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Have you ever heard of Callabora? It's a web interface for LibreOffice, similar to Google Docs. You can also hook it into things like Nextcloud, so you have your own Drive/Docs, and I want to say that the mobile app integrates docs as well?


Thanks for the quick reply :) I’ll definitely be looking into Callabora And having your own drive sounds like a very cool bonus


Oh yeah, I think it also has an option for IM/VOIP/Video which can merge into it so you can tell someone that if they delete that paragraph one more time, they will wake up with their balls ripped off and seen to their forehead. I think it does writer/calc/impress?


Did not know about this but it sounds like a potentially elegant solution to help break my Google dependency. Callabora for Docs, Nextcloud for Drive, and I can find an email client to use. Definitely looking into this.


You can incorporate [Rainloop](https://www.rainloop.net/) in Nextcloud. It also has contacts and calendar.


If I'm reading correctly, it appears rainloop is a client only, and you'd still need a mail server. Is that correct?


Sounds like a good plan to not be super dependent on google (like me) as for email I would recommend yahoo tho they have had some [security issues ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2017/10/03/technology/yahoo-hack-3-billion-users.amp.html)


I'd probably recommend something like Tutanota or ProtonMail, would definitely not trust yahoo.


I wouldn't trust Yahoo with spam.


I thought NextCloud was pure magic. It works so very well. When I put Callabora on there as well... That's when it became feasable to just 'take over' all of Google's services for my day-to-day needs. I have a GSuite account, and the only thing it's used for is backing up my server to, now. It's still the cheapest thing out there for storing \~12 TiB of data.


Callobora isn’t free though, is it? Also, I’ve heard that it might break some formatting in files


I'm hosting Collabora on the same VM I have my NextCloud install on. I don't have that many users, though. I have not encountered any problems, but I've been using LibreOffice for years, too. It was free to me. I believe it's entirely open source.


It's free and also free. Also open source.


Callabora can be a [Docker install ](https://www.collaboraoffice.com/code/docker/)


The Community version (CODE) is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, the same one used by Firefox.


Etherpad can either be self-hosted or used on framapad.org, and it's great for collaboration


Woah it’s minimal and collaborative along with being self hosted I’ll definitely be looking into it Thanks for the excellent suggestion :)


Open IT Store has a Nextcloud installation with optional Collabora Online for $9.99 a year for 15GB of docs/storage. Haven't seen a deal like this anywhere else. [https://openitstore.com/owncloud/](https://openitstore.com/owncloud/)


That’s does seem like a killer deal but I don’t think I really need something that professional it’s just mostly for personal writing nothing much


Not aware of one, but alternative.to is a great site to find out.


Thanks for the site suggestion :) I’ll see what I can find


So normally I would have loved to truly open source app but I noticed that you are also happy to use iOS apps, thus not entirely motivated out of ideology to FLOSS. Anyway, I have been able to use Google Drive seamlessly using Open Drive on Lubuntu. I'm not sure you need anything facnier, but I wanted to say that what someone else said here about Callabora seems very interesting, I will look into it as a way of (maybe hopefully, one day) kicking the Google addiction.


Please, visit /r/selfhosted/, lot's of info there about hosting your own stuff.


Thanks I don’t know much about self hosting so I’ll see what I can learn :)


In this case, take a look at [YUNoHost](https://yunohost.org/), it's a one stop shop for self hosting, all you need is an old machine at home or VPS that you can wipe clean. Install it, access the admin panel and go crazy. Take a look at the supported apps: https://yunohost.org/#/apps


I’ll have a look thanks for enlightening me on the world of self hosting




I was looking at OnlyOffice the other day and it did seem to suit my needs but it has more of a Microsoft word feel to it regardless I’ll be trying it out and seeing if I like it Thanks for the suggestion :)


A cloud service, even based on some open source product is still the same closed shit - even worse in fact, because you can't even disassemble and reverse engineer it. That is, if you care for ideological stuff. As for your question, try to go UNIX way. Plain text files usually do just fine, as the typewriters did for the whole 20th century. That is, unless you have to make a false impression on stupid people. Then it's Microsoft Office anyways. There are also for sure some other solutions, but I see you've already received some suggestions. So no need to repeat them