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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes, I love how *being able to afford to eat* is political now, stupid wokes! /s This guy is a clown.


He’s a clown.


He’s a clown but the reality is that unless there is legislation preventing price gouging, this issue will persist


Break up the grocery cartel. That would be a shot across the bow like no other. 


I don't understand his obsession with the idea that the boycott is a covert NDP operation. The NDP hasn't suggested any legislation to combat price gouging, their plan is to let the companies keep gouging but tax excess profits.


Because the NDP is the only party that’s even remotely interested in helping people and not worship at the altar of capitalist greed/profits…you see this narrative everywhere now to push the idea that the NDP who in reality passed half baked policies that will still help people both near and long term should have tanked the liberals so that we can get conservatives who are even more profit gouging, anti labor and anti poor into power (their better alternative)…reality is whenever a fundamental need such as food or healthcare is guaranteed, it means less power and money for the billionaire class which is what this is all about


A decade ago I would agree. Unfortunately today the NDP can kiss my ass. Greens, NDP, and obviously the Libs and Cons need to burn down to the ground and make way for something resembling representation of the (vanishing) middle and working class.


Given our capitalist government, it's going to be really really hard to get that in place - but we should still act for it. I always like to think about the practical implications of it though. How would you define price gouging at a legal level? Based on costs? On historic price points? On demand shifts? Should government be able to "set" prices? I'm all for almost all of those, but the closer you get to a controlled economy the more the people with power lose their fucking minds.


It's actually super hard to define. And when a company and family have their fingers in so many aspects of the supply chain, seems easy to manipulate metrics. What I'd rather see is a crown corp set up with the mandate to get healthy food to Canadians at the lowest possible cost. No bar to private sector competition, but set the bar they have to beat.


I have no faith in any Canadian political party to enact meaningful change. They will all pander to the owner class in one way or another. This boycott to me is the only rational tool the citizenry has to flex its muscles. But inevitably the filthy rich must be appropriately taxed. Not like the recent changes that supposedly tax the 0.12% but actually punishes the middle class. If you take away the obscene wealth then you don’t have the wealthy competing for the assets that the middle class would buy and so prices on everything would stay reasonable.


I would tend to agree with you. We are seeing the results of capitalism, and I'm not sure we'll work out a way to reduce the effects of capitalism without moving away from it in some form. Just like we won't end climate change without, you know, changing our behaviour


I work in climate change and I always advocate for grass roots changes - I think this is the way we can actually see real change.


The NDP announced legislation to do exactly that.


But queue the usual histrionics about communism


Woke Ass Poor People Talkin' Bout Human Rights like Eatin' and shit. How shameful. We have lots of liberal and conservative friends here too. We don't care about Political lines. Any party who wants to fix this could get the ball rolling. We will get the ball rolling for them if they won't with this boycott. We've gained class contiousness and are using our collective numbers to fight using the only thing corporations understand. Money.


Green supporter checking in! This thing transcends party boundaries. And we need it to in order to get any results.


NDP here, probably the only one in this whole comment thread, LOL! I love seeing so many Conservatives boycotting. I love how this transcends party lines.


Negative. NDP here, as well. Right now, this is transcending party lines, but will the politicians remember this come 2025? When the campaigning starts, listen very carefully. For me, the ones who promise to do more to break up these oligopolies and make laws to prevent their reoccurrence will get my vote. Jagmeet has already said he would. I think JT is trying with the Code of Conduct, but could do more. I can't wait to hear what PP's plan of action will be. If past history is to be taken, he'll repeal the Code of Conduct. Anything JT puts in place, he will try to tear asunder.


Great points!


Thank you! Just doing my part.😁👍


Just hope it inspires Poilievre to get Loblaws lobbyists out if his inner circle.


Seriously. Why keep licking the boots that are stepping on you? I cannot understand why people would choose to side with the corporation here.


I have a feeling the massive majority don't, and won't support corporate. It's almost like the other argument is being made by the rich ones who own everything and they will say/do anything to make this stop.


I wonder how much GW (crime family) is paying this shill??


Cost of living is a fundamentally political issue. The whole point of politics is to take care of the citizens


It’s always “free market” this and “it costs what the market will bear”. Until now, when a huge chunk of the Canadian population has decided to boycott someone because their goods are priced out of the market. Then apparently us consumers are stupid for boycotting. Fucking clowns. I’ve been boycotting loblaws for at least a year, and probably a lot longer (although not entirely early on). I’m happy to continue this for as long as it takes for real change to happen. It only sucks for me because they are the most conveniently located place to buy groceries - if the worst I have to deal with is making a slightly longer trip to get what I need for dinner, so be it. First world problems. Loblaws is guilty of one of two things: either they’re hiking up prices and trying to fool us into thinking that’s okay, in a dishonest way… OR they’ve made poor business decisions that have lead to higher prices because they’re incompetent. I can get less expensive food elsewhere. Free market, bitches.


https://preview.redd.it/g5vvtqsc312d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c070a9aff525390d4f8194612191c519008fc12b Did it for ya ?)


Which is why I firmly believe this clown should be ignored. I still have no idea who he is, but he seems to be a topic for discussion more than he should be.




An insufferable person and a professional gaslighter. He is the classic definition of an idiot who thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Half the shit he says is so laughably stupid that you have to wonder what he thinks of the rest of us to think that it is actually believable. This guy would be selling magical potions at the side of the road and travelling town to town to scam people if he lived 200 years ago. A worthless, soulless, human. He is a professional bootlicker. His university should feel ashamed that someone this hollow is representing them.


Let's be honest, he's not even human. Most humans have empathy. He's a paid for psychopath, lacking all forms of empathy.


Hey! Cunts can take a pounding, birth a baby, bleed monthly and still show up to have a good time. This man can't even take a spicy internet comment without blocking someone. 🤣


They also have some warmth. Charly is probably cold to the touch, he's so dead on the inside


Very cold but very ... dry 🤣 Can you imagine conversations with him? You'd try to talk about the weather and he's just blabbing about loblaws. He's like a prepubescent tween obsessing over their crush.






Seriously. Dalhousie is on my daughter’s short list of universities to apply for. I think I might try and steer her to another school


Dalhousie is a great school. *Every* university has a business school or "think tank" filled with clowns just like this guy. He's not special he's just found a clever angle to gain more mainstream exposure than most.


Fair enough. anyway. My daughter wouldn’t be “taught” be this clown anyway…. Looks like he is with their Faculty of Management


Dalhousie did take down the record of this clown's corporate contributions after it was exposed in the media, so I wouldn't say the university gets off scott-free in this.


Universities, in general, are becoming more corporate. Not to the extent it is in the US, but it's still an issue.


I've never met anyone more uneducated than a business major.


Hey, as a current Dalhousie student let me just say this ass clown doesn't speak for all of us. My department is awesome.


This was my thought too. I didn't know who this guy was or if he is an actual professor at an actual big kid school but if he is it doesn't reflect well on said institution. I've been getting serious Jordan Peterson vibes from this chud lately.


I bet you his employment is a stipulation for a big Weston family donation to the school. There is no way he is still employed there otherwise. These public institutions part ways with any employees that have controversial views or have a bunch of people complain about them, whether they are in the right or not. The fact that he is still around says it all.


This, so much. Dalhousie must be a university for professional bootlickers. All this guy learned at Dalhousie is how to gaslight and exploit people.


What a fucking loser 😂


Drug Fraud was elected by 17.8% of eligible voters. So what’s the point professor points?


Shillvain Loblois


Oh, also NDP voting support was ~3 million in the last federal election. If we extrapolate participants from the report he’s referencing, that’s actually ~7 million participants. I guess we gotta run for office now? LOL


I'd vote for the group if it ran for office ✔️


Bruh, you literally just made a correlation between the NDP and boycott support out of nowhere. And you're saying that we're making this political? A "professor" that doesn't understand correlation doesn't equal causation -- it's no wonder this guy is a hack.


That's not even correlation. It's just two numbers which are 18%. That's...nothing? Yup, nonsense. Mexican ports are up 18% the last quarter, 18% of Americans have seen a ghost, 18% of drivers can drive stick. This idiot makes me feel a lot more than 18% worse about my degree.


OMG people that drive stick can see ghosts ?!?!? Thankfully I never learned ! (Joke)


Very true!


As I've said many times before: Don't pay any attention to Charlebois. His peers in academia certainly do not.


Like why is he getting posted 5 times a day? So sick of seeing him getting air time like he matters. Some people just have such a weird hate boner


Right? There's nobody of worth still using Twitter / X anyway. It is basically Elon Musk, a bunch of MAGA Trump fans, Russian bots, and trolls.


On the glass-is-half-full tip, I do appreciate when people like OP post screenshots instead of direct links to twitter.


Low effort engagement posts. That is why people are reposting every little tweet. This is no different than many other subreddits where a screen shot of a tweet is considered passible for the bare minimum qualities for a post


For someone who says the boycott isn't working, he sure talks a lot about it


Loving the noise and attention. Let me understand and unfold this. Did he imply that the NDP voters are the ones participating in the boycott? That’s amazing statistic (insert sarcasm smiley). Love the work.


Yes. He’s bought into the idea that this is part of “the radical left woke agenda”. And yes, that was said in a Kermit the frog voice.


This is why conservatives and liberals need to speak up. This crosses party lines


He's also implied that the people accusing him of being bought by Loblaws are, in fact, bought by the NDP. Dude is grasping at straws in a weak attempt to divide us.


I am a Conservative Party voter and a boycotter. This goes beyond party lines.


Liberal Voter and also boycotting. This isn’t about politics, this is about affordability and blatant abuse of the Canadian people. They just want to try and use any angle possible to justify condemning this boycott.


I strongly disagree with Trudeau's policies, but this is the one issue that unites us all.


There are way more issues that unite us all. The whole political system is designed to make you pick sides and bicker on issues that none of them have any real answer for, blinding us to the fact that they are all just as useless and corrupt as each other.


Good point. As long as we're fighting amongst each other, we'll never look up to see what is really the problem.


I've said before, we may disagree on solutions to the affordability crisis, but we all agree food costs too damn much.


This is a deliberate attempt To paint this as just NDP issue but those who know the technicalities of economics and the danger of monopolies know that the cons are far more aware about the dangers of monopolies. Especially ones have been unintentionally government abetted. It’s why when someone mentioned a church sermon given by some minister about the greed of loblaws was attacked by questionable accounts.


I was going to give a backhanded compliment... No, food security goes beyond party lines. I'm with you.


False correlation fallacy


Not to mention I thought "The boycott isn't working"


I keep hearing about this dude but have no idea who the fuck he is or why he’s relevant. Sounds like a dumb fuck.


Just a Galen Weston felating nobody


Nearly 20% is significant lol. What a ghoul


I can't think of any business that wouldn't freak out over losing 20% of their customers. Even if it is "only 18%", that's going to hurt!


The man is absolutely obsessed with the NDP. Everytime someone asks if he’s on Loblaws’ payroll he turns around and asks how much they get paid by the NDP.


"Two in five" isn't 18%, Professor.


The "two in five" reference that's being made across this sub seems to come from this article's title: [https://www.cp24.com/news/canadians-feel-grocery-inflation-getting-worse-two-in-five-boycotting-loblaw-poll-1.6895868](https://www.cp24.com/news/canadians-feel-grocery-inflation-getting-worse-two-in-five-boycotting-loblaw-poll-1.6895868) The article text itself mentions the 18% and it's really unclear where the 2 in 5 number is coming from looking across all the poll responses: [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cy2j5q/canadians\_feel\_grocery\_inflation\_getting\_worse\_18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cy2j5q/canadians_feel_grocery_inflation_getting_worse_18/) The closest percentage is that 40% of the boycott participants are shopping at Walmart and Costco, but that doesn't make a lot of sense with the cp24 title. **tl;dr: the "two in five" thing is false, not the 18% thing.**




Loblaws Professor is a piece of shit!!💩


Only a matter of time before this guy and Jordan Peterson join forces to create the worst podcast in history.


Someone should arrange this and make them believe they're actually doing a podcast but it's just the two dumb dudes blathering into disconnected mics. Keep them busy a few hours a week because they clearly need a break from the real internet.


Funny enough, mowing the lawn is pretty dumb. Replacing your lawn with native species of vegetation is better for the environment, habitat, climate change and results in a zero maintenance yard. Mowing the lawn is a create work project. Also - keep up the Loblaws boycott! Love to see these rich babies cry.


Bees love clover lawns if forced to have a lawn not euroweeds.


Most homeowners are slaves to their lawn--an industry funded scam. The builder lays the sod, the owner has to water it, feed it, mow it, spray it with pesticides to keep the native plants away, all so they can have the "perfect lawn"--so 1950s.


Socialism is a good idea. Fuck these nasty ruthless morally bankrupt capitalists.


wow 18% of Canadians boycotting is an amazing stat that really means millions of Canadians are making a difference. Now 18% of voters who vote NDP in a first past the post system is a very different stat and you would think a professor should know this. Are we just doing sesame street number comparisons now and calling it legit math




He is dead wrong. This boycott has unified left and right wing voters like never before. We are all Conservatives in my family and friend group and we are boycotting the FUCK out of Loblaws.


I guarantee there are people of all political stripes including apolitical people that are participating. This is a human rights issue


I don't vote NDP I am boycotting, get stuffed, not with food.


# Loblaws Professor pulled a straw man.


This guy is such a bitch I can't even fathom. Men like him have such an easy soul to steal.


I’m boycotting! And loving it!


18% ... so far


He blocked me when I gave a reasonable response to people being angry that they are being taken advantage of. Success


So he went from predicting this boycott would have no effect to saying 18% is low? 18% of Canadians is millions! Millions who aren’t shopping at Loblaws! This is bigger than anyone predicted.


Yeah, I’m confused. Is this food prof guy now admitting that the boycott is huge? Though, as much as I’d love to believe it, I find the 18% difficult to believe. Hope it is true, though.


Silly Charlatan speaks


This dude is a professor? Holyshit, if he was my teacher I would demand my money back for a course.


A professor should know that correlation does not equal causation. But when you're a hack you just take whatever data you can find and tell a story you've made up with it.


Ok I have to ask, can someone explain to me what this guy's deal is? I have only heard about him from posts in this sub. Was he an influencer who got bought by Loblaws or something?


He’s a professor that studies food distribution or some shit. The mainstream media frequently invites him to speak on issues related to the grocery business. He’s proven himself to be an irrelevant douchebag since this whole thing began


This man thinks of us more often than our mothers do. Yeesh.


Isn’t he a lobbyist for Loblaw?




I wonder if loblaws realizes this guy is making people like them even less. They should probably cut him loose.


REEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Hahaha!


This and "Its the wokes" is the same argument. Sucks to suck Charlebois!




Fuck the UCP. Fuck the NDP. Fuck the Liberals. Fuck every political party that's allowed corporations like Loblaws to get us here. Real Canadians stand on guard for each other. They don't stand by and watch Canadians suffer.


Hi Food Professor. We know you are reading this sub.


Fucken clown. History will not remember him. If at all, not fondly.


He is definitely getting money from Loblaws. Look at this post he made not too long ago, before they started paying him. https://preview.redd.it/4m15nt2r212d1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae9f33ae2feb082adf8c90f8b6d9570cd9b56fc


He like obsessed with us 😂


This guy better be getting a loblaws pay check.🤷‍♂️ because he is an idiot. People regardless of their politics don’t like being ripped off!


The Food Professor should stick to bad food facts instead of trying bad stats facts.


Obviously getting paid per tweet.


He so desperately wants to turn this into a political debate for some reason. Is he trying to use the "you're all snowflakes" tactic?


He’s the human equivalent of a bowl of mayonnaise


He is like an irritating fly that won't fuck off. Can we open the car window and release him? I would suggest a swatter, but violence is against the law and generally frowned upon.


Dude runs an “analytics lab” - surely he knows you don’t put two unrelated numbers in a tweet and a bunch of question marks. He seems as intent as Galen at destroying his own brand


Keep posting this turbo cope. It cracks me up


Why does he even care if people are boycotting, makes zero sense why he's posting so much about this.


when *isn’t* this loser whining on Twitter?


I'm pretty sure this sub has all stripes of politics and opinions about all kinds of things, I had disagreements here about other things. We all need to eat, that's it.


I always read "food processor"


A food processor is actually useful


If I could reach that far I’d never need anyone to scratch my back.


So he’s saying only NDP voters are doing this boycott? Holy shit this guy is dumb as fuck.


Hahahaha this guy is such a sad fucking idiot. I wanna meet him


This Professor sold to dollars.


I’ve never voted NDP and I’m participating in the boycott. Also, to those who know more about political statistics, what is the percentage of boycotters vs. people who voted NDP in the last provincial and federal elections?


He is making it political, not us.


The Loblaws professor has 90% of his retirement money invested in these corporate pirates so yeah, of course he defends them. Complete shill and the only thing he is qualified to profess is his myopia. Too bad he also had an ethical bypass before he graduated.


He masturbates every time he sees himself mentioned on Reddit. Fact.


'You know who else boycotted Loblaws? Stalin' -The Food Prof probably


I'm conservative and I'm boycotting these cunts just the same as my Liberal, NDP, Bloc, Green, and PPC brothers and sisters. This is an issue that ties us all together as a basic human need. We all need affordable food and we're all tired of being highway robbed while the politicians in every party do nothing about it. Meaningless taxes will do nothing and will only get passed on to us making this problem even worse. These companies need to be broken up and competition needs to be incentivized. Companies can still make a healthy profit while we get fair prices. Enough is enough


Does this man think of literally anything else besides the loblaws boycott




I’m a conservative voter. I don’t like getting ripped off end of story.


Pretty much sums up the type of people who still use Twitter




Hey Charlie boy ,  Correlation is not causation idiot


This guy is worse than Marjorie Taylor Green when it comes to drinking the corporate/political kool-aid


So ... Because 18% of Canadians support the NDP and 18% of Canadians support the boycott, the boycott is exclusively NDP? What planet is he even on? What a disingenuous cunt. It'd be super frustrating if he had any power or importance or mattered at all.


“Everything is political these days”, said the man abusing statistics in order to politicize discussion.


Not an NDP; but whatever 🤷‍♀️ # 🤣 They're really hoping politics will divide us. Let's not let that happen ✊


My god this man is SUCH a dick. And as a Dal Alumnus… embarrassing AF. I've never voted NDP in my life and I started "boycotting" a month before the official boycott and plan to never shop there again.


What a dweeb


Ah yes, please explain how mowing the lawn is political. To preserve your "credibility", good sir.


Why do people care so much about where we buy our food 🤣 you get on with your life and I'll get on with mine.. and it'll be without loblaws


Why does this dweeb get so fired up?


18 percent is also the chance of precipitation today. Coincidence? I think not!!!


Can we just stop posting this twat


Why is it the most disgusting individuals always have a face only a mother could love?


Rent free


No shame for this pathetic little shill. His entire job and persona is paid for by Loblaws. I imagine if he got fired, Roblaws would pull Dalhousie funding so he is untouchable. Everything about him screams rotten and corrupt. Off topic from normal talk but many of us here are not NDP supporters. This is not political and he’s just trying to normalize this as much as possible in the eyes of anyone. Get corporate lobbying out of our society. It’s not good for the people.


This guy is so creepy. He behaves like an obsessive basement dweller with no job. Aren’t you supposed to be working?? Why does he tweet nonsense 24/7.


Lol let the baby cry.


I know just as many right wing as I do left with supporting this boycott. This guy is spreading BS


Damn food prof, I'm a card-carrying CPC member. Not all political conservatives are douche-mongering me me me. Some of us have a consciences.


Oh, the irony is lost on him how he’s trying to make it political and then whines how everything is political now. lol like conservatives just looooooove getting price-gouged. This isn’t about politics, it’s class warfare. The billionaires squeezing everyone dry versus regular people who *ACTUALLY* pay their taxes and pay their dues (rather than hiring shills, marketing bros, and lawyers to avoid any responsibility).


So he makes it political…..then complains that “everything” is political? what a dunce


18% is a substantial loss to revenue. Good work people!!


In just over 3 weeks, Loblaws has lost almost 20% of their business. Thats actually pretty incredible.


So is he saying that Conservatives love paying inflated food prices so that oligarchs can have a castle in Ireland?  Or that Liberals think food should be a luxury? Or that the Bloc, PPC or Greens don't need to eat? What a clown. 


*makes everything political* *complains about everything being political*


He just kicks and screams NDP NDP etc… It’s hard to imagine such an impulsive surface level petulant thinker was ever a teacher. He has not had a level through-line throughout this entire boycott other than to launch jabs at struggling Canadians and hide behind blocking anyone who has anything to say about it. He likes the attention and he’s getting it (albeit negative attention) but one day he won’t get the attention anymore or maybe the pushback goes beyond a message on X and he has to deal with real life consequences… such as many of the people here are with regards to food. #washhismouthwithsoap


“He’d suck a d!ck just to cut in line to suck a bigger d!ck.” — Pam Poovey


I hope he keeps talking. He is going to paint himself into a corner when he shows us all his true ethics and we see how messed up the top half is. This guy had to step down because he was pissing people off too much


"EvErYthInG Is PoLiTiCaL!" Says the side of the isle that blows a gasket over a sale on plant-based Haagan-Dazs in an attempt to politicize it.


This is funny because most conservative supporters are very loud about the lack of affordability these days lol.


Every time that tool opens his mouth or X's, more people join the boycott. Please, Professor Shill, keep posting. We can use your support.


The reason that this food douchebag keeps trying to say it's political is because.....a good way to break up a group from within is turn it into a political ideology discussion, therefore drawing dividing lines within the movement. This man NEEDS this to be a politically affiliated movement so that it can be tied to the IDENTITY politics that the ELITES use to distract us and break us up from forming any meaningful movement. Don't fall for these snakes. They are in full force trying their hardest to sow distrust and political divide within the group. THEY ARE SCARED AND TRYING EVERYTHING THEY CAN. keep up the good fight. I can't even write here what I would actually like to see happen to this feller.


This guy's a professor? And he doesn't understand that correlation does not equal causation? I hope he doesn't perform any research, because that would be embarrassing to have to explain during peer-review.


It must be easy to trigger an idiot. Dont listen to idiots like that, listen to thier opnion- and then determine they are true idiots.


So wait. A professor, a literal professor at a \[once\] respected university, does not understand that there were only 101 options that each result could be (0-100%) so chances of them being similar in size were pretty good. Now I'm curious if he also thinks it's the exact same people responding to each because this take is so moronic on so many levels, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.


Someone needs to remind him correlation does not equal causation.


Who the fuck is he? Let's not give this asshat any attention


This guy is something else. I don't shop at loblaws because everything costs twice as much as it does at the food basics up the street from it. The same thing literally twice the price. It doesn't make sense.


Maybe I missed something...who is this loser?


That man is trying to substantiate his existence in the world. How sad that someone is so easily triggered. MSM should drop this yahoo completely. I hate that CTV used to give this man air time…


You forgot your suit, you ass-clown.


It’s not political, we just wanna eat


He must collect money from loblaws or something. He can’t be that dense, is he?


He is also motivated by politcs. The corporat kind. He's ranting because of the push back.


EVERYONE, except the Westons, HATES this guy.


I’m replied to one of his tweets showing how robloaws donates generously to dalhousie and called him a shill… he blocked me and im honoured!


18% of people is a BIG FUCKING DEAL and they are trying to play it off like it isn't. Lol.