• By -


Is your laptop using an nvidia graphics card? By default linux mint uses the libre drivers, which are not very performant. Open the driver manager and select whichever version of `nvidia-driver` it recommends


Wait I will post my system info here in some time.


I have integrated graphics card processor is amd ryzen 3 7320U


Seems like a hardware problem or a drivers problem to me.


Seems like an OSI Layer 8 problem to me




That would be another fitting description


Mouse button actuator. 


hey there! Op is me and i created a new acc on my laptop cuz i was using a temp mail for that account and thats on mobile so can't use that but coming to the point I don't thinks its a drivers problem because i also posted my problem on mint forums and they gave instructions, i followed but to no avail.


As others have mentioned, this sounds like a hardware or firmware problem. Do you have any logs or error messages that you can share with us? Someone may be able to help you troubleshoot the problem. Please be aware that [Linux is not Windows](https://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm). This may sound like a condescending statement, but it really isn't. The statement itself is written to be facetious, but it holds layers of truth rooted in the experiences and reactions of people such as yourself who have struggled with Linux. Of course you know that Linux isn't Windows, but many people expect Linux to "just work" the way Windows does, especially when they use something like Ubuntu or Linux Mint. The developers and maintainers of these projects do a lot of work to make the user experience as smooth as possible, but there are fundamental differences between Linux and Windows that cause software to behave differently. When people come to Linux from Windows, they often expect to be able to use Linux the same way they used Windows. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. There is a learning curve, just like there would be if you switched from Windows to Mac. If you're willing to be patient with Linux and learn how to use it so that it will work for you, I trust you'll come to enjoy using Linux. However, I recommend keeping a Windows machine available as a backup so that you aren't dead in the water if you encounter issues with your Linux machine. If Linux is just too much trouble and you can't be bothered with learning it, that's totally fine too. Maintaining productivity is the first priority. If Linux interferes with your work and Windows just works better for you, then stick with Windows for the time being. You can always try Linux again later in a virtual machine or on a dedicated device (ideally a laptop) as a hobby if you wish. This way you can learn Linux at a comfortable pace without the added pressure of needing to fix it if it breaks so that you can get work done.


>Please be aware that [Linux is not Windows](https://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm). That is very true, but many people do not understand it. One of the things that I struggle with the most users is that they expect their Windows executables to work just as well in Linux (under Wine), ignoring that they are not native programs. And the worst thing is that after leaving that phase, they begin to treat the .deb packages as if they were Windows installers, which although I understand the confusion, ends up leading to other problems that could be avoided if they simply installed their programs from the repositories or using the store.


I will be replying my system info here. Have to create a reddit acc on my laptop will post soon.


well i know "Linux isn't Windows" but the way linux is performing on my laptop is terrible and worse i dont even know why


Actually, this doesn't surprise me. Get away from the few laptops specifically designed for Linux, and it is hit or miss. Even Lenovo, which used to be great for 'generic installs', has been putting out a lot of devices that are just not very good for Linux.


What ide do you use and how did you install the software you use?


How much RAM do you have? And how big is your swap partition?


8Gb ram I upgraded my swap to 6 from 2


I think OP mentioned he used windows 11 in it. So it doesn't matter


It does matter, Windows uses page files by default. If he doesn't have a swap partition on Linux and he has low RAM, it will crash


8gb ram and increased my swap from 2 to 6 GiB


By default mint uses a 2GB swap file.


That's definitely on the low side considering Firefox with one single Youtube tab open uses ~2GB of RAM


what should i do then?


Happy cake day 


You will get much better answers, if you would provide more context. What type of machine, which components (gpu, cpu), what set of drivers you are using for it. Most of the times, it is a combination of parameters which are not set correctly


Also default kernel? No? Which then?


OP is me from my laptop! My kernel is 6.0.35 generic


I'm guessing by IDE you mean VS Code and by ChatGPT you don't mean a local LLM but chat.openai.com? You're running VSCode and Firefox. Of all the billions/trilions permutations of apps you can have open at the same time, you probably have the most common. There are millions of people who are running it fine. You gotta relax, learn to troubleshoot your problems, and start taking ownership of your problems. You can fix this. You just have to start from a place of curiosity not a place of blame.


ITT: Refuses to elaborate. Leaves. There is some good general troubleshooting advice here.


System specs, especially RAM and if you're also using a swap partition or file. And what version of Mint are you running. Did you run Windows on this machine before installing Mint? It's sounding more like a hardware or driver issue - it's unusual (in my experience) for Mint to black out crash.


>it's unusual (in my experience) for Mint to black out crash. ... or any other Linux distro for all that matters


Especially the Debian derivatives and Debian itself are very very stable


True that. I find it just way too bad Debian prefers outdated packages rendering it rather unsuitable for my gaming needs, otherwise I would choose Debian over any other distro in a heartbeat. My guess is it's something [uHealthy\_Elev371](https://www.reddit.com/user/Healthy_Elev371/) did to cause massive performance drops in Linux Mint. If I hazard a guess, it's probably ChatGPT is the cause, I don't know. AI applications I'm guessing requires allot more processing power than even Linux does in itself.


> Debian prefers outdated packages Debian prefers stability, not outdated packages. That's a side effect.


I'm aware. Debian sacrifices newer package availability for stability. I've once very briefly tried Debian before during a week of distro hopping before settling on Fedora Linux. I found Debian less than ideal for my gaming needs as a result of the older packages, although I since found a few YouTube videos which does suggest that gaming is possible on Debian with tweaks.


I just wanted to make the distinction just in case someone else sees it. If you’re curious, instead of using the stable branch, you could look at running testing. The branches in Debian are, Experimental > Unstable >Testing > Stable


I read, but thanks.


Yeah well it does on my machine for some reason.


Installed Linux Mint how? Did you dual boot? Did you go through the installation process carefully reading every configuration? Is it a virtual machine? If so, did you give it enough RAM? It crashes? Did you check the system logs? Crashing is probably hardware or firmware related. Did you check your RAM? Did you install on an old hard drive? Something is off with your system. Having an IDE and a browser open shouldn't cause any issues.


yes it shouldnt but it is! I downloaded cinnamon from the offical guide by flash drive completely removing windows


Not quite sure how you managed to get poor performance running a Linux system. I'm not trying to bash windows here, its a good OS for made for people but I faced issues like windows hogging up all my memory (since this laptop came with a windows 11 preinstalled and just 8 GB ram and windows used 70-75% even on idle) and somewhat similar with CPU usage switched over to EndeavourOS first then to tumbleweed and noticed a rather significant improvement in performance and lesser resource usage. I'm not familiar with mint as I have never used it before but I think providing more information like your DE, your hardware specs and drivers would probably be a lot more helpful to narrow down the cause of this :)


well, if your system isn't working fine with linux, then just use windows. I mean your boss isn't requiring you to submit code using a linux machine (and I think there wouldn't be any boss that does that), so just use whatever system you feel right. If you are really a programmer and seriously want to solve problems, you should know that providing more info and logs is really going to help more than complaining.


Maybe it’s because of you poor configuration because for most people it’s completely the other way around. I get like 400% more performance in Linux than in windows 11 even 10.


“Linux” is not a cure all medicine…. Not all distros are created equal, make sure your hw are recognized correctly and the kernel loads the correct drivers…simetimes you even have to go back on a a kernel to make your system work…..


For me it was my hardware, I’m on a Microsoft surface. Distro jumped quite a bit, only found peace on arch distros which didn’t thermal throttle doing small tasks. Eventually video playback issues and other personal things came in the way, so I installed configured and debloated windows 11. Besides, outside of school (which is over now) I only use it as a tablet, and the tablet experience for me at least is better on windows. I still use Linux on my main pc, but I do have it dual booted for a couple games.


did you find /r/surfacelinux? The linux-surface has been working well for me. just in case that could help with anything outstanding.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SurfaceLinux using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Surface go 1 with Fedora 39](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/186rq94) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/186rq94/surface_go_1_with_fedora_39/) \#2: [Surface pro 5 m3 running Fedora workstation 38. Almost everything works.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13r2kew) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/13r2kew/surface_pro_5_m3_running_fedora_workstation_38/) \#3: [Studying with SP8 pro (manjaro)](https://i.redd.it/5mgd7b804hxa1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/135npu2/studying_with_sp8_pro_manjaro/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


yup, I did install that kernel, and aside from those 2 mentioned issues there was nothing else wrong.


But the Microsoft Surface was created that way, most likely with the best optimization only for the Windows. (* And by the way, I can assume that if you can find these Windows "distro": MS Windows 7-8 EMBEDDED Edition, and install it. Possible, this will work even better than the Windows "distro" that you have now. *)


Also, for years OEMs got to tweak and even in a major way revise the Windows code to optimize for hardware. Japanese laptops turned out to be major contributors to Windows over two decades. Imagine if they had been helping like that with Linux.


I have a surface book 2. Found that ooenSUSE and arch worked much better than Debian for me.  Not sure why but the performance was night and day. Opensuse is wicked quick. 


then why am i having such problems? what the issue i have researched all i can still can't figure it out!




bro, I literally use a 2012 laptop without many issues with linux, so, you should start to hate on stuff without any reasons


pretty unusual, maybe a wrong installation or missing some drivers? Idk but I still say linux is way better for development than windows.


how do i know if i am missing drivers?


Is pretty unusual to have drivers missing, all of the drivers are often integrated with the kernel. I don't have much experience managing drivers cause, for what I've read about this, drivers tend to have a bad behavior if you are using a really brand new hardware; you should expect that if your kernel version is older than your hardware. Another scenario where drivers tend to behave wrong is NVIDIA GPU, again, I don't have much experience managing this kind of problems cause I've had amd since ever. And another scenario is a wrong/corrupted installation of a iso, in this case I do have experience, this is why there is always a checksum (sha256sum) to validate your ISO before installing it. Any of these scenarios may already have a solution, just search for it. And I think you should only care about a problem if you already have it, don't try to fix what's not broken. If you have a problem, google it and try to find the solution, if you don't find it, you can post the problem and search for help, there is always people who help. And if you want to know which drivers your hardware is using you could do on the terminal: \`\`\` $ lspci -v \`\`\` This will list the detected hardware of your system and the drivers used. \`\`\` $ lsusb \`\`\` will list the devices detected through usb. As I said, almost all distros have this stuff integrated so you don't have to worry that much for it.


Installation I followed the official guide don't know much about drivers.


You should probably search for compatibility of your hardware, or validate the sha256sum of the ISO. Idk, you could probably find more help if you post more details of your problem, but is up to you.




DUDE I am not a troll. It's a genuine problem i am facing




provide specs and distro


>Hey guys so i had installed Linux Mint some weeks back His distro is **Linux Mint**. [uHealthy\_Elev371](https://www.reddit.com/user/Healthy_Elev371/) specifies this in his post description. However, he didn't specify what Mint edition he's currently got installed.


Not OP but he mentioned "Linux mint" as his distro


Are you running off an hdd or usb


OP here. I used flash drive and installed it on my system


'I do programming a lot' - that alone puts you anywhere but in the noobs corner. How's your proficiency in sorting out hardware issues, because what you've described has a lot more to do with hardware than software...as in the hardware resources available to the OS. Given that Windows hogs a lot more of those hardware resources than Linux, I don't think you're telling us everything there is to this. So, fess up.


Well I just followed the guide and started using Linux downloaded Linux mint cinnamon latest version I guess it was 23.4 or . 2 but it is the latest also my kernel is 6.5.32 generic and I have also increased my swap from 2 to 6 GiB.


What hardware ? Specs ? Distros like Puppy or Mint can basically run on a 4gb ram laptop with only Intel graphics. I agree with u/NE0Shayan because I learned it the hardway myself too that you can't just simply install any linux distro on Windows Surface laptops. And even with Windows, you can't just simply install any 64-bit architecture softwares. It's hardware limitation by Microsoft itself, nothing Linux-related. There are work arounds though. Point being, did you do your research on the hardware side prior installing Mint ?


I wouldn’t say it’s a hardware limitation from Microsoft (or at least not on Microsoft/surface devices) but most of the time it’s because of device manufacturers not willing to open up or publish documentation to their drivers, best example would again be the surface since it’s touchscreen and facial recognition uses some proprietary firmware that is linked to the intel integrated graphics, there have been other devices that have these missing/broken features. It’s also why hackintosh is so complicated, very minimal driver documentation. Another good example would be some Nvidia cards like someone mentioned, you need certain drivers. If an operating system isn’t working well, it’s either hardware out of it’s time scope (like trying to get windows 98 on modern hardware) or driver/firmware incompatibilities.


Sorry, I stopped reading when I saw the words Udemy and chatgpt in the same sentence.


Try windows vista it might help


Are there any complaints in the kernel message buffer log (type dmesg to check as root). Also do you have your GPU's proprietary firmware files installed for hardware acceleration. (Assuming its not Nvidia). edit: I tried looking up the firmware package name for AMD and it seems it should already be installed on mint. edit: Also try google chrome if you're on firefox. Firefox is a dog compared to chrome for me when its doing GPU accelerated decoding. edit: Get the dmesg output it will probably help us troubleshoot this for you regardless on your hardware configuration. If you type in this as root, it will generate a text file containing the entire dmesg kernel buffer. dmesg > dmesg.txt


As everyone else seems to have piled on: the key is in the config with your machine when you install it. That's the largest single pain point of Linux imo, but getting through that leads to smooth sailing. I myself run Arch, never have remotely close problems even on a laptop that's more than a decade old or newer devices. Linux Mint is based on Debian (still Linux, different philosophy), so if that's your cup of tea you might look into that as well.


What are your complete PC specs?


8 gb ram ryzen 3 7320U processor with integrated graphics. 512 gb memory.


I would take a look at your install. All our developers at the office use some variant of Linux to program with. Seems odd that yours ain’t working like it you want it to.


From the sidebar: If you're posting for help, please include the following details, so that we can help you more efficiently: * your operating system and version * the hardware you're using * a description of the problem * output that was displayed (if any)


Most likely something is very wrong with your install--as in, it's not using your hardware very well. But you haven't really provided enough info. for anyone to help you very much, have you?


Yeah true haven't uploaded much info but what more should you know? Tell me that so i can brief more.


In your original post, we need a run down on your hardware--specs and maker. Also, which version of Mint have you installed?


Are you on Intel GPU? If yes, check out which driver you have installed, mesa or mesa-amber. And try installing the opposite. You may have too new/old GPU for the driver you have installed.


check your driver, check if you are using the newest kernel. I don't have any issue using much more apps that you did.


We can't help you without knowing anything of the hardware you installed Mint on, and which version of Mint and which applications you are trying to run (Firefox? VScode? ...?). From what you said we can't exclude hardware issues (e.g. missing or wrong drivers), neither user errors. Perhaps you could work around those issues replacing Mint with a fresher distro, such as Fedora 40 or Ubuntu 24.04, but I suggest you to try to solve them on your current distro - you can always solve any problem on any distro, but sticking with your current setup you'll learn problem solving skills that will be useful also for your programming carreer.


It's the distro you chose the curent debian and Ubuntu running wayland is so resource intensive, I recommend switching to a minimal distribution like Pepermint linux and use the KDE UI. It requires installing your preferred software but it doesn't have all the other stuff you don't need. https://peppermintos.com/


Emmabuntus is another possibility. Manjaro with XFCE might prove very good too.


So your issue is the browser is crashing your computer?   Try a different browser to start with.  Look at your logs,  see if the crash is leaving you hints? Try a different desktop environment. 


Show us the output from some disk io tests / logs etc /var/log/messages and check for errors


>I can't even have my IDE, Udemy and just chatgpt running at the same time! why? I took a course on Oracle database and on my rather weak laptop I listened to an online course on Teams and at the same time the database was running in Docker! And everything worked better than 99% of my classmates on Windows. I love Linux




What he is saying is that he can't have all 3 running at the same time because of poor performance


Oh you’re right sorry I read that wrong.


Is this one of those *W11 is getting bad press* posts? Why would OP not respond otherwise?


You may just need a newer kernel. Mint is never the choice for performance but there is something wrong here. Mint is the middle of the road on everything trying to be one size fits all. I would personally try fedora or arch derivative. If you have Nvidia a gaming distro or popOS. You could try upgrading to a new kernel but I don't know how that is like with mint. Curious, did you try a few distros out from USB? And if so how well did mint work from live iso?


Any OS is "perfect for programming". Many people/organizations program in Windows, Mac, Linux. All you need is a text editor or IDE (which exists on all 3), compiler (which exists on all 3), terminal (which exists on all 3), package manager (which exists on all 3). Look, if you're having trouble, just switch back to Windows or Mac or whatever you came from. Who really cares about whatever philosophical criticisms you have against Windows/Mac when you can't get your work done? Not worth the time or hassle.


Sound like a you problem


It's the Cinnamon Desktop Environment. It's unstable and crashing. I had similiar experiences with it. If you feel like doing that, then try Mint's other DEs (like MATE and XFCE), or maybe some other distribution.


I have no issues at all with the cinnamon desktop


? You must not run the Cinnamon desktop I do.




It's about as informative as saying something that is known to be very reliable is: "unstable and crashing"


Post your system spec and what other software you're running because it is not Linux.


ugprade your linux kernel, linux mint just sucks for any newer PC


udemy has videos, linux doesnt like hardware acceleration. Just stick with windows for stuff like this tbh


Wdym? You are suggesting him to use windows for watching videos? And why wouldn't linux like hardware acceleration?




Uses linux without any understanding of linux, thinking it works like windows, realising you have no idea what you are doing, proceeds blame linux instead of taking a moment to think this through. Classic new user lmao. Did you even update your system and packages? Chose the proper drivers ? The one user who suggested to chek your swap memory is a good idea maybe you dont even have a swap. Just take your time chek everything its probably something minor that got overlooked.


Probably using an nVidia graphics card. They're a PITA to install correctly.


I'm interested in this line of deleted comments below your comment... but also the OP did hide in the responses that he is using ryzen 7320U with integrated graphics.


Huh? I'm not a moderator. I don't have the ability to hide anything in the responses.








Please enable ZRAM


Linux mint fucking sucks




Like not having to use a ide that hands hold you because you actually know how to program.