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Yo, is there a select few or thee one stage that is the best to grind?


You should do the final stage. Like with the other events, it has the best Module to Event Item ratio. Or you can do MD3s if you also want BPXP.


Ah, thought so, can never be sure though. Thanks!!!


What does the enemy buff "slot weight +1" mean?


I think it means that each of their Skill slots now take up more of your Atk Weight? As in if you were to use an AOE Skill with Atk Weight of 4, it would hit only 2 enemies rather than 4 because they'd each have more Weight. At least that's what I think


Ok thanks


Yes. This is correct.


Can you save your sinner slot deploy order for your preset teams, in particular with md normal in mind, and if so how? I must be blind


Can I farm event currency in MD without weekly bonus? THE farming stage is boring af


I've found it is way more efficient to farm MD even without the bonus, as you get Starlight and BP EXP as well.


Exactly what I was hoping for, thx


Ishmael was pretty cute in this one. She really is a naturally curious person and I liked seeing her geek out over some of the architecture and creatures they found. Faust seemed quite happy to chat with Ishmael regarding this stuff too. I can kind of understand now why their Zwei Association identities seem to get along well.


Do people do datamines for this game? Because I'm wondering why I just had a 5 Gig download for the game an hour ago


Reminder: don't spend lunacy to pull for EGO if you can help it. Use your shards instead. Roughly 200 boxes should get you 400ish shards, and you can grind those from the season pass. As EGO remove themselves from the pool, you get better odds the more you already have. Ideally you should save your lunacy for walpurgis, just because it's time-limited and you can't shard them until the next one. Otherwise if you want something specific, it's way more economical to just craft it if you can.


Welp I finished the grind and now I feel empty Cinqclair solo grind runs were really fun actually


If I already used my weekly bonus, do I farm MD or MDH for the shards?


md. without hard bonus, the rewards are the same, and normal is significantly faster


Depends. If regular dungeon is significantly faster than hard, then it'll be more valuable to you.


just a reminder: ADD YOUR HEATHCLIFF AND OUTIS EGO TO YOUR SUPPORT UNITS, help the others with the grind edit: i got both, FC: J332408541


Do you get more Gift Sacks from MD3 if you have Heathcliff/Outis's Holiday EGO?


Yes, that's exactly what the bonus % on them is.


Thanks, I was considering dispensing Holiday Outis so I can farm sacks better in MD3 but I wasn't sure if you got extra sacks.


You don't even need to have them on the field. Just have any ID with event EGO equipped


How the hell do you beat the farming stage in just 10 turns? Saw 3 times people saying "solo Cinqlair", decided to try it. It always ends in 11 turns.


Solo Cinqlair can be done in 10 and under but you need to pay a little attention to the fight to do so and can't just win-rate it. Namely you need to "stockpile" the Blue and Orange attacks so you don't waste them on staggered enemies since oftentimes when you just Win Rate he'll use them unnecessarily so you want to swap the mover to the green ones. Usually by the time I get to Santata I'm on Turn 7/8 and half my bar is blue/orange so I burst him down on turn 8/9.


Use blade salsu yi sang for the poise count buffs and the other cinq/pierce damage passives (and tingtang hong lu), that way you can get cinqclair to ramp up really fast. When his poise potency is above 20 every hit is guaranteed to crit and you can still gain count by spamming s2 That tends to end in 7 or 8 rounds


I've been clearing it in 9-10 turns with Pequod Yi Sang without having any usable passives (too lazy to set it up). Not as time efficient as Cinqlair, but I make do with what I've got.


My record is 8 turns. Running L Corp Faust R Heath W Don W Ryoshu W Hong R Meur Optimal team? Oh almost certainly not, it's just what I usually deploy for my 'dream team' as charge is the stuff I have best built up for vis-a-vis IDs. Some randomness involved, but with a bit of luck you can save the big skills/charge for Wave 3 when Santata shows up and just absolutely body him in 2 turns. Edit: And when I say 'not optimal' I mean this is really not the FASTEST in real-time to farm the stage either, I wager. But it can pull it off under 10 turns for that EX-Clear if that's what you want. Edit the second: Glanced back and Reddit had screwed up the formatting of the team.


Does lucky pouch only activate for IDs in your current team? Also is it based on skills the ID has or skills that are usable for the current turn?


active id, based on the id that has poise


Does anyone have a team for braindead farming on the last node? just win rate go brr party?


Cinqlair. Just Cinqlair. No joke.


Add other cinq and blade lineage yi sang (and tingtang hong lu) for the passives, but yeah cinqclair can win rate it in like 8 or 9 rounds


Good, now i have enough points to get Captain Ishamel ID when it will be released, still waiting btw


Without the bonus from event IDs, the farm is kind of slog. 40 runs left to go.


30 days, friend, dont burn yourself out


Eh, I just farm MD. Get Gifts, Starlights and Shards. Three birds with one stone.


How much of the event tokens do you get for one MD clear?


100 without any of the E.G.O equipped and 140 with Outis's E.G.O equipped. Haven't gotten Heathcliff's E.G.O yet.


You also get like 200 from a hard clear I believe.


Did someone count what all the rewards are for this Event?


400 thread 6 enk boxes 24 modules 72 gold exp tickets 1 level 30 boost ticket 20 extraction tickets 50 random boxes 50 nominable boxes I need that thread


the outskirts outside the city is actually a Dungeons and Dragons module


First time doing the final final fight (the one you're meant to grind) and almost all of the boss' attacks targeted my Faust with a speed high enough that other sinners couldn't take over... Which didn't matter since it was Grippy Faust with +45 sanity, so she evaded every attack >!and dropped Santa's sanity faster than The City's population dropped during the trailer. I think Grippy Faust is great for this boss due to it having sanity and no minus coin attacks, though I'll see if my opinion stays the same after some more grinding. The Faust Incident and a bit of Sinking from Spicy Sang really helped keep the boss' Sanity low.!< EDIT: You can do better than Grippy Faust. Saw a youtube video called ">!Santata!< Speedrun" (spoilered as it has the boss name) with solo Cinqlair - tried it myself and I can almost completely mindlessly hit Win Rate and get the node done super quick. It'll definitely speed up my grinding.


Yeah, I just started to do Solo Cinqlair and unless God hates you, by the time you get to Turn 3 you can't be outclashed so you can Win Rate to victory.


Holy shit, this battle music is fucking amazing. It's so cute in the most deranged way. In my first combat node, I sat on the last wave of enemies for a good five minutes or so just listening to the damn music.


I love that mini Faust didn’t have to die,I laughed every time they mentioned how the life in the city is so easier. I forgot her name so I called her mini faust cause of her physical similarities.




Also >!almost got turned into a crayon set!<.


So the little lore tidbits I gleaned: * Humans survive in the outskirts in settlements, though their lives are no better/are worse than in the city because they're constantly under threat of monsters * Gnomes and Northern Giants are two types of monsters found (are both sapient), at least in that section of the outskirts. Given the name, they likely found themselves in the northern outskirts on the opposite side of the map (North of District 17/Q Corp, or 25/Y Corp, likely 25 because hahah christmas). They also mention it being cold so it makes sense latitude wise, while the Western side of the outskirts seems to be the Black Forest? * Christmas just seems to be a normal gift-giving holiday in the city while it marks a day that the Gnomes try and raid human settlements. Gnomes and Northern Giants make "gifts" out of human corpses to give to others, out of spite of humanity for being unwelcome in the city and driven to the outskirts. * Thus, it's assumed that Rudolta and Sandolph are both born from this trauma, being christmas themed abnormalities that make gifts with "all of their hate" and explains their patchwork appearance * Domino mentions the traintracks, [which seem to be that huge thing that encircles the outskirts and likely marks the border to the Ruins](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/library-of-ruina/images/8/8c/City_map.jpg) (beyond the outskirts)


minor correction: The Ruins and Beyond the Outskirts are different places. The Ruins are *beneath* the City, and they're generally understood to be the remnants of whatever the fuck came before the City. Roland claims that Actual Magic exists down there, and Rabbit Team compare (qliphoth deterrence-weakened) ALEPHs to the REALLY nasty shit that lives deep down in them Beyond the Outskirts, all we know is Binah claiming that things "beyond human comprehension" dwell there, and getting close to the *edge* created the Tearful Thing I think everything we see on the map is either City or Outskirts, but there's no way to know for sure yet


Absolutely love the fact that Sinclair and Ish are shown to be healing steadily. Traumas don't go away in a poof like most other fictions. They still linger for sure, but Sinclair is taking the right step to heal.


I just realized it was a missed opportunity that the sinners didn't [name their seagull buddy Jonathan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Livingston_Seagull).


I think it was a very cute middle chapter, but probably i'm missing something. Why the sinners couldn't help Crayon to be in a more safe place? like a orphanage?


You can't just 'go' the to the City. Paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork. and chances are there's no way they could take her to a Nest, so she'd at best be in the backstreets which are just a different kind of hell to live in compared to the outskirts.


orphanage on city ? lmao.


We did know of one, but Tomerry had a Christmas party in there


Oh, I see...


They had to go back through the door they came from before it disappeared and left them stranded in the outskirts.


That was really fun. I like the contrast to 4.5. Where Ishmael started to lose it and team got somewhat devided because of that. In 5.5 not only team is more united than ever, Heathcliff almost said "thanks". Man, his canto gonna be a trainwreck. Also now we know why he stole hair coupons lmao >!Also i want Hong Lu to style my hair. If you know what I mean.!<


I wonder if we'll get a bunch of Hong Lu and Heathcliff moments in Canto 6. With Hong Lu coming from money, and also having mixed opinions on his family, we might see him speak more often and sympathetically towards Heathcliff.


Done with this Intervallo which felt shorter than usual especially with no voice acting, unfortunate but overall I still liked it as a light Christmas story. I think it's a notch below S.E.A and Hell's Chicken since it doesn't relate as strongly to the next story chapter, but there's still a decent bit of Outskirts lore here which was nice to know. There's also a good amount of story breadcrumbs scattered here to make me look forward to the payoffs (Sinners starting to realize their turn is coming up, Outis being worried about Dante as a Commander and knowing about the Outskirts, Faust telling Dante to follow the stars along the City first). As for Heathcliff, I like how he's more forthcoming about how he's feeling with his Canto coming up compared to Ishmael, and besides the bonding with Don Quixote it's nice to see the Sinners supportive of him, with Rodion and Hong Lu styling him and even Meursault taking note of how the hair salon coupons couldn't be used. In any case, I'm looking forward to the next event since we're having two now this season. Until then, I must farm presents, like the Red Sack has.


I feel like it relates to the next story chapter about as much as Hell's Chicken did, maybe a little more. S.E.A. definitely felt like a prequel to Canto 5 due to its focus on 'Ishmael ain't doing so hot, and we're developing the means by which we enter the next area', but Hell's Chicken was just kinda like 'Well, we're still in K-Corp land, here's some wacky hijinks that also conveniently introduce us to the idea of the Concept Incinerator and introduce us to a guy who will lead us into our next adventure'. The location and adventure within that location itself was super tangential, but the focus on Heathcliff and introducing more about his upcoming Canto felt a little more personally expansive than Hell's Chicken was to Yi Sang and Canto 4.


I can understand that, personally I'd argue that beyond the wackiness of Hell's Chicken there's a good bit that actually connects to Canto IV. We're introduced to another Distortion and the idea that the process can be reversed, the haphazard teaming up of the Sinners stands in contrast to the League of Nine, K Corp letting a chicken apocalypse run rampant (they should've put the drones here though), the chickens get expanded on with K Corp using their technology to grow food, and trying to figure out who Samjo was actually led me to the conclusion that the story would be more based on the irl League of Nine (which can be surmised without this ofc, but the Dongrang namedrop helped). Here we're led to the Outskirts which we almost certainly won't see next chapter, compared to being early set-up for T Corp (we do already have that from Canto IV, but admittedly both IV and VI have their Corp introductions done by prior Cantos). I'll agree though that this and S.E.A. was better set-up for Heathcliff and Ishmael in how they're going to approach their Cantos. Heath baring his heart out and outlining that his revenge is rooted in making Cathy regret not choosing him gives a lot of insight for the connections with Wuthering Heights, and I can't wait to see the payoff (which might make this one have payoff too for VI beyond the Heathcliff talk, who knows). In that I'll just say I found Hell's Chicken funnier compared to having better set-up, the voice acting just helps a lot there :P


I see your point! I suppose I tunnel-visioned more on the lack of Yi Sang focus compared to the focus on Ishmael and Heathcliff, and admittedly am not familiar enough with (and didn't at the time look into) the work Samjo is drawn from to have caught the implications of his appearance. I did laugh a little when this side-story had Dante all but look at the camera to say "Man the Outskirts are fucking wild and full of stories just as rich as those in the City, but that's a story for another day!"


It's understandable not being familiar with Samjo, I only even leaned anything from stumbling across a random Tumblr/Twitter reaction saying where he was from. That involved a good bit of poring through Korean Wikipedia literature sites, and now everything you search about it just leads to Limbus Company lol.


Can my friend who started playing recently and just finished canto 2 play this event now?


He can get event curency after beating new story nodes and md runs, but can't acess the story itself until he beats canto 5


That sucks, he was so hyped for it :/ Thanks for clearing it up.


No worries, this thing lasts for 4 WEEKS ~~months~~ which should be plenty of time


It lasts 28days, so 4 weeks


Well, I started to play around 3 weeks ago and I already at the end of canto 5. So, it's probably enough time to finish this event.


Huh, I must've had a brain fart moment. I have no idea why I wrote months, lmao


At least the event stories are still available after the event itself ends, unlike in some other games.


Genshin moment.


Anyone knows how much trinkets MD3N gives? What’s the best way to farm this event?


MD3N (with weekly rewards at least) gives out 100 trinkets, for 5 modules and taking a good while longer than one stage with three waves. Couldn't tell you how much it is without the weekly rewards yet, but sure seems like at 1 module, 3 waves for 50 trinkets, 5.5-13 is a lot faster and cheaper if all you want is to rush the trinkets. It's still nice that MD gives out some though, be it just for your weeklies, or for the box/Starlight farmers who'll do more still (if trinkets remain after weekly rewards at least. Again, have not confirmed myself yet.) Editing to add to this: MD3H with bonus is 200 trinkets, without is 100. Might do a MD3N run as well just to see what that'd look like, but only a little too late realized I can select "don't claim bonus" to preview how many trinkets I'd get.


Weird event tbh. It's not bad but I feel like a lot of the stuff that a Christmas event in PM and the name "Miracle in District 20" implies didn't really happening, and we got a bit of interesting details about the Outskirts, and more expounding on Heathcliff's backstory, which wasn't too much we didn't already know but it's nice. Overall I think it's good but SEA is still a better mostly cuz it felt like it hooked me more into what Canto V was gonna have going on. Maybe the other .5 event will be more serious? Who knows


It's more that it would be considered a miracle for the residents of Wuthering Heights to see Heathcliff actually appear well-mannered because they see him as a brute to such a degree (this was the case even in the book, it was genuinely that bad). Also lore about the Outskirts and the context revealing the reason Rudolta was created the way he is are fairly large lore bombs with retrospect (people fear christmas because that is the time the gnomes and giants raid villages due to their infinite hatred towards them).


I mean, I guess, but that doesn't happen at all during the event. We're not in the City at all, let alone District 20, so we don't get to see anything related to that. I was ready for it to be more like SEA where we get a ton of insight into the way Heathcliff thinks and acts, but it really wasn't that. There was setup for Canto 6, but I still think 4.5 set it up better. The stuff with Rudolta is fine but ultimately it is one of the weakest Abnormalities in the entirety of PM lore, so giving it more lore isn't THAT interesting. I liked seeing more Outskirts, and Crayon and Domino are cool, but we already knew that people lived in the Outskirts anyways. Knowing there's other semi-sentient races out there leaves a ton of questions but I think ultimately it's sorta kneecapped by having to be a Christmas event, so the Gnomes aren't actually that interesting beyond their mere existence. I liked it, but it feels like sorta a letdown after the promise of "Christmas in District 20" when it's not in District 20, and not even Christmas lol. I guess I was hoping for something with Vergilius but didn't get it and just am feeling a little empty even if the story of the event itself is good.


>The stuff with Rudolta is fine but ultimately it is one of the weakest Abnormalities in the entirety of PM lore Ok but we have Sandolph now which seems like the exact opposite


I don't mean in terms of strength, I mean in terms of how good it is. Sandolph is basically the same concept as Rudolta, but less "Bad SCP" coded than before, so it's an improvement, but ultimately Rudolta was never an Abnormality I was really craving more of.


this individual speaks the truth.


Can't get the ex reward for the level with just Don and Heathcliff. Only 000 IDs are Cinq Don, R Heathcliff, Sunshower Heathcliff, and I don't have Telepole for either of them. How would I easily beat it in 10 turns?


I'm pretty sure Cinq Don can solo it 10 turns. She's a beast in human fights vs enemies who weak to pierce


I beat it with middle don and 7 heath 7 heathcliff is lvl 33, middle don is 40, both are uptie 3 It's quite easy tbh, just use s1/s2 for the early ones, save up your s3 for later, then burst them out on turn 8 or 9 (my experience) No ego used btw, so you should be able to do it with r cliff and cinq don


Don Quixote the type of gal to say >!that she's quite screwed when she's about to be crushed by a hydraulic press.!< I very much appreciate the Don Quixote and Heathcliff bonding here, Heathcliff has had several moments of caring for her throughout the Cantos. A lot of nice crumbs here that I hope build up even more considering their parts are back-to-back.


So can anyone tell me what the whole miracle in district 20 name is about? Like most of this takes place in the outskirts and while district 20 (T Corp) is mentioned a lot and set up a decent amount we never actually go there. I’m not complaining about anything I loved the event and finished it all in like an hour and a half but the naming is a little weird right?


It’s a reference to Miracle on 34th Street, a classic Christmas story. Hell’s Kitchen and the Magical Hellbus were also both media references, so they’re just continuing the tradition.


If I had to guess - a reference to Miracle on 34th Street, an old and evidently famous (I'm a complete illiterate when it comes to filmography) Christmas movie.


I feel that it is in reference to the whole reason Heathcliff was willing to put up with Don's invasion of the factory, as he needed a suit to get involved into the event. It could be seen as a Miracle as the residents of Wuthering Heights clearly think he is a brute so it'd be a miracle to run into him looking like a well-mannered individual.


We got some setup for chapter 6, we got some background lore for the Outskirts which is awesome, and despite being really easy, I like the fights, music really sold the whole thing… Until it gets replaced mid fight anyways- My only complaint is that Heathcliffs Holiday EGO looks so incredibly scuffed. 20 SP cost, only 2 attack weight, costs 5 EGO resources (???), only applies 1 extra potency of a RANDOM status per gluttony A-Res to a MAX of 7- like, wtf PM, why?


It's the passive carrying it. Run it with a Rupture team, it pulls its weight just fine and Heathcliff starts stacking potency like crazy.


the value is mostly in the passive, like regret


||Heathcliff in a tuxedo hell yeah||


Kind of off-topic, but does anyone remember how many times you had to do the King Crab farming stage to get all the rewards from the S.E.A event??


Something like, eh, 70 additional runs? Or was it Papa Bongy's dungeon?


Papa Bongy's dungeon gave you around 200 each time you beat his dungeon, and you needed 6k. You also got around 1.3kish from the story stages. You need to do 60 Santata stages to get 4k, assuming you did your MD3H already and no MD2s.


>!now we know why cliff stole the hair coupon, and it was not for ish lmao!<


Fair bit of speculation that it would have been for >!Cathy!<, but I don't think most people guessed >!that he wanted to use it for himself.!<


I imagine it's less silly when they aren't speaking English, but Dante asking Heathcliff if he's seeking revenge while he's standing there with his bat that has REVENGE carved into it in huge letters is unintentionally funny


Y'know I don't think their weapon names have a actually been acknowledged *at all* in universe which is interesting. For some sinners I guess it could be because it's a potential spoiler (like Sinclair and his sparrowhawk or the fact that Yi Sang is actually a pseudonym) or involves knowing another language (like the Raskinolov/Split pun) but like, we didn't even get like someone calling Gregor a vermin or Ishmael calling the Pequod a Hearse which feels like would not only be dead easy to organically work in but are straight up lines from their respective works.


Dante can’t read


Dante failed that Perception check.


dante stupid as usual


Locomotive outskirts hard confirm! vrooom vrooom! Red Sack>Red Mist>>>>>>>>>>Red Gaze Meursault momma counter++


So awesome that the seagull is still part of the sinners


Sad they're leaving the seagull at port though.


Seeing everyone getting on Dante's case for going off on their own was deserved, but this part of the event does bring in something interesting gameplay-wise: Sinner restrictions. We've been given battles with both only Don and Heathcliff and battles where they're unselectable, so I expect to see this mechanic more in the future now that they've signaled they're willing to split the Sinners up at times for more dramatic tension. (Also that part where >!Outis tells Dante to survive no matter what, the Outism longs for her Canto considering restricting Sinners fits her better than anyone else hnggg!<)


I always love it when characters seem to briefly drop their façades. Like >!Outis getting so frustrated that she just goes into drill sergeant/angry mom mode at Dante.!<




Wait what Whats a skats and when did Ishy not recognize it


Skats is korean morse code. It's spoken by the pallid mermaids and multiple times is called undecipherable by everyone, which it's not, you probably wouldn't even need a key to do it, but furthermore it should be common knowledge among sailor. It's significance would be something from the outskirts repurposing people to speak in a language that would be understandable as a distress signal for other ships, that could be broadcast over radio, for example, to lure in other ships to pallidify them.


The lore expands


I wonder if the unique battle BGM for this event is what loops through Don and Hongler's head whenever they're called upon to confront manmade horrors beyond human comprehension.


I can't believe >!I got gnomed!<


So Don's plan to help Heathcliff look posh is to get him what I assume to be a Christmas outfit, to be used months after the holidays. Truly, her genius rivals even Faust at times. Cathy's going to fall in love all over again with Heathcliff dressed as a reindeer for sure. (fr the bit with the symbols was clever out of her, I miss my gremlin being voiced)


Tbh i i didn't mind we didn't get voice acting but when sinners talk a sound for them would be nice


mfw the sinners are like us, bored during the downtime between new chapter releases, and dante even has a line about the mirror dungeon mines not being engaging enough




Yoooo Christmas Heathcliff and Don title screen, I hope this means they'll update it in the future from now on like with Blind Obsession Ishmael this season.


I just knew Ayin would be the one stealing the presents from under the tree.


He’s been Ayin’ those gifts for a while.


You will get shoved in this bag, NOW


Woah it was so cool how Ricardo showed up dressed as santa and kicked our asses


Who would of had thought that the 6 hour s#x scene was gon be in this chapter. Life changing chapter.


Ryoshu x Siegfried just skyrocketed to first place in terms of ships for me after that scene.


Can't believe Ricardo found us and started brutally beating up the Red Fraud for looking at a member of the Middle disrespectfully, luckily Kromer came back to life as a Christmas present for Sinclair and took off Ricardo's other arm. Someone tell Sinclair to stop crying so damn loud though, he will have the Kromussy PTSD and he will like it.


The silliest reveal is that Heathcliff stole those hair coupons to use on himself to gussy himself up for his T Corp visit, almost gets the entire crew killed off permanently because of it, and can't even use them because the place in question isn't on the route.


I loved when Dante ordered Mersault to deliver all the presents in a single night. Brought a tear to my ass.


You better get that ass checked out


Guys, I downloaded the update, but the game showed Canto VI. What do I do?


Did you like the hour 6 segs scene between ishmael and heatcliff?


Spoiler but >!It's a threesome!<


>!You can't just say threesome without telling us who's the third.!<


>! [CENSORED] !<


Oh, we got ALEPH egos earlier than I'd thought.


Tell us if we get a scene where Ishmael and Catherine ask him to tell them who he loves most


Heathcliff confirmed as visual novel protagonist


To no one’s surprise Vergil Mc Red Fraudster ended up being on the naughty list, landing the whole group in hot water.


The scene where Nemo showed up disguised as a T Corp agent and gave us limbillions of dollars was the best part of Christmas


Man that scene where Don smooched Sinclair under the Mistletoe was so cute. She really shouldn't have tried that with Verg though.


Damn, this grind is painful T.T


Nah. We have an entire month and mirror dungeons give event currency now.


I posted that comment before the event was even released


Christmas /// First Third mine's the charm


Wouldn't it be More Like Christmas /// Third ?


Depending on how you word it, for some ( like me ) it probably is more accurate to call it Christmas /// Fourth. Alternatively, Mine /// Third Ho Ho Homicide


It was so peak bro