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the printed program or your ticket if they print it are easy to frame and display


not sure if they have a program but ill be on the lookout and maybe bring something as a backup ^^


I am so jealous! Enjoy that experience! I hope I can see her perform live in the near future as well.




right??? still can't quite believe it lol


Ask her to sign a copy of the first page of the sheet music?


Oooh yes! Thats my favorite idea so far!


I would bring a CD if you have one- I have several of different pianists but never seen them live but I would if I do. (Don’t know how I’d bring my vinyl cover of Blechacz though lol) If not, program. I did that with Angela Hewitt.


oh that's a good idea!


That's awesome! As others said, CD or program is standard. Do note though that if it's the one in October with Radio France, there's a possibility they might not do signings due to their tight schedule (they're touring in a different country almost every day), so be prepared for that as well.


There's a symphony that's pretty close to me that always offers student discounts (I saw a publication a few years back where $18 tickets were $5 if you had a school ID). You know damn well I've been taking full advantage of that, and I hope more youth can use it to get introduced to different composers as well.




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Ohh God please do some miracle and fly me to that concert...... Two of my favourite things at once


I wish i could! it's almost too good to be true


Amazzinggg! This is really amazing. Congrats - I'm laughing here, that is just crazy!! Why not print out a stilll of a Twoset Video, with her playing while hula hooping & have that signed? It might make her laugh! (And also notice you.) And get her a hula hoop! (Just kidding, but - you could bring one & offer it..)