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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If any new parents need me to pick up a tub or two at Costco, I can! (I usually go to the one on Wilson/Billy Bishop Way in Toronto! I can meet up/drop off stuff at any ttc station.)


You are the salt of this earth.


Gotta help fellow humans any way we can in this capitalist hellscape.


This type of gesture gives me hope that good people still exist and care. Bravo.


And you, the pepper.


I do this for a couple of friends, not just with formula. I'll pick up whatever they need. I swear that 3/4 of my Costco cart isn't even my stuff, lol. I have a van and work by Costco in the city ~45 minutes from where I live. I usually stop by Costco 2 times a week before or after work.


Lol. I would but I currently don't drive so dragging Costco sized anything around the city is patiently annoying. My friend grabbed a whole bunch of cereal and snacks and had to taxi back home, ha!


I started doing it because I found out a friend was taking a taxi to and from Costco. I was like, "No, girl, I will get you what you need so you don't spend $150!!!!! on fricking taxis once a month." I just expanded out from there and will keep going as much as I can. Friends help friends boycott Roblaws as much as they are able to.


Yes! It's a thing. I definitely need to start driving again and doing this for friends and family since Costco is pretty gnarly to deal with.


I just started driving a couple of years ago. I'm late 30s. Now I do so much stuff for friends that don't drive. I'm paying it forward for all the friends that drove me places in the last 20 years.


Yes. That is the attitude we need now. Pay it forward, people.


For those without a Costco membership there is a work around. If you're given a Costco Shop Card, which is Costco's version of a gift card, you'll be allowed to enter the store and shop there to your heart's content. (Not to take away from the generous offer to help those in your neighborhood!)


Is there a store (aside from Costco) where you can purchase the gift card?


Can you get me some toilet paper by chance? Lol almost as precious as baby formula


I share my costco card with friends and neighbors to allow them to go fuel and whatnot


Extra savings for you if you have the exec membership lol. Win/win and technically lose on Costco's end I guess.


They check cards, and will escort you out of the building / deny you service if caught using someone else’s card


Subsidized or considered an essential product so therefore should be heavily regulated/protected to avoid exploitation? Formula is generally cheaper in Europe for a reason.


https://preview.redd.it/qpaexbw47nvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f5c12e046fca2e7e5f36d73c57fc7f3ee8d0c9 England.


Right, just eyeballing the per kg amount for conversion and it's about half the price. Granted, this is the sensitive formula but still


future include hard-to-find compare ludicrous tan oatmeal rude test fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My currency rate was WAY off, for some reason I had that close to 20/kg


I think the sensitive ones were always more expensive. I used to buy the regular kind at Costco and the same tub was $26 in 2018/2019. I really feel for parents of infants now with the rising prices of formula.


Yes! My son was born in 2018 and I swear the formula was under $30. I don't know how parents are doing it this these days.


My daughter was born in early 2018 and Kirkland formula at the time was around $25.99 per container. It would routinely go on sale for a few dollars off. I also never had to worry about it going out of stock. Our second daughter was born late 2022 and Kirkland formula had increased to around $28.99. The formula shortage was very stressful and came with a bunch of price hikes on formula. I cannot believe how much the price of formula increased just in my youngest daughter’s first year of life alone.


So the price almost doubled… This is insane.


I mean at the Empire owned store I work at we had a tub of baby formula go from $49.99 to $59.99 yesterday. Overnight. And it’s not the first time.


Holy. What brand? My daughter's similac went from 54.9o to 62.99 overnight about 2 months ago now.


Nestle. So not surprising. But it’s one of the products that has the price jacked most often and by a large amount each time. Same with most OTC products - tampons went from 10.99 to 13.99 last week, cold and allergy meds go up every month or two usually. Don’t forget that Empire is just as bad as Loblaws.


The Lowblaws/Nestle combo is deadly. 2 VERY unethical companies who give no shits about their customers.


This was at an Empire-owned store, not Loblaws.




I shop for pads at Costco and the price is somewhat bearable. But I wish there was no pink tax. Ideally, a subsidy would be great so we didn’t have to have soooo many non-profits and charities offer free tampons and pads. I bet more women come to get those now that the prices went up.


WTF! Is using those Similar cheques/coupons an option?


Yes but I'm quickly running out of the good ones! When my daughter was born I had a lot of $20 and $15 ones, now I mostly have $10 ones which just brings it back basically to their original price 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That’s so unfair. Are the Facebook groups helpful at all? Maybe there are moms who have extra high-value coupons?


That’s insane. I cannot believe the government isn’t subsidising it. I’m not saying the parents are entitled to free stuff because they had children. But come on… Babies literally cannot survive without the baby formula if they cannot be breastfed due to a variety of reasons.


The sensitive was the same price as the regular yellow tub, but the yellow tub has been out of stock for like a year and a half. They’re just getting the purple sensitive tub back in stock with some regularity in the last few weeks. We used the yellow tub until Dec 2022 and it was still like $29.


>We used the yellow tub until Dec 2022 and it was still like $29 And then it crept up to $47 before it vanished in late 2023. Glad to see the price trend back down a bit. We thankfully avoided the formula drama of 2022 because we were between kids but I've been keeping an eye on it the whole time and yeesh. I'm due again this summer and really hoping the yellow Kirkland comes back consistently, especially since the Walmart and Loblaws store labels from the same manufacturer have been discontinued. Kirkland is the only generic brand formula still sold in Canada so having that unavailable is rough.


It’s definitely concerning, we’re due with our second in a few weeks and wondering what the best plan is for formula. Enfamil is more expensive but more readily available in more stores at the moment. We actually switched our son to whole milk at 9 months (with our Doctor’s blessing - he was eating solids really well and growing great) due to the shortage in 2022 and the Kirkland disappearing.


Walmart now carries Kendamil from the UK which is reportedly a bit cheaper than Enfamil here due to some quirks of importing. (Long story short - US baby formula got lumped in with the dairy protectionism when NAFTA was renegotiatiated. The price spikes weren't entirely due to shortages. EU/UK imports bypass that surcharge.) There's also Modilac from France at Walmart too now. It's often on sale at a pretty good price, but on sale so often that I'd be concerned Walmart isn't planning on keeping it around. Kendamil has been spotted in some Costcos too but I've never seen it in mine. Would be a huge relief if Kirkland was reliable again.


Oh! Question. Do you think it’s safe to order baby formula from the UK and France in bulk in anticipation of having a baby? Even if they don’t ship to Canada, which most stores probably aren’t; many have friends there and can ask them to mail it here.


TLDR: No. If you're stuck, pick some up in the US instead. You won't be able to get it shipped direct from European businesses. Formula is highly regulated by Health Canada and can't (legally) be imported that way. There are some third party websites that resell Euro brands but they operate on the grey market. There's no way to know it was obtained ethically or transported safely despite what the websites claim. You have no idea what conditions it was exposed to in a shipping canister and there won't be any recall notices issued here if there was an issue with the factory batch. We have government oversight on baby formula for a reason. Companies that want to sell here are welcome to go through the approval process to be regulated like Kendamil and Modilac have so personally I won't support the grey market stuff. The third party websites also feed into fearmongering and greenwashing of formula ingredients by touting Euro formulas as "cleaner" etc. when formula is already so regulated that the standards really aren't meaningfully different than here. Some babies are also more sensitive than others to switching between brands so I wouldn't want to introduce baby to something that might be hard to replace here if you run out. The US still has the same store brand formulas as Kirkland (all made by one company called Perrigo and relabeled) in a lot of chains like Target, Kroger, etc. If you're close to the US it would be simpler to rely on the occasional stock up trip for a backup plan than trusting overseas shipments. Their Costcos haven't had as much trouble with Kirkland formula supply to begin with either.


Thank you for a detailed reply and explanation! What if you have friends in Europe who will pack and ship the formula to you? I get it, it can get damaged in the process… But it’s not like there isn’t such a risk when it’s being shipped to the stores and stocked there. Good point about the US.


Yep, this is the exact time we used to buy and it was like $26.99 when my kid was using it. He’s only six now this is craziness


$26 just 16 months ago as well. People started to hoard or resell starting in 2022 and Costco had trouble with stock. Luckily our daughter graduated to regular food soon after


In early 2023 it was still 26.99 and then by the following year, when my daughter stopped needing it, it was up to it's current price. So it went up like $15 in the span of a year. Everytime we went to buy it, it was more expensive and stopped ever going on sale.


"why is nobody having kids??"


Yep! Exactly.


Have 2 kids both breast fed paid almost 0$ on formula. Only 5-10% of women can't breast feed. It was hard for my wife to get her supply in but she worked at it and got where she needed it to be. Most people who buy formula do not fall into that 5-10% they are just lazy and don't want to put in the effort to breastfeed.


Lemme guess.. you don’t have a uterus and have never grown nor birthed a baby. Also going to guess that you can’t lactate. No? Never? I bet you just aren’t trying hard enough.


Ugh, a great example of a so-called-man no woman should ever have a child with.


Shut the fuck up and don’t speak for women. Thanks!


Formula needs to be subsidized for parents, it's criminal that some people can't afford to feed their children.


I 100% agree.


... This is almost double what it was 6 years ago when I had my son, though


Nearly double what it was 4 years ago


Was paying $27.99 if I recall correctly in early 2022!


Yup. Around $23 if you caught it on sale.


Yes. You’re allowed to get mad.


This is why we need more attention towards this.


Only 6 years ago… Not even 10-20 years ago. The system is broken.


These cans were 26-27$. The Enfamil double packs they also sold were about 45$. I remember because I bought the Enfamil there, and did some research on generic baby formula, only to find out almost all store brands in North America were produced by the same company, Perrigo.


Oh yes, the good old oligopoly. I tried googling how much it costs to produce baby formula but couldn’t find it. I bet it’s super cheap, but the corporations cannot resist making money off of such a basic necessity.


It's time for civil disobedience.


This is a nice way to put it, lol.


We had our first kid in 2021 and just about to have the second in a few weeks and prices are insane now. Formula should be regulated or subsidized as it is a necessity item.


I agree. It should be affordable if not almost free.


Damn. I stocked up at $20.99 on these (but the yellow tub) through 2020 and 2021, what a difference


Yeah. I don’t even know if you can stock up on these. Once opened, it’s only good for 1 months. And if don’t?


I think we bought 10 in one shot when they'd go on sale lol, possibly more. We had our 2 kids 18 months apart and they both formula fed from 0-1 year old, at the 10 month mark they were both crushing 8oz bottles 3 times a day haha


Whoa, that’s a lot of formula for two hungry babies, haha. I’m sorry you and other parents have to fork out so much money for the baby formula. Even if you can afford it with ease, that’s still unfair.


Can I ask which costco...... There has been a shortage for the last few months Maybe longer but that's a good price The kitchener waterloo costco I think it's over fifty


It’s the South Etobicoke one. Over $50? Jesus…


Yeah it's expensive feeding babies these days Down the mouth and into the diaper


I guess bringing in a crazy number of international students and other immigrants is easier than helping families afford basic necessities such as formula.


Hey now. We had our kids just before 18 month parental leave was a thing. There was not better care then. There is (notionally) $10/day childcare though...


Unfortunately, many parents cannot afford to take 18 months off. I hope I will be able to do so, but the cost of living is very high. The $10 childcare is great, but I heard it’s hard to get into. Only 1 out of 4 places offers it, no?


I don't know, our kids are in school now.


Good, you’re lucky lol. I hope the government does more so that all parents, regardless of their children’s ages, can afford basic needs. While I’m not happy with the current government, the $10 daycare was a great thing to implement.


You have no idea what we spent on daycare. I was sent on a work assignment for the better part of six months. Immediately when my partner went back to work. It cost more money just from extra childcare than I made by about $5k. It unlocked some neat career advancement, but financially we had a rough go. This was recent and things are already so much better. Yes. Corporations are absolutely screwing you. But with the child care program and 18 month family leave things are better.


This is nuts, I’m so sorry. Also, the sad part is if your income if over a certain threshold, you’re not eligible for most/ant subsidies. It almost pays to be a single parent. And I’m all for supporting single parents and implementing social programs for them! But two working adults with salaries that are still too small for big expensive cities are considered ineligible for many subsidies. Why? That’s unjust.


Damn I was buying this in 2018 for $26


Yeah… The country clearly doesn’t need more children.


Why have children when you can just import fully grown adults to do the menial labour and pay taxes ?


Yep, that’s what I said in one of the comments, lol.


Problem is there is such a shortage of this stuff, I've never seen any in stock. Lots of 2 packs of enfamil for $75 though, ick. 


Jesus… What do you freaking do when there’s a shortage of a baby formula when your baby needs it su survive… I would be hysterical if it was me.


In 2020-2021 I paid $29 for this same formula….


Yeah, the times have changed and the prices are crazy.


These were like $25 not even three years ago.


This Kirkland brand is a lactose free formula. Should I get this on the Enfamil?


Kirkland purple lid is equivalent to Enfamil Gentleease. If your kid uses regular Enfamil, you want the Kirkland with the yellow lid that will hopefully come back in stock soon.


You can bring in a friend on your membership as well if they want to shop but not 100% certain what they want.


To be honest, I once sent my friend a screenshot of my Costco membership card, and since they rarely ask, she just used it for a few months. The screenshot scans well at the checkout and she then paid with cash or a Mastercard. But to be fair, we did it mostly because she wasn’t test driving Costco to decide if she likes it. She got her own card 2-3 months in. But I would surely give a parent I know the same card screenshot so they could buy formula.


I haven't seen the kirkland formula in our Costco for years (Kitchener, Ontario)


I guess I’m privileged because I live in Toronto and sometimes it pops up here. So unfair that there’s a shortage everywhere though.


This was $25 when my 7 year old was a baby.


It was $27 3 years ago and $25 5 years ago came in sale for $20 at times


Yeah, it skyrocketed.




Basic foods, such as eggs, milk, break, veggies and fruits, are also subsidized for everyone, kids and adults. Sadly, it’s not subsidized enough despite the not-so-great economic times. I believe we, as a society, should strive to end poverty and ensure everyone has their basic needs covered. It’s not a matter of responsibility but a basic human right.




I don’t think you understand how this works and what subsidies are already in place, albeit not enough of them.




This is why this country is so screwed up.


Ugh, I wish there was a child tax benefit that would cover diapers and formula. 😳


Me too! I guess the purpose of that benefit was, in fact, to cover diapers and formula… many moons ago when everything wasn’t this insanely expensive and unaffordable!


I mean the monthly cost in 2020 when my kid was born was pretty sufficiently covered by that credit


True. That’s if you don’t need the credit to cover any other child-related expenses, such as housing, utilities, transportation, healthcare, clothing, and then saving for their education and future.


I think if you can’t cover housing utilities and transportation and clothes/health care for yourself as is (which will mostly cover a kids need as well) you really shouldn’t be having kids yet


That’s true, but many if not most kids are born unplanned, especially in the older generation. Our generation (millennials & gen Z) are probably more careful and educated on birth control. Not everyone wants to have abortions, and lots are ecstatic about having kids. Also, considering how quickly the prices are rising, there’s a chance someone planned a pregnancy when everything was going okay, and now they’re not doing great. Plus, a job loss or other hardships can also be at play.


That doesn't change the fact that it's too expensive. The benefit should be able to help cover other things like clothing etc too, not just get eaten up entirely by the rising costs of formula and diapers. And please don't come at me with "if you can't afford kids don't have them". My husband and I waited longer than we wanted to have our daughter to make sure we'd be able to afford to care for her. But you don't know everyone's situation and having a kid that is hard to afford basic necessities for is not always "poor decision making". Circumstances change. Maybe they could afford the kids when they were born but then a job or home was lost, a spouse died etc.


I’m child free and happy but I hate the “if you can’t afford kids don’t have them”.  For some people, having kids is a serious and super important life goal. It would be like saying “just go your entire life without leaving your small town” to someone who loves travelling. It’s like a basic human instinct lol. May as well say just don’t eat .


Breastfeed and you don't gotta buy any formula at all it's not that complicated. There is a small % who can't breast feed and I feel for them but everyone else has noone to blame but themselves


“Don’t come at me with…” lmao. OP said “ugh, wish this was subsidized…” I was pointing out that there is a child tax benefit to cover necessities for new parents. (Which of course we all have watched people we know use theirs to buy booze and Nikes😂) OP is one of those “We need more subsidies” assholes and the last thing we need is to subsidize more things for lazy idiots that can’t budget for their own family.




Sorry for being aggressive. I've seen too many people blaming parents and not the corporations or powers that be (not that some parents aren't to blame 🤷🏻‍♀️). I do agree that the point of the CCB is to cover things like diapers and wipes and formula. And yes you are right there are people who abuse the system and use the money for themselves and not their kids and that is wrong. I don't think the answer is more subsidies. I think the answer is for Canada to produce their own formula again so we don't have to import it all. And for perhaps there to be a bit more regulation price wise so we can't have $5-10 jumps all the time. Yes inflation is a thing, but insanely high grocery prices being unnaceptable is kinda the point of this sub isn't it?


Ya but that credit isn’t enough for the costs of things now The benefit has not risen to match these costs and with canadas crippling birth rate (and is on track to reach Japan levels one day) it’s going to become a major problem.


My baby is now 11 months old, so the light is now at the end of the formula tunnel. I have been buying the Enfamil two packs at Costco whenever I can find them and the price for those is about $75 for 2x765g . They are usually sold out and the price is higher at other stores. Since he was about 7 months old, I have used 18 scoops/day to make roughly a 40 oz pitcher of formula which is good for 24 hours. He doesn't have all 40oz every day, but if I pour a bottle and he doesn't finish within one hour I have to toss it. One time I measured, there's about 7g / scoop. So 7 x 18= 126g for one day. This means that the 765g doesn't even last one week. Because of my income last year, my child tax benefit has been $187.46 monthly. People like to ask "why have kids if you can't afford them?" But I planned to exclusively breastfeed, and then based on a pediatrician's orders had to top-up with formula from the time he was two weeks old because he wasn't gaining weight. This was affordable until I dried up and had to rely on formula. Until they are 1 year old their nutrition is solely based on breastfeeding and/or formula and they'll transition to cow's milk and solid food by 15 months. Anyway, I did this math for my own budgeting a while ago but when I saw your comment I thought it might give some insight into the actual income and costs faced by parents. I can't imagine if I were a single parent Have a good day.


Yes there are so many entitled lazy assholes who want everything for free. Those people vote for higher taxes. Taxes for us hard working people.


Try using cloth diapers


Man. I remember it being like $15. I feel bad for folks who can't breastfeed for whatever reason. Betcha more people are going to go back to making their own formula from canned milk (I read somewhere, that in Newfoundland, new moms are still given the info for how to do it).


Whoa! I actually googled how to make formula from scratch last week, and the top results on Google say it’s not possible. I have no doubt it is, but I guess Google doesn’t want new mothers to make formula themselves if something goes south. Soooo, Newfoundland moms know how to make formula, eh?


Yep. They have for years. There was even a study done by Memorial University in St. John's to track the outcomes of kids fed by commercial formula, homemade canned milk formula, and breastfeeding. They tracked them over a number of years and, if I'm remembering correctly, the outcomes weren't really different between formulas, but breastfeeding came out on top. I was actually kinda surprised -- I'd always bought into the whole "canned milk formula will ruin your kid's health" thing, and was pretty judgemental over a friend from NL who made her own formula. I apologized to her. It really and truly looks like a marketing thing by formula companies. Edit to add link-- not to the study-- I'm guessing it's buried deep in Google's algorithm hell, but it's a blog with some recipes (that thankfully don't use corn syrup, but I did find lots of those too). [recipes](https://sixdollarfamily.com/homemade-baby-formula-for-emergencies)


Thank you so much! I will look up that study, I’m sure it’s in the university archive somewhere.


3 cans a month when theyre older (also eating solid food) but when your kid is tiny, I would almost double that amount. :( It was expensive as hell ten years ago for me, I feel so pissed off that formula prices have been allowed to go off the rails so much. (or that no help is being offered to parents who need it)


The Costco tubs are bigger than anything sold in other grocery stores. Even at peak appetite, my kid with a giant appetite wasn't going through more than 4 Costco tubs a month. Kirkland formula was substantially cheaper a couple years ago, but today's price is still less than what name brand costs.


ah I see, I bought standard size cans - that is significantly smaller. This is a much better deal


True, but the truth is, should it be this much at any point at all?


Same. I’m not even a mother of a bunch of kids like you are. And yet, any normal human would be upset about the formula prices.


This is such a good deal, even though it used to be $27 just 16 months ago. Our little one grew up on this and we used to donate a tub a week to whoever needed it in my wife's Facebook group. Formula cost rise has been radical. Just insane


Good job for donating it! You are good people.


This is considered cheap. Back in 2021 I was buying these same tubs for $23/tub. It was the cheapest around. A tub would last around ten days. So $60/month in formula. Once the formula shortage in 2022 happened, I had my twins on the same formula (my oldest is only 9 months older than my twins so I never stopped buying it) it was up to $29.99/tub. Still cheaper. I couldn’t find it anywhere at Costco because they had a limit so I started buying the same stuff at Walmart. I was going through a tub every 4 days of the Costco stuff, through a Walmart tub every 2.5 days. The fact that in 3 years it’s doibled in price I don’t know how people are affording to formula feed their babies.


Whoa, I thought 1 tub lasts only 3.5 days. That’s what google said, lol. Sorry, I’m not a parent yet. It’s a good thing it can last longer, but I’m sure you were going through so much more of it with twins. I, too, have no clue how parents are affording formula these days. It should be heavily subsidized.


The Costco tubs were much bigger than the superstore/Walmart tubs. Hence why I could get 10 days out of one tub with my oldest, my twins it was so much. I felt sometimes I was just opening one and then opening another the same day. It became so hard to find formula at the end I took them off formula early because I simply couldn’t find it. I knew my 10.5 month old babies would be okay compared to a newborn who would need the formula more than the twins who ate table food good.


I’m glad you found a way to make it work and everything worked out with your babies. I wish parents weren’t put in situations when they have make something work. I wish the recourses, access and affordability were there by default.


I check every single time I'm at Costco for the formula, and it's never there.


Sorry… I forgot to add I’m in Toronto. My bad.


This is an excellent food bank item. If you’re a regular Costco shopper, please consider picking something up every trip, just one item would be great and it doesn’t need to be as expensive as this. Food banks have seen a sharp increase in the number of people who need their help and need our donations.


I donate a small amount to food bank every month, but I will also be putting aside a little bit to buy baby formula and donate it too.


Thank you!


No, thank you for suggesting :)


I was so fortunate to be able to pump milk for my daughter (I couldn't breastfeed normally) but we did use formula at the beginning and at the end before she was weaned at 13 months. It was expensive enough for me, I don't even want to think of how bad it would be having to rely on only formula. My last package of Enfamil at Superstore (in NS) was $64 🤢


It’s awesome that you were able to pump milk! $64 is insane… Sometimes I’m ashamed to be living in Canada.


I've been waiting for the yellow tubs of Kirkland formula to be in stock for so long now that I will no longer need it by the time it does. My little guy turns one in a few weeks. The enfamil Costco carries is ~$76 where I live and sadly it's still cheaper than buying enfamil at Dominion or Wal-Mart.


This is crazy… I’m so terribly sorry. Canada needs to do better.


This is still a ripoff…


I find it ironic how other people were blasting Loblaws for marking up their prices out of greed, but now it's just everyone saying it needs to be subsidized. Alright, 'how exactly?', is my question. To me this is just more evidence that Canada's market is having supply issues as everything seems to be rising in costs.


The government can force grocers to bring down prices on basic items like eggs, milk, bread, veggies and some fruits, and basic necessities like baby formula. It’s been done with basic items many times during economic downturns in the last, and it’s not hard to do. The government can also implement better laws that dictate the grocers can only apply a low markup on such products. This would have to be thoroughly reviewed and regulated though. But they aren’t interested in doing so.


I don't blame them as it could disrupt the supply chain. Like if it takes x amount of hours and raw materials to produce and put a viable product on the shelves as the manufacturer, you're going to want those overhead expenses to be covered at minimum. If the government forces prices to go below that threshold, why would a manufacturer continue to produce a product that ends up costing them more money, or why would a grocer buy a product from suppliers that they'll lose money on due to government regulations? And to regulate it is a whole new budget the government needs to build a dour aside for the sole purpose of regulating basic items which inadvertently increases their worth even more as those costs will be put on the tax payer.


The grocer is only allowed to do business in certain cities, provinces and countries because the government allows them to do so. There are already subsidies in place for many basic products. Sadly, not enough. Somehow, the government forced telecommunications companies to reduce their prices but they supposedly cannot do it with grocers? Give me a break. It’s not a matter of supply and covering the costs.


Telecommunications as a service are wildly different to an actual produced or manufactured goods put on shelves, they're not really comparable. Plus I'm pretty sure the telecommunications industry has less regulations thus they can adjust more. I'm not trying to take away from getting Loblaws to lower prices, I'm just asking the questions that need to be ask so we don't end up collapsing our already strained supply chain (look at costs in literally everything in every industry, prices have gone up).


Is that a good or bad price? I am ignorant to the price of baby formula


Good and much cheaper compared to Roblaws. But the sad thing is, it’s been much cheaper even 2 years ago.


Doesn't Costco make money by the fact that you over buy?


I don’t usually overbuy. And when I do, I still save money because overbuying at Costco at low prices is better than me overbuying and many other places. But if you don’t like this store, you don’t have to shop there. I know there’s a cult-like following when it comes to Costco, and I don’t really support it.


Costco made around $5billion last year. They made $4 billion of that from membership fees.  The vast majority of the money they make on products goes to overhead and paying employees fairly.  It’s not that far off of being a coop. 




Costco makes most of its money from membership.


That’s true, but considering the membership costs $60 (very few go for the $120 one) and I save that $60 by purchasing 4-5 products from them, which is what I do about every few weeks… It’s money well spent. Also, they pay their employees decently well and much better than Walmart. They also don’t jack up prices like Loblaws. They are a decent store in my book. But correct me if I’m wrong.


I haven’t heard of a reason to stop shopping there.


My baby is making sure I can never over buy formula!


Mine was quite efficient as well. She costs us more in food waste now as a preschooler.


Annnnd this is why Costco is getting strict on memberships.


Annnnd this is why I save the membership cost by buying 4-5 products at Costco.


If you can't afford to buy formula maybe you should have thought of that before having sex


True, and if you can’t afford the $2,500 rent for 1-bedroom, maybe you shouldn’t exist - using your logic.


No because it was your choice to let your partner creampie you. It isn’t my choice to live and require a place to exist though.


I don’t think you know how sex works. So it’s surely a good idea to take your own advice and not procreate.


Gf and I are expecting our first. What's the point of the formula? I know it's expensive but why use it?


Consistency in the amount your child receives each meal is key if the mother cannot produce at a consistent level. Subsidizing with formula makes makes a huge difference especially before bed time (your child will sleep longer). Also the sooner you switch to formula the sooner you can help with overnight feeds. Also congratulations!!


Because sometimes breastfeeding doesn't work and then you have to have an alternative method of feeding baby. Maybe baby can't latch. Maybe mom doesn't produce enough. Maybe mom finds breastfeeding destroys her mental health. Maybe baby has an intolerance to breastmilk. Maybe mom doesn't want to pump or breastfeed. Maybe mom can't pump. Maybe mom has some past history of SA and breastfeeding is triggering. These are just a few reasons why people use formula. Sometimes it's from necessity, sometimes it's a choice of what is best for the family. Either way, it is a great way to make sure baby is fed and healthy and happy. And formula is far too expensive and has jumped up in price far too much.


Fed is best . By breast or bottle . Not every woman can breastfeed and society frowns on wet nurses, so....


Well, both of my kids were born with severe tongue ties, they were corrected but they never would breastfeed. I saw many lactation consultants and they even gave up trying because they simply wouldn’t. I pumped but eventually my supply dwindled because it’s not as effecting as actually breastfeeding. So it was either buy this formula, or my kids starved to death. That’s why


You have alot to learn in a short amount of time.


I do combo feeding (breast and formula). Both have pros and cons. I like having the option.


It’s for women who can’t or choose not to breastfeed. That’s it.


Sir, please prepare yourself for when the baby comes! Baby formula is a substitute for breastfeeding, but not because women “don’t want” to breastfeed their babies; it’s because some may not have enough supply of milk or may have health restrictions. Sometimes it’s physically painful and unbearable. At times, it causes serious mental health issues. One way or another, formula is crucial at feeding babies when the mother may not be able to do so for a ton of reasons. I hope your gf will be okay with breastfeeding, but please support her emotionally if she isn’t. It’s a tough journey. Formula can easily cost $400-$500 per month. With Costco, it’s more like $125-$150 per month thank God. But imagine paying $500/month when you have to pay all other bills and the max EI is $2,300/month? What a disgrace.


My wife did not produce milk. She tried for 3 months, pumping for hours each day, waking up multiple times each night trying to pump. It was grueling and exhausting. She even went on medication to stimulate milk production. So now we exclusively formula feed, not by choice but by necessity. If we could save money breastfeeding we would. But life isn't always fair.


Ah okay, I wish the best for you guys🙏🙏


Oh my God. The worst and most ignorant people reproduce yet again. If your girlfriend is physically unable to breastfeed, as many women are, are you going to make her life hell too? Clearly “the point” is for women who can’t or don’t want to breastfeed. That should be pretty obvious. But no, of course, your girlfriend is an exemplary goddess among women, the example of what women SHOULD be - which is why she’ll breastfeed perfectly and do everything perfectly. Other women are just LAZY, right? Also based on your post history you are homeless. You are not in the position to have a child. Abortion or adoption would be the best option. No way are you living in your car and lecturing others about “the point” of formula. [also you already plan to put in no effort at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/ahlVbgbHLE) If I was your girlfriend it would be one Mifepristone down the hatch, and on to a better specimen. Women need to stop settling for bums.




You have a point but at least this man is asking questions. He read about the baby formula and didn’t go “ugh, some women are lazy to breastfeed”. Instead, he asked. I’m not saying he deserves a gold star for that, but kudos for him to learning new info about childbirth and raising kids.


What happened to breast milk?


Like I posted below. Because sometimes breastfeeding doesn't work and then you have to have an alternative method of feeding baby. Maybe baby can't latch. Maybe mom doesn't produce enough. Maybe mom finds breastfeeding destroys her mental health. Maybe baby has an intolerance to breastmilk. Maybe mom doesn't want to pump or breastfeed. Maybe mom can't pump. Maybe mom has some past history of SA and breastfeeding is triggering. These are just a few reasons why people use formula. Sometimes it's from necessity, sometimes it's a choice of what is best for the family. Either way, it is a great way to make sure baby is fed and healthy and happy. And formula is far too expensive and has jumped up in price far too much.


How did humans get this far? I'm sure cave woman didn't have access to formula


Simple. Babies died. Like someone else said, wet nurses used to be a thing but now society doesn't seem to like that option.


There are breast milk donations that women who overproduce can donate to. I almost donated with my third baby because my milk was out of control. Then I realized I had something called high lipase in my milk that makes it taste like soap when frozen so I ended up throwing out literal gallons of frozen breastmilk because my baby would only drink straight from the tap.


And donating breastmilk is amazing! I had looked into that as an option for our baby when she couldn't nurse/I didn't produce enough but there weren't any options where we live. I think this needs to be more widely educated as an option for both donors and recipients. Clearly I don't have an issue with formula but I know tons of people would much prefer donated breast milk over formula.


They died dipshit .. which is something we like to avoid if possible


That’s probably why so many women died giving birth and shortly after. It’s so fascinating how far we’ve evolved, eh? I mean… most of us, not you.


People are lazy and full of excuses that's how lol. Only like 5% of women can't breast feed. It's not an easy thing to do but don't have kids if you aren't going to put in the work for them.


It's even more expensive!


Boycott Costco!!! Let me start a subreddit