism in logos that’s just completely erasing any individuality from stuff, which is kinda anti-thetical to what I stand for


I didn't know it was already April 1st. Time is moving fast as hell these days.


1. I hate them, can’t explain it but these are just sooo bad 2. At least whoever made this forgot to add asexual so I don’t have one!


Apparently this person doesn’t think we belong in the queer community.


Wait for real???


There were some comments at the top of this post about it as well as other horrible things they have said . I can’t find the actual twitter thread to verify though.


Wow, a shitty person makes shittier flags


I saw the og tweet. I can confirm that designing pride flags isn't the only thing OOP is shitty at.


Shit; I thought they just made samples of some of really popular ones, not that they were deliberately leaving aces out. That just makes everything worse. Thanks for the heads up. 


I saw the tweet and can confirm that. A comment asked for the asexual flag and the creator answered along the lines of what about it or smth where you really could see they're amisic.


I don’t like them purely for accessibility reasons. The disability Pride flag for example has been changed recently to be straight lines instead of zigzags for the sake of accessibility. That’s part of why I like the current lgbt+ flags, they’re simple and straight to the point and cute!


That’s why modern flags are the way they are in general. A good flag design needs to be easy enough to draw that a 5 year old could do it. China’s flag is just red with a few stars on the top left, in the past it used to be a dragon. One could be made in less than 5 minutes by a kids with a red paper and the other needs a reference image. The pride flags just follow basic vexillology


❌ Gender nonconforming ✅ weird Philippines 🇵🇭




I like how these flags reflect the designer’s personality. Awful.


Haha real


I'm sorry to whoever made the trans flag design but you absolutely RUINED it. I can kinda get what's it going for, but the colors, the shapes, the curves just do not work at all


100%. They also called the original colors infantilizing???


???? just cus they're pastel???? lmao


And they thought toothpaste was better???


I don’t really get all the white space in them. Like, why a random white dot on the LGBT, gay, and lesbian flags? Is it symbolic of something and I’m just missing it?


🏳️‍⚧️ I personally prefer the old Transgender flag. 🏳️‍⚧️


Just keep the rainbow flag, queen. It is perfect and all inclusive already :)


The thing nobody asked for turned out disappointing. My biggest objection is the designer is creating flags for identities that do not apply to them. Identity flags are created by community members expressing their identity and adopted by the rest of the identity community. A designer making proofs of all the different flags make it feel like these flags are reimagined sports team or corporate logos. Moreover category/subcategory language seems harsh and hierarchical. Calling an identity tangential minimizes queer identities that aren’t widely used. The 3X3 layout choice puts LGB (ahem) above T. I can’t help but think that’s an intentional way to separate trans from the acronym. The practice vexillology is all about layout and space management, there is no excuse to separate these identities in representing queer community. At least they didn’t attempt to redesign the two spirit flag. Monica Helms designed the trans flag so it could never be displayed upside down in vertical or horizontal alignment. The colors are radically different and are displayed on a black field without explanation. Everything about this designer’s choices feels transphobic. The non binary flag looks too much like the sexuality flag templates displayed above it which subtly sexualizes a gender identity. Why is a chevron added to the bi flag. Why add grey? Why are the white bars trapezoids? The community sourced lesbian flag looks like a sunset. The color choices of the stripes show a spectrum of gender expression with white to represent an each lesbian’s unique connection to womanhood. Introducing a circle, wavy lines and fields of negative space. I can’t remark on the gay men’s flag or the gender nonconforming flags as I have no personal connection to them.


I think they look cool but they don’t *feel* authentic


Understandable. I think they're just wacky and all over the place


Who stole our trans pride colors and why did they replace them with toothpaste?


For once, I’m glad that the ace, aro and aroace flags weren’t included in something. I would not want to see what this person would’ve done with them.


Being brutally honest? Most of them kinda suck. The trans flag especially


The creator of them sucks as well


Why the fuck is the bisexual flag a badly designed button up shirt??


To be fair, bisexuals love badly designed button-up shirts


I'm gonna bash all these .why would we use our original flag for just parades? It kind of makes me think of the "reclaim the rainbow" from right-wing Christians, which leads into the next flag .I don't understand this flag at all. In what way does this redesign represent the whole LGBT community? .gay, lesbian and NB flags look like a power point slides .that trans design 9 out 10 dentists agree it looks like a toothpaste advert .GNC looks like a British national insurance card, just drab and depressing to look at .bisexual is just an arts and crafts cluster fuck


No Pansexual, automatic -1/10




Bad and overdesigned. The gay and lesbian flags look like designs on tubes of toothpaste., or a cousin of Google. Also, the pride flag (which doesn’t need a separate LGBT flag?) is WAY over saturated


The trans one actually looks like toothpaste


The trans flag looks like aqua fresh toothpaste


The thing is… each color on the current flags have specific meanings. Like what are the meaning behind those seemingly random colors on the lgbt and gender nonconforming flags? The light blue and pink of the trans flag bending the stereotypical colors assigned to binary gender in the first place is very much intentional.


I really dont like the trans flag colours, and the design ethic of these seems a little too commercial, the original pride flags have meaning and history behind each line and colour and while I also love the idea of making progress with these the idea of progress shouldn't scrap the old


Overbearingly corporate


\*sad asexual noises and aggressive garlic bread eating sounds\*


Trans mtc (male to colgate)


They dont rly even look like flags, heres to hoping these arent accepted into the community.


Czech out the gender non-conforming flag, it really Phil(ippine)s like it was taken from elsewhere.


The colours are wrong on most of them. Like I'm all for redesigning the flags because most of them are kinda plain, but these are just so... weird.




Soulless corporate art vibes lol


The OP is a horrible person, and their designs suck so bad. They were trying to gate keep and only care about the LGBT, and do not want to recognize other identities as part of the community


The bi flag cant change because then I'd have to change all my lighting


I look cool, but even just looking at the trans flag makes my breath fresh for no reason.


I don't mind the lesbian/gay flags, but what is their FnCk!ng deal with white?!


Pure shit


transgender looks like crest toothpaste


these are downright terrible


I see what they were going for but... It's sterilized. It looks like whoever made these consumes a little too much CGP Grey and misses the point.


I like all, apart from the transgender flag, that one became really boring from what was the best flag


why is the philippines in here


transgender one looks like a toothpaste


Who ever designed these clearly hates the community.


the bi one's a disaster


I don't like it. Fixing what isn't broken.


When trans people are Luxemburg


Sweet befreakin' criminy these are awful. They look like oral hygiene packaging. And the color choices seem really odd.


Oh no, now minimalism is taking over pride flags