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You just need the right distro for you and your needs. Honestly, I always found Pop OS and Mint Cinnamon to be friendliest for gamers newly arrived from Windows. I also hear good things about the Steam OS-likes for gaming, like Bazzite and Chimera, but I haven't tried those out personally. Glad to hear you've found a distro you like! Welcome, and believe me, you won't miss MS. I haven't had one regret after divorcing from them on my PCs five years ago. Linux gaming just keeps getting better and better.


This. Ultimately it depends on the end-user and what they do, right down to tweakers/OCers tending to benefit from going straight to the likes of Arch and Gentoo. My story with Linux was similar to OPs in that I tried an early version of SuSE on my Athlon XP, then kept trying those free Ubuntu CDs on various other PCs albeit never getting it to "stick" with me until one day after I accidentally broke my Windows install (iirc I was streamlining it and went a tad too far) and decided I'd see how far I could get with Arch because of the memes about it being so hard to use only to take to it like a duck to water. I'm still on Arch now, albeit about to do a reinstall with CachyOS because I've learnt a lot about different ways to set up a Linux install and want to set enough things up differently to how I originally set them up on this install that it's easier for me to start from scratch.


I'm on EndeavourOS for gaming and really love it. That's the closest I've been to straight-up Arch, but I'm curious to try it. I really dig using Pacman and Yay. I do mostly use Linux within VMs, including for games, so it's super easy to try a bunch of distros.


I tryed both Endeavour and CachyOS, stayed on CachyOS, for me is more solid and stable than EOS.


I havent heard of CachyOS, but I'll take a look at it. Does Wayland work pretty well?


Is Arch based, has a good community on Discord that helps on every problem (no problems for me though), and has the latest Nvidia drivers that make Wayland work normally;)


I use Fedora Workstation bcoz it works ootb with Nvidia Wayland and 555 drivers


> I also hear good things about the Steam OS-likes for gaming, like Bazzite and Chimera, but I haven't tried those out personally. I've personally been using Bazzite for a year now. It's great. You *shouldn't* have any problems, so long as you aren't like me messing around *too much*. The Bazzite Portal (yafti) in particular is great for setting up as new users. My only gripe is that the pushed GTK solutions, but it's not a big deal for most users.


If steam os ever happens to become fully released for linux, I would never switch to it. The fact that they collect telementary with their games marketplace is concerning.


Yeah windows keeps getting worse while Linux keeps getting better, the steam deck was the catalyst and now is such an amazing time to switch


Linux gaming has reached new heights, there’s never been a better time to game on Linux. Gaming on Linux 10 years ago was a bear, I wouldn’t have believed it could ever be as good as it is today back then


i fairly new with just over 2 months of being fully swapped to linux and i really havent had any issues with anything thats not documented. genuinely amazing.


Literally, pretty much everything just works. It’s never been like that before.


Its just amazing watching microsoft do the one thing nobody else could....kill windows...and they dont even understand what they are doing. Its just great.


Another user finding out how bad Ubuntu is for gaming. This isn't the first post about ubuntu failing to work out of the box when it should


It's not just gaming, I've been setting up a raspberry pi to act as a file server for robot controllers and have tried 8 different distros and out of all of them, ubuntu mate was the outlier. Terrible performance and hard freeze on browser launch. It was the only one I immediately reflashed with a different distro because it was so broken.


Ubuntu is pretty bad these days honestly. It's like the Linux version of Windows imo. 


For most people it'll be fine outside of gaming. How many people still run windows 7 or 10? For gaming drivers it sucks but for most people's desktop they'll be just fine


I'm a Ubuntu user and have been considering trying another distro. You seem like you have some experience with Ubuntu as well as others - which might be a good one for me to try next? I've only ever used Ubuntu but I feel like I'm ready for something a little less windows-y, if that makes sense. Also curious what you mean by gaming drivers. I don't game all that much but when I do I don't have many problems in Ubuntu. TIA


I've been using Nobara and like it. It had everything there I needed for gaming. GPU drivers, steam, Xbox controller support, Lutris, emulators, and just out of the box ready to game For drivers, some newer cards and newer games get updates that make it work better. Or the direct x to Linux/vulkan updates have improved things


Use protondb.com to see if given game works or not before buying it


On windows people usually think windows defender is good and enough to prevent malware/viruses but that is wrong and so many people install everything found at suspicious internet sources. In Linux there are nearly no opportunities to install malicious things and Linux desktop is not yet a real target for malicious software. But this is not means Linux is totally safe, especially on arch Linux, users must be careful.


Imo a big problem with windows defender is how often it triggers on harmless stuff. This gives people a habit of clicking it off without checking every time it speaks up, which leads to different types of light malware, like adware, finding it's way in.


I've been using PopOS for a few years now and really like it. I have occasional issues here and there but nothing that'd make me want to go back to using Windows. Just make sure to set up Timeshift. It's like System Restore and can be a life saver if things go wrong


Been on Bazzite for a month now and had not seen any need to switch back to Windows. I still got Windows as dual boot but will do a format and put Linux on that M.2 drive once my current work projects are done and I have some time to do all this and re-setup my OS. I guess it helps that I am not into any of the online games that does not work cause of their anti-cheat and is of mind that I do not care for games that does not run on Linux. There are so many other games and entertainment to keep me busy.


I used Ubuntu and Pop OS for years but man, try Fedora. You'll never go back. The only other distro i have an itch for trying is Arch but Fedora just works and has been great for 3+ years


Pop OS is awesome, especially for newer linux users. Unfortunately it lacks a bit behind currently with some features like wayland I think because of their rebuild of cosmic de


Same. I installed and setup Steam on Debian yesterday and today. Downloaded Galdurs Gate 3 and it worked first try.


>I m really shocked. I was planning to dual boot windows but for now I don't see any point. Personally. I would still keep it around just in case.


A bit weird to be using Plasma on PopOS.


It was my mistake, i confused Cosmic with plasma. so Yeah its simply gnome


You installed PopOS? Doesn't it use GNOME instead of KDE? Are you sure of that exactly you installed there?


It was my mistake, i confused Cosmic with plasma. so Yeah its simply gnome


As everybody is telling you, don't use Ubuntu, I would recommend either Fedora or Mint, if you just want things to work, but if you want to actually learn Linux, I'd go for either Debian or Arch.


You can learn linux on any distro that has terminal commands. Using basic commands will let you learn linux when you need them.


Ofc, is just that you are more exposed to dealing with stuff that makes you learn Linux on distros such as Debian and Arch


I would say that ubuntu isn't at that position where it used to be. I'm on the fedora workstation and pretty happy with it. Everything works fine ootb(you will have to install codecs though, the installation guide is in fedora documentation). I play games, new and old retro, and am pretty satisfied with the performance. Give it a try. My distro hopping adventure stopped after installing fedora. Using it since Fedora 38, it gets updated easily, don't have to wait long for the newer GNOME version & packages.


Debian, Ubuntu, POP_OS!, og Mint is both and to start with, a lot of the stuff online doesn't work or only for 1 version. But Steam is your friend with protondb.com, and lutris.net and the client is good for a lot of stuff. If you can, don't install deb packages you download like it was windows, use your package manager or flatpak, well appimages are ok too. Plus you move through a lot of pain on windows, because you learn how to use it, you need to learn a great deal on linux too, it only gets better after. Also you need to try all the big distro to learn the feelings of them, Fedora and OpenSuse, maybe Manjaro... Packages are easier in Manjaro for example, but there are newer packages, but maybe problem too. All of them got plus and minus for new users. Remember if you want a other desktop environment then you can install it, you don't need to reinstall for that.


>*\[...\] 2 days ago random cmd widnows started poping on my screen and executing script's i had no idea off so i decided that its time to drop windows. \[...\]* True, Windows is bad and getting worse with each new release ... but **in this particular case the real problem is YOU**. I'm absolutely sure switching to another operating system WILL NOT HELP IN ANY WAY until you spend some time to learn how to properly use your computer and whatever operating system you pick. Proper learning, not throwing questions at ChatGPT (or here, where people ask the exact same questions over and over, a hundred times per day, while the already existing answers are buried.)


> WILL NOT HELP IN ANY WAY But it will. Installing stupid shit on Linux is harder because often there are no installers for the stupid shit to easily install xD


Huh, i feel attacked. I don't really have a problem with myself in technology. I wouldn't call myself an expert but i am tech savvy. In this case i got some kind of virus and decided that this was a good call/reason to finally switch systems. It was like I didn't really use mc much more than yt and league and suddenly every time i turned my pc on it flashed 3 cmd Windows. So i simply assumed it was a virus.


It is a virus. A pretty easy to catch one if you are going on websites that are sketchy and *obviously* dangerous which is why the user sent this type of comment I guess? I'm not defending the person that posted the comment above you tho, but I can understand where they are coming from. Please take time into learning which sites to avoid, don't download any crack software, use any sort of AdBlock 🙏 This will ensure your safety in the future (and remember - Linux does have viruses too). And I'm genuinely concerned for your security, OP. The more knowledge you have - the more stronger you are (at least when it comes to technology)


i use adblock and ghostery, i guess virus could came with some silky torrents, since I recently was setting up jellyfin for anime. It was just an excuse for myself to be honest.


by adblock you mean uBlock origin right?


this one and 2 random adblocks since ublock didn't cover all sites and there were some ads sliping. Also separate adblock for yt


uBlock should cover that, unless you didn't update it. (I think there is a tool to check if uBlock is up to date, edit: it should automatically update itself) https://blockads.fivefilters.org/?pihole - open source, (warning: 6y ago but they are alive) https://canyoublockit.com/ - recent Also check this to fully gear yourself: https://rentry.org/pgames#useful-browser-extensions:~:text=SteamWorkshop.download-,Useful%20Browser%20Extensions%3A,-uBlock%20Origin And my recommendation: Also include Adguard to thoroughly filter everything and enable stealth params and every filter they have and now you have multiple layers of protection that I'm still rocking and barely see an ad (the only instance that it didn't work are some of the jp websites, but I think that's just my side) Now that's a killer protection from top to bottom


Yeah, Windows installing spyware on my computer and forcing updates to ever worse versions isn't really \_my\_ issue. That's an issue with how that company is run.