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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From a New Brunswicker: please DO NOT purchase Cavendish products, they are an Irving company. Purchasing their products at a Loblaws is like shooting both your feet. Edit: this got some traction. Please consult this list of Irving companies in order to avoid them. From NB, I thank you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Group_of_Companies?wprov=sfla1


As someone from PEI please don't buy Cavendish farms products. Twice the Irving's have planted diseased seed to drive prices down to producers and ruin export markets. PVyN potato wart. This is on top of requirements to buy fuel , pesticides and fertilizer from them to even get a chance at selling a crop.


Wow I will never buy Cavendish now


Same. I knew the Irving's were bad, but this news to me. 




I got a chuckle but sorry not allowed.


What the fuck. I had no idea


Damn that’s horrible, I recently even bought some restaurant style French fries from them but if this is true no more never again. Which is a shame because I actually liked them :( .


So how are you going to go about discovering if this is true or not?


I did not know that, thank you.


>Twice the Irving's have planted diseased seed to drive prices down to producers and ruin export markets. Source, please?


Plenty of articles from credible news sources Pvyn was 1994 so there will be less info online. There were lawsuits over false positive testing Potato wart 2000, 2007 2021. You'll find some well buried mentions of the initial fields being owned by irving or subsidiaries, there are several, Indian River farms is one wholly owned company. PEI had tried to do a max land holding policy but all you needed to avoid it is another family members name and another incorporation. Another field while not irvinh owned the seed, spray fertilizer fuel was all controlled by them and crop contracted for sale to them.




Mcains any better ?


Damnit!!!! I really liked those crispy fries.  4th worst news of my day 😡.  I’m one of those radical consumers where I find something less than respectable out and that company is dead to me…. Heinz hasn’t gotten a penny out of me since they decided to forgo our tomatoes… Cavendish (and anything else these Irving bastards make) will now suffer the same fate… What do I need to be aware of all things “Irving” related….?


Sorry to hear that. If you live in NB, you're fucked. If you live outside of the Maritimes, you should be ok. This list is not comprehensive but should be helpful. Royale, Majesta and Scotties are their brands, they also make gardening dirt (Juniper Farms), Kent is their store to sell wood and household stuff. And many others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Group_of_Companies?wprov=sfla1


Irving only markets/sells the Scotties brand in the US. In Canada it’s sold by Kruger


Because you have ethics! You walk the talk!


Geez I had no idea


The Irving’s are cancerous scum.


Can I buy McCain's? Because if not then I am out of options.


You can buy potatoes (I bought a 5kg for $2.44 at Super C this week), grate them, egg them, and throw them in a pan with oil or in an air fryer to make vastly superior unprocessed potato patties for pennies.


Pro tip: After cutting your “potato spears”, coat them in a bit of sugar and let sit for 20 mins. Wash off your potato spears and fry them in oil for delicious homemade **crispy** fries! :) The sugar takes out some of the excess water which makes them crispy when cooked stovetop without access to a deep fryer. (I got this advice in one of my culinary classes so YMMV when it comes to air fryers, if anyone has any experience lmk!!)


You can also do this with salt IIRC


Yes and using salt is way better IMO 


Okay but don't forget some onions.


I love my latkes with onion but my daughter doesn't unfortunately 😭


Unlucky. My kids don't "like onion" but also rioted when we switched to the ones without it, lol go figure ;) Oh and what kind of potatoes do you use? Russet?


Yes always russet


Awesome. What kind of grate do you use? I used to work in a restaurant where we hand-made fries and there was this big commercial press with a handle that sliced up a whole potato in one go. Man I wish I had one of those! lol.


Bingo, and they're delicious!!




If Loblaws and Irving are a 1/10, McCain's is a 3/10 on a good day. Much better to purchase local potatoes and eggs and make your own.


Can you elaborate?


The Irvings:East Coast = Galen:Canada = Resnicks:California


As in the morally corrupt Faye Resnick?


Wow, she’s pernicious


Imagine Loblaws was the only grocery store, had 200 subsidiaries in all sorts of industries, and controlled your provincial government (assuming you don't live in New Brunswick).


McCain is the only alternative we have here. Are they just as bad? Or should I just abstain from hash brown patties (I’m okay with that choice too).


Buy a sack of potatoes and a cheese grater. You'll get more hashbrowns for the same money.


It’s not the same at all. I can make hash browns (I prefer to dice the potatoes), but my kids can make the patties in the toaster oven before school. None of us has the time to cook a full breakfast on a weekday morning, if I can’t get these from a decent company out obvious best choice is to go without.


Not really the same though.


Fuck alllll the IRVING


I'm really, really annoyed by this, because I find Cavendish to be far, far tastier than a McCain's, or any other potato product, but I also buy French's (and have for years) after the Heinz debacle just for moral reasons. \*sigh\*


Thank you for the PSA. Fucking horrid company


The Irving's are absolutely destroying where my grandparents have lived for over 50 years, chopping trees and spraying lakes/forests and making the environment all hell, and that's only one tiny blip in New Brunswick. You won't hear about it though because they'll own all the newspapers... and if you speak out against them they buy your paper too.


That's exactly it. Sorry to hear about your grandparents having to deal with this.


Is McCain just as bad?


If Loblaws and Irving are a 1/10 (lowest number on the scale), McCain's a 3/10 on a good day. Just a bit better but still shitty.


I figured as much, thank you. Do you know of any bagged raw potatoes we should avoid? Is there an Irving family tree image like they have for Nestle? Lmao. We honestly need r/IrvingIsOutOfControl


Yes we do. And Irving is was sneakier than this. Their green colour is recognizable on their Midland trucks, Kent stores and Irving Pulp and Paper mills. They tend go have the "SFI" triangle on their paper products. But they're extremely sneaky otherwise. Not sure about potatoes, sorry.


I'm curious, I've never heard of the Irving company. What is wrong with them?


Imagine Loblaws being the only chain of grocery store in a province, they own 200 companies and control your provincial government. Which doing propaganda in your favour. That's Irving. And Cavendish is one of their companies.


Are there any good companies? I usually buy McCain?


Well, that's a brand I'll cut out.


Irving Personal Care — the only manufacturer of baby diapers and training pants in Canada Lmao wtf


And I’m sure the net weight is less too.


Hey now... their costs have gone up somewhere! Has their hydro rates gone up? Not by 100% but Are they paying their employees 100% more? Well no but Has their raw materials increased 100%? No but Have profits almost in 2022 and again in 2023? *They likely won't let you in on that.*


I was reading potato chip economics and it's such a joke. That entire book is basically x business cost goes up but businesses would never increase their prices :( when that never happens the way the book suggests lol


Their raw materials went up 25%, their transportation costs went up 25%, the minimum wage went up 25% and the rent they pay to themselves went up 25% so they had to raise prices 100% ! Simple !


Minimum wage went up 25 percent eh? Don't think so 🤡


Are you a joke? You forgot the sarcasm suffix


It's not sarcasm. It's a math joke.


I got it, funny joke


Don't feel bad, percentages are hard for people to grasp. I definitely giggled though ma dood.


Yeah I'm amazed how folks can be so dense.




Lol you’re thinking of the wrong hash.


Lol good joke


The best jokes require long explanations! As I keep telling myself. 😅


found the simp


Yeah but now they're an "All-Day" breakfast. So, even though the price doubled, they're now cheaper, as you have *triple* the opportunities to eat them throughout the day. Price = (X\*2)/3 so...


Which rich person recently told poor people to eat cereal for supper?


Haha Gary Pilnick did - so tone deaf of him.


Yeah me and my partner used to buy the no name ones but they were always sold out and when they came back they jacked up the prices… We’ve just been using potatoes to make our own lol


McCain were $4.99 because I bought them a lot! Now they are like $8.99


Stop buying them. Let them rot on the shelf.


I'm never buying them again at that price


It's amazing how many things I used to eat that I don't buy anymore and don't even miss.


So let them sit and rot.


But inflation rate is only 2.8%! /s


It's possible that these companies are bullshitting on top of inflation and using inflation as smoke. 


This is corporate greed. When they can have record profits AFTER all expenses are paid, it has 0 to do with carbon tax


They are probably drooling for Aoril 1st so in a couple months they can jack everything up 23 percent.


april first is less than 2 weeks. they’re going to jack it day 1


Statistics Canada just announced that the inflation rate in February 2024 "dropped" by 0.1% (Whoopee!!) to 2.8% compared with January's level of 2.9%. In which parallel universe do these statisticians and bankers live that allows them to dazzle us with their manipulated smoke and mirrors numbers which are so detached from living in the real world...the soaring cost of food, housing, restaurant meals, entertainment, transportation, new vehicles, consumer loans... in short, all the basic necessities of life in general? The OP's post just demonstrates yet again what is actually happening out there rather than the bogus "feel good" news that all levels of government are attempting to ram down our throats to distract and brainwash us into believing. Truth is, we all know better.


I used to pick these up on sale for 1.99. Wth?


20 patties for 2$ nope. You had the small one.


Yeah that’s the price for the 10-pack


The ones here are half the size and twice the price


For like, what, a dollar worth of potatoes Unbelievably mediocre product What an absolutely insane situation


The great reset was the shifting of wealth through devaluing the currency, it was done worldwide using the pandemic as an excuse. Your paycheck goes half as far, the billionaires and anyone able to raise their rates is doing better than anyone has ever lived.


And Canadians will vote conservative next election only furthering this problem


This is the reality, it doesnt matter who is in power they are all beholden to the system, everywhere, there is no country I know of that has not been corrupted.


Are these things tasty?


They were $2.99 tasty.


With an air fryer they are pretty good! But not 7.99-8.99 good.


The McCain ones are better, but Loblaws stores don't seem to stock them. The Cavendish ones are "OK".


I prefer the McD deep fried hash browns.


20 times more expensive and actually 30 times more delicious.


It’s that deep fry action


It's lime 3$ for a a single hashbrown now


Omg, that’s ridiculous


Like every cavendish product, too salty.


So good in the toaster!!! Worth it when on sale, not for this price though


You can but 10 lbs of potatoes for that


And canada produces fuck tons of potatoes. Bet this Canadian product goes for $2.5 in the US


Absolutely no reason for it considering potatoes aren’t expensive at all, if there was a potato famine I would kinda almost understand.


I’d certainly now call this the new cost of potatoes famine hehe


Potatoes are not the main driver of the cost of these


Right, it's a combination of corporate greed + inflation + unnecessary additional taxes at every level of the supply chain.


Yup, carbon tax is a big one


Play then please explain to me what happened over night that caused them to increase the price by 80%.


That's the price for a big bag of them at costco


get the walmart store brand. Walmart buys their hashtbowns from the same manufacturer


We stopped buying all hashbrowns. It was part of our breakfast for dinner night that was affordable. 😭


These prices are FUCKED, and when they won't sell they'll rot in a bin - WASTEFUL!!


Fuck Loblaws!


These are literally cheaper at my interior BC Save on Foods lol


Welcome to Clownada! Honk honk!


I feel like most of the stuff is double


I sae this yesterday! Tried Freshco, $6.99.


I do a lot of UberEats shop and pay orders from Metro and I always giggle when some pictures have items with price on them and it’s always solid 35-50% lower that what it actually is.


Diesel is the same price so the farmers and truckers aren’t raising the cost…


Economists using the $30 you’ve saved on your monthly phone bill but disregarding the extra $300 a month you need to eat.


They discontinued the no name hash brown patties they used to sell for 3.49 to $3.99. probably because they always sold before the Cavendish ones. I thought they were just out of stock but they never came back. They were the only ones that I liked. I will not buy these ones. I'll make homemade hash browns.


You'd be hard pressed to find an item at the grocery store that hasn't doubled in price since 2019.




I checked tonight in superstore - the no name ones were gone


I used to get No-Name, or Our Compliments, Western Family, Co-op Gold... They were the best hashbrows. Little cubes, airfried or pan-fried nice and they tasted like potato. But they have all literally disappeared off the shelves and my choices are McCain which tastes like a brick of salt or Cavendish which tastes slightly less than a brick of salt and their like 5x the price. Used to get a KG of hashbrowns or fries for like 2 bucks. It's like a big potato conspiracy..


Hashbrowns used to be my quick, cheap breakfast option 😢 I saw a bag of onion rings were $10 today and nearly shit myself.


Yeah, I went to pick some up for a treat and didn't even open the freezer door.


in 2021 i remember buying 12 frozen hashbrowns for 2.49


It is foretold in the bible that in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ, a loaf of bread will cost a days pay. Be prepared for insane increases. Start cutting back on some things you can live with out to save more. I am not brushing this off like it’s no big deal In case some of you think that.


A cheese grater and a sack of potatoes is about $7.99, and you'll get more hashbrowns.


Anyone explored / researched the supply chains? We go after the distributors who pass on the increases to the end consumer. Suppliers / manufacturers are invisible and escape the wrath of the public.


Not worth the money. At that point, I would rather make home made hash browns.


What are you fucking talking about, inflation is only 2.4%


Inflation is cumulative and has been adding up year over year month after month. People know how much this garbage cost a few years ago.


But their margin is only 3%!


No CPI was 2% something not possible they missed the hash browns


Well they are only .50 cheaper at Walmart. So not sure this is all Loblaws.


No, probably not the *exact* same. I'll bet they're smaller.


Anyone know where I can get these instead?


It's not the same product, it's 15% smaller with 45% more gmo


There’s a large pack and a small pack. I don’t recall the large pack being 3.99, I do recall this brand always being expensive because I never purchase it. I always go with the generic brand. *20 packs of McCain at Walmart are $7.47


Just buy potatoes


What is the % increase of potatoes last year to this year ?


That would depend on location I assume. They still cost the same to plant and grow. Certainly not as much as processed food increases.


I think it’s across the board , processed , meat , dairy , everything . Anything really . Nothing is unscathed unfortunately


Appreciate prices have gone up with inflation. But there’s no way a sack of potatoes is going to cost more than the equilivent weight of a processed and plastic coved pre-made hash browns. Super simple to make too.


Still curious about the % between years . I’m sure it’s increased more than the rate of inflation if someone wants to calculate it . I think we are in a lose / lose situation here which shows why people are using food banks


Not all. Some peoples pensions increased dramatically with the stock market reacting to inflation. As usual it’s the poor who get screwed the most.


But Papa Newsies told me that inflation is less than 3%!


Walmart sells tasty hash browns (although they are the little ones. Tator tots?) for about $4. Not sure the source though


it’s probably not even the same product it’s probably like 30 grams less


Yet McDonald’s charges $3 for one hash brown


Get potatoes and make your own. Easy peasy


Nevermind 20 pack. They sell half that almost close to the price of 20. Ffs


Price of potatoes, mumble mumble.....


I stopped buying potato patties as the price on brand names all doubled and no name types aren't far behind. Life is perfectly fine without.


Why do people even shop at loblaws. It’s always been more expensive


Raw potatoes with oil in an air fryer will save you 💰


I don’t have a lot of money. If I chopped my dick and balls off do you think they’d accept that as payment/sacrifice for these hashbrowns?


loblaws? No frills? Context is needed but even still, it has been a free for all. It used to be when prices were going up we all complained and said they were greedy and made inflationary factors. Now they’re not even bothering with excuses. We either pay to eat or go hungry. Alternatively, for those who are fesourceful, you can buy a bag of taters for $2 and cut them up yourself and make and freeze. Wealth may not be attainable for most people but eating doesn’t have to be feast or famine. As with everything in life, success doesn’t come easy. Just read a LPT thread from someone claiming to be 72 years old who shared a bunch of nuggets of wisdom and it’s mostly regurgitated idioms but not without merit.


I'm surprised the pack wasn't cut in half as well.


If folks can do it, make your own at home. Much better for you and the kids. And thanks loblaws for teaching me that alot of food products are not as difficult to create at home and doesn't take as much time as we've been lead to believe :)


Has anyone noticed that the texture of these are different how? Same with tater tots. They’re not nearly as good anymore. They are smoother and have a bland texture.


This is why I started making everything from scratch one thing I didn't do when my grandparents passed is throw away any old cook books. Those things are gold! Decades of recipes and tweaking flavors that you won't find anywhere else. The best part is when you start cooking like this and portioning your food properly you save a shit ton of money.


Cavendish is dogshit anyways, the McCain hash brown Pattie’s are 100x better


Insane! Their greed knows ko bounds at this point.


What happened to the No Name hash browns? I haven’t seen them anywhere in about a year now. Seems like Cavendish and McCain are the only options now.


It has probably shrunk by 10% since then too but you haven’t noticed.


these i bought at 3.99 and never bought it again. tastes like crap


$3.99?? I remember when these were $1.99!!!


Irish potato famine v2 -Circa 2024


6.49 at food basics


Hey, hash is not cheap.


Loblaws be like: Starve, you pauper.


Great news! These style of hash browns are stupidly easy and cheap to make, you just need a bit of time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1toV9WrLGg&t=281s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1toV9WrLGg&t=281s)


$4 for this are expensive. Buy Potatoes instead. If you’re going to spend good money you need value.


Could someone let me know when marshmallows are on sale please?


I read that as "Before the plauge, these slaves of 20 Hash Browns.." and I was Iike the slaves of what now?


Who cares you should not be eating these anyways, it’s better for your health to not buy them. Go buy potatoes or Bacon or other nutrient dense foods for breakfast.


Food basics they’re like 3.45 … wtf


I run Cavendish now that I seen your reddit post I will now lower the price to $2.99


Just wait to see what the price is going to be in after April 1st. They're predicting another 19% increase.




Can't speak to other parts of Canada, but in Alberta, people believe Justin Trudeau himself went into the stores and changed the prices.


muSt bE thE kArbun tAx, tHanKs truDeAu.


Learn to make your own or pay the convenience fee...


Buy a bag of potatoes and make your own.




For like a dollar or 2 more you can get a massive bag of these exact ones at Costco, I bought them like 3 weeks ago because Walmarts were also 7.99