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Hi, the most beginner friendly is probably Mint, but in your case I recommend [Fedora KDE](https://fedoraproject.org/spins/kde/). Mint is Ubuntu based and not very up-to-date. Fedora gives you that while still being polished. And you have access to more modern desktop environments like KDE, which also has native Variable Refresh Rate support, which is very nice for gaming.




Don't forget that Fedora releases have a short life cycle (only 1 year).


It's good that they update frequently. As OP has/will get an AMD card, their GPU drivers are included in the kernel. So you benefit from the driver improvements currently made earlier.


If you want a more gaming ready distro checkout Nobara which is based on fedora and maintained by our beloved Glorious Eggroll


Nobara provides very little benefits for OP and has more cons imo. "Gaming focused" is just such a buzzword now, it doesn't mean anything. What does Nobara do? Easy Nvidia GPU driver installation? That isn't hard and OP doesn't even need this. Some Kernel patches for \~2% performance gain? In turn you have to wait for weeks for the new Nobara patches when a new Fedora version drops.


I hear what youre saying, but Nobara everything worked out of the box, steam, lutris, wine, updates are based off Fedora so you still get all the core Fedora updates as far as I can tell (will wait for the next release). The only thing I had to install myself was the Nvidia driver via the 'next steps' or whatever the welcome screen was. Been running it for quite a bit and not had any issues thus far, I imagine my experience with Fedora KDE would have been the same but would have taken longer to setup as id have to install everything myself no? I'm a Linux noob so forgive me if none of that makes sense.


No worries! On Fedora you'd have to install the proprietary Nvidia drivers after installation once, but this is just copying 2 lines into the terminal and well documented. Other than that you don't need to set up more on Fedora than Nobara I think (haven't installed either myself yet). But exactly, your experience on Fedora would have been very similar. Also don't get me wrong, if Nobara works for you use it! This is just for OP who is new, here I think Fedora is generally a tad better than Nobara.


Fedora is fine if you don't care about FOSS or letting them siphon off and re-sell your data.


I'd say Linux Mint. It's just install, next, next, reboot, update and it's ready to go. With other distros, let's say, Fedora (as much as I like it) I couldn't see myself using it without a post install guide to take care of the drivers, 3d acceleration, codecs and some tweaks, while Linux Mint takes care of basically anything you need.


personally i recommend fedora. ubuntu was a mess for me


i think linux mint , ubuntu ,fedora or pop os any of those are good.


Mint is great.


Ubuntu was easy to get into. It should be good for gaming as well, but you may want to look into the Ubuntu GamePack instead.


Ubuntu. I just tried a bunch of other stuff and Ubuntu was the only one that didn't exhibit a bunch of junk I would have to fix from the start. It controls the linux user mindshare for a reason.


Mint Next


Linux Mint


I like Suse, it's not flashy with a lot of bells and whistles like some other distros but it just works and is clean out the box. It's more hands on than Ubuntu but I feel that's better for a good learning experience, less hand holding.


Try the [migration page](http://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/wiki/migration) in our wiki! We also have some [migration tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/ejsz3v/still_on_windows_7_dont_want_windows_10_consider/) in our sticky. Try [this search](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/search?q=flair%3A'migrating'&sort=new&restrict_sr=on) for more information on this topic. **✻** Smokey says: only use root when needed, avoid installing things from third-party repos, and verify the checksum of your ISOs after you download! :) ^Comments, ^questions ^or ^suggestions ^regarding ^this ^autoresponse? ^Please ^send ^them ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Pi31415926&subject=autoresponse+tweaks+-+linux4noobs+-+migrating). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/linux4noobs) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I personally don't think Nobara is worth it. It's Fedora, but the Nobara team applies some Kernel patches (~2% performance gain in gaming) and has a very easy Nvidia driver installation. As you don't have an Nvidia card, that doesn't benefit you (the AMD GPU drivers are open source and hence included in the Linux Kernel), and it's also not hard to do this on regular Fedora. So in the end you're left with very little benefits. Now for the cons you always have to wait for a few weeks when the new Fedora version drops, until the Nobara devs have finished their custom patches. And I've heard the updates between versions can be rough. Also the Nobara team is certainly competent, but very small. Fedora is one of the longest running distros backed by a large company. TL;DR: Regular Fedora is perfectly fine, Nobara imo has more cons than pros.


Dude I'm I just switched to ZorinOS after 2 years of Ubuntu, and 2 years of elementary OS before that.  I gotta admit, it's incredible.  I genuinely don't see myself changing anytime soon.  Everything works straight out of the box.  The computer just behaves exactly how you want it to.  10/10.


Linux Mint Debian Edition. Thank me later.




Any distro whose installer you can finish correctly will do. That qualifies most of the bigger distros. For Ryzen/Vega you'll want a distro using a very recent kernel, and newest software versions. That favours Fedora as well as Arch-based distros like Endeavour. If you can, play with a few, and take it from there based on the impressions you get. Personally, I use KDE Neon, and it 'just works,' but my laptop is a boring-ass refurbished Dell Latitude 7490 with all Intel internals.






If you just want to install and start using without studying Linux the best choice will be Mint. If you are interesting in Linux Fedora or Ubuntu will be good for beginners


Recommend Fedora or Debian, if you are looking to learn Linux. Or [Nobara](https://nobaraproject.org/), if you want Fedora with all the gaming setup done for you.


MX Linux or Zorin.


I can't recommend Zorin right now. They have this bug that logs users off forcibly after a PC goes sleep and the user wakes it up. Nasty. It's supposedly fixed now, but I'm waiting for more community feedback before trying Zorin again. 


EndeavourOS with KDE or Gnome. Easiest package manager to learn, has everything and is always up to date


Reccomending a near vanilla version of arch for a beginner is not a good recommendation since it can still fuck up just as much as arch can.


I am also running Endeavour KDE as my daily driver. But no, Pacman ist certainly NOT the easiest package manager. In fact it is the most complicated to use. Ding ist way easier for noobs.


For gaming instead I would say Bazzite


Elementary OS