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When I was stationed there, I’d work alongside the Korean military, and every day around noon an announcement would come on and they would all take naps in their chairs.


Did they take naps after lunch? there are no naps in the korean army regulation


I think, that was the reason too hot.


Those in hospitality industry may provide in-building where you work at with sleeping quarters.


No idea about other companies but mine has a “break room” for women where workers sometimes take short naps in when they felt a little off or something!


women only? thats cool


Yup, I think it was supposed to be for menstruation as the company doesn’t have days off for that


Pretty sure there’s a labor law that states women have a menstruation day available once a month. Look it up. My coworker has used it once or twice.


All schools have these for men and women.


Yes. Some schools even have lounges with sofas, massage chairs, etc.. for teachers to rest.


My school has actual beds it's fucking incredible when you're tired.


My old place had those, and they were awesome, until the obese teacher came in to take a nap, and the snoring drove us all out.


That’s only because the kids don’t leave us the fuck alone. So they have to have a designated area where kids can’t go in.


You must work in an Elementary school. Im in a high school and the kids have no interest in our offices at all. I sleep at my desk and use the vibrating chair in the teachers lounge Ive even slept there.


Lol where in the dystopian china is it “common to sleep AND LIVE in sleeping capsules” in your workplace?


what do I know thats why I’m asking, i’m not familiar with work culture in sk


Maybe sleeping capsules isn’t the word you want. Do you mean like company dormitories? Company provided accommodation?


could be, i’m not sure. i’m asking because someone told me that they’re sleeping and living in quote “sleeping capsules” provided by their company, at their workplace. are dormitories more usual?


I don’t even know what a sleeping capsule is… but dormitories are definitely common.


guess sleeping capsule is a tiny place with just a mattress and thats it


I don’t have any personal experience but I think you’re probably talking about manufacturing or other manual labor out in the countryside and small cities. I’m sure sure the accommodation is not far from the work site


i’m talking about engineers as stated above.


A lot of people are saying they haven’t heard of this in Korea. I have. One of my Korean friends would sleep at his job where they provided a small accommodation on location at work. He worked in Seoul but lived in Jeju so would stay there like 2 nights a week and then fly home. He was allowed to work remote a couple days a week. So maybe this isn’t common, but it definitely happens.


I wouldn’t say it’s common to quick nap in Korea. I have seen this to be a common case in China, though.


i dont mean quick naps but literally living there. are sleeping places like capsules provided for employees to live and work there?


absolutely not lol


Im a white collar who works at one of conglometres in Korea. My company offers a wide range of stuff for employees convenience. 1. Lounge for nap 2. Free flow of freshly brewed coffee 3. Free snacks 4. Nursery 5. Free brekkie, lunch, and dinner 6. Tuition subsidised for each semester 7. Flexible working hours 8. Working from home still allowed 9. Mobile phone bill partially subsidised 10. Public transport bill partially subsidised 11. Free shuttle bus for daily commute 12. One week extra off days guaranteed apart from the ones are given by the law. 13. Workshop ends within the day. 14. Overtime gets paid every 30 min 15. Business trip allowance is super generous 16. I can wear whatever I want but short shorts and flip flops. 17. Corporate rates for hotels and resorts 18. We also have in-house doctor and nurse. Available for all employees but appointment needed in advance. No walk-in. 19. Mental consultation for free 20. Corporate rate for automobiles (BMW, Mercedes, Volvo etc) 21. Corporate rate for F&B outlets Etc. Basically napping is allowed


We have these at our office, but I've rarely seen them used, except by my kid. Still, in a pinch you could sleep there if you have an early flight to catch in the morning. Or had stayed up all night watching soccer. :)


It's fairly common to have a place where you can take a break (and lie down, take a nap). It's not that common to sleep over though.


Yes. A lot of redditors will be teachers where it's not common, but in general korean companies (office work), absolutely


I remember visiting several engineering companies (major companies) for meetings and noticed they would actually turn their lights off in the majority of the cubicle areas for employees that wanted to nap at their desks. So I would assume if the big players just turn the lights off, the smaller places are probably the same. Some plants (outside of Seoul) have dormitories, but thats mostly for the blue collar workers.


thanks for giving an answer thats truly related to my question!


I live at a hospital dorm while working here. Honestly, it's not too uncommon if your original home is in a different area and is too hard to commute. However I would not recommend it. Living with another person without any privacy is mentally taxing.


I've never seen or heard of sleeping capsules or sleeping rooms at work except for in hospitals and police stations, and those I saw on dramas so who knows how real they are.


Lol all these comments are by people who have never worked at a Korean company. Yes it is. Especially blue collar manufacturing ones. Even non manufacturing have special rooms for sleeping. Samsung Electronics, LG etc all have sleeping rooms. You can also just nap on your desk.


Even the work nap is not that common, sleeping capsules? Not at all! My first job during the 1hr lunch break, you could take a nap (and some would), while others would continue working after eating. But that one was 11hrs of work. Second job, nopes. Nobody naps


Many foreign factory workers live in dorms.  That's why most people here don't know they exist.  Less common for Koreans, but for more remote sites they will.  


No, absolutely not. Never seen or heard of such a thing in 7.5 years here


thanks to everyone who answered and gtfo to everyone who downvoted a simple question xo