• By -


Matt Dinniman


I love everything he's written. What are the best benefits for being a patron?


Supporting Matt. I believe I get early access to chapters from the new book, but I've never taken advantage of that benefit. I prefer to wait for the audio book


The audiobook is genuinely exceptional. Even amongst great audiobook narrators, Jeff Hayes stands out.


Jeff is without doubt one of the most talented va's around. I seriously doubted one man could pull off so many voices until I watched him recording the last book.


Where do you listen for the audio? I have all the physical copies.


Audible. Cold reads on youtube


Supporting Matt & at higher levels, some cool merch! I have a Belly Rubbed Pug T-shirt which is great, a signed book & a Donut Holes tote so far!


Matt lets Patreons vote on Fan Boxes, bosses, and sometimes locations then writes it into the story. It’s incredibly awesome!!!




ooh I should get on Calamitous Bob, it’s one of my favorites but I’m very behind! (like 20 chapters on RR but it feels like a lot)


Selkie god I hated the stupid motor boat bird on the audio books such a bad decision.




Stat screen reading works pretty badly in audiobooks IMO. I usually skip them. In text I can just skip to the interesting parts so I don't mind so much. I actually like how classes and skills are handled in Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, but that's mostly down to the class upgrade chapters which are handled quite interestingly to me.


Yea stat point listing is always lame. I assume some people, table top gamers and the like are into it. I think the way TWI handles magic and stats is the best. That is to say telling us through character actions and auras how strong or what skills are. So implicitly telling us about character growth. Stat listing is just lazy imo.


Oh wow, I'm glad I didn't do the audiobooks for these. I quite like Auri. But text Brrrts are not exactly headache inducing.


Wandering Inn Matt Dinniman Sleyca The rest... depends on the mood. If I catch up on RR and want to read more, I'll splurge for the month. But those three have been on my Patreon for a while and I have no intention of stopping them. Especially TWI.


Player manager by Ted Steel and quest academy by Brian j Nordon


Quest academy has a patreon? Sweet!


I just buy the audio books when they come out.


Same. Maybe if I read the books instead of listening to them I'd be more open to the idea of subscribing to Patreon, as I do subscribe to a few podcasts for bonus episodes, etc. However, I don't think I'd ever consider subscribing to an author. Maybe if there was like a 50 cent/1 dollar tier or something, where I just wanted to show support for the author, but 5+$/month feels insane to me.


this is completely valid hahah


Have only not been able to wait for chapters to come out and that's for Ted Steel's, Player Manager. Can't subscribe every month but every three months I re-subscribe read all the chapters that are ahead and then wait another 3 months.


•Primal Hunter/Zogarth •Grand Game/Tom Elliott and Rohan Vider •Divine Apostasy/A.F.Kay •DCC/Matt Dinniman •Intemperance/Al Steiner (not LITRPG)


I didn’t even realize the Grand Game was on Patreon!! I’ve been patiently waiting for book 6 to come out but I could’ve been reading it on RR and Patreon this whole time 😩


I try to keep my list trimmed. Super supportive, mark of the fool, void herald, and industrial strength magic are my picks


what’s your favorite ongoing from void herald? I recently started The Perfect Run but didn’t realize they had so many others until I just looked at RR. also how is the mc in Industrial Strength Magic? seems kinda interesting from the blurb


There’s only a few of his works I don’t like. Also he’s got like 4 ongoing but the schedule morphs around a bit. Blood and fur is good


I used to do a few in the beginning. But there is so much content out there now that I only do it if i find something new that catches my attention with a first book and i’m compelled to catch up. Path of Dragons is my only subscription now. I’ve learned patience mostly. HHFWM i dropped because i enjoy the audio so much.


how far have you gotten in Path of Dragons? I was gonna start it but I read some complaints about the end of the first book or something and >!I don’t really enjoy major character death!< so I haven’t picked it up… yet. good to hear about HWFWM audiobooks! I’ve read until like book 10 maybe but recently picked up the first audiobook on someone’s recommendation. I haven’t gotten super far in it so far but I’ll be doing a lot of work soon that requires no thinking so I’m saving it for then


I enjoyed it a lot. Although I could nitpick some things. But I enjoyed it enough to subscribe to the Patreon and read up to the latest chapter, and I look forward every day to my lunchtime at work because that’s about when the new chapter comes out.


Mat Haz for Ave Xia Rem Y J. L. Mullins for Millennial Mage Selkie for Beneath the Dragoneye Moons Yrsillar for Forge of Destiny Casualfarmer for Beware of Chicken Novels by Mecanimus for The Calamitous Bob and Changeling Sleyca for Super Supportive Those are my regulars that I am always supporting. Sometimes I throw a month of support towards Wraithmarked Creative if I get the itch to read the in progress status of Warformed: Stormweaver


Millennial Mage seems *very* up my ally, it’s been moved pretty high up on my to-read list. what specifically do you like about Forge of Destiny? I’ve been getting more into xianxia lately, and bonus points for having a fmc, so I’m quite interested in that one!


Oh boy, whats not to like? The world building is top notch, stellar really. Its basically one of the very few where the "we have living gods running around who can do what ever the fuck they want" bit makes sense in how a functioning society forms around that fact. The characters are fun, I enjoy the rather slow and methodical pace, the prose is beautiful, the fights and their corresponding metaphysical aspects are really weird and awesome. It just slaps :D


if it helps, Forge of Destiny and Millennial Mage are similar to me in feel.


The only one I do is Pirateaba for the wandering inn. I purchased all the audio books, then read for free until I caught up. Now I subscribe to their Patreon for the early chapters. For the amount of reading I did for free I feel it is much deserved and fair.


Defiance of the fall. I’m thinking of joining mark of the fool.


I’m with you on DOTF but I haven’t joined Mark. I just finished the first book on Audible. I was iffy at first but I’m in now.


I was the same with book one, but I blasted all the available books after that in a few days😂. It gets so good. I put a friend of mine onto mark of the fool and he did the same. All the books on audible in a couple weeks.


Mark of the Fool is ending soon, or at least it feels like it, so soon it'll all be published. The arc we're on feels very final and the author mentioned it's ending this year.


I thought he said in an interview there would a 5 or 6 books at the minimum. So book 4 is still a book short.


The Wandering Inn and Dungeon Crawler Carl are the only two I kept after the great purging of this past summer. I bought a house and had to trim down my frivolous spending but these I kept.


Shirtaloon. Inject those newest HWFWM chapters right into my veins


*Shirtaloon. Inject* *Those newest HWFWM chapters* *Right into my veins* \- dandeli0ns --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How does this bot think "HWFWM" is pronounced?? "Hwhif-wim"? It has to be two syllables to make the post a haiku...


hell yeahhh once I catch back up I’ll be joining you there


I'm broke...if I could probably ravens dagger first They're the author I both enjoy and respect the most. Keeping both cinnamon bun and stray cat strut mostly entirely free is a godsend for broke people like me. So they have an eternal respect because they damn well know how much both are probably worth they don't get top charts on free sites but they are never far from it. Beyond that I'll switch around cancelling and buying into whatever stories I'm binging new chapters on that month. But if they have books on kindle? Screw there pattern I'm buying the books for keeps. But again I'm broke so no. Free books only.


I spend money on RavensDagger's patreon just because of the variety of great stuff he writes. Cinnamon Bun, Dead Tired, Sporemageddon, Stray Cat Strut, they're all totally different and amazing. I don't even read the advanced chapters, since I'm an audiobook only person.


dang apparently I need to get on RavensDagger. I didn’t realized they had written so many things!!


RavensDagger is a very prolific author and those on Patreon get access to weekly and monthly collections of what he is writing. I personally wait for the audiobook publications, but it is nice to get a glimpse of what he is working on and even give input on when he is planning to switch between projects. I just want more Fluff.


Thundamoo's, Selkie's, Mecanimus', Plum Parrot's, Elydes', Sleyca's, Honour Rae's


Alexander Wales is the author of Thresholder and Worth the Candle, as well as This Used to be About Dungeons. I was previously a patron of Pirateaba, D. D. Webb, SenescentSoul, and Ideas-Guy. I withdrew my support from SenescentSoul as Delve began to lose its appeal. Although Pirateaba's work remains compelling, the narrative sprawl became too distracting for my taste. Ideas-Guy writes excellent fanfiction, but he discontinued my favorite ongoing story. Despite his other works still being bangers, my goodwill for fanfic is lower than for original works. Lastly, I stopped supporting Webb after he stopped writing Only Villains Do That, which I enjoyed.


thank you for all of the detail in your response! it’s much easier to sort through than just a list. I had heard of Worth the Candle but not the others, I will go check them out 😊


Right now on none (because Undergraduate = no money). In the past: - Zogarth (The Primal Hunter) | For a long time. - RhaegarRRL (Azarinth Healer) | For a long time. - AuthorPalt (A Gamer's Guide) | Not that long, the story is a bit weird. - Mornn (Saintess Summons Skeletons) | Also for quite some time. - Azrie (Amber the Cursed Berserker) | A few months. - Nixia (This Quest is Bullshit) | For some time. Really fun series, but finished i think. (Apparently there is something new on Patreon but not on RR.) - vladerag (The Many Lives of Cadence Lee) | Not that long.


I love Saintess Summons Skeletons! a very fun ride, I’m happy to see someone comment it. thanks for all the details! 😊


both aren't litrpg but Thresholder (Alexander Wales). Very solid jumpchain story, with interesting world building and magic. Pales lights (ErraticErrata). The constant quality is impressive. A lot of complex worlbuilding so not the most digest read, but it's the kind of work that I like. Something that has rereading value, because of the fleshed characters and factions. The chapters have a decent length which is rare for webnovels


D. Winchester for death after death and tenebroum Rinoz for book of the dead Seras for Ghost in the City


I like that most of your recommendations have to do with death, running a consistent theme 😁 Death After Death looks very interesting, I’ll definitely be giving it a shot


No one ever warns you that you never outgrow the edgelord vibes, you just learn to mask better lol.


no stop this is so true. pretty much all of my favorites have something *a little* chuuni about them hahaha 😅 though actually now that I think about it, Mage Tank and Identify are both kinda outliers. the mc of Mage Tank is very flamboyant and explicitly loves attention. he’s very self-aware and I love him for it, highly recommend if you want a fun action/adventure with some really fascinating world building and ✨mystery✨


The Runesmith and Chaotic Craftsman Worships the Cube and a few other none litrpg novels


Actus - Return of the Runebound Professor J.M. Clarke - Mark of the Fool Azalea Ellis - A Practical Guide to Sorcery Crazyblackchili - Legend of the Arch Magus Zogarth - Primal Hunter … and lurking with free membership for Ryan Rimmel (Mayor of Noobtown) and Shirtaloon (He Who Fights With Monsters)


oh cool you have a couple I haven’t read yet! adding them to my list 👀


Which ones? I’ll probably patreon Nemorosus for Jackal Among Snakes once I’m ajour with Royal Road too fwiw.


I haven’t read (or even heard of!) Runebound Professor or A Practical Guide to Sorcery. having looked at the summaries they both seem very up my alley and I’m excited for the new content. just finished grad school finals and I need something to binge (pretending I don’t binge read during the semester too but you know) 😅 edit: I feel like I dropped jackal among snakes but cannot remember why. maybe I am misremembering


Cool, cool. Runebound Professor is a lot of fun and A Practical Guide to Sorcery is so well written it’s a treat to read.


Can’t recommend practical guide enough. Runebound P is fun (I’m on the Patreon for it), but Practical Guide is a step above a lot of the stuff in the sub in terms of writing and lore imo. Like, I don’t wanna ruin anything, but goddamn the lore is so good.


J.L.Mullins for Millennial Mage. Novels by Mecanimus for Changeling and Calamitous Bob. Lykanthropy for Augmented Aspects and several other projects. Sarah Lin for Weirkey Chronicles. Mikasane for Magical Girl Gunslinger (eventually). ProbablyATurnip for Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube. Uranium Phoenix's Projects for Years Of Apocalypse. Erin Ampersand for Apocalypse Parenting.


one day we will maybe get more Magical Girl Gunslinger 🥲 I’m just waiting patiently here… on the edge of my seat… waiting… I was promised an academy arc and maybe some reckoning with her family. maybe a little revenge? clarity? I wanna know what her brother is actually like. I need some quality time with her bff/potential maybe girlfriend/maybe just a sisterly figure idk? she literally just experienced a brief and beautiful moment of tentative confidence, you can’t leave me hanging here 😭 you have a great list, I’ve read almost all of them and most of the others are on my to-read!


years of apocalypse is very compelling. I'm glad I found it.


Saving this thread


None yet but I keep thinking about Zogarth. I consume new Primal Hunter chapters religiously, so it'll probably be worth it. This thread is also great for me to find new stuff to read.


I really like the PH Patreon, people are very active in the comments which is one of my main reasons for subscribing to that one honestly. I like being involved in the most recent discussions people have about it.




Actus! If you're reading Rise of the living forge or return of the runebound professor he posts chapters for both 5 times a week. Lots of value.


nice! I haven’t read them but both have been recommended multiple times by now so it looks like I’ll have to give them a try


I wasn't a fan of the living forge starting chapters but I really like runebound. I may go back and start reading forge again but so far it's low priority for me.


To me the best way to go is to rotate patreons of the tier that gives all of the chapters. Rotate every quarter, or however long to stay ahead of Royal Road. That way I don't spend $400+ a month on books. As for some that I like: DotF, PH (though he has lost me for now with his "I'm a millionaire so fk my patrons"), Priam, Unexpected Cultivator, Hell Level Tutorial, Super Supportive, Idiot's Paradox, and a lot of others.


ohhh that seems like a great idea, idk why I didn’t think of that 😅 I will be trying this out! I know it’s good for authors/Patreon creators to have a consistent income stream and know how much is coming in each month, which is why I try to be consistent, but that means I cannot subscribe to very many at once.


Nothing wrong with wanting to support creators, but the reality is, they then turn around and sell these books on Amazon. If you subscribe once per quarter, you are likely giving them more than they would make from you just buying their book on Amazon. Also, if there is an author that you really want to support, and you have kindle unlimited, you can later download their book on KU and just flip through it. That gives them an extra boost in $.


Just Sleyca and Actus on Patreon at the moment, but I switch to reading a lot of series on Kindle to support the authors.  Also subbed to advance chapters for Tribulation of Myriad Races on Wuxiaworld right now. 


Sleyca and Actus is the way. Actus is so prolific and Sleyca is so good that I can't quit either for long! Sarah Lin is also incredibly good value. Early access to chapters of Weirkey for an insanely low price.


which Actus one(s) are you reading?


Return of the Runebound Professor


Super Supportive. Usually stories of such quality and chapter length tend to only be a couple chapters ahead on patreon, making supporting them more about helping the author than reading ahead. Super Supportive is a whole ten weeks ahead, making it a no brainer for us addicts.


I’m reading it currently and may join you on the Patreon soon!


I was on patreon and came off it. The price is more expensive than others for some reason? I might jump back on later. I agree the quality is great, but the pacing is also slow. So for someone like me who likes to binge read, I guess it best not to be on patreon since nothing much happens in those advanced chapters. I'll definitely buy if Sleyca ever publishes though.


yes, sometimes it's more supporting the author so that they can continue the story rather than being able to read a few chapters ahead


Selkie Myth (Beneath the Dragoneye Moons), stewart92 for There Is No Epic Loot, Only Puns, Playwars for Fallen World, and MaxPorteous for Dungeon Without a System. BTDEM is the only pure litrpg, and the other three are atypical dungeon core stories. DWaS is the most traditional, Epic the least, and FW is off to the left of the scale where dungeon-ness is less plot than setting


Happy Cake Day!


Path of Ascension and Beneath the Dragoneye Moons. Followed and been a patron forever now. Both are very clearly with their breaks and schedules for posting and turn out lots of chapters


Super Supportive is the only one that stays active but I also cycle through All the Skills, Primal Hunter, and DotF.


I just started Super Supportive the other day! I’m really enjoying it so far


* Defiance of the Fall * Warformed: Stormweaver * Super Supportive * Noontown * fThe Stubborn Skill-Grinder in a Time Loop * Reborn: Apocalypse


you’ve got a solid selection there, there’s only one of these I haven’t read any of 😅 (stubborn skill grinder—I’ll have to go look it up haha)


None. I don't see the point in paying someone to write a book that I'll then be expected to pay for if I want an ebook or physical copy. 


I can't speak for anyone else, but I put a copy of my book's epub up for my patrons to grab for free a few weeks before it goes to Amazon.


What would those books be if you don't mind me asking? Also forgive the question of could I subscribe at say a $5 tier, grab the ebook, and then cancel the next month or does the book require a ongoing sub?


[This](https://www.amazon.com/Faded-Land-Progression-Fantasy-Eternal-ebook/dp/B0CW9QLCCP/) is my most recent book. What I normally do is put up a post with the epub as an attachment for all [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/emergencycomplaints) subscribers (my cheapest tier is $3) that sits up for at least a few weeks prior to going to Amazon so anyone who is subbed at that time can grab a free copy. People absolutely do sub for a single month to grab the epub and read a few chapters ahead of the RR release. It's cheaper than buying it from Amazon plus you get to read ahead for a month. Sadly, once it _is_ on Amazon, I have to pull it down from Patreon and RR due to KU exclusivity policies.


I'll grab the book on KU and check it out. Thanks for the reply.


You're welcome. Thanks for checking it out.


Plum Parrot I NEED those new Cyber Dreams chaps lol


ooooh I’ve never heard of this one before, but I’m *very* into the blurb. thank you for the recommendation!


None. With the current model , the advantage of early reading is not enough as a convenience. I would gladly support some authors if they included their work in Patreon as an EPUB or something easier to peruse in an e-reader than the Patreon interface. I have even stopped reading as many series as I can in RR to wait for them to appear in KU , its so much better reading in my kindle , than having to use my phone or PC. I know its a great way to support authors , but I prefer doing it by reading their books in KU and then several months later buying them (if i understand correctly they get both payments as income if you wait between KU and buying , please correct me if I'm wrong) I would gladly pay RR monthly if they offer that service, tried the app , but its not the same.


as far as I am aware KU is still an excellent way to support authors, and Patreon’s interface is exceptionally bad so no judgment from me. whenever possible I read on KU also. I wish RR had a paid version since we’re all already familiar with the interface. I’m sure a lot of readers would use it.




I see your meaning, though I think that would defeat the purpose of the $10 tier since no one would be paying $10 anymore at that point. 😅 but god yeah the $$ does stack up fast. I’ve been thinking of pausing my PH subscription for a while. I like participating in the discussions, but out of all the authors I contribute to financially, Zogarth is definitely the wealthiest (super happy for him, I bet it’s incredible to have his work that he essentially writes for himself become that popular). all things considered, it’s probably not financially feasible for me to stay subscribed to 4 Patreons every month… 😅






The wandering inn. The holy grail of lit rpg only DCC comes close.


Ripple System, “the worst patreon ever”™


Zogarth, Nicoli, and DoTF 💯


is Nicoli a title or an author?


Nicoli gonnella who writes unbound. I assume.


None anymore. The platform is clunky, disingenuous, and an all around bad design. If they actually made it suitable for the 21st century. I’d probably start with Shirtaloon (Travis Deverell), and follow that with FortySixtyFour. Two of my favourites.


Valerios and Drewells, literally been subbed to valerios since near the beginning its a great book starts off sorta the same as most litrpgs but gets so much better


I love Road to Mastery!!! highly approve just looked up Drewells and honestly Elydes might be my next read. it hits too many tropes I really love 👀 the “what to expect” is exactly what I want and 225 chapters on RR seems almost too good to be true


I tend to sub for a month or 2 after catching up on rr if i really enjoyed it or when I want to complete an arc early. path of ascension, hwfwm, primal hunter were the last 3 I did


Sarah Lin - Soulhome


In order of most to least favourite: The First Defier (Defiance of the Fall) Sleyca (Super Supportive) Drewells (Elydes) RinoZ (Book of the dead and Crythalis) Allan G (Fate Points) These ones I have unsubbed, but haven't run through the time. I usually add and leave 5+ a month. Mecanimus (Changeling) Azalea Ellis (A Practical guide to sorcery) Jahx (Monroe) Alex Bozdog (Gamer Reborn) G. Tolley (Immortal System) Ellake (The Runic Artist)


Surprised to see RinoZ only appear this late.


Hey, is Book of the Dead 3 being worked on? Is it any close to being released?


He releases chapters a few times a week on Patreon, so I figure it's all going good.


All the Skills, He Who Fights With Monsters, DotF, Mark of the Fool, and Divine Apostasy/System of Ash. Got hooked on the books and immediately went to Patreon after catching up on any free RR chapters.




only subscribe to 1 patreon and that is No Rolls Barred. Really enjoy their content. If you don't like board games though I would steer clear :)


I love board games and own both way too many and not enough 😌 thanks for the recommendation!!


Beware of Chicken is the only one I’m consistent on. The others tend to change month to month. I currently have primal hunter, mark of the fool, and that may actually be it.


Only LITRPG Patreon I’m following right now is Ghost In the City, a Cyberpunk 2077 Gamer SI very good love the MC’s mix of cold blooded killer and childlike enthusiasm depending on whether she’s on a gig or just out enjoying her second life. Others I’m currently following, all also FanFiction’s Bar Calak’s - “I’m on TV, Showbiz SI” Guy gets transmigrated into an 8yr on earth back in 1998 with the ability to access 2020’s internet stories about him taking the role of Harry Potter and revamping the movies and helping with some of the books plot holes, not my usual type of story (more into power/progression fantasy) but it’s dam well written. Slayer Anderson’s - “Winning Peace, Mass Effect Pre-contact SI”, “Industrious, Naruto AU/SI”, “Industrious: Engineering Marvels, MCU SI”, “The New Ron, Kim Possible SI” - Bunch of his stories I’m following though Winning Peace was the one that got me interested, it and the two industrious ones are all “Inspired Inventor” stories basically MC gets charges/points every so often and can spend them to get knowledge like knowing advanced Maths/physics/chemistry etc but also knowledge of how to make other universes tech like MCU Arc reactors or various Hyperdrives etc. AStoryForone’s - “A Nascent Kaleidoscope, Fate/DxD/Multi” - MC’s a reborn alternate version of a guy with a powerful dimension hopping/seeing power from the Fate anime series, keeps that power but is reborn as a Half-devil in DxD one of the few well done Multi-dimension/universe fanfics I’ve seen and I’m liking how the different magic systems are all balancing out, MC’s been to a bunch of the different Fate storylines, Skyrim, Bleach, Harry Potter, RWBY and maybe one or two others.


thanks for providing so much detail and context! it’s nice not to have to look everything up from bullet points hahaha


Dean Henegar. He has a lot of good stuff and also a couple of finished series.


I like the look of “You Are Summoned”! I’m happy to have a recommendation I haven’t heard of before 😁


Only one lit rpg it’s called, Saintess summons skeletons. In a world where you are only supposed to get one class she met the requirements for Saint and necromancer in the same instant and it kind of broke shit.


I absolutely *love* SSS and was subscribed to the Patreon for quite awhile. currently I’m letting the new chapters add up for awhile. last I read >!she had finally gotten to see her sister again 🥲!<


Book two is about to come out and due to Amazon rules the chapters will be taken off other websites. And an audiobook for book one is in the works. I don’t remember which book the spoiler you posted is in though. And a lot has happened since then


I'm not subscribed to any LitRPG Patreons, but I do have 2 D&D actual play shows that I just adore! And if you like LitRPG...chances are there is an overlap in demographic. ----- Just Roll With It, ( r/jrwishow ) - A comedy podcast that, despite being self-proclaimed amateurs, generates some great emotional beats alongside some goofy laughs. Their stories are not utterly perfect from a beat by beat story telling perspective, but they are my favorite live play/real play/actual play or whatever it is we are supposed to call it when we watch people play tabletop games! Featuring u/grizzlykun , u/Condifiction, bizlychannel , and Charlie Slimecicle. They have two long-running champaigns. Riptide is about a band of pirates and their struggles with what that even means. (Available publicly on YouTube, here ) Prime Defenders is about some young adult super heroes who find themselves in all sorts of situations....usually a little out of their league (available on their Patreon, here ) They also have various shorter campaigns such as Blood in The Bayou about a group of friends, after having been away from town since graduating, begin discovering some sort of Eldritch horror. It uses the Call of Cthulhu system. (Available on their Patreon, here ) The Suckening about a few vampires that find themselves in the midst of a weirdly political pointy toothed nightmare. (This campaign just ended like a few days ago and I have not finished it, but the 'Council' has been hinting that it is surprisingly one of the most emotional and invested they have ever been in a story, (Available on their Patreon, here ) Apotheosis: When the world loses its Sun, three heroes find themselves in a situation to do something about it. Featuring "Kratos but he's a robot?" , "Literal geek nerd, but he is possessed by a biblically accurate angel of vengeance," and "Oh boy, am I such a hot maybe chosen one changeling or what?!". (Available on their Patreon, here ) They also do a talk back show called Just Rolled With It, the show after the show where they talk about the show. Its on their Patreon where they talk shop and predictions and hopes about their various shows. ----- Worlds Beyond Number ( r/WBN ) - This one is newer to the game, but if you know Dimension20, you will recognize these names. Featuring: Brennan Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson + Taylor Moore as editor. This one is a magical mix of D&D meets Miyazaki meets Brenan Lee Mulligans love for folklore. Unlike their work on D20, the crew intends for this campaign to be around for a long, long time. So the vibe is a little different than what you might be used to, but it is phenomenal instead. They have a public show on YouTube ( here ) They have a small prequel adventure to the main show, and their talk back show The Fireside Chat on their Patreon ( here ) ----- Both of these shows are totally tubular....they're made of TUBES!!! And as we all know, say it with me....TUBES ARE THE BEST SHAPE AND THING TO BE COMPARED TO. EVER. AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS NOT, IN FACT, TUBULAR.


currently not consuming any D&D content as I don’t have time with grad school, my unnecessarily copious consumption of litrpgs, and the 4 different active pathfinder campaigns I have happening 😅🫣 totally the right demographic, I’ll save them in my “for a rainy day” folder (I don’t have this folder yet but I will create one now) 😁


Lol tabletop shows are definitely an insane time sink! If you want a LitRPG recc.... Continue Online by Stephan Morse!! It's about a man, depressed by the death of his fiance, who gets sucked into the popular full dive MMORPG of the day. What he finds out compells him forward in ways he never imagined. It's got Sci-Fi. It's got Fantasy. It's got AI, It's got heart to heart! Some people say the MC, Grant Legate, is too depressing... but I love him, and it touches on topics of suicide, but I think it's a great story. It came out before LitRPG got super popular, so It never got a chance to get big...its such a shame!


hahaha for better or for worse I have put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Critical Role. I will never understand how some people have watched them multiple times. thank you for the recommendation! I will give it a shot, but I really appreciate your warning about the depressing aspects of it so I can make sure to read it when I am in the mood.


I would LOVE to have a long term income, and support the authors of Demon Card Enforcer, Outcast In Another World, and Source and Soul. If I had a TON of disposable income, I would consider Beneath The Dragon Eye Moons, but when I looked at that one a few years ago, it was outside what I considered a reasonable price for some advance chapters, especially considering I buy the books directly (99 percent sure that gives the Author more money than KU). But the *one* I do support, from Royal Road, is FourtySixtyFour. So, not a LitRPG author, but the author of two amazing stories none the less (though one of them is rated M for mature, both for explicit sexual content but also for very serious adult themes, so understandably not everyone's cup of tea).


damn Demon Card Enforcer seems very fun, I love the noir-yness of it. added to my to-read!! this may seem silly but I honestly didn’t realize that deckbuilding litrpgs were so common. I also added Source & Soul to my to-read. (I’m already on the OIAW train so didn’t need to add that one 🤪) FortySixtyFour doesn’t seem to be my particular brand of escapsim, but you’re at least the second person who has recommended them so you’re in good company


In your defense... I don't think there are TOO many actual "card game esq" deckbuilders. Many "deckbuilders" have the cards simply be the means through which powers are acquired. But yeah, both Demon Card Enforcer and Source and Soul have proper card game mechanics, it's a big part of why I like them so much.


J.M. Clarke and RinoZ.


J.M. Clarke for Mark of the Fool, Rune Seeker, or both?


I don't get any emails for Run Seeker, only chapters for Mark get sent out. RinoZ gets you Chrysalis and Book of the Dead.




hell yeah


XKARNATION CasualFarmer Mornn


For people replying, what exactly about those patrons makes you sub? Besides the next few chapters being available, what else draws you to subscribe and engage? Is there patreon only chapters? Are there exclusive books or other content? I think the DCC author lets patrons vote on aspects of the upcoming books (i haven't looked into it, just heard around). Is anyone doing anything really interesting or unique behind patreon paywall?


next time I make a post similar to this I’ll have to ask questions like this so that I don’t have to go through a list of names one by one and see what the authors are writing and what looks good and why. I’m happy to have added 30+ new things to my to-read list but it took me several hours to go through and I wish I could’ve seen the reasons for the recommendations 😅


Yeah it seemed like that was the info you were looking for and I wasn't seeing it in the comments. Its something I've wondered myself. I want to start writing and set up a patreon but I wanted some examples of things you could do to bring in patrons I'm glad you got something out this thought!


I mostly contribute to Jeff Bezo's payments towards his 7th yacht.


lmaooo you n me both you n me both




I don’t spend money on patreon. I’m a poor person!


Casualfarmer for beware of chickens


Creating Heavenly Laws - Translated by David_Lord. Very good book. Look forward to the posts every night.


Primal Hunter and wandering inn


Lucky Customs(off topic but we stan), Super Supportive, and Density god.


oh nice I love Density God!!! or well, I had to stop reading after the random ass genre shift into a harem 😅 but I loved the story a lot prior to that, and the mystery of the system in general was one of my favorites. that was one of my first litrpg Patreon subscriptions.


I disagree with everyone saying it was random, the author is a bit misleading about his definitions of harem. Tora end up writing a lot more of an anime harem feel then the typical check out my patreon for spicier chapter that I associate with the use of the tag on the platform. Telling us he doesn't have a harem just because he is only officially with one of the girls is a bit misleading, but the writing has been on the wall since he saved the princess. >!The stuff with the tree people, and the ahegao art edit was a tad much and I can't blame anyone for being mad about the tone of those chapters.!<


Azalea Ellis (practical guide to sorcery) EmergencyComplaints (Kieran!! Love this one) Matt Dinnamin (DCC)


Currently: - Book of the Dead by RinoZ - Super Supportive by Sleyca - Elydes by Drewells - Cultist of Cerebon by Fizzicks All great novels! And it's not Patreon, but I also pay for privilege membership on Webnovel for The Mech Touch by Exlor.


paying for privilege membership is definitely Patreon-equivalent! only one of the first ones I don’t have on my list/am not currently reading is Cultist. I like the summary, though sometimes when litrpgs/fantasies in general jump into the political too early on I get a little annoyed, which I think is why I haven’t given it a shot yet (I’m a basic action/adventure reader). what would you say is the balance of action/adventure/political intrigue/power progression/slice of life/etc?


There is probably some level of action every 4-6 chapters, although the type varies a lot which is fun. Sometimes it's a clash between armies, a small skirmish or a conflict having the table flipped due to divine power. For me the novel gets the balance right. Most importantly, the politics isn't boring. As you discover the world and magic and levels with the character, the reasons for why certain groups want power and will inevitably clash become both more reasonable and (at level of individuals) more complex. The MC definitely has a path to power before him, and it's strong, but he is very much a tall poppy among a thousand year forest. So many people around him are more powerful, and the novel does a good job of empowering the MC and his cult even when they are surrounded by powerhouses.


thank you so much for the in depth answer! I think I will give it a shot. as long as the politicking is well done (like you said) I’ve been known get very invested


Benjamin Kerei Just like supporting the guy


heck yeah I love Arnold, I’m a big fan of the Farmer audiobooks.


First line of Defense is my favorite. But all of his books are absolute fire. If you haven't read death loot and Vampires you need too.


Reborn as a demonic tree


I have no idea if this is a big spoiler or not, but does he ever get a humoid appearance or at least the ability to move around and communicate? I struggle with mc’s that are only in one place for a long time (I don’t read dungeon core stories for the most part despite there being some very popular ones) but I like the idea of this one and I’ve read some great litrpgs with nonhuman leads. I remember enjoying Hyperion Evergrowing (another tree one) though I am quite behind at this point.


No humaniod appearance, but movement definitely happens. It is my favorite non human litrpg atm blows hyperion out the water


Shirtaloon for He Who Fights With Monsters. Couldn’t wait for the release of the rest of the audiobooks.


I'm currently doing it for - The Wandering Inn (PirateAba) - Victor of Tucson and Cyber Dreams (Plum Parrot) - Beneath the Dragoneye Moons (SelkieMyth) - A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World (Acaswell) - All the Skills (Honour Rae) As well as the non LitRPG webnovels: - Mark of the Fool (J.M. Clark) - The Hedge Wizard (Alex Maher) I've got a few I dropped too but that's all my active ones. I'm thinking of dropping Mark of the Fool. It's the end of the story but it's drifted a bit from what I liked. On the other hand, I strongly recommend both Victor of Tucson and A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World. I don't really hear them talked about and they're really good. Cyber Dreams too, but despite there being a stat sheet technically, it isn't really a litRPG. I'd recommend the books over the fresh chapters for All the Skills and A Budding Scientist. Edits make them read better but both are great.


I’ve read Victor of Tuscan! it’s actually on my favorites list. I dropped Budding Scientist as, at the time, I wanted reads that didn’t deal with world-ending problems so early on. I may go back to it someday 😊 I like all of your recommendations. I have at least tried reading all of them (except Mark of the Fool), and only dropped a few.


I quite liked Mark of the Fool. It was really strong for me for a long time. It does suffer from power creep and as we get the last act many of the things I loved about it have kinda faded to the background. The plot has taken over and characters are kinda being railroaded along, IMO. But it's still solid most of the way through and I know a lot of people are enjoying the newer stuff. I'm glad to see someone else who's read Victor! I was surprised at how well it was written when I started it, though I listened to a lot of it and the narrator put in a lot of work. I picked it up after reading through Cyber Dreams while looking for a Tower of Somnus cyberpunky replacement and I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more traction. It's not deep or all that ambitious but it goes some interesting places regardless.


Selkie, Novels by Mecanimus, Thundamoo, Ravensdagger, Temple_GD_, NeonDreams, MelasDelta, G. Harthane, cerim, cathfach, Autum Knights Fiction, Anemone, WolfShine …I may have a problem


that’s like my whole paycheck right there 😅


Super supportive. Defiance of the fall. Book of the dead + chrysalis. Tree of aeons. Beware of chicken. In order of most money/month to least. Edit: layout.


Unintentional cultivator


Zogarth’s Primal Hunter, an amazing litrpg for me, I caught up with the audio book said fuck I need more, so I caught up with royal road and said fuck I need more, so I eventually got the 5$ tier so I can read 25 chapters ahead it’s amazing, besides reading ahead the side stories are pretty great but he doesn’t do those anymore.


Chrysalis. It's awesome.


Used to be on: All the skills Super supportive Not sure if I can afford them continuously so I dropped it, but will buy books when they come out. Been buying - The Wandering Inn. Simply don't feel the need to go on patreon as TWI's advanced chapter is only 1 chapter ahead.


Currently just Path of Ascension. In the past I've done DotF, Shirtaloon, and Iron Prince.


Right now: Shirtaloon, Zogarth, Pirateaba, Jonathan Brookes, J.M. Clarke


I couldn’t find a Jonathan Brook**e**s, but I found Jonathan Brooks who wrote “The Fusionist” among other things. is that the right one? which book series are you on his Patreon for? also I still haven’t convinced myself to read Mark of the Fool even though I would probably enjoy the heck outta it. I’ve had it on my to-read for like a year now.


That is the one! I started following for The Fusionist but have now worked my way through his series Unexpected Healer. Looking forward to Fusionist book 6 starting Monday! Mark of the Fool has been great. The last book is dragging a bit but I’m too invested at this point


oh sweet I like the look of both The Fusionist and Unexpected Healer!! Unexpected Healer is now pretty high up on my to-read list as I love the whole *stuck in a dungeon without access to the things everyone else has access to* trope. thank you for the reccs! also, giving up on something when you’re that far in just because it’s dragging a bit is easier said than done. it’ll probably pick back up again 😁


Pirateaba for The Wandering Inn, of course. Sleyca for Super Supportive. Arcs for Ar'Kendrythist and his new series (theorigin story was awesome). The First Defier for Defiance of the Fall. Shirtaloon for He who fights with monsters. Sarah Lin for the Weirkey Chronicles. And Derin Edala for Time to Orbit: Unknown. Lots of great reads!


ooooh adding Weirkey Chronicles to my to-read! also what is time to orbit about? I found it on the derinstories website but I don’t see a summary (I didn’t look super hard but when I clicked “read” it just took me to the latest chapter)


Yay! Sarah Lin is not considered enough but her series are very strong - and Weirkey Chronicles built a lot of momentum. :) TTO:U is sci-fi. It's about someone waking up from chronostasis on a colony spaceship and being made captain by default. But what happened to the crew and where is everyone? It is a gripping tale and you can read most of it on its website here: https://derinstories.com/2022/06/04/001-the-problem-with-the-javelin-program/


HWFWM Defiance of the Fall Dungeon Crawler Carl Apocalypse Parenting


Non. They are all free


Gee a lot of these Patreons offer quite a bit in terms of readership. All I can offer at the moment is a 2 week early access (6000 word average, I post one chapter every 2 weeks). Writing accurate military content with scientifically oriented magical realism takes a lot of research time, especially considering I’m just a civvie


Matt Dinniman(Dungeon Crawler Carl) CasualFarmer(Beware of Chicken) Honour Rae(All the Skills)


So I spend a LOT (I'm fairly certain), and there are definitely "tiers", stories I love and then stories I enjoy and then there are some that I kind of rotate in and out because I don't want to go crazy with my Patreon bill. Some of these are more cultivation or just fantasy than LitRPG, I think. Favorites: Path of Ascension by C. Mantis Defiance of the Fall by The First Defier Density God by ToraAKR Enjoy: Battleforged by MH Johnson Super Supportive by Sleyca Slumrat Rising by Warby Picus (and he has a new story that comes with it that would probably go in my third group) Elydes by Drewells Bog Standard by Miles English All the Skills by Honour Rae Source and Soul by Furious Scribe Delve by SenescentSoul (really cheap, but only one chapter a week and he's had some writer's block or something the last few weeks, kind of a mini-hiatus, hopefully) Then the ones that are fine, but are sometimes swapped out for other stories or occasionally dropped for a few months and then I binge, so I'm not sure this is exactly what you want because some of these I'm not actively supporting right now: Keiran by EmergencyComplaints Runebound professor by Actus Magic is Programming by Emergency Complaints 1% Lifesteal by Robert Blaise Industrial Magic by Macronomicon Fate Points by Allan G (Or I think his second (current) book is a sequel to Fate points, whatever) Calculating Cultivation by MisterVii Death, Loot, and Vampires by Benjamin Kerei In My defense, turret mage (kinda new) Unbound by Necariin He Who Fights with Monsters Irwin's journey Like I said, it's a lot, I try to keep it below $175 a month. Both for my wallet and just for time lol, I love getting an email with a new chapter but I barely have time for the chapters I follow.


None. Not that I don't like them, but first I'm no fan of patreon. Second is Patreon, Royalroad, Wattpad etc. chapters are not edited and so not final for me. I want the polished end product. But the main reason ıs, I only use my ebook reader to read. Hate to use mobile, PC, tablet etc. KU is my support.


I just binged super supportive and it's now onw of my absolute favorites. Never really gave it a chance before, would definitely recommend