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It’s always been a cult


It’s been a cult since Plato…


The modern iteration has much more of a WW2 jewish sentiment though.




Oh man human beings can be savages and still walk around giving out vibes that something isn’t right🫣


The far left basically is it's own religion these days. They have their faith, crusade in it's name to silence anyone who doesn't accept the truth, and any crimes committed in furthering said faith are forgiven.


Did you know, Marx originally intended to name the Communist Manifesto “A Confession of Faith”… Engels convinced him to change the name. Also, the fact that the left still holds on to dialect materialism despite being disproven over and over against, and having no basis in empirical reality is probably a hint it’s a religion.




The far-right Trumpism cult has sadly infected more minds


OP's post history... oof.


Lmao wow. Hadn’t even looked there. Wonder if he realizes how ironic it is to talk about cults when he’s clearly in one 😬


He seems like a Lib-Righter. No love for Trump but hates the Left as it is right now with a burning passion.


No, there’s definitely Trump worship in there, if you go deeper.


I did. And to keep it rings more like "This is the better option compared to what we have now, and I greatly prefer it."


>Joe Biden continued the massive spending long after Trump defeated covid > libertarianism is like communism.. it works in theory but in practice it just doesn't work > went by your own admission: libertarianism kills people > Donald Trump LED our nation through and out the other end of the world's deadliest pandemic in world history > he created three vaccines that destroyed coronavirus forever. > I mean saying that Trump is "Epstein linked" is dishonest > because the left is wrong. Republicans never went after hillary. > fox is the most accurate and non biased outlet out there > nothing about America's authright is a threat to democracy > honestly it would be an America's best interests to Ally with both Russia and china. I didn’t even go that deep. OP is clearly a Trump-worshipping non-libertarian. Not to mention incredibly uneducated unless they’re trolling. To say otherwise is a bad faith argument on your end.


1) I mean, not untrue. Not "defeated" more mitigated the first wave as much as he could've given the political climate [still a shit job om his part. Shouldn't have shut down. Even though he was dammed if he didn't and dammed if he did either way] 2) I mean, 100% pure Libertarianism has its own problems. 3) No defense for that. Stupid fucking take. 4) Yeah. Bullshit. No defense for that. 5) Dumb as fuck as well. 6) Weak Epstiein link for sure.


Refresh comment, there’s more. Also, we’re not gonna go down this rabbit hole… but OP claims Trump only met Epstein once at one party, yet in reality they were friends for 15 years, with photo evidence of them meeting in 1997 and in 2002.


7) ???? 8) Yeah, bullshit but they're actually reporting on shit that needs to be reported on from the Left's camp. Obviously they're considerably slanted, but considering the overwhelmingly Leftist Media Industrial Complex, we should be thankful we have that at least. 9) They CAN be a threat. But by and large they're jokes. 10) Yeah, crater brain take. But honestly, still hesitant to call him a worshipper. https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/wl4m2v/who_else_thinks_mcconnell_is_an_obstructionist/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/wjbyng/the_trump_lame_duck_presidency_in_one_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I don't know what the context is but I'm betting it has something to do with Sam Harris having terminal TDS.


The context is that Sam Harris was saying that Hunter Biden, not being involved in the government, is completely irrelevant to his father's administration, thatnhe is a fully grown adult who can screw up in his own ways. The only Trump's kids were relevant is that he brought them in as advisors. I also considered the Bush girls underage college drinking as irrelevant.


You know, except for the fact that Hunter's impropriety heavily implies Joe's involvement in said impropriety. But we don't even investigate that. Had to get Trump out at any cost. Even if that cost was handing the government back to a political dynasty with a proven track record of fucking over the electorate for their own gain.


Not a fan of Joe Biden, first of all. But I consider HUNTER'S behavior irrelevant. Evidence of Joe's behavior would be a different story, but the hypothetical here of dead kids in Hunter's basement doesn't seem to involve Joe's involvement. Joe Biden's Financials look pretty clean and boring, frankly. Did pretty well out of the housing market, but anyone his age who has lived in that area that long likely did. The only big income was book royalties, and the speaking fees he raked in after his time as VP, during his 4 years out of office. No business interests. If someone had evidence of hidden assets, THAT would be interesting. But I seen nothing to even imply any financial benefit to Joe Biden of anything he has done in office, other than become famous enough to sell books and rake in speaking fees, which comes fairly automatically with rising to even VP nominee. (See Sarah Palin, for example).




I think Hunter Biden has done his very best to leverage his father's position to gain wealth for himself. What is lacking is any evidence of his father's involvement in it, or his father making any money from it. Frankly, Hunter Biden is a Harvard educated lawyer with some experience in energy matters, he has SOME qualifications for membership on a energy company board. Did they likely offer him the position in hopes that he would bring some political advantage? Yeah. Did he actually bring such advantage? Harder so say. A useful analogy is the business career of George Bush Jr. He had no obvious expertise in either the oil business or the baseball business, and likely would never have gotten any of his jobs if his father had not been CIA head, Vice President, and President. That doesnt mean his father actually gave any of his employers a quid pro quo, and there is no evidence that they did so. It is worth noting that Don Jr was in the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian Agent who wanted to negotiate an end to sanctions in return for dirt on HRC. That would seem to be involvement. And the Democrays have been calling for Kushner's head for years. Every other post I see on r/politics is "but the Saudis gave Kushner 2 billion dollars!"


In what way does hunters impropriety heavily imply Joe’s impropriety? I hope you have something more compelling than “they’re related”.


Completely missing the fact that if that's what happens when Joe's handed a child to look after, what might he do to a country 40 years later, with dementia.


A person can be an excellent parent, and a lousy executive, or vice versa. And frankly, the odds of a kid who is in the fatal car accident that kills his mom and his sister and seriously injures him growing up to have some serious issues are pretty high. That is some serious trauma, to watch your mom die in front of you at just under 3 years old. Ronald Reagan's kids were complete screw-up but no one seemed to him it against him.




When did I attack Trump's children? You seem to have me confused with some strawman you are at war with.


Reminds me of bill Maher saying something like he hopes there is a recession to keep trump from getting a second term. Literally wants to makes the lives of all Americans worse just to get trump out of office. Crazy part is the recession appears to be now happening because trump is no longer in office.


No fucking way this is real?




I'm lost for words.


I've heard the argument "but he's not President." Then why isn't he being prosecuted? His partners were, even Hunter's cousin was prosecuted for $100k in credit card fraud.


I wish everyone was this honest in their views, my view is that he is a cunt


Good to know he doesn’t care about child murder.


Yeah dude, that's literally item number 1 on their party platform.


Why the fuck would i give a fuck about hunter biden, megan mccain, or malia Obama?




It would be irrelevant to my opinion of Joe Biden's administration, as Hunter is not a part of it, or an adviser to it.


Didn't vote for Biden; don't particularly care for his policies. But I really don't care was his son does. The dead raped kids would be horrifying no matter who did it, but unless it was found out that Joe used his power/influence to enable it or cover it up, I wouldn't hold it against Joe. The 5th Ave comparison isn't the same because Trump was specifically talking about *himself* committing a crime. That's something I'd care about. But I also wouldn't hold whatever stupid shit Don Jr. and Eric get up to against Trump either. When she was part of the Trump's Administration, Ivanka gets held to a higher standard.


You’re completely missing the point here. If Joe Biden gives Hunter a position in his administration, I will judge Joe for that decision like most of us did for Donald Trump. Until then, Hunter can be a loser all he wants and it’s not going to impact anyone’s view of Joe Biden. Furthermore, saying that Joe Biden has a cult following similar to the way Trump did is just silly. I don’t see anyone creating their entire identity around Joe Biden. Are the “blue-no-matter-who” people awful? Of course they are. They would blindly follow team blue, but any blue candidate would get that same following. FYI, I don’t support Biden. I voted Jorgensen/Cohen.


> Jorgensen/Cohen Ah so we see the real value of throwing your vote away. Moral high ground since you didn't have to make a difficult choice


My difficult choice was either vote third party or don’t vote at all. I’m not going to participate in red vs blue with the current candidates and state of their perspective party. Lesser of two evils voting is part of the problem. As much as I hate to make assumptions based on little information, I’m going to assume you’re a default Biden supporter. It never seems to go the other way when I see people make your wasted vote argument.


Nobody worships Biden. We all know he's a joke. We just know he's not as bad as Trump.


And you “know” this based on what exactly?


You’re in a cult


Sadly, political tribalism is very cultlike… and modern politics has basically devolved into political tribalism.


I really don't understand this either. It's like I would base my vote on Eric Trump or some such shit, who gives a fuck.


It’s more of “your turn” after shitting on Don jr and Ivanka for the last term. It’s frighteningly ironic how fast one side goes from sanctimoniously defending “their guy” to throwing spaghetti at the wall blaming every existing issue on other party’s guy.


Barbara bush too. What's the problem?


\>Sam think different from me, and my friends, he must be in a cult!


He would make a great Uvalde police officer.