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as far as i know you must be careful with folder names, as Linux is case sensitive and Windows isn't.


This. I installed the RockerBacon MO2 on Skyrim and tried to install an up to date SKSE. The main folder was properly capitalized but the sub folders weren't. It took me days to figure out what was going on with it. You also MUST install that game on the main drive otherwise you'll have issues.


Tip: ext4 can have [case-insensitive folders](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Ext4#Enabling_case-insensitive_mode). It's possible to enable after installation, but will require booting from live media if it's your root disk, and you'll need to move the installation folder, recreate it with casefold, then copy the files back in.


Probably not a good idea, some program might rely on case sensitiveness


I would rather suggest a bind mounted image file for that. Much less dangerous for your important files. Check this out: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/uswuv6/how_to_set_folder_as_caseinsenstive_with_btrfs/i96hxto/


I appreciate the tip, but I'd rather just go in and fix the capitalization at that point. It's just the better way to go


You can create sym links to folders to cover that. It's tedious, but effective.


Wine can deal with case sensitivity so modding Windows games running on Proton won’t be very different. Modding Linux native games is different story.


For nexus mods you have to install vortex a different way. I have had success with this: https://github.com/pikdum/steam-deck I'm not sure about modding any other way though.


KCD, I just copied the mod files in and good to go. Ensure you follow the instructions from the different mods. Some use the old style of manifest merging which makes them incompatible with other mods without doing it manually.


Yeah KCD mods are braindead easy, just put the pak in the folder. Gotta make sure your Mod folder is in the right subdirectory though


Define “the same way as windows”.


Yes and no, it depends. The old-school style of modding (copy and paste files to folders and-or open file xyz and edit or insert whatever code) is mostly the same and can be transfered most of the times, but sometimes not. More mainstream and modern modding with custom software does not transfer directly most of the time and needs to be searched on a case by case basis, although most of the times you will eventually find an alternative linux way to do it. There is a lot of instructions for a lot of titles on Lutris, there is people that manage to use Wine (or Crossover) to install windows games and mods wholesale, and there is things people give up to do and dual boot windows (or have a 2nd windows pc).


I got it working, I just realized I forgot to add a mods folder.


I have run Mod Organizer 2 with Wine and some mods for Fallout 4 without problems.


Depends, most managers that don’t have a native Linux doesn’t work, I find that fluffy mod manager works through emulation, I know vortex has a way of running, but I Just hard mod everything


Linda, you sometimes have to add some extra variables, like "DLLOVERRIDE=something", I have used mods for monster hunter and elden ring (seamless coop), in elden ring there is an exe that you have to add as a non steam game.