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Butler Outis has a bit of lust and is one of the main priorities for a sinking team, but besides that, yeah it's pretty bad. Hopefully Butler Faust has it(high on hopium) Your rupture team is looking pretty good, BUT, very very big "but" - it's expensive and not exactly practical when it comes to regular story encounters. Against bosses, rupture shreds, but you genuinely need everything required(Dimensional Shredder Yi Sang and Hong Lu are pretty esential, Uptie 4 on all rupture IDs, Ebony Stem if you are running Seven Outis, etc.) for it to work properly. If you want something cheap that can also destroy bosses in seconds and has a bit of an easier time with regular encounters - Sinking is the way to go. Also, as an fyi, there's pinned megathread for questions like this


Oh I see. Thank you.