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What sort of mic do you have and how many? In my experience working with the orchestra, usually we mic each section of each instrument, like first chair flute, second chair flute, first chair clarinet, second chair clarinet, etc, and then with the choir, I usually try to make each section of the choir, sopranos, tenors, baritone, and if they are on a raised platform try to mic groups of people in each row. Like 3 or 4 to one mic depending on the size. Since you are recording, I would definitely suggest at least micing each group of instruments and the choir in order to get a good rounded sound, if you are short on mics, I would definitely suggest focusing the mics the quieter instruments like flute or harps and the choir and not worrying so much about brass or horns, maybe like one well placed mic for the entire section of trumpets.


Also, it wouldn't hurt to look around for someone who might let you borrow some microphones. If you know anyone in the orchestra, they might have some microphones themselves if you feel comfortable asking. I work with an orchestra on a regular basis, so if you have any questions about specific instruments and how to mic them properly just ask.


In my current locker is like 4 beta 57s, a ton of 58s, a pair of Rode m5s, a pair of 414’s, a d112, a pair of a-t pro 37’s, and a bunch of choir mics. there’s the possibility of of a heil set of mics(probably one of their drum micing kits) and maybe a few condensers (maybe p2040s)


What does the orchestra consist of? Did you get a plot?


I have not received either yet, working on last years estimates.


Ok so first there’s a few questions that you should ask. Ask for a stage plot. Where’s everyone going how will the stage be set up?. How many and what are they playing?. Are there 1st violins 2nd violins,violas? What sections of instruments are there going to be. Also how many people in each section?. Will there be soloists? If so Who are they,what do they play and where are they sitting and what song is their solo?. Same thing for the choir, are they going to be in sections together(sopranos tenors bass)or are they just going to be placed in an pleasing manner (tall in the back short in the front. Cute up front ugly in the back. Etc) After that you can start putting together an input list. And where the mics need to go. Looks like your limited on mics I’d try and do spot mics to cover sections maybe 1-2 mics per section. On top of that use your ears and best judgement just because you have a ton of mics on stage doesn’t mean they all need to go into the PA. You’re going to have a lot of people up there depending on the size of the room. You might be able to let the natural acoustics of the instruments do a lot of the work for you without having to put them in the PA. You’ll still have to have them mics for the recording but you can do a separate mic and balance for the recording vs what’s in the room.


You mentioned no budget and with your limited mic locker. Keep it SIMPLE here and don’t overthink about solo or section mics. The simplest is put some choir mics up equidistant to front and back rows, a good spread from Stage Left to Stage Right. 3x-4x choir mics. Delay these choir mics to the main PA for precedent effect to let the acoustic choir come at the same time with the delayed mics. Bring up the choirs only enough to complement with the acoustics of the orchestra. Great for enhancement in the house. Done. The 2nd simplest. Keeping the choir mics up, now rig a pair of mics (XY, AB, Jecklin, ORTF, Mid-Side) up and behind the conductor on a tall 9’-13’ stand. This will capture majority of the entire orchestra and choir section. Delay the choir mics and volume for taste. Hang the mics for visuals, if possible. Great for both enhancement (choir only) and recording (choir+main mic) Done. Don’t think about putting up 20-40 mics for the orchestra nor 10 mics for the choir. Don’t do it. Keep it simple.


u/coralcanopy has good advice. Keep it simple. An orchestra and a choir could be considered as two single sources of sound therefore capturing the choir with a pair of stereo mics and the orchestra with another pair is completely fine.


I would recommend this video series https://youtu.be/UT-AZAf997c


If it's in a traditional chapel, does it actually need a PA? That's plenty of voices and instruments to fill a space. Edit:ignore me, I'm am idiot who missed the recording part of this.