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I think DuckDuckGo is a fine search engine if you like it. You can also just not sign in to Google and clear your cookies every so often. Google retains anonymized data for approximately three weeks. You can also clear your cookies at any time as long as you're not logged in to essentially create a "new" profile; Google doesn't "fingerprint" your device. Somewhat ironically, [Google's Ad Center](https://myadcenter.google.com/home) is probably the actual best way to protect your overall privacy. Although it requires logging in, it kneecaps fingerprinting techniques from less savory services like Branch.io that try to use your ad history between *websites*, which a change in search engine won't impact. The only fair warning I'll give is that if you completely disable ad personalization, you'll get a lot of extremely questionable ads from the bottom of the barrel before they're reported and purged for violations of ToS. In other words, use whatever search engine you want, but your cookies and default ad policies are the biggest hindrance to your online privacy.


DDG has issues, it's pretty much just a lighter weight UI for bing. I wouldnt trust it for privacy, if privacy is what you are after use something like searxng


Is there an article I can read about the issues? I’m a multi year DDG user


https://cyberguy.com/privacy/duckduckgo-privacy-browser-caught-sending-tracking-data-to-microsoft/ DDG sends data to Microsoft but DDG is still better than using Bing and Google directly. 


Okay thanks. I’m not writing them off yet and also I use their site via a browser, not the DDG browser.


Thank you for searxng. I never heard it before, and I was looking for certain free HTML templates. It gives me better results than DDG.




Even searxng is a bit problematic since you can't really self-host without being tracked. So you'd have to either trust some random host or have others use your instance. Google and others can still see the host's IP.


yeah, if you self host and put yourself up on libreddirect you can at least get anonymity via amount of traffic at least. but then you need a server that can actually handle that traffic


When big went down recently, so did duckduckgo. So it's a matter of picking your poison. I find it's results to be shite but I have set as my default search engine. Mostly to divide up who gets access to my data so it's not all in one place. Might be a useless idea though.


Yes. Better than google for safety.


I’ve been using DuckDuckGo for a while now, I prefer it to Google now too. The results aren’t skewed by companies paying to be at the top, you can turn off ads, there’s far FAR less noise in the results… Google has too much random junk on the screen and not enough unbiased results. On top of that, it’s anonymous and you don’t need an account.




DuckDuckGo gives me better search results and a better user interface and more powerful searches. Definitely work using. As for privacy, well, it's not using your data for ads so probably more private than using Google or Bing directly. But if you really want privacy you're probably using a VPN or web proxy anyway.


Censorship? No. Privacy? Probably yes.


I committed to DDG for 2 years before going back to Google. It was OK, but I was working too hard for what I needed instead of just using Google.


Mojeek is looking pretty promising.




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For what it’s worth, I’ve really been happy with [Kagi](https://kagi.com/) so far! The peace of mind is well worth paying a little each month, for my situation. It feels nice to not have my search company compromised by conflicting interests. 


ddg is essentially just a front end for bing Brave search is prob the best alternative these days (and honestly better than Google search imo for 95% of searches now)


brave is involved with criptowallet fraud i used to browse with brave, but then i realized its just google chrome with a lot of "anonymous browser" propaganda