• By -


I found a crash log! Registered crash info file...InternalVersion: 3.0.4506101 P4CL: 5661751 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Release !!!CRASHED!!!Error Reason: Unhandled exceptionExpression: EXCEPTION\_ACCESS\_VIOLATION (0xC0000005)Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x20.File: Line: 0"uptimeSeconds":1"stopThreadID":1228"exceptionCode":0xC0000005"processID":1224"Engine/CommitFailedErrorCode@1#TID=0":"0""Configuration/Name@2#TID=0":"FINAL""Configuration/Name2@3#TID=0":"FINAL""Game/Patch@7#TID=0":"1.61""Engine/OOM@4#TID=0":"false""GlobalMode/IsClosing@5#TID=0":"false""GlobalMode/IsGame@80#TID=0":"true""Jobs/InitParam/MaxLatentJobs@8#TID=0":"131072""Jobs/InitParam/MaxCriticalPathJobs@9#TID=0":"65536""Jobs/InitParam/MaxImmediateJobs@10#TID=0":"2048""Jobs/InitParam/WorkerThreadStackSizeKB@11#TID=0":"1024""Jobs/InitParam/MaxThreads@12#TID=0":"27""Jobs/InitParam/AllJobsCriticalPath@14#TID=0":"false""Jobs/InitParam/UseJobDebugger@13#TID=0":"false""Jobs/Dispatcher/NumDispatcherThreads@15#TID=0":"7""Jobs/Dispatcher/MaxHWConcurrency@16#TID=0":"8""Engine/InitParams/InteropStartingPort@81#TID=0":"0""Engine/InitParams/RenderPreset@82#TID=0":"1""Engine/InitParams/QualityLevelName@83#TID=0":"None""Engine/InitParams/TextureQualityLevelName@84#TID=0":"High""Engine/InitParams/WatchdogTimeoutSecondsOverride@85#TID=0":"0""Engine/InitParams/ScriptsSilentCompilation@86#TID=0":"false""Engine/InitParams/ScriptsSilentValidation@87#TID=0":"false""Engine/InitParams/TweakDBSilentValidation@88#TID=0":"false""Engine/InitParams/PvdDumpToFile@89#TID=0":"false""Engine/InitParams/ProfilerEnabled@90#TID=0":"false""Engine/InitParams/ShowVersionWatermark@91#TID=0":"true""Engine/InitParams/WindowCaption@92#TID=0":"""Engine/PC/SystemName@93#TID=0":"Windows 7 Profes...##""Engine/PC/SystemVersion@94#TID=0":"6.1.7601 SP1""Engine/SafeInit@112#TID=0":"AsyncMaterialCompiler""Engine/IsHeadless@96#TID=0":"false""Engine/VersionWatermark@95#TID=0":"3.0.4506101 P4CL: 5661751 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Release Jan 19 2023 13:54:57 (FINAL) Total memory: 22127546368 bytes ""Engine/Scripts/PrimaryBlobModifiedDate@103#TID=0":"133196609424884297""Engine/Scripts/FallbackBlobModifiedDate@104#TID=0":"0""Engine/Scripts/BlobPathUsed@105#TID=0":"Loaded""Engine/Scripts/ShouldCompileScripts@102#TID=0":"true""Engine/Scripts/Loaded@106#TID=0":"true""##CrashDump##/DumpCrashDataSeconds":"0"


Ever figure it out?


Upgrading to Proton 8 seemed to work, but I can't get mods to work yet.


Still crashed for me, near same crash report.


That sucks :(. If you ever figure out a solution let me know.


Will, do. It's only my AMD machine that only started crashing after the RT overdrive patch. My Nvidia machines work fine.


And my machine is NVIDIA, but was fixed with Proton 8. This suggests that whatever issue it is, it might not be connected to the graphics card? No idea though really.


Yeah, I never tested it with my Nvidia Machine till recently. I did notice that it seems to crash at different load times from Proton 7,8, Experimental. In Proton 7 it proceeds further to load before crashing.


Got it working! Kernel 6.3.2 loads it just fine, not 6.3.1 I was running. Not sure what kernel version I may have loaded when it broke. Running Ubuntu btw.


Interesting. I'm using 5.15.0, but maybe updating will let me use mods? We'll see.


Let me know.


Had the same issue and updating the kernel to 6.3.2 also worked for me. Edit: Linux mint With all AMD CPU & GPU


Cool, I haven’t tested any newer ones.


Yup, I have a 1080 and I used to be able to play Cyberpunk, but I had to reinstall my OS, and ever since its never worked again past the loading screen. Always freezes on the rooster logo. I originally was able to set launch options and a older proton version, however now absolutely nothing works. No combination works. Really sucks since I hadn't even finished the DLC


PC specs ok?


Sure: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz OS: Linux Mint 21 (64 bit) Video Card: NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 Driver Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 525.78.01 RAM: 32 GB Hope this helps.


If it was me I would say, it probably has to do something with Nvidia drivers or the GPU itself, becouse I managed to play the game with AMD IGPU and it fired up no problems(managed to play on low with totaly disabled shadows).So I don't really see why it wouldn't work on 1070, of course except that it is Nvidia GPU on Linux.I would suggest you to try and run it with Lutris and try to tweak a settings a little bit, it may help. Unfortunatly without logs and no experience with Nvidia on Linux I can't help any more.Wish you all the best to get it to work.


Please don't spread bullshit information like this. Nvidia GPUs have worked with Cyberpunk 2077 in Wine/Proton since launch, and Nvidia users on Linux have had access to DLSS in CP2077 for like 2+ years, and ray tracing for over a year. A 3070 playing CP2077 on Linux with any sort of ray tracing would absolutely destroy even a 6900 XT. There is literally zero data that shows any sort of "overall disparity between Windows game compatibility in Wine/Proton between AMD and Nvidia GPUs." Hell, in both Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Doom Eternal, Linux outperforms Windows when using Nvidia, but it loses to Windows by a solid margin when using AMD. Since the advent of the modern status quo of Linux gaming, there have been singular examples here and there of one specific game not working on Nvidia, and another game not working on AMD, and eventually both get fixed. But games actually working or not based on whether you have an Nvidia GPU instead of an AMD one? You flat-out made that up and spread it as fact anyway, despite the fact that I *know* you made it up, because I know you didn't get that from anywhere other than whatever you've heard about "nvidia on Linux bad." Well, I'd say that [this screenshot showing my fps](https://i.imgur.com/eiZz0Sr.jpg) in Cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p, with all Ray Tracing options enabled and graphics settings set to high with DLSS set to performance should put things in perspective for you.... Doom Eternal with everything Ultra Nightmare and RT enabled at 1440p? 200 fps. The worst part? Your lazy misinformation-spreading is muddying the waters and preventing actual IMPORTANT information from getting through - namely that even when OP does get CP2077 working (because it does work on his hardware), it will run like total dogshit, because Pascal GPUs have a specific architectural limitation that VKD3D-Proton ended up needing to be able to translate DX12 to Vulkan with good performance. Just like pre-GCN cards from AMD are incapable of supporting Vulkan at all. But I guess fanboyism is more important than helpful information


Is this through steam? If so try validating the files. Also try rebuilding the prefix. I've had similar problems that were fixed by doing that.


This... actually did help! Thanks! At least I'm on the launcher now, we'll see if it runs OK.


Nevermind. I was able to get to the launcher, but past that it fails. The launcher just started because I removed the prefix "%command% --intro-skip -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip" Which was recommended by protondb at one point.


Potentially issues might be that the game wasn't installed on an EXT4 formatted hard drive. If you use the NTFS format, it might cause issues with games. Are you running the Steam version, or are you using a version outside of Steam?


​ Steam version. It's installed on an SSD formatted for EXT4.


While it may not be related to your crashing it may also be. Cyberpunk only runs in DX12 so it will use VKD3D which is notoriously bad on pascal and earlier graphics cards. Unfortunately your 1070 is a pascal GPU. One thing you can try is putting “—launcher-skip” (without the quotes) as a launch option and seeing if bypassing the launcher will let you start.


I've been using "%command% --intro-skip -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip" for a while now, and it hasn't helped :( Thanks for the idea though.


For the launch options you don’t need %command% unless your utilizing something before it like gamemoderun. You also need two - in front of launcher as it’s a hyphened command.


Ok. Well, I've also tried "--launcher-skip" and it does skip the launcher, but all that means is I get the error message faster.


Here’s a problem similar to yours with a solution as the top comment (not nuking it). Can’t guarantee it will work but it’s worth a shot. https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/xrd5x3/comment/iqe4z5q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Thanks. I tried this, deleting the game files, validating, and re-running Cyberpunk, but same problem :(


Set the following as your launch options and run the game. `PROTON_LOG=1 %command%` It'll create a proper log in to your home directory and it should give you better idea what the problem actually is.


I didn't know about this trick! I created a paste of the output here: [https://pastebin.com/PTW5Cxic](https://pastebin.com/PTW5Cxic) Unfortunately the entire log was 2.4MB which is too big for pastebin, so the above only contains the first and last several lines. I don't see any obvious errors but I'm not sure what I should be looking for. Is this helpful?


Hey! Any luck running the game?


I wish. I've been trying again every time there is an update, but nothing. I really need more help.


I've been running into the same issue and managed to get it to run on a old version of Proton-GE. If you use Proton-GE7-42 the game will run


From which library (Steam, Gog, Epic) is your copy? I've bought mine through GOG and had a pretty good run through Heroic Game Launcher (later ran into a different issue).

