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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These are currently $1.40 at my Walmart.


Mine too


Came here to say this.


They are 1.33 at loblaws, this is a misprint


I figured misprint or Photoshop. When people or corporations are genuinely bad, I never get why people resort to deceptive arguments against them. There's enough truth out there to demonstrate that Loblaws is unethical. No need to make up false narratives.


exactly. Its like when people have a good argument but then make up facts to make their argument seem stronger - it just discredits the other true facts when you try and sprinkle in some fake news


This is why the best move when you're being attacked is to anonymously join the fight against yourself with more and more unhinged arguments until public sentiment shifts. Not saying that's what this is, nor that anyone would actually do this - I just think it's the best move






Ya, the font for the "1" is not the same as other 1s on the page. Why do this??


It says “or 1 for 6.99 as well. It’s a misprint, not people willfully misunderstanding.


Just loblaws.......?


There's no such thing. It's called working your wage. You can't have higher profits if you hire and pay people appropriately so you get people who cost half as much and do a half assed job




Same at Super C


https://preview.redd.it/q9r9q6ksa93d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17791524394c71bddee8a7b06ee8bc7530e410d2 I don’t know why everyone is riding you so hard, this is one hundred percent real and I’m about to walk to Loblaws myself to check. This price is insane.


Please update us if you go there, this has to be a misprint right?


I googled before I left to see what time they closed, 9, I wouldn’t have made it in time with my slow pokes (dogs). I did however kindly request my friend check on his way home from work, fingers crossed!


Can’t you just check their website instead of the physical store? https://www.loblaws.ca/zero-lemon-iced-tea/p/21426848_EA Looks like a misprint in the flyer.


They are in our local Atlantic Superstore flyer here in Halifax for 3/$3.39. Same image - wildly different price! https://preview.redd.it/kivo49trqd3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef934a467afb450339da112c9f0715e72ed67f1


Somewhere, a poor graphic designer is getting fired.


You mean promoted. Best idea since sliced bread fixing


Screw their multibuy deals, should be $6 each. Loblaws works hard to promote food waste and/or overspending.


Coupla tall boys of strong beer costs less than that wtf.


Christ, you can get 6 PBR or Busch less than that!


Guys. Before you call op a liar please do the leg work and check yourself for ontario in the flipp app. Talk about how OP is ruining the cause? No. Stop that shit right now. I checked myself and it is indeed written like that. 2 for 12 in Ontario. OP saw something wild and posted it. Thats the end of story. Your reactions are uncalled for and ironic calling them a liar when you didn't check yourself and ended up being the wrong one and a liar.


I just checked myself. It's 2 for $12. https://preview.redd.it/me3zevzxd93d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a556fa3cc120ad04ab90c54c3f290717e4f8e4 This is for Toronto area


Is there vodka in it?


Not if it's in the Toronto area. They can't sell to liquor




>Doug Ford Re-election Campaign has entered the chat<


Liquid cannabis


Yes please


if its going to be used in a Jager bomb type of drink, then yes


In nova scotia, theyre 1.99 each.




Its a misprint of the one beside it. They are $1.33 each.


Galen's gotta have some dogs in this sub


Is there a chance that The flyer has a typo? Check on line… easiest time saver ever


Except that it is obviously a misprint of the price for the six-pack. So yes, these ridiculous claims that “I have checked and it is the price” really do discredit the cause. How many people are now running around claiming—absurdly—that Loblaws charges $6 for a can of Brisk? It makes you seem crazy because it IS crazy. You people are so desperate to bash Loblaws that you do not care about getting to the truth of an obvious error. And it took me literally ONE MINUTE to figure this out from the website: https://preview.redd.it/0rdflx7jxc3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639ec6e6241d850126258ec0b9c1e56d1f29183f


It's a misprint with a lot of misprint. It's not just the wrong photo, it's the wrong description and wrong item code and everything. It's an extreme oversight, idk how no one noticed it if it is in fact a misprint. Maybe even the copy editors have come to expect wild shit and let it slide as a result idk.


Yes this 100% right away you can tell its a misprint and sharing it as 100% truth no mistakes throw mud in the water of the movement and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised going forward if Loblaws attempts to get that reaction from the boycott so they have an excuse to hide behind and can paint it as a bad faith organization


Buying into obvious craziness certainly does the movement no favours


I did the work and checked myself, it's not 2 for $12 https://www.loblaws.ca/lemon-iced-tea/p/21082610_EA Where is the 2 for $12 price? Or do we not do the work and do further research in case an error is made on the flyer?


I literally told you where it was listed like that and where op saw it from....


But exactly, OP couldn't be bothered to do the leg work and confirm an error, and instead makes the lazy "3%" comment This sub is getting nuts, a typo on a flyer now generates rage because people aren't able to think logically lol, it's getting scary


Lol right on man. This is a silly argument. People acting like he killed their dog cause he pointed out something that did in fact happen. Y'all crazy


Ehhh it's just weird how riled up people get over a mistake, and instead of researching that mistake, they pawn it off as 3000% profit margins for internet rage lol


What the fuck lol, you can get these for like, 3 or 4 bucks at the convenience store, where EVERYTHING is more expensive


These are still just over a dollar each in BC


Loblaws often uses convenience store pricing. On a good day Rabba's price <= Roblaws


they are 1.33 at loblaws, this is a misprint but of course reddit doesnt care about facts only outrage


Boycott them till Galen has to sell his castle home for money!


These tall cans are 1 dollar at walmart lmao.


It’s 2 Kd’s for $12 where I am. Crooks.


Jesus..... Back in my day i thought it was crazy to pay more than fifty cents for a box of KD, now I find myself lucky to find it for less than $2.... But 2 for 12?! It's wrong


Is this in a 3rd world country?




If we keep letting Galen get away with this shit, we will be


Confirmed on Flipp, 2 for $12 at independent in my area


That ain't 3% margins. Try closer to 300%


You wish. You can still find then for 0.97. let's assume the 1.50 price, that's 500% profit.


That's not how margin works. I think you might be conflating markup and margin. Margin is the % of the sale that is profit. Assuming an item has a cost (even 1 cent), you can't have anything greater than 99.9% margin. Conversely, if an item is free and sold at 1 cent (or a million dollars), that would be 100% margin.


TIL margins aren’t just for drawing dicks in.


This has to be a misprint… right? … right??? At this point I’m ready to give up and live in a cardboard box


1.33 here in Ontario at Independant


It's a misprint, they are $1.33 however you won't see that correction, everyone saying that is getting heavily down voted. Roblaws absolutely wants all your money but in this case it's just a human error


yes it's a misprint. crazy how people on this sub will believe anything https://www.atlanticsuperstore.ca/search?search-bar=brisk


I’d like to think that this is some kind of subterfuge. Like some employees have also decided that enough is enough and are doing their best to take it down from the inside before they get fired, or quit. God, I’d love a mini revolution from within. Purposeful fuck ups that make the company look even worse, “mistakes” that are costly to correct, leaving for other companies with no notice. Anything they can do to make things worse for Loblaws. Some of their own staff starting to form a mutiny would be the icing on the cake


I got Dr Pepper Zero sugar for $4.99 at Food Basics on Sunday. I didn't get $1 value in points though, silly me./s


You know what’s wild? You can buy Dr. Pepper cheaper off Amazon, ffs. 🤦‍♀️


Everybody chill, this is a misprint. On the Loblaws site they are $1.33 each. [https://www.loblaws.ca/search?search-bar=Brisk%20Ice%20Tea%20Cans](https://www.loblaws.ca/search?search-bar=Brisk%20Ice%20Tea%20Cans)


It’s all lies. I get profit margins are small on certain items. But others there’s no way. They’re are completely screwing people. I also don’t buy the comparison of Canadian tire to Loblaws. You need one to survive the other you don’t.


Its sad how so many people dont do the slightest effort to call someone out on bullshit.   It totally can be 3% profit, for "loblaws" the grocery chain, what they omit is they own everything from the farmers, to the transport, to the warehouse, to the real eatate. So while "Loblaws" can absolutey only make 3%, ita because all the other companies they own charge them (x) and eat up "loblaws" profits reducing it to 3%. BUT if you own 10 companies all making 3% profit, your umbrella corp that owns all 10 doesnt make 3%, it makes 30%.




It's off of Flipp in my area


These were a 1.50 each 2 weeks ago…


Could there be a typo in the ad and it’s cheaper in store?


Correct. 1.33 in store


Not just loblaws but I always laugh at these deals, reminds me of walking into a 7 eleven and seeing the 2 for ($6) on chocolate bars or drinks It isn't a deal you save like $0.50...


Lol literally save on food does more reward sales of $0.50 savings, gives me the Hey Fuck you vibe


I'm talking attacking op. They saw on the app. Posted. It happens. To lose someone's mind on shit is ridiculous over something simple. Getting wrong at the wrong person. Loblaws still is the one who fucked up here not op


wtf i saw these in superstore they were 2 for 3$


https://preview.redd.it/h4rpql1by83d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19dbe445624b60d553fec15328ebac3ee057771 What province are you in? I’m in SK and this is the price here. Also the number 1 and the dollar sign in “$12” doesn’t match their formatting on other prices, wondering if this is edited EDIT: I just checked the PC Express app for YIG and Loblaws in Ontario and the price is $1.33e WUB 3 or $1.79. Flyer is incorrect


Just checked my flip app, its 2 for $12 at loblaws in Richmond Hill. Nestea in a 12 pack is going for $8. They are also selling 2 KDs for $9. The whole flyer is fucking joke but real


Wait..like two regular sized boxes of kraft dinner? The things that are usually between $1 and $1.50 each? Jfc.


Let’s not forget Kraft dinner also shrank dramatically recently too, it’s down to 140g in a box and used to be 200 At their price I can get the flat at Costco almost


the flip app literally uses the flyer, so if theres a misprint on the flyer flip app will be wrong too


Okay. Maybe not edited but obviously a mistake right? Can't cost this at the till.


They charge over $9 for one box of dunkeroos, which sell 3 for $9 everywhere else. I would not be surprised at all if this flyer wasn't an error.


https://preview.redd.it/1jpmkk96a93d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c255f6485bbc3d0287d1b24071061e593c93820d Not edited. This is what I have on my Flipp app for Loblaws, I’m in Toronto




https://preview.redd.it/bsbmi3qe993d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36030ee64e55abf941fce5054dd51b8fde5036fa Nvm, checked my local too


Wtf that’s absolutely insane


You’re checking an independent, check a Loblaws. I’m seriously debating walking the 25 minutes in the rain just to check with my own eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/x1h30xl4p93d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4a53d61a3e965fdbf6d8c08cc34bd1ecf35d50 This is on my reebee app and I’m in southwestern Ontario.


Just checked the loblaws PC express for Ontario and it has the correct lower price as well. Sorry, we don’t have Loblaws in my area only YIG so I can’t compare mine


I’m sorry too! I haven’t ever used their online shopping so I didn’t think to check. Thanks for letting me know ☺️ Saved my a whole trip


What in the gods name is going on, north bay? Lol


Wtf lmao I swear I bought these $5 for 4 from no frills before


these are like $1.25 at Dollorama


So you get 24 cans of Dr Pepper for only $2 more? lol


Those are 1.25$ each in bc at freshco or 5 for 5$


Woah woah woah Is that the strawberries and cream Dr Pepper that they have in the US? That I totally drive across the border to get… IN CANADA?? I need to find a store (that isn’t Roblaws) to get a case or two….


Yes it is, and it's so good


I have never found that in a store in Niagara…. I hope I have some luck in something not loblaws


[Latest quarterly results for Loblaw](https://dis-prod.assetful.loblaw.ca/content/dam/loblaw-companies-limited/creative-assets/loblaw-ca/investor-relations-reports/annual/2024/LCL_Q1%202024_RTS.pdf)...(Page 28) Revenue $ 13,581 \- Cost of sales $9,126 \- Selling, general and administrative expenses $3,594 = Operating income $ 861 \- Net interest expense and other financing charges $194 = Earnings before income taxes $ 667 \- Income taxes $178 **= Net earnings $ 489** ($489 / $13,581 = **3.60%** ) In 2023, this margin was 3.36%, meaning it grew by 7.1%. [For full year 2018, they made...](https://s1.q4cdn.com/326961052/files/doc_financials/2019/ar/6573_LCL_ENG_AR2019_Complete_AODA.pdf) (Page 66) Revenue $ 46,693 \- Cost of sales $32,499 \- Selling, general and administrative expenses $12,271 = Operating income $ 1,923 \- Net interest expense and other financing charges $564 = Earnings before income taxes $ 1,359 \- Income taxes $606 **= Net earnings $ 753** ($753 / $46,693 = **1.61%,** or less than half it was in the latest quarter. ) So, while a 3.6% profit margin doesn't seem that much, it's actually **123% larger** than it was just 5 years prior.


That's definitely gotta be a printing error, my No Frills has em for like $1.49 regular price. Whoever messed that up is in trouble 😂


Their profit margin is calculated after salary, stock , real estate purchases , benefits, buybacks etc. It’s a completely useless stat to make it sound like they barely make money. Don’t even engage


https://preview.redd.it/zq9jh8gsuc3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961acd65fd2f2190ee0ddd09fba8eb31ea794d99 Hopefully its just a missprint. This is Zehrs in bruce county


Im pretty sure its a misprint, unless theyre only gouging certain areas of the country for this item, because mine here in Atlantic Canada is 3/3.99. I hate Galen and Loblaws, but I wanna keep things honest. https://preview.redd.it/dtf3adj26d3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530f2aebeefddf350612be7a6493d4d464c56993


I saw these for sale at 2 for $9 a few weeks ago and I thought that was a rip off. Edit: is this fake? The typography is off compared to the rest of the page.


Those are 1(one) dollar at my local joint. Where did 6+ each come from?


It's a typo, RELAX! $1.39 each (minimum 3) at YIG. For half the time it took u to post this, a simple search online would have proven this... but u want ur karma.


Look fuck these guys but this has to be a misprint.


It's definitely a misprint. Checked the local independent pricing, and it was closer to $1.33 a can.


Someone done fucked up again


Pretty obvious misprint. They are $1.33 right now, 3 for $3.99.


Pre pandemic I could get those for 0.89c each at my local grocery store wtf


I try hard not to shop there but in a monopoly it’s hard can’t beat them buy them in Paris On. Sobeys carries the lease of previous location so no one can lease and compete. Coming to an end with extreme growth happening here there hostess chips out of control I found better chips for 2 bucks at the dollar store by Sobies. Beat be buying them next pieces of shit. You’re all a like.


Is this a misprint? Jesus Christ.


Did you ask pepsi how much 2 cans cost?


At dollarama, you can get a 1L bottle of brisk for a 1$ wtf


Aren’t those supposed to $1.50 ?


My local Dollarama sells 1 litre bottle of brisks for close to 0.99 CAD.. For a different flavor and zero sugar variants they for real hike the prices up by about 600%...smh




I can get these for a dollar at the grocery store down the road... I thought it was a typo till I saw that they were 6.99 each. Bruh






I drink soft drinks a lot, recently switched to zeros cuz I want to do better, but I've noticed the prices. Dollarama was always the cheapest, though noticeably worse for some reason. I usually get cans and it used to be around $5-6 per pack, now it's $6-7. Shoppers has them for over $10.


https://preview.redd.it/hf6jo47zsc3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578f24fa902c9040588e7dd81d6310f37ac6495e Thats crazy 💀


They're $1.99 at the corner store 🤨🤨


Alcohol costs less than this.


6.99 EACH regular? Wtf?


That isn't all that bad for the bubly.. This is the Brisk price at the Atlantic Superstore. 100% misprint. https://preview.redd.it/8gtnlh8u3d3d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=52fe585287e7b853e17ec27c1a8e49fde71fc4d0


i just checked independent flyer for https://preview.redd.it/gr1tw1uk3d3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae34e327410992ff66d6c0b71513ccd7aad0d59 saskatchewan, it’s 3/3.99 it looks like they removed it from the flyer, it must have been an error


Is this for real?!? That’s insane!


Those Danone yogurts on the far right are $2.97 per pack at Walmart lol. $12 for 3 is insane!


its clearly a misprint....


dam, y’all don’t know what a mistake is


Interesting as I see $2.50 ea. or $1.39 in multiples [pricing](https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/lemon-iced-tea/p/21082610_EA) Where was this, potentially an edit (read mistake) Had to check bc my kiddo picked up two amd I asked the cost.


They are 4 for $5 at Sobeys right now if anyone is looking...


$1.79 for a single can at Sobey’s. If they increase their price I’m just not buying it any longer. I use the zero sugar Brisk as a chaser for my daily John Dalys.


They had to cut back on proofreaders


You guys have Strawberries & Cream Dr Pepper?!? Can't find it in Montréal 😭


Dollarrama 125 last time I git one


1.38$ at my local Walmart Edit: and even that's ridiculous seeing how they were a 1$ even a year ago


Who the fuck Is selling brisk for 7 dollars Jesus Christ kill it with fire


Fake stuff that ppl post on here to make it seem worse than it actually is will turn this group into every other misinformed group and will ultimately turn it into a joke. Careful.... Slippery slope.


Those were friggin 99 cents all last summer at Coop!


Man, I remember those were $1 a can.


Why is the font for the numeral 1 not consistent with other 1s on the page?


Was anyone able to go in store? I wonder If this "misprint" is real at the register. It clearly shows up on digital platforms as well.


That can’t be true…


$6 for a can of drink?!


??? Those used to be 99 cent each what are they smoking


The thing that Galen doesn't mention is that while the markup on groceries is minimal, the markup on the clothing, health & beauty, baby, home, etc is at LEAST 30%. He conveniently leaves that info out.


Looks like that was doctored This is what I see online https://preview.redd.it/qkx5gyulvf3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52690ee12221b24adc1147db12be321e787078f0


That looks photoshopped lol they are 1.29 at loblaws near me


More then beer!


Imagine being employee there at loblaws. I always wanted to be paid with the highest price in the market just by sitting there. Of course its a fantasy


What the fuck? Those iced tea are a buck 50 a can at sobeys


They make low profit as ONE COMPANY in a group of companies owned by ONE corporation, because the profits from the geocery chain are used to pay "expenses" in the others.




this is crazy. these are currently 4/$5 at the safeway i work at and my go-to break drink


Brisk is 1.47 at Walmart in Delta BC.


This is a fake image. Can a moderator do something? Boycott is good but doing crap like this isn't cool.


It was not fake. This was posted to the Independents flyers in Ontario. Obviously, it's a bad misprint on Loblaws' part. You would think they would be proofreading these flyers with a fine tooth comb.


Photoshop, look at the one it’s not even the same as the others. We should not be spreading misinformation.


Not misinformation, the pic came straight from their online flyer in Ontario.


This honestly reminds me of that time bill gates was asked to guess how much stuff costs at grocery stores. His guesses were wildly off the mark and showed how out of touch he was with the regular Joes My point being, I think a guy with more dollars than sense is making up these prices on a whim.


2/$12?!?! Wtf!


My local store certainly didn't make any money on the back ribs I bought for $1.24 a pound.. I'm thinking the boycott is working to an extent because they are clearing out perishables at the end of the sale


They were in a flat for $8 at a local spot nearby. If you didn’t wanna but the whole flat 97 cents


People really can't possibly believe it's 2 for 12? Yeah, no, it's 2 for 12. No it's not a typo it's happening in real time. "B-but billionaire corporation monopolies couldn't possibly be THAT evil?!" Yes. It's ***THAT*** bad. Yes, they're ***THAT*** evil. That's what we're trying to tell you.


Umm no its not its a typo, literally went in today and its $1.33 each so you might want to delete your comment unless you like looking like a man with no knowledge


you can just go on pc express to see the actual price without having to walk in the door…


Scumbag Galen pockets the difference so it's always only 3% profit margin and 30-300% goes to himself as bonus or "cost"


I bet it's supposed to be for 12 packs, the Bubly right next to it in the flyer is 2/$12 for cases of 12


This is an advertised price!? How the fuck is this supposed to get people in to spend money at your store? This has to be paid placement.


Pepsi pays for shelf space at Loblaws. The profits on that are made by Pepsi since it's a Pepsi product


Those ice coffees, 2 at Costco are 8$ on sale or 11$ normally so...


I.. Wait...what?!


Just on Flipp and Loblaws.ca for ON. All show 2/12 but on loblaws.ca, opening the item for a popup shows 1.33 sale price. https://preview.redd.it/6s8uahlndc3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b1efac8b3ae6bbebcd000a43adb1899c79b5f8


yea its a misprint, flipp gets info from flyers so if misprint will be wrong on flip too