• By -


It's almost like we are the third letter of the damn acronym.


I hate that. I was before 10 years in my local queer bar and bring my femgirlfriend with me. They looked at me and her like she where a alien. And my best friend was fine with the owner - aslong he has just a men. As he come up with a man and a woman to visit the bar they dont talk a word with them. I'm a lesbian. But i hate this intolerance from queers that think it only give "one right way to love" there is no difference between them and heteros they discriminate queers - its just the same reason. I was thinking that this is no longer a thing. Disgusting.


We need to stop making our own box to stuff us in the cis and straight people do that enough


An intolerant community that despises intolerance.  Doesn’t seem to measure up to the concept of community.


If I saw this a week ago, I would've been confused. Got on Instagram for the first time in like a week (give or take a couple days) today and oh boy... I follow a lot of LGBTQ places and the comments were more unhinged than normal l, specifically saying how bisexuals aren't actually allowed when they're in a straight-passing relationship. Yikes.


I've absolutely noticed an uptick in this in online spaces of late, of the "you can't call yourself queer if you're in a straight passing relationship" variety. It's a weird argument; queer + queer = straight? Please.


Right!! Being with someone doesn't magically erase the other parts of the way I feel or who I'm attracted to. Such an odd mentality.


Being in a straight passing relationship doesn’t erase anyone’s queerness. People who say that are idiots.


Right? I'm a pan cis dude. I'm married to a pan afab enby. Depending how they dress, we can be straight passing or gay passing. They can look more dude than I do at times. So like, I'd love to hear that explanation from them that I'm not actually queer.


Two gay enbies are in a relationship. One is more masc, the other fem. They are technically straight passing. Are they now not queer anymore?? Huh


According to the posts I've seen on Instagram, yes. To any logical person, no.


As someone who spends their time avoiding Instagram like the plague I'm glad I'm making the correct choices


Same. I should avoid it, but it's the only way I stay updated about my favorite bands. And a long with that comes the bad and phobic posts/comments


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell and we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest no more of this biphobic or queerphobic or bierasure nonsense bisexual history is LGBTQ history bisexual topics are queer topics bisexual voices are queer voices so no more lgbtq feeling the need to exclude bisexual cuz we don't fit the mold of what it means right be queer cuz no matter what u say bisexuality will always be inherently queer and nothing is going to change that regardless


of course they are I thought this was common sense-


I suppose to some people it isn’t, especially since some people think bi people in hetero relationships aren’t “gay enough” or fakers. They are definitely a real part of our community though


Yeah, like I am a bisexual woman. If I’m in a relationship with a man, I’m still bi. If I’m in a relationship with a woman, I’m still bi. If I’m in a relationship with a nonbinary person, I’m still bi. Some people just don’t seem to understand that lol


Isn’t the whole point of Pride to be, yknow, ACCEPTING?!


That’s what I’m thinking too! I don’t know why some people are biphobic!


ew biphobic people




third that


As someone who isn't part of lgbtq+ spaces, why would anyone part of the lgbtq+ community have a problem with bi people? It's literally the 3rd letter...


Here are some decent history links so you can see, but most of the community had similar goals but were still prejudiced towards each other; they splintered off originally into separate groups, mainly for women and transgender people. Our history also includes an erasure of bisexuality which you can read about in the other link. Wiki link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_Liberation_Front Medium: https://medium.com/@lois.shearing/pride-a-turbulent-history-of-bisexual-erasure-and-marginalisation-78b425f7b6c6 The women who created STAR aimed to get transgender people off the streets but one of them was killed under mysterious circumstances and ruled a suicide without police investigation. The way the community was able to turn its backs on each other was astounding back then, and very upsetting to think about how it still happens today.




Some stupid people consider loving a person of another gender treason, which of course doesn't make sense.


Yes! Thank you! This is really nice to see 🥹 I’m bi, and I’ve seen some very bi-erasurey stuff lately and it’s really good to know that people (probably most people in our community?) are inclusive.


Hell yeah I'll never stop fighting as a bisexual activist NEVER!!!


Thank you, very inspiring as a bisexual! 🤗❤️


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Well yeah, course they do, anyone that says otherwise is gatekeeping 🙄 ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


How did you get that heart?


It's on the smiley face for Reddit emojis next to the Gif button in the app, hopefully same place online - there's all these for this sub: ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|3887) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|3888) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|3889)


How’d you get that heart


This is nice to see. My cis male partner and I are both bi but are in a straight passing relationship. We skipped pride this year because of this discourse picking up.


I really think this is more an online discourse, as I have been to a few different pride events in both FL and most recently in MA, and there were plenty of people who had bi flags and were welcomed. I myself am a pan transfemme enby married to a lesbian, and unless I'm wearing a skirt or more than just lip Gloss, we sort of look kind of straight passing, especially since we also have a kid. Nothing but love was felt at all of them.


We will be ur pride plans for all those who don't feel like there safe at pride or can't go for whatever reason pride doesn't just end cuz events or parades are over pride is 365 and we are here for you celebrating you and how prideful u are no matter what that looks like to you we are a community and you never have to feel alone cuz pride didn't work out the way you wanted it to or needed it to we will always be here to make sure ur full of pride about being who u are I'm glad we have subs like this so where we can truly diversely meet people throughout the whole entire world where we can feel safe to be our self so remember next time don't be to upset u didn't get to go irl remember u have pride plans here as well with us who care enough to make sure u feel safe and sound for being the best bisexual badass u can be


Damn straight they do.


*Actually, just to be queer, they do.


Thank you TT-TT I'm so tired of fighting for my place at the table.


Love your flair 😍


Thank you!! 🥰


Well you always have a spot at my table because I'm gathering a shit ton of people to build a bisexual or bi+ round table we have a many queer discussions and queer events and queer whatever to show that we belong we're allowed to have these topics we are allowed to be here if you can't allow us in your spaces we create our own spaces where we are welcome to everyone who wants to join our table inclusive diverse and willing to hear everyone out about what they have to say no more feel excluded for being who they deserve to be I hope what I'm saying makes sense


If you don't consider bi people to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, all my respect for you just went bi-bi


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Some people really be forgetting that those letters are there for a reason LGBTQ- they all have names it’s just a lot to say them all. I think some people really just want it to be the “LG and that’s enough” community 🤦‍♀️


Tbh all it is queerphobia people just want to have what feels right from them but u can't say equality for all but only what the LG and that be enough like you said but there are so many lgbtq people, organizations, events, history, and many more out there they can't really seem to understand stand it's LGBTQ+ community it's easy to say you will be equal to all people in the lgbtq but it's one thing to actually show it and tbh most people only want to just do what they want when they want and if they do show the respect for other people in lgbtq it's only as if it feels like a chore for them like look there I did it but it's like bitch that is what ur supposed to do ur supposed to be respectful to everyone in the lgbtq community if ur mind set it equality for all then actually mean ALL like we as queer people who aren't L or G deserved to be on the front lines with all the others I hope what I have said made sense


As an older bi person who was rejected "back in the day" this sentiment makes me happy every time I see it posted. Never stop.


Awww thank you always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Yes!!! 🙏🙏🙏 recently on Instagram (the most toxic place on earth) I saw someone in the comments section of a pride post saying that bisexuals shouldn’t be attending pride because they can appear as “straight” and don’t fear for their lives everyday I guess?? Stupid logic, because bisexuals also had to figure out their identities and should take pride in being who they are. We love all bisexuals and all people who appear to be in a “straight” relationship and are alienated for it! I’m saying this as a pansexual myself. It’s entirely unfair to exclude people just because they don’t fit your rigid standards of what it means to be queer! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 happy pride everyone!


Bisexuals still get hate from homophobes, makes me so mad when they get hate from the queer community on top of that


Exactly! It’s a vicious climate out here for bisexuals and I hope they all know that there ARE people in this community that love and support them, even when a lot of vocal people in our community say they don’t 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you so freaking much just this comment alone makes us feel loved and supported and seen 🫂


Ofc!! 🥹 and you all are loved supported and seen! I hope you have a great pride month!! 🥳


Hell fucking yeah this right here 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Yes. Yes they do.


I loved the Outburst (pride) festival in Maryborough, Victoria, Australia, this past weekend. However, people automatically assumed I'm a lesbian. I've also been threatened with assault by queer staff at 2 different supermarkets in this country town because I'm not deemed qUeEr enough and the local rumour mill has been spreading rumours that I'm a bigot. United we stand, divided we fall. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, or +, we should stick together because we're all trying to not be discriminated against. It's crap that bi-erasure is still a thing.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼




They absolutely do. it's so sad some people don't think that and mindlessly kick them out because they are "not fully gay" or whatever the fuck.


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell and we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest no more of this biphobic or queerphobic or bierasure nonsense bisexual history is LGBTQ history bisexual topics are queer topics bisexual voices are queer voices so no more lgbtq feeling the need to exclude bisexual cuz we don't fit the mold of what it means right be queer cuz no matter what u say bisexuality will always be inherently queer and nothing is going to change that regardless


Thank you🫶🏼


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Thank you!


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Just because I like girls doesn’t make me straight. I could probably get more d!ck than you ever will


I am married and we are straight passing, but I’m pansexual af and very much love being involved in the community. I fear all the time that those around me don’t view me as “queer enough” to be included. It’s unfortunate that some gatekeep so hard that those who want to belong feel unwelcome.


Wait are people trying to keep bisexuals out of queer spaces? They're the quintessential gay! I see them all around!! They're so babygirl!!! Let them stay!!!


Bisexual folk have been excluded from many queer spaces for a multitude of reasons for a very long time.


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell and we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest no more of this biphobic or queerphobic or bierasure nonsense bisexual history is LGBTQ history bisexual topics are queer topics bisexual voices are queer voices so no more lgbtq feeling the need to exclude bisexual cuz we don't fit the mold of what it means right be queer cuz no matter what u say bisexuality will always be inherently queer and nothing is going to change that regardless


Thank you 😊


So do asexuals. We would like that very much.


If ur part of the lgbtq+ community then u belong in queer spaces


Always blows my mind when people think they don't


Biphobia and queerphobia is a real thing in the lgbtq community and a lot people believe cuz we date or like or whatever else with an opposite sex person that we can't be queer but there is no one right way to be queer if u say ur bisexual ur bi if u say ur queer ur queer and son and so on and plus bisexuality is inherently queer so nothing is going to change that regardless of what you think or say it'll always be inherently queer and bisexuality and queerness goes hand-in-hand just like many other things go hand-in-hand with queer stuff so we are allowed to belong in queer spaces regardless


Obviously yes, bi people are an integral part of the community and bisexuality is a sexuality. To my bi friends that I know and those who don’t know me, I love you 😊🥰😘


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 🫂


Uhhhh yes? Sorry can I use this space to vent about an experience relating to experiences when I was experimenting and thought I might be bi?


Sure I'm happy to listen vent away I'm all ears


B is for Bi not Bacon!!! Thanks for the post OP. We really do exist. We aren't confused, just greedy or on the way to gay or straight town. Some of us just really do have an attraction to more than one gender. I'm 42 and it hasn't gone away yet.


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


I'm still a bit baffled that some folks don't see bisexuality as valid. I understand maybe not understanding it, but invalidating us seems a step too far. You can still respect something you don't understand.


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell that we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest


People who hate bisexuals and don't include them in queer spaces because they are bi are just as hateful as the people that do harm onto them in the exact way but instead of queer it's straight. Probably internalised hate due to them being not viewed as badly as fully queer or gay people would be. So they get jealous and lash out in stupid ways. Which in turn is nasty and they should seek help for their hate. It's kinda crazy this even has to be said. Hate is hate no matter where it comes from


There is a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community who are biphobic and queerphobic and you would think they wouldn't be because the history shows that they were the ones getting oppressed and getting bullied for who they were and not being accepted for their were so you would think they would be more understanding compassionate about other sexualities like bisexuality pansexuality and so on but there are just those people who can't see that we are valid and we exist so they try to erase us from queer spaces or not allow us in queer spaces because we don't fit the mold or what it means to be in a space like that like who are they do tell a bisexual how they can experience their queerness people need to stop this whole gatekeeping bs


I was at Pride on Saturday and I was just thinking about how much smaller the march would be without the Bs ,Ts, Qs, Is, As, NBs and allies. It shows how important it is for all of us to stick together.


And yet some how there is not much Bs, Is, As, NBs, and more not fully represented at pride and pride events there there but it kind of almost feels like we're aware of Maazel won't you find it you know it's there but it's hard to find sometimes because it's not much to find because most places don't wanna give them what they deserve which is more representation more visibility more to be seen seen to be heard from if what I am saying make sense


Obviously, why wouldn’t they be?


Because there is a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community who are biphobic and queerphobic and you would think they wouldn't be because the history shows that they were the ones getting oppressed and getting bullied for who they were and not being accepted for their were so you would think they would be more understanding compassionate about other sexualities like bisexuality pansexuality and so on but there are just those people who can't see that we are valid and we exist so they try to erase us from queer spaces or not allow us in queer spaces because we don't fit the mold or what it means to be in a space like that like who are they do tell a bisexual how they can experience their queerness people need to stop this whole gatekeeping bs


I know about that, my original comment was my stance on the issue: “why wouldn’t they be?” I legitimately can’t think of a good reason for bisexuals to be excluded


Thank you 😭 I read a biphobic comment on another post in this sub the other day that was pretty vile... It was upsetting to see in a place that's supposed to be safe for all of us. (Before anyone asks, yes, I reported it at the time) I get it if maybe you've been burned by shitty people claiming to be bi or using being bi as an excuse to be shitty. I truly do get it and don't blame anyone for becoming reluctant to be in a relationship with a bisexual person if that's the kind of experiences you've had with bi people thus far, but those shitty people don't represent all of us. A few shitty individuals of any gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or any other category of people do not accurately represent the whole. Biphobia is real, and it's a form of discrimination and hate, just like racism or homophobia. We need to stick together, not do the work for the haters and the bigots. They would love nothing more for us to do the dirty work to destroy our community from the inside out, all to make it easier for them to get rid of the rest of us with less resistance.


Same, I've seen people in this sub yell that "bisexual women aren't discriminated against and don't belong in queer spaces!" Like lol what do they think the B stands for?? I report them as well, but it's wild that weirdos can come into this sub of all places and just type that crap out and not see anything wrong with it. They're no better then your typical straight bigot at that point.


The thing biphobic people forget is that the homophobic bigots don't care to differentiate. Hating is probably the one thing in life they are happy to do with equal opportunity. Okay, so bi people in a straight-passing hetero relationship may be overlooked as targets for homophobic hate at first glance, but if we present the least bit alternatively or off from traditional gender expression or are 'out' with our LGBTQ+ status, then we're discriminated against all the same. Certain men are all too willing to 'correct' us bi women into being straight, too. The struggles we all face are unique, and I would never dream of invalidating anyone else's in favor of my own. I don't understand why biphobes within our community think it's okay to do that to us.


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell that we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest


Maybe from now on we should be call the BBB which would stand for Bisexual Badass Baddies or Badass Bisexual Baddies cuz we are badass we are amazing we do matter just like all the other sexualities and gender identities we deserve to be in the front lines with everyone else and if people want to be biphobic or keep being biphobic then that says more to do on them then us and show us who they really are regardless cuz we have always been queer always will be queer and erasing us from queer spaces, topics, events, history, and so on shows that we will come back 10x harder each and every time to be seen even harder then last time heard even louder then last time and fighter even that much more harder then last time and nothing will stop us from being the bisexual badass baddies we are and no amount of biphobia is going to scare us way from fighting like hell regardless of how much people try we are here until the universe ends and even then we will still be bisexual


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual and remember no matter how you identify as bi, it's all valid. Everyone's experience with bisexuality is unique, and whatever that looks like for you is perfect - there is no single "correct" way to be bi! So yes we as bi people need to be a stick together and be a able to say bi or bisexual be confident enough to label ourselves as bi or bisexual and nit as gay or straight mostly gay but still it's erasing bisexuals experiences when people do that and then people get this idea we are all just gay in denial which is not the case for all bisexuals I'm a proud bisexual activist who loves to correct people who call me gay and will never let anyone call me something I'm nit cuz I am bi when I was younger I am bi now and I'm bi forever and nothing will change that we I'll never stop fighting for anything that has to do with the bisexual community cuz we deserved ti matter we deserved to be in the front lines with anyone else it's are time to get clear and precise representation done right and people standing up for us as much as we stand up for ourselves bi is not a sin bisexuality is not a shameful term noir is being bi a scary thing to say or be or to be label as I wear my bisexuality as a huge ginormous badge of honor and I'll keep screaming bisexuality without screaming bisexuality I hope what I have said made sense and helped u feel more seen and heard and validated as well in who u deserved to be as a bisexual person 🫂


This is an issue ??!! How… wha?? HUH?!!!


Very much so. Bi people are seen as 'just experimenting' or 'mostly straight.' The problem gets even worse if they happen to have an oppositely gendered partner at a given moment and tries to go into a queer space with them.


WHAT???? by who? I wanna punch em


You might wanna get an ice pack or two ready ahead of time cause your fists are gonna get sore. It’s possibly most straight people and way too many gay men and lesbians.


I AM PREPARED. These hands are rated E for everyone


Hell yeah 😂


You and be both we will kick ass and take names


If homophobia somehow collectively ended tomorrow. Biphobia would still remain. And knowing that is within its self so fucked up for bisexual people cuz it makes it seem we will never truly been seen as valid never truly be seen or heard or have a seat at the table where actual real lgbtq issues are going on and we can't be a part of the discussion because we don't have the criteria met to be at the table when we do matter we always will matter and we're gonna keep mattering regardless and we will have discussions with other LGBTQ people about bisexuality and we will be able to put our authentic voices into the conversations to really show that we get to say discussions about the bisexual community and no amount of racing us or being biphobic to us is going to change how we're gonna keep fighting like hell and we deserve to be on the front lines just as much as the rest no more of this biphobic or queerphobic or bierasure nonsense bisexual history is LGBTQ history bisexual topics are queer topics bisexual voices are queer voices so no more lgbtq feeling the need to exclude bisexual cuz we don't fit the mold of what it means right be queer cuz no matter what u say bisexuality will always be inherently queer and nothing is going to change that regardless


Thank you 🥹


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Bisexuals in LGBT are like moderates in politics. They are the biggest group, the quietest group, the most overlooked group, and both side like to shit on them.


Well we aren't really the quietest group it's just when we do speak we are barely heard and once we are heard we get pushed back down as if we didn't even speak that is why we fight like hell to be heard seen and nit overlooked but at times it can be hard cuz if nothing changes nothing changes we are tired of almost getting there and right when we feel like we finally seen for who we deserved to be we get knocked back down again and we have to keep going and going we as bisexuals deserved to be in the frontlines with everyone else it's our time to be taken seriously regardless it's our time to be seen and able to have a seat at the table of lgbtq discussions we as bisexual people aren't going any where never will just disappear cuz people think we shouldn't be in queer spaces, events, topics, history, and sooo much more it's our time to finally be free and belong it's called lgBtq+ for a reason we deserved to matter e deserved to stop having people erase us or be biphobic to us or queerphobic to us it's time our time to speak even louder fight even harder then before and stand strong and very proud of who we are as bisexual people be even more proud to label ourselves as bisexual and say bisexual I hope what I have been saying makes sense


Yes? Like, duh? When did this become a thing? I heard this a couple days ago and now but not before I can recall. Since when are bisexuals being excluded? Bi folks are super gay, always have been. This is news to me!


The B in LGBTQ+ stands for us, bi folks.


Who's saying bisexuals don't belong in queer spaces? I mean, it's literally the "B" in LGBTQ+...


A lot of people are in comments sections people irl at pride events and so on so on if u haven't heard people say it or seen it happen doesn't mean it doesn't exit and I needs to end cuz biphobia is such a huge problem in the lgbtq community cuz we as bisexual to fit the queer mood in most LGBTQ people's eyes and I'm here to tell you right now there is no one way to be bisexual there is no reason to exclude bisexuals from queer spaces when bisexuality inherently queer as well


I've definitely heard biphobic remarks (e.g. pick a side, bi just means closeted gay, bi people can't be monogamous, etc.). But I guess I've never heard anyone say they don't belong in queer spaces. And it's just kind of funny to me, if there are people saying bisexuals aren't queer, do they just say LGT or LGTQ+? Just trying to imagine this logistically, lol.


Is there somebody saying that they shouldn't be? Why?


A lot of people are in comments sections people irl at pride events and so on so on if u haven't heard people say it or seen it happen doesn't mean it doesn't exit and I needs to end cuz biphobia is such a huge problem in the lgbtq community cuz we as bisexual to fit the queer mood in most LGBTQ people's eyes and I'm here to tell you right now there is no one way to be bisexual there is no reason to exclude bisexuals from cruise spaces when bisexuality inherently queer as well


This needed to be said? Regardless, yes they do! 💜


Hell yeah it does and i feel I'm I'm one if the rare few people who actually do say what most people are to scared to say for whatever reason and I'm keep saying the things people don't want to say or won't say cuz there scared I'm not afraid to be bold enough to stand up and fight for my community as a bisexual activist I want to keep going above and beyond for those who can't have a voice don't know how to have a voice or to scared to have a voice I'll do my best for all those unseen forgotten unheard bisexual and do my best to uplift them to the best of my abilities


Im a women and when I date women I feel accepted but when I date men I don't. Tho some of it may be my own issue. Currently I'm dating a bi man and I still feel like I'm imposing on queer spaces.


Ur queer/bi if u have preferences ur queer/bi if u only ever dated one gender ur queer/bi if u never dated anyone before like I have always said "no matter how you identify as bi, it's all valid. Everyone's experience with bisexuality is unique, and whatever that looks like for you is perfect - there is no single "correct" way to be bi!" So why do people have the nerve to tell bisexuals how to experience their bisexuality when there nit bisexual themselves like wtf 🤦🏼‍♂️ we are allowed to be in queer spaces cuz we as bi+ deserved to be in the frontlines with all the others just as much as we are allowed to be in queer spaces cuz bisexual people are still and always will be inherently queer regardless and don't let anyone make u feel less then for being queer cuz ur queerness is bisexual and ur queerness is whatever u need it to be ti feel less guilty for being something u shouldn't feel guilty for it I hope what I have been saying makes sense


Why wouldn't they be?


I’m a queer space… Sorry, I’ll see myself out now


well duh


For real you would think common sense would kick in but having common sense is rare these days


This is how I ask my gf to come over


Heck yeah


I find it rather funny how indirectly, they're saying bi people are "mostly hetero" as like, first of all, that's stupid because they can't be attracted strictly by the opposing gender. Otherwise they wouldn't be bi... which in itself is... obvious. Next, I feel like there's some tinge of heterophobia in the mix too, which is stupid as it goes against the whole "accepting" part... Like... heteroes have their own flag in the community too. And as such, even if they were "mostly hetero", why... would that be a reason to remove them? I feel like there's some trauma traces from being prejudiced by a lot of cretins which are "straight", which in itself is a bad thing. We shouldn't let traumatic episode guide our decisions. As not accepting heteores in such spaces would be against the whole idea of accepting everyone. What? We're only accepting the ones with colorful flags and the ones without the colorful flags are left out? Sure thing, keep fighting, the anti-LGBTQIA+ fuckers would cry with joy seeing us fight among ourselves. Yeah, in a way bi people are more straight than gays or lesbians, because they're attracted to oposite gender too. But... that's okay...? I can imagine what they'd say about Gray people like me.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 hell fucking yeah


Literally, why this "bi people are more straight". It's really like stating "Ah, the sky is blue during day time." Yeah no shit captian obvious.


I'm a bi involved in a straight open relationship. I occasionally meet other people. Honestly, I look heterosexual. In Portuguese, we say that I can pass as non-LGBT (straight), but I really love hanging around in queer spaces, and luckily, I know plenty of LGBT people as I met activists, academics and their friends. I feel very good in spaces with them even though I think many consider me straight (what doesn't impede flirting, just saying, lol).


I’m bi and I’ve only ever been in straight relationships and that’s probably how it always will be because I prefer men. I’ve had so many internal crises because I’m like “am I actually straight???” when things around me say that it doesn’t matter. We matter. Doesn’t matter who you date, what your preferences are, whatever. We are part of the community.


Exactly you are bisexual no matter who you date no matter what u prefer or whatever else like I always say "No matter how you identify as bi, it's all valid. Everyone's experience with bisexuality is unique, and whatever that looks like for you is perfect - there is no single "correct" way to be bi!" So ur bi even if u don't feel bi enough u are and people don't have to like it but they have time be okay with it cuz it's never going anywhere and it's only going to keep getting more attention from people who fight like hell to be seen and heard in both the straight and lgbtq community hope what I have said made sense


This is a whole weird thing for me because at least where I am it's less about being bi and more about being in a straight passing relationship. This year I really noticed for the first time that how I dressed really played a part in how people responded to me and my partner. When he looked like the husband of the bi chick and I was definitely presenting feminine he and I both faced more derision and exclusion at pride. The next day when I was dressed and presenting masculine we got a very different response. We hadn't changed as people, our opinions, attitudes, personalities hadn't changed. The only difference was now we "looked the part" like the weird inverse of passing privilege. Like now I'm allowed to be here because I pass as queer. I look queer enough. It's just insane to me.


Say it louder, for those at the back…


Always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


We need a common slur for people who sh:t on any of lgbtq+


Usually that word is “bigot.”


I have always used the word bigot


I honestly don't want to be in queer spaces. At least here in Germany they seem to be super hierarchic and opressive




Bi here. At first I was quite confused when I just saw the title and the picture. Now I am still confused, but on how are non-bi people excluding bi-s better than the anti-LGBTs. If you yourself are discriminating, you don't have the right to ask not to be discriminated against. It's like asking to stop r\*cism towards you, while you're being a r\*cist towards others. The analogy might sound bad, but it's the same discrimination, just on different labels. Fight together, not each other! 🏳️‍🌈


I still don't get how some people don't get what the B in LGBTQ+ stands for. Do they think it stands for bacon or something? Bi+ erasure makes just as much no sense as trans+ erasure


Maybe from now on we should be call the BBB which would stand for Bisexual Badass Baddies or Badass Bisexual Baddies cuz we are badass we are amazing we do matter just like all the other sexualities and gender identities we deserve to be in the front lines with everyone else and if people want to be biphobic or keep being biphobic then that says more to do on them then us and show us who they really are regardless cuz we have always been queer always will be queer and erasing us from queer spaces, topics, events, history, and so on shows that we will come back 10x harder each and every time to be seen even harder then last time heard even louder then last time and fighter even that much more harder then last time and nothing will stop us from being the bisexual badass baddies we are and no amount of biphobia is going to scare us way from fighting like hell regardless of how much people try we are here until the universe ends and even then we will still be bisexual


That's a long sentence but exactly, we're all valid and we all belong to the queer community!


Who said they don’t?


Of course they are! Even the ones in heterosexual relationships! It’s vaild 💯 I hate biphobia 😩


Yes, that's why LGBT exists B is in there




They belong. I'm sadden that some Bi chose identify as Gay or Straight to Avoid Biphobia that happens to them. It also saddens me when hear my fellow Gay men be insecure about Bi men.


Amen I agree like the more bisexuals identify as gay or straight they are essentially erasing themselves a.k.a. bierasure which then turns into this whole big discussion of not everyone is like this and then the people who do erase themselves by not committing to the label of bisexual because that's what you are regardless want to complain that that's biphobic or whatever else and it comes they whole big mess like I get it if the person had internalized biphobia and stuff but most of the time bi people dint and they just feel it's easier to say gay more then it is easier to say straight and I'm like wtf ur just making it worse off for people like me who say there bi never waver from that always correct people and say no I'm bisexual not... so I think we as an lgbtq community should really uplift bisexuals so they can feel proud can confident to say and be bisexual and as for gay men being insecure about bisexuals what do they have to be insecure about we are just like anyone one else no matter how we identify as bi, it's all valid. Everyone's experience with bisexuality is unique, and whatever that looks like for you is perfect - there is no single "correct" way to be bi! So why be insecure about us


This should be common sense by now, but some people are just too obsessed with gatekeeping and identity policing. :(


Well how I see it I just want bisexual to be on the frat lines as well, with all the other major players of the lgbtq I want us to be brought in a healthy discussion allow us to have a seat at the table when talk about lgbtq issues we as bisexual people matter we aren't just a congratulations a famous celebrity came out here's your article or congratulations your week came around so we get to talk about your week but like I have always said nothing changes until something changes because big LGBTQ organizations with huge platforms cannot just say look here's this here's an article about a bisexual coming out or something related to bisexuality but then when somebody wants to go back and look at it after to search and search and search sometimes but people can find something else like a queer article or lesbian article or gay article right then in there and it's not hard to find that so nothing changes until something changes we have to keep pushing for equality for all not just whenever people feel like it bi+ people matter and it's sad how many people in the lgbtq community are biphobic and queerphobic I hope what I am saying makes sense


Wait, who's saying they didn't belong in queer spaces? Before I get a reply, gay and queer spaces are not synonymous.


Oh absolutely!! Agree 100%! Anyone who is different from the sexual/gender/romantic norm is absolutely a part of the LBGTQ+/queer community. This is coming from a cisgender, straight, asexual man, so just about the least queer of the queers but I stand by it forever. Much love to all my queer friends! 💖💖😄


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 🫂


I’ll let you in on a little secret: I don’t like to pick favourites but Bisexuals might be my favourite queer subgroup (or whatever you call it) just because I absolutely love Peter Allen (RIP) and he was bisexual. I love all my queer friends, of course but just a little something about me. :)


To add to this, you dont know someones gender or sexuality just by looking at them, never assume, and that also means dont assume theyre cishet. We've ALL been through too much bigotted bullshit, INCLUDING those of us who are "straight passing". The LGBT movement is about radical acceptance, and love. We cant allow the movement to be warped into just another boys club.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Of course, it’s a tautology, all bisexuals are queer by definition. Where else would they go? How can people disagree with this? What a mean, smooth brain stance.


Because there is a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community who are biphobic and queerphobic and you would think they wouldn't be because the history shows that they were the ones getting oppressed and getting bullied for who they were and not being accepted for their were so you would think they would be more understanding compassionate about other sexualities like bisexuality pansexuality and so in but there are just those people who can't see that we are valid and we exist so they try to erase us from queer spaces or not allow us in queer spaces because we don't fit the mold avoid it means to be in a space like that


Damn that sucks. Girl you can come to my queer party anytime. Remember to bring anyone you want and dress straight passing too and we can hang out all night! Let bisexuals be bisexuals already it’s 2024 not 1974.


Amen 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 can't wait to come to the queer party


A community both incensed by and insistent on labels.  Go figure.  Compliments of a member for whom no label exists.  Labels are a binary problem.  


Ngl i thought this was a given, like, no shit they belong.


thank you. I've only ever loved a woman, so people keep on calling me "lesbian until further notice" and it's honestly so annoying


Pride is for everyone except homophobes, and if y’all are one of the letters in the acronym you can certainly be there!


Literally one person I know of wasn’t allowed into a company that was lgbtq+ related because they weren’t “gay” enough… they are a trans female, who is also bi and their partner is a man who is also bi. Wtf man.


Thank you so much for posting this!❤️🥹🏳️‍🌈


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


It is an issue and thank you


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Well, yeah. Of coarse we are. There is a B in LGBTQIA+ for a reason. Because we belong there.


Hell fucking yeah we need to stop all this gatekeeping on who or what is allowed in queer spaces if ur part of the lgbtq+ community then ur allowed in queer spaces regardless of queerphobic or biphobic lgbtq people


YOOOO that’s me


Heck yeah


Yes they definitely do. Who said they’re not?


Who ever did let's go find them and take care of them 😂 cuz we're here we're queer and we just happen to be bisexual as well we damn well deserve to be in queer spaces just as much as we deserve to be on the front lines with everyone else


Thank you for this, I appreciate you 🙏💜💜💜🥰


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Bi is as real a part of our community and deserving of support as the Transgender community is really who started the stonewall riots and should be heralded for showing the rest of us some ferocity. The acronym has been LGBTQIA+, and it will stay that way because everyone should be welcome ❤️❤️🍵that’s just the tea 💁🏻‍♂️🍵 Edit: Thank you and happy pride to ALL of you :3 From one queer person to another


A fucking men 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Thank you.


No problem always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


Yes? I thought we all knew that. It’s pretty obvious


You would think the common sense is not that common as much these days so we have to keep sounding like broken records and will keep fighting and fighting and fighting for the rights we deserve to have like we deserved to be seen we deserved to be heard we deserve to matter and we deserved to be on the frontlines with everyone else and we aren't going to stop regardless of biphobia comes our way it will only makes us stronger and stronger and stronger and I'm damn fucking proud to be bisexual and call my self bisexual and stands up for what it means to be part of the bisexual community


Thank you 😊


Np always happy to help make the world that much more bisexual


It's almost like we're the third letter of the acronym but we keep getting erased from queer spaces if we're not gay or lesbian.


I'm bisexual. I call myself gay though, because I am married to a man, and it's easier than explaining every time.


Of course they do.


I agree they do but not everyone does so we have to keep fighting to be in queer spaces and at pride and to be seen and heard and taking seriously so we can have a seat at the table cuz we are import just as another other sexuality or gender identity and it's time we stop pretending like bisesuals only matter when people feel like it it's equality for all not equality for some and equality for others when I feel like it and then I'll just half ass it to the others like nope that right there is queerphobic and that is why most people can't see that bisexuals play a huge role in the lgbtq community just like all the rest do


Yes! Yes! Yes!