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My understanding is the issue is not so much the game itself, but the people playing it. If you have a group of friends that play Valorant, just telling the one linux user to play CS2 isn't going to do much. Also, TF2 is having a bit of a moment, not sure if its a best suggestion right this second. This is a people problem, not a tech one. "Hey, I know all your friends are on Roblox, but you have Minecraft, it's better!" is meaningless...


It’s definitely this. I installed a second drive with windows cause all the boys play league. It’s a bit annoying, but I configured grub to boot into Linux by default so it’s all good.


LoL is especially annoying because it used to be fine, but Riot needed to alleviate shareholder spite by shoving their proprietary AC into their other game to justify its cost. Worst of all, they did it under the guise that their AC is "the best" and couldn't possibly compromise it by allowing linux despite the two biggest other ACs (BattlEye and EAC) having Linux offshoots and working fine. So then every linux gaming thread about the subject had to get filled with "but Linux compromises the AC" and subsequent "just make it server-side only" circlejerks on both sides.


I’m currently planning on making my external SSD into a “windows on the go” drive just to play arena


So I’m traveling Europe right now and did this with a drive for my laptop. When plugged in it boots windows, without it boots Linux. I haven’t really had time to play league tho, the only game I have windows for lol. I did want it to be an option in case I get bored.


I realized after making this comment that the actual official “Windows to go” is dead, but I guess it still would work as just regular windows?


I made the drive maybe two months ago. I did do it from a windows OS tho, cause I have Linux and windows 10 on my main machine at home.


I think you can still use Rufus to make windows to go drives out of the latest windows versions but I could be wrong


For a while I was able to stream League (well, TFT) from a remote windows box using moonlight, but input seems to have broken after a recent update. I wonder if you're able to stream using moonlight?


The best is when your entire friend group switches to Linux. Full Fedora Workstation. Not a single soul left on Windows. I am fully aware I am living the dream, but I'm going to ride it until it lasts. Try to get your friends at least try Linux! Mine were hooked, and now if it doesn't run on Linux, it's not even a candidate for game night.


Just gotta catch them in one of the uninstall benders. It's like once every 3 months they get so mad at league they uninstall it for a month.




A lot of these online games also have a play-to-progress system - so switching games might mean throwing out years of progress.


Tf2 is as good as ever on community servers. Casual is ironically fine once you get a full server that can stay on top of the bots. Valve still needs to do more and the bots are unacceptable, but they have been much worse.


You’re not wrong about TF2 but my universal suggestion right now is to play ok community servers. My personal recommendation is Uncletopia (they have a website you can search up to connect). They tend to lean a bit towards the try hard side of the spectrum but they present a very vanilla experience and have good moderation


TF2 is in a state where its good but its has a opposite problem of an invasive anticheat where it does even less jackshit. Sure id rather have that over an invasive but in its current state, you might as well not have an anticheat. There is a new quickplay like site for tf2 currently from what ive heard.


"Good moderation" lol, the moderation is probably the biggest complaint about uncletopia. I've been banned for saying "please stop arguing". It's not bad but if you play it just leave chat off and hope to the heavens that a mod isn't playing while you are.


This is why I don't use Mastadon. For me, it's a desert.


> not sure if its a best suggestion right this second Go play on Uncle servers. While VALVe needs to fix main TF2, Uncle servers are always awesome. And the people behind it are on the bleeding edge of TF2 technology.


True, but knowing one's options doesn't hurt. Most Windows people don't know what doesn't work on Linux, nor what would be an acceptable choice to regroup. This clarifies that.


And some of the games are objectivly shitty (Overwatch 2) or not performant enough (CS2)


CS2 runs just fine, even if it runs better on Windows. I think I see 300-400 fps almost all of the time maxed out at 2560x1440. The biggest problem with it is that VAC doesn't universally work right yet on Linux CS2. I'm one of the lucky ones who gets kicked every 10-15 minutes. Requires a restart of Steam.


CS2 works, but I only get 50-60 fps with lag. In Valorant however I get way more fps, like double or triple of CS2


This is the issue for me. I hate playing valorant and league of legends, but I still have friends that play those games. These games require secure boot now, and although I love linux and would 100% prefer it over windows. People online have said it's difficult to get secure boot to work easily with nvidia drivers. Something about having to manually sign drivers each kernel update and that's for a distro that supports secure boot.


> If you have a group of friends that play Valorant I'm sorry to hear that, time to find new friends.


What are friends, asking for a friend.


Yeah god forbid people enjoy something your favorite OS cannot


This. If you play with friends than this is useless.


And this is why many of the bigger gaming companies are monomaniacal about competitive multiplayer and exclusives.


Imagine living in a reality where windows user complain about not able to find people to play with, coz everyone uses the os that anyone can download for free.


true. i quit valorant anyways, arch is more important than my “friends”




Yes, Arch is more important than my "friends." Actually, at a certain point, you realize these people aren't even your friends. People online don't care about you, and you should socialize in real life. Quitting Valorant was a godsend.


funny of you to assume linux gamers have friends


XDefiant can be considered a CoD alternative. Warframe for Destiny, but less so.


Also Insurgency Sandstorm


it runs on linux? doesnt it need battleye?


Yep it does. Lutris provides the BattleEye runtimes needed.


Xdefiant team enabled battleye proton support the 2 day of the open beta a year ago, been like that ever since, mark rubin is a legend


Insanely rare ubisoft W


I think you can just use Lutris or something


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1dh4p3y/xdefiant_crashes_as_soon_as_a_game_starts_on/l8vx29e/) I threw together a ObsidianMD Lutris XDefiant walkthrough compiling things I found on different reddit posts. Enjoy fellow penguin!


Is it any good? Never heard of it until now. Is it a MP, BR, or campaign game?


Arcade MP with hero elements. Big bossman Mark Rubin was executive producer on OG CoD MW and MW2.


I play daily, it's pretty good. It has some hitreg issues but they're moving fast with fixing those and already made massive improvement. Currently it's in pre-season, a time for the players to get familiar with the game and the devs to find repeating issues, so it lacks content. Season 1 is coming out on 2nd July with a lot of new stuff.


Old call of duty's work, for what it's worth


Destiny 2 was absolutely dead to me after their community manager on Steam started banning/muzzling people asking for/drumming up support for Steam Deck.


And the crazy thing is, Destiny 2 WAS on Linux at one point in the form of Stadia. Crazy they’d just kill the Linux binary that version used and started threatening bans for people who tried playing on desktop Linux.


Don’t forget, to accompany that Linux build, there also could have been Linux native Battleye support to go with it! -__-


no, because there would have been no need to run anti-cheat on servers which end users have zero control over.


Well I think they more meant the Linux build exists, but Stadia does not, implying repurposing that binary as a Linux release.


> Destiny 2 WAS on Linux at one point in the form of Stadia My guess is that Stadia clients are actually quite different from PC clients - because you don't have to check integrity of the game (primitive form of anticheat), game files could be stored without protection/compression and maybe using some cloud-gaming technologies we usually do not think of. But yeah, fuck Bungie for not supporting Linux (even though part of me happy because it's a big time sink).


Paragon doesn't exist anymore, you're probably thinking of Paragon the Overprime but it ended service on April 22nd. Predecessor, a 3rd person MOBA with verticality based on the game Paragon made by Epic Games (same game that inspired Overprime) is still running, F2P and runs on Linux via proton.


wait Battlerite is still going?


i thought HoTS was dead too. like, servers shut down dead. but guess not. (actually maybe i'll try it out.)


Servers are still up for HotS but it's in super maintenance mode.


HoTS is awesome. Really the most fun MOBA.


HotS technically still exists. I keep hoping Microsoft will do more with it because it has a lot of potential.


it's gone, 24 hour peaks of around 100~ players. you won't find a match :(


Last time i tried to play, I felt like i was the only one in q


XDefiant can be a Call Of Duty alternative, it's a really addictive and fast paced game like COD. The other alternatives are more than okay, really, I still wish I could play Valorant, there is something that makes me hate that game but also like it, I don't know.


Can you play XDefiant on Linux?


yes. it's not on steam, but you just need to install ubisoft connect in bottles or heroic and install pdh.dll. after that it runs flawlessly. you can make a shortcut directly to launcherbe.exe and itll launch directly with just a ubisoft loading windows


Install Bottles, use it's installer for Ubisoft Connect, install the game, download pdh.dll from the internet, yeah, I know that it's unsafe but I did it anyways (you can use Lutris and winetricks to install this .dll), and then just play, game performs way better than on Windows for me.


I just don't play games that don't run on Linux, they might as well not exist to me. Even if I'm playing on a Windows computer I still won't touch them.


I’m with you on this. Even if I ever decide to use windows again (99.9999% chance I won’t), I still refuse to install any game that features kernel-level anticheat. No program should have access to your kernel, let alone a game.


I don't think you quite know what a kernel is?


Not sure how you can infer that just by reading a couple sentences.


For CoD Players, although not really great, could be xdefiant.


Call of duty plutonium/iw6x/etc are decent ways to play cod on Linux, though they aren’t the latest versions. Pretty strong player numbers and mod support.


I didn't even know the game existed.


i only knew about it since a friend wanted to play it with me. worked OOTB via lutris -> Ubisoft Connect. definitely not my favorite game, but i guess its fine. i dont play games of that genre often.


I am currently installing it via Steam added as a non-Steam game. I don't use Lutris/Bottles. I wonder if it will work. Seems good so far.


Does Halo infinite work on linux?




The problem with alternatives is that the people who play the games with anticheat very likely know about those other games, and may even have played them, but choose to play the ones they're playing instead (due to preference, experience, etc). "Just pick an alternative" isn't going to move the scale for someone looking to move to Linux and finding that League of Legends isn't going to work. Most people aren't going to drop a game they've invested thousands of hours in just to change to an OS that doesn't support it - they're just going to stick with the OS that does.


Warframe as a superior space shooter to Destiny


I'll add that Dota 2 runs natively on Linux! Always nice to support native Linux ports, and the community seems much nicer than League anyway. Plus...you get all heroes for free. Hard to argue with free.


The division 1/2 are decent alternatives to destiny. Same gameplay loop just grounded in reality/bear-future instead of sci-fi.


div 1 i whole heartedly agree with, div2 massive dropped the ball on that game.


I never played through division 2 long enough to have a strong opinion on it but div1 was amazing. Doing another playthrough of div1 right now I because I’m scared it’ll be on the chopping block by Ubisoft sometime in the near future.


they killed heartland, though div3 is still theoretically on the table.... if you do go back to div2 the end of warlords of new york was fucking terrible. i have legit no idea how they plan on saving div3 and itll make sense why if you finish the story. but i really quit cause they went on a mass banwave because people figured out a decent exploit back when the raids/legendary landmarks were waaaaaaay over tuned and flattening even higher level clans. they not only banned people that abused the exploit but also heavily rolled back peoples accounts instead of just admitting they fucked up and giving people slaps on the hands for the first offense.


Does the division even work on Linux? Last I looked it didn't.


Yep, 1 & 2 work flawlessly for me.


Is XDefiant a bit like COD or R6? Haven't played it yet. Just saw a few clips on Youtube


Very similar to CoD, made by some of the key players of older CoDs


The ttk feels slower than CoD but not by much. Also it’s been years since I’ve played any CoD so it could be my imagination 


Yes it is slightly. Maybe closer to BO4. It lets the movement get some shine, I'm really enjoying it.


I’m really enjoying it too, seeing anything that’s not battle royale get some attention is very refreshing.


I play CoD on PS5 and I don't play any of the rest, so I have 0 issues with exclusively using Linux on all my computers, but if I did play any of the above games, I wouldn't want an alternative, I would want the damn thing to work.


Obviously, I'd love those to work, but I am not open to using Windows/Mac or getting a console.


That is the problem in our modern days, isn't it ? We simply can't deviate from the main franchise even when it's best suited for us, even when diversity encourages creativity. I get that when you want chocolate, you won't settle for strawberry, but sometimes, we should also consider less-used tastes to keep appreciating the chocolate… and don't get angry at the chocolate factories too, I guess.


PUBG? Honestly I really would like to play that game if I could. That and the pre-cheater experience for Tarkov.


*Escape from Tarkov* has/had a single-player mod that was reputed to work fine on Linux. I'm assuming that the competitive aspect is the draw for you, but thought it was worth mentioning.


I was actually unaware of this. I would prefer to be engaged in the multiplayer, but the singleplayer aspect is curious, hmmm thanks.


Another MOBA alternative is a Heroes of Newerth revival project "Project Kongor" https://kongor.online/. BattleBit Remastered is for shooters. Beyond All Reason for RTS genre, but I don't think there are Linux-unfriendly games in this genre.


Also, don't forget : Street Fighter is the alternative to all that.


Try Warframe as a replacement for Destiny 2.


Incorrect, Warframe is a competent game on its own, no need to say it's a replacement for D2.


It also functions nothing like D2, so it’s weird to try and use it as a replacement.


It's a looter shooter, so same genre.


It’s an FPS vs a third-person shooter. That’s like saying Gears of War is a replacement for Halo. The games don’t play alike at all. Even the “looter shooter” aspects of both are vastly different, and the content in each (and its focus) is nothing alike. If someone loves Warframe, there is nothing that says they will even like Destiny 2. I genuinely get the sentiment, but it’s a very bad comparison.


> That’s like saying Gears of War is a replacement for Halo. ...many people won't argue against this


Yeah Gears coming out was kind of a big moment for dethroning Halo.


Space, shoot, loot. A lot of people move from Destiny 2 to Warframe, you see it in game and in the sub all the time, D2 refugees looking for advice etc. They have their differences, and I’d argue I get different things out of both games UNLIKE league and dota, Valorant and Overwatch etc. but I don’t think it’s a “very bad comparison” especially if you’re just a PvE player. Many people used to, and still do, compare Gears to Halo. Since the Xbox 360.


The division 2 is basically the replacement for destiny 2


Not even that. The gear doesn't drop all the time and the stats aren't randomized.


Isn't TF2 completely unplayable right now?


Go play on Uncle servers, so worth it.


But it's good to know that it's being updated.


tf is only unplayable on public servers play on private community servers.


If you’re looking to try it, look up Uncletopia servers. They are a very vanilla experience and bot free, if a little towards the try hard side of things


Not really. Lots of aimbots, but you can play with minimal interruption if you get a full server. Plus community servers are always free from bots.


Huh? Select Opengl at launch and it runs like butter. Did something recent change?


They have to integrate Easy Anticheat for Linux. That would change so much for the Linux Gaming Community.


They have it. But the guy running Epic games has a chip on his shoulder and won't support Linux.


Some people will talk shit on these recommendations, but this effort is in a good direction. We should be welcoming people trying to game on Linux, instead of going "ooh popular online games suck anyway!!" like many people ITT


How is the finals?


Considering the regularity with which Apex fries after an update Im not sure Id recommend if its a major game you play and want to do it under Linux.


Yeah I was flamed by windows users saying it was stupid to tell people not to play games with anticheat. The only other option is GeForce now which supports fortnite and some other games that use anticheat.


> I can't save you. man...


CoD i would say Battlebits Reloaded


Not exact, but Hunt: Showdown is a decent replacement for Siege as far as tactical shooters go


its not just about playing the game. its about the community. u cant rly have fun w friends while they play league and u play dota 2


lol what a shitty suggestion. people want alternatives when it comes to productivity software, browsers, editing and whatever. "tired of spyware discord? try matrix! it has most of the features, none of your friends but it won't spy on you!"


Yeah , alternatives to videogames , wtf .


It is not about the alternative of games, but the people you're playing with. I don't like Riot Games, so I stopped playing with my former playmates when most of them started playing LoL and Valo. That made enabled me to explore other games from other genres that piqued my interest. And later on, I found new playmates that fit my preferences more.


I'm wavering right now because of Destiny 2. I'm trying to fight it and play it on PS5 for now but I'm so so bad at FPS on controller.


LoL should be in "i cant save you", but at the same time I agree that LoL players should just play dota...


Valorant and Fortnite are 2 completely different games wtf lol


Destiny I'd probably say warframe


Fortnite is Fortnite, no alternative for this.


Not playing it is a better alternative.




If you want to be trapped into Timmy's addiction machine, fine, I don't think it's a good thing.


yeah there's a ton of stuff to do inside fortnite now. i almost only play it for fortnite festival. while clone hero and yarg exist it's nice having a supply of new songs


You can play fortnite on a bunch of cloud servers on Linux, so if it's just something you do occasionally with friends or family it's not a big loss.


How it's valorant similar to fornite even? I think this is kind of stupid, but hope that helps someone at least..


? What is this lmao. I dont wanna switch to Linux if im being told I just cant play my favorite game, and should install a other one instead lol


Pretty much the same experience as going from PlayStation to Xbox.


Wdym you can't save me with my R6 addiction ._.


Counterstrike is better than r6s ever was. After season 2 of r6s, it turned to shit.


This is missing the entire point. It's the same reason why suggesting gimp as an alternative to photoshop is tone deaf.


Overwartch 2 never is a viable option


I recommend Insurgency Sandstorm for a good CoD and R6 alternative. Works out of the box on Linux. Works well on steam deck too.


i mean you could run a windows virtual machine with graphics card passthrough esp if you have an onboard graphics card.


>anticheat Tried it, wouldn't recommend it. EAC blocks it, VAC blocks it, so I'd bet the real anticheats block it too.


heroes of the storm is the best moba hands down


Hmm, it's almost like proprietary software causes a lot of problems for people.


Black Squad, and Combat Master. Both are F2P.


> cod xdefiant, classic cods work with modded clients. [and also have banger campaigns] black ops 1 and 2 as well as world at war and mw3 are covered with plutonium modern warfare 2, ghosts, advanced warfare and black ops 3 are covered with alterware, modern warfare remastered has h1-mod also now known as aurora mod


Alternatives don't matter if you have friends who play these games. It also doesn't matter because people **WANT** to play those games. Is this something some of the Linux community just cant fathom? People want to play what they want to play.


For COD, xdefiant is a pretty good alternative imo. A little more old school sure, but definitely scratches that same itch for me.


Paragon died like 6 years ago, and I think XDefiant it's the only CoD competitor with potential (if Ubisoft doesn't screw it up as usual...)


Cod, r6s, destiny? Xdefiant is the solution!


Battlerite and Paragon? Do those exist anymore?


> Battlerite Barely, there are 50 people playing right now (122 people on peak of I assume NA daytime/EU nighttime), probably people playing with each other in lobbies. > Paragon There are few projects build on idea (and as I understand assets) of that game - [Predecessor](https://store.steampowered.com/app/961200/Predecessor/) on of them. F2P and works with Proton.


Huh, I thought Battlerite servers were shut down. That was the reason I stopped playing. Loved it before.


I've got friends playing League, but I could still ditch the game. My main problem is the Esport. League is SO fun to watch and I refuse to give that up.


My overwatch2 almost works on Linux manjaro. Almost...


It works with zero issues on Endeavour OS.. As of last week... might play some this weeked.


On manjaro mine crashed a lot, its been a few months, so I might have to try again. My computer is dualboot so it was easy to give up lol


CS2 and TF2 are both infested with bots so you can safely ignore those 2.


Is there still no alternative for siege? Sadge. Last season is pos.


i dont think theres any competent alternative to fortnite build ngl, mb 1v1.lol but last time i played it, it was absurdly p2w


[Team Fortress 2](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZXQ5bzJyNjl5YTA1MmJlc20zZW02OGlnY3NpbHZ2ZGFwNTdob2g5ZSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3i7zenReaUuI0/giphy.gif) [Me watching you play TF2](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeWI2N2l2c2wybGthZm4xMzBmdXRjMG1icWNjZWtnOHRjMjNoM2p1biZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/10JhviFuU2gWD6/giphy.gif) [My friends watching you play TF2](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbjV6dHA1YmJ5dG9xMDFmd250Z3ZrenB4YXBtejBhdmd6djdub3BrYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


remove apex legends it is pure dogshit


Apex works in Linux? That's new to me.


Actually, XDEFIANT is a VERY good replacement for cod. Fuck cod after playing that game tbh.


Fortnite can be run trough kvm gpu passtrough and abit of wizardly w/ config. Did it personally season ago. Wouldn't reccomend it to do on main account tho.


well i know it might not be popular but theres always cloud gaming like geforce now or something like that . I used to play warzone on the free version (only 1h) but its still good enough. [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/)


The alternative for CoD, **for now** is XDefiant. It seems to run just fine with Proton's BattleEye, but there's no guarantee unless the devs decide to support it. The studio seems to be listening to the players well, so keep asking for it and it might just work.


Stupidest comparisons I think I've ever seen.


Destiny 2 is the reason I still have Windows on a separated ssd. As I don\`t plan go beyond final shape that one will eventually go down for good.


not playing fortnite should be a prerequisite for anyone who calls himself gamer so np anyway


> Fortnite bad updoots to the left Can we just let people enjoy things they like? It's a fun game to me and some of my friends, dawg. I've been playing PC games over 18-ish years, and it's enjoyable. Hell, I hope it eventually gets to work on Linux too.


Heroes of the Storm is the only good game on this list


Try dota 


Paragon has been renamed and taken over and is now called predecessor


i have about 250h in the last couple months in it. i don't know how much i'm enjoying it but i find it very addictive. i like coming up with silly builds that work well a lot. (the matchmaking is god awful though)


My bad. Sorry! :(


np mate, i appreciate the effort you put into it! I switched to linux as the LoL and the shitstorm that was vanguard killed windows for me, i was toying with the idea for a while. Its been a bloody pleasure to use since i installed linux mint!!


Don't you also have Paragon: Overprime? Or has this one died too? I remember seeing like 2-3 "clones" released at the same time.


Overprime ended service on April 22nd. The only Paragon inspired MOBA still running today is Predecessor, they are doing ranked mode tests on Saturdays, almost have the full original Paragon roster and 3 original Heroes. It runs fine via Proton


Ahh I see, thanks for the clarification. I'll need to have another look at Predecessor, I was pretty bummed up when the original Paragon ended service.


It feels good, they replaced the faulty card system with items. They added quite a bit to the heroes, giving them passive abilities (for example Dekker's jump is now a double jump passive). Heroes missing from paragon are Terra, Zinx, Yin and Wukong (by order of datamined release)


Looks cool, thanks for the details!


Not exactly, there also was Paragon the Overprime that is probably what OP was thinking of. Paragon the Overprime just stopped service on April 22nd.


Bro you really can’t just switch to a different moba


Damn I want to move to linux so much but posts like this are why I don't. Some guy will write how he runs everything perfectly and hype me up, but then you learn he doesn't crack anything or play any popular game or he spent 2 hours setting it up. I just want my distro to run anything without bothering me, why is that such a hard thing that years of Linux desktop couldn't solve?


"just play the bootleg knockoff off-brand version of the game you actually want to play" what's next? you're gonna tell me to drink dr. pepper instead of coca cola?


These are some S tier stupid suggestions. Install Windows, dual boot it if you have to and enjoy playing the games you actually want to play.


Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends


Shitstorm incoming in 3...


The only real alternative is GPU passthrough


Doesn't work for most of them, they detect VMs and you get kicked from the match, at least with r6s, destiny and cod, valorant and league won't even let you get into the game with a vm


Oh really?!


This is false for COD. I was playing warzone for a good month and a half through GPU passthrough just fine before I started to play on Linux exclusively.