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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd suggest you reply back and ask what has been his work in drafting a measure that is better than this one.


Yeah, I'm pondering a reply. I'd like to suggest some alternate people to consult because I'm in the camp that Charlebois's a hack. I do think his initial points have some merit, but as you point out, part of the problem is this was the only real solution being proposed. The NDP's proposal was probably just theatre but it's something people were interested in so knowing why they vote on these things and getting something resembling substance is nice.


I think my point is, it's very easy to come up with a canned excuse and move on. They do that literally every day. I think this is a good opportunity to call them into action - and hold them accountable in case they don't take action.


I agree, just need to make sure my response has some thought beyond it.


Oh, absolutely. Let's keep going. I wish you the best.


I suggest researching the claims and making a counterargument, focusing on how the current system and his solution are actually against conservative values. Another rhetorical approach could look at the ethics of the response by these coorperations when they just offset the carbon tax by passing the cost along to consumers rather than making the intended environmental changes. It's these companies' fault for competing with each other for the highest prices in the first place. Does he REALLY think that these publicly owned companies will lower prices if the carbon tax is revoked, since they know the public is forcibly paying up with the current prices? This is a situation where capitalism and the free market fail, and the government needs to step in. I wouldn't include this, but your MP is a lazy, unimaginative fuck who can't be bothered to do his own research instead of just copy and pasting the party line.


Thank you for writing though, need more people who try to hold these politicians accountable. They need to know we are watching them


When you do, write a bunch of responses and schedule it to be sent a month apart. That way it seems like more of a consistent concern.


Oh yes. I'm sure they were all issued their "talking points".


yes! blah blah blah carbon tax! blah blah blah carbon tax!


There are two separate issues here. One is the cost of producing and importing food and bringing it to market across Canada, including northern communities. The other is the markups that the largest supplier in the country is inflicting on all communities across Canada. Your MP is focusing on the former because he does not want to address the latter. Loblaws is not posting record profits each new quarter because of the price of fertilizer, but in spite of it. As for the food professor, he is one voice in this, but not the most authoritative nor the least compromised. He reeks of corporate money, as perhaps your MP.


Charlebois is a hack, but maybe it'd be more effective to ask him how much food prices are expected to drop if the carbon tax is repealed.


They should break up Loblaws and the other giant grocers then. That's the best solution following his logic.


Would definitely be worth seeing where he draws the line as far as accountability is concerned 🤔


Do a bit of reading about what is going on in rural, especially Northern communities. Food delivery is once a month, at best. Northern Food Services is their only distributor (zero competition). Ocean Spray cranberry juice is $23.99. This proposal from the NDP does nothing to harm those populations even more, and he should know that.


You’re wasting your time. Odds are he never even saw your email. If you’re not either a big donor or a public figure, your MP could not care less what you think. Your letter will be read and responded to by some entry-level staffer. The staffer will note the issue you’re writing about, and if you’re for or against. The MP might see those numbers, but that’s it. If you want to get your MP’s attention, either be rich, be famous, or gather a big enough group to put a protest outside their office into the news.


TLDR: "Although I do not care about you, or any other Canadians struggling for affordability, please accept many more words than nessisary to tell you I do not care. I don't care. Thanks, -Your MP


Ps carbon tax


Ps: would you like a "fuck trudeau" or a "bring it home" bumper sticker?


you forgot: "Charleyboy says removing carbon tax will fix everything"


Ah the Professor who was removed from his position at dalousie for harassing faculty members? The food professor who collected a $60,000 grant from the weston foundation? The food professor who uses months old data to push his alternative talking points about things happening today?


>was let go from his position at dalousie for harassing faculty members? When did this happen???? Last I saw he was still employed by Dal


Removed from one role, moved into another. Dalhousie protects their "finest."


Man, if I ever somehow end up face-to-face with Jordan Peterson of Bananas imma bring that up


Lmao the “Jordan Peterson of Bananas,” how fitting.




This made me snort


thats called "making a lot of effort to justify your employment"


So like the guy who drops off reports on desks from office space and is a people person?, At what point do they do a service for us?




You forgot: “I fully delusion-ally believe in trickle down economics and that the current Roblaws cartel won’t just pocket the savings”


And a dash of “do you know how much money Loblaws unofficially donates to political parties?”


Exactly. Let's write many words that you'll be confused by the end and not bother me anymore. Also, copy and paste.


More like I follow the pack


Won’t be surprised if all MPs send the same response with little tweaking , created for them by an intern or an AI.


So they are junior admins but paid $200,000 plus whatever lobbyists put in their back pockets to copy and paste this email instead of helping Canadians? Fuck that.


My thoughts exactly!


Enjoy some complimentary word salad. -Dan Albas He's not my MP, but well known in my area. I wouldn't expect anything less from this guy.


Tldr ... food dude says it won't get him nuff $$$


This MP is completely full of shit. His solution is removing the carbon tax (like that’s the problem here), and then he name drops the food processor.


Yeah, I've mentioned this in other responses that paragraph 1 and 2 aren't exactly unreasonable. Comes off a bit dismissive, sure, but there are arguments that monopoly-busting and such might be more effective. Obviously whatever credit I give goes away with that double-whammy.


Okay but it literally starts with he has SOME SYMPATHY. That literally says it all. It’s such a bizarre and uncaring way to phrasing it. There are so many ways to convey care or concern (which they should at least pretend to have) and yet he has… ^some ^sympathy… Part of me say play an idiot and ask for more information about the good professor and what makes him a reliable source…


News flash: prices were jumping way before the carbon tax hit the Maritimes so I don't wanna hear it from these people.




Ugh. Referencing the food professor. Jesus.


For real, wtf....


To me it reads, I have excuses to not do anything, because of what happened in the 70's and 80's. I listen to paid hacks who inform me because I don't care enough about the problem. Now if you excuse me my full skid of groceries need to be put away. They were donated to me for doing absolutely nothing at my job.


He mention the 70's and 80s, specifically to slip "Trudeau Sr" in there - an attempt to link Justin to his father.


I honestly think it’s more akin to them feeling this is a liberal stance and that by bringing up social justice issues it will totally silence them/us.




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


You should ask him how allowing a small number of people control the economy with 0 accountability has done historically


Carbon tax has very little to do with the profits of mega corporations.


> Just look at the experience of the 1970s and 1980s, where price controls were brought in by Trudeau Sr. Horseshit. No price controls were ever brought in by the P.E.T. government. This asshat doesn't know what he's talking about.


Ya I lived through that era and can’t recall any price controls! No idea what he’s going on about lol.


He probably thinks the Canadian Wheat Board was "price controls" because he's a fucking idiot who thinks that collective bargaining is communism.


>This asshat doesn't know what he's talking about. To precisely no one's surprise.


This is what I found by searching the topic. It would appear the government at the time did indeed do this. https://preview.redd.it/xohdg9jm945d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d962848b3519304e45ff7801ea4897d9911852


That's an AI generated response that doesn't cite any sources, likely pulled from Wikipedia article that also doesn't cite any sources. All I can find is a set of labour-aligned articles decrying limits on wages between 1973 and 1976. One source: [https://www.rankandfile.ca/1970s-inflation-crisis-when-trudeau-hammered-workers/](https://www.rankandfile.ca/1970s-inflation-crisis-when-trudeau-hammered-workers/)


How about this source? https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2005/12/working-paper-2005-43/


Dear Don Albas: get fucked. PS, how's shillvain's micro taste?


The idea that a cheaper operating environment for businesses magically translates to lower prices for consumers has been repeatedly demonstrated to be a fantasy.


What are you talking about? It’s going to trickle down any second now. Let’s all hold our breath until it happens.


@heavy_arm_7060 Do you mind sharing the email? I’d love to send to my MP’s and MPP’s


It was a slightly modified version of the template that was posted the other day. One of the reasons I'm not that miffed that this is a pretty stock response (though still the best response I've ever gotten from a government official, sadly). >To the Honorable Don Albas, MP, > >I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding your recent vote on the motion in Parliament aimed at assisting in lowering prices for groceries. > >As a constituent and a concerned citizen, I was dismayed to learn that you did not support this crucial measure. The rising cost of groceries has become a significant burden for many families in our country, particularly those already facing financial hardship. By voting against measures to address this issue, I fear that you are neglecting the needs of your constituents and failing to represent our interests effectively. > >Access to affordable food is a basic necessity, and it is disheartening to see elected officials like yourself not prioritizing this issue. Lowering grocery prices would not only alleviate financial strain for families but also contribute to improving public health outcomes by ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food options. > >I urge you to reconsider your stance on this matter and to actively support initiatives aimed at lowering grocery prices. As our elected representative, it is your responsibility to advocate for policies that benefit the well-being of all members of our community. > >I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a detailed explanation of your decision and any future actions you intend to take to address the issue of rising grocery prices. Or, if not me, perhaps reach out to local media and more actively engage with our community on the matter? > >Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I look forward to your response and hope that we can work together to address this pressing issue. > >Sincerely,  Be sure to sign it with your name and address, its so they can confirm you're not just flinging shit from another district/country. No need to give them your phone number or your exact apartment address if you've got an apartment.


I knew it was fertilizer lol. That's the real problem. It's all the bullshit coming from this conservative politician. By the way, the carbon tax WAS A CONSERVATIVE PLAN.


He doesn't give a shit, about anything.


"It is a complex issue, so we should do nothing."


How could it lead to shortages??


That's what I'm wondering


it's the theory that if the price of commodities is capped at too low of a price, it could potentially be so low that it's not worth the effort. so let's say you cap the price of wheat, but not soy beans. the profit of wheat could be so low that no one farms wheat and only soy beans. that's where the shortage of wheat comes from. he's not wrong in that part of the response.


No one wants to see farmers targeted. They are not the problem, obviously. And I would hope that common sense on pricing would be utilized. Big corporations need to be targeted which means you'd have to know what price commodities are sold at so you can properly cap what big corp can charge the consumer.


The idea is the same whether you target farmers or the grocer. The text of the motion is non-sense to begin with. it's so oddly unspecific and partisan. what's considered an essential food? what's the cap? does this price cap increase over time? what's the other measure? what's the threshold to be considered a big grocer? let's move the concept up the chain from commodity to the items on the shelves at the stores. let's not be pedantic about whether or not t-bone steak is considered essential and pick something that can be more easily considered essential. let's put a price cap on milk. let's say the farmer produces, packages and sells a carton of milk to the stores for $3 and stores and they've sold it back to the consumer for $4. factoring in the operating cost of storing and selling the milk, let's say the store make 50 cents per carton of milk. let's assume the store sells a lot of milk and milk represents 10% of their stores net profits. now let's say a price cap were introduced and the government says no store is allowed to sell milk for more than $3.55. now the stores can only make 5 cents per carton of milk sold. and have effectively cut down the profit made on selling milk by 10. The stores net profit is has been cut down by 9%. now the store is looking at the business of selling milk is not that profitable compared to selling other things that aren't facing a price cap. the grocer starts thinking, well if selling milk is so unprofitable compared to selling other stuff, let's not dedicate so much of our floor space towards selling milk. demand for milk is still there, perhaps even higher since the price of milk is lower, but who goes into business to do something that's not as unprofitable as something else. gradually the side of the milk selling operations reduces. let's say they had 10 refrigerators for storing milk for sale and 1 breaks. a replacement refrigerator is $20,000. the grocer decides that the profit on selling milk is too low and it'll take too long to pay back the cost of buying a new refrigerator, so they just decide to not replace the milk refrigerator and only keep 9 refrigerators for selling milk. eventually another fridge breaks and the store has scaled back on the milk selling side of the business again. the idea is the same as if you had 2 kinds of similar kinds of work available to you and 1 pays more than the other, the one the pays more will attract a lot of job applicants. less people willing to go into the business or stay in the business of selling milk at the retail level because of the price cap, which then means there's less milk available on the shelves. hence the shortage.


Yes, fertilizer. I guess he cannot read quarterly results.


Another food professor cronie


Man, I remember this dink from Penticton city council and when I lived in Kelowna. He's a massive eyeroll. I'm not even surprised at his response.


Late to the party, but I emailed my MP as well ✊


Dear Mr. albas: Do you have any offs to fuck? FUCK OFF!!!!!


I've also emailed my MP. Currently waiting for a response. I did, however, source some recent studies to prove how the Nutrition North Program is failing northern residents at the expense of one of the major grocery players of this program, The Northwest Company. They avail half of the 130 million/year subsidies that are given to grocery retailers who operate in the north. They're a public traded corporation who's CEO earns nearly $4 million/year combined salary/bonuses. [Grocers pocketing over half of federal hunger subsidy for the North ](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/10/13/news/grocers-pocketing-over-half-federal-hunger-subsidy-north#:~:text=In%20larger%20towns%20with%20more,receive%20from%20the%20federal%20government.) [Pass-through of subsidies to prices under limited competition: Evidence from Canada’s Nutrition North program ](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047272723001536?via%3Dihub) I've scoured the web in search of any studies about the Nutrition North program led by The Food Professor, and I've found none. Zero. Nada. So I would ask your MP how and why he'd reference the FP (the fuckin prick) when there's zero data or studies from him available to prove so? I'm curious to see what my MP says. I'll keep you posted.


The fifth estate just did an episode about the northwest company and loblaws, called “what’s going on with sky-high food prices” . Worth the watch, it’s about what you all mentioned above.


Blah blah blah. Useless MP


So we're just looping everything back to the carbon tax? Cool.


Strange the UK gas prices are more than Canada yet the food is cheaper.....1 liter in UK is $2.57 and Canada is between 1.37 and 1.76....


“When I asked the dude on X who hates you all.”


Regarding the idea that the carbon tax is to blame, this was answered by NDP MP Alistair MacGregor: >Madam Speaker, the Conservatives' only answer to the cost of living crisis is to roll back the very tool that Canadians have to enforce fairness. Imagine this: At a time of unparalleled corporate greed and concentration in the marketplace, the Conservatives' only answer is to roll back the power of government and let the free market go. What got us into this mess? It was corporate greed. It is not the carbon tax that is driving the increase in the cost of living, and it is not government spending. Corporate profits have been going up to record levels over the last three years. > >Where does my hon. colleague think the profits are coming from in oil and gas, banking and consumer goods, which are all posting record profits? All of those profits have come right out of the pockets of the hard-working families that I represent in Cowichan—Malahat—Langford, of the families he is supposed to represent in his riding and, indeed, of the families right across Canada from coast to coast to coast.


Charlebois appears to be on the Loblaws payroll and since they're reporting record Profits it's obviously not cost that's driving up prices.


How exactly will capping grocers profits cause a food shortage? I'm not looking to buy 100kg of potatoes each week, I just want to not go poor buying my weeks meals.


Ughhh, that's my MP as well. Hey neighbour.


Are you in Kelowna? Because I've only got him because a tiny slice of Kelowna is in his area. I think next election that changes.


No, but across the bridge...


Yeah I wondered. Lake neighbors!


Oh great. . Looking 4 input fr roblaws shill the food fool




The dairy, poultry boards, etc have been corrupted and throttling. They are not good examples of regulatory responsibility working for the good of consumers.


“NDP proposed price controls. Best I can do is to increase carbon emissions and destroy the climate”.


I want to angrily email an MP! IM FEELING A LOT OF EMOTIONS But mine voted yea… So I thanked him instead. It wasn’t as satisfying..


Tell us you are a PC/CON/UPC mouthpiece without telling us Mr MP. Yes the carbon tax is really the devil and why things are the way they are. Nothing in the least to do with Oil owning the world by the nuts, while all the big companies benefit the most by the spinoff of ever increasing oil price. In MB not more than 1 week after the NDP gave a discount off price (went from $1.50 to $1.15) for they jacked it back up $1.35, then $1.39, then $1.43, then back up to $1.50 where it’s sat for 1.5 months now


“When I asked Professor Charlebois” For fuck sake why are they basing their opinions on economics on the expertise of a man who has no expertise in the field! The man is a PhD in Administration not Economics! He is not qualified to speak about the subject!


Can the guy at least try to sound less slimey? >Oh I know this sht wouldn't work because the LiBeRaLs have done it in the past!!! Also found this "although the magnitude if the legislation is debatable, empirical analysis has generally supported the claim that control programs did reduce inflation below the level that otherwise would have prevailed" >Also everybody except the NDP voted for such a motion Except he forgot the greens exist... >bla bla bla it's cuz of the cArBoN tAx >consulted Dr. Charlebois the food professor Also sounds like they consulted loblaws on this bs


I mean he cites the food prof, noted shill. There is some merit to it probably not being the best way to go and it was more of a theatrical proposal than a legit one, BUT, and notice it's a big 'but', the fact that people are pissed it didn't go through should give them a giant freaking hint that they need to bring some actual solutions to the table.


I mean I already know their solution - "it's all because of the carbon tax that Turdeau implemented" if we removed that and any sort of excessive food/health/safety regulations the grocery industry is chained by as well as any power those nasty supply chains and big farmers use to enprison poor old loblaws, it'll all eventually trickle down to the Canadian ppl


> they need to bring some actual solutions to the table Why though? They literally have nothing motivating them to do anything aside from continue taking their cut of the massive movement of wealth from poor to rich


"Surely exploiting the poor more and more won't backfire... What's that about a bastille?"


I'd suggest that your thinking is dangerous in that you just assume it will eventually be too much and people will revolt. > exploiting the poor more and more ... well they will definitely *continue* to exploit the poor, so in that sense it's "more and more" but they're extremely good at reading the room now. They are aware that there's a breaking point and they will pull back when they sense the tipping point is near.


Here's the [text of the motion](https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/house/sitting-324/hansard#Int-12789721): >That, given that the cost of food continues to increase while grocery giants such as Loblaws, Metro and Sobeys make record profits, the House call on the government to: >(a) force big grocery chains and suppliers to lower the prices of essential foods or else face a price cap or other measures; >(b) stop delaying long-needed reforms to the Nutrition North program; and >(c) stop Liberal and Conservative corporate handouts to big grocers. Here's the vote result (by political affiliation): [https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/798?view=party](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/798?view=party) The NDP and the Green Party, along with one Liberal MP, voted in favour. The Bloc, CPC, and Liberals voted against.


Jesus of Nazareth, that's maddening. Honestly, I'd be less annoyed if he'd just said nothing. Lip service, dismissal of any other viewpoint, clearly incapable of independent thought, a slave like adhesion to the party line. To top it all off, massive condescension. Ye gads, how do these donkeys become politicians? I've heard more intelligent responses from mud.


😲🤦‍♀️ Wow! MP Dan managed to cram in every conservative talking point in that email! "Food Professor blah, blah, blah. Carbon tax blah, blah, blah. Price controls don't work blah blah blah. Trudeau Sr. blah blah blah. That's an impressive script they developed to explain why they don't care about Canadians but do care about currying favour with the likes of GougingGalen!


This is why we need away to vote out those who are not serving our communities. If you can vote em in then you can vote them out whenever they fuck up, not just at election time.


I’d never heard of this guy before, but by “Trudeau Sr.” I was pretty sure I knew which party he is a member of.


That’s a very well-written response by that MP’s staffer. Every letter I’ve written to a politician was responded to by a staffer and this MP’s staffer I must say did an excellent job


Yeah it's a decent ultimately feckless response. I actually want to respond back and keep it civil despite some of the more questionable elements.


Be sure to point out the dubiousness of listening to anything the "food professor" says.


Isn't his PhD in Administration? It seems like it would be like asking Peterson about Quantum Physics or Suzuki about Economic Theory.


Political staffers are a barrier no one can ever break through unless a large sum of money is mentioned and the interest in making a contribution to them and their party.


Well that's not true at all. Government Relations firms exist for that purpose and there's actually a limit to how much money can be spent at events that MPs attend that are hosted by NGOs or other agencies (which sucks for the regular folks, RIP fancy canapes)


Did you tell him to f off? 😡😩🤨


"We don't care about price gouging. Remove the carbon tax so they can gouge that too."


Sooo… the French Revolution…


Here’s the reply I received from my Liberal MP : Thank you for reaching out to the office of MP Arif Virani with your concerns and feedback regarding grocery prices and the recent NDP motion. We sincerely understand that the cost of groceries is of the utmost importance to Canadians and we assure you that the Government of Canada has implemented a concrete action plan to ensure that big grocers are held accountable. While we understand that many people would like to see a price cap on grocery store staples, this is not the most effective or appropriate way to address the cost of food. As many food items, such as sugar or wheat, for example, are traded on a global scale, setting a price in one particular region is not realistic or efficient. As such, the Government of Canada has engaged in countless initiatives that have and will continue to lower the price of groceries and promote stronger competition in Canada. Firstly, and perhaps most significantly, the Government of Canada has introduced significant reforms to the Competition Act through Bill C-19, Bill C-56, and Bill C-59. These amendments seek to enhance competition to improve affordability and consumer choice by modernizing Canada's merger review process, revamping enforcement, addressing environmental and labour concerns, and much more. In December 2023, the Parliament of Canada adopted a set of legislative amendments through Bill C-56, the Affordable Housing and Groceries Act. These amendments included: a framework for the Competition Bureau to conduct market studies with the potential for compulsory information-gathering powers; expanding the scope of anti-competitive business collaborations to include those between businesses that are not competitors or potential competitors in certain circumstances; repealing the "efficiencies defence", which permitted otherwise anti-competitive mergers and collaborations to withstand challenge where they generated sufficient economic efficiencies to offset harm to competition; and permitting remedial orders against abuses of dominance on the basis of anti-competitive intent or effects alone (instead of both), as well as raising the maximum monetary penalties that may be in effect when both are proven. Through these amendments to the Competition Act, we are tackling the mechanisms and policies that have allowed large corporations to take advantage of and exploit Canadians. By promoting competition and strengthening regulations we are ensuring a long-term and sustainable solution to the issue of corporate greed. Further, we have introduced the Grocery Code of Conduct which is an industry-led process that aims to bring transparency and certainty to commercial dealings across the agri-food value and supply chain by establishing a framework for dispute resolution and governance through a Grocery Code Adjudicator's Office. The concentration of large grocery retailers has led to the abuse of dominance by imposing unilateral and retroactive retail fees, with limited or no avenues for recourse. Through the establishment of a Grocery Code of Conduct, large corporations will no longer be able to exploit Canadians by avoiding transparency, accountability, and oversight in their dealings. Next, Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada's (ISED) Contributions Program for Non-Profit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations supports organizations in the production of high-quality, independent and timely research on consumer issues. Additionally, the Government of Canada is committed to funding Nutrition North Canada programs, including: the Nutrition North Subsidy, the Harvesters Support Grant and the Community Food Programs Fund, Nutrition Education Initiatives and the Food Security Research Grant. Nutrition North Canada (NNC) is a Government of Canada program that helps make nutritious food and some essential items more affordable and more accessible. The NNC subsidizes a list of nutritious eligible foods and other essential items sold by registered retailers, suppliers, country food processors, and local food growers. The 2024-2025 Budget for the subsidy portion of NNC is $145 million. Furthermore, the Harvesters Support Grant and Community Food Programs Fund support Northerners' own food priorities, while improving conditions for food sovereignty within northern communities. More information about how these programs sustainably and effectively reduce the cost of groceries, please visit this link: https://www.nutritionnorthcanada.gc.ca/eng/1415538638170/1415538670874. In addition to the aforementioned measures, we are strengthening local food security with a proposed $62.9 million over 3 years to renew and expand the Local Food Infrastructure Fund to support community organizations across Canada to invest in local food infrastructure - providing access to affordable food and strengthening the Canadian economy. Further, we have announced key measures in Budget 2024 to help lower costs for farmers to produce more affordable food here at home. This includes: the launch of consultations in June 2024 on farming equipment interoperability; a call on provinces and territories to amend their contract laws to support interoperability; and $64 million in 2024-2025 to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to support a $250,000 interest-free limit on Advance Payments Program Loans. We are also supporting consumers directly through a number of initiatives. On February 6, 2024, the Government of Canada announced new funding for consumer advocacy; the Public Interest Advocacy Centre will investigate food pricing policy and regulatory challenges; Union des consommateurs will bring together 100 experts to discuss solutions to the most pressing challenges faced by Canadian consumers; Food Secure Canada will investigate retail practices that negatively impact consumers, such as shrinkflation and skimpflation; Option consommateurs will conduct research to help consumers identify and protect themselves from potentially unfavourable sales practices; Équiterre will highlight innovative solutions that provide consumers access to affordable, healthy, and sustainable food; and, the Consumers Council of Canada will conduct research on food fraud, per unit pricing, price scanner accuracy, and skimpflation and shrinkflation. A full list of tools and resources to avoid exploitation in the grocery aisles can be found here: https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/office-consumer-affairs/en/grocery-affordability. Finally, a list of initiatives in Budget 2024 aimed at reducing grocery prices, promoting competition, and preventing the exploitation of Canadian consumers can be found here: https://www.budget.canada.ca/2024/report-rapport/chap3-en.html#s3-1. Thus, while we understand that Canadians are concerned about grocery prices and anxious to see corporations held accountable, we are ensuring that we address this issue sustainably and comprehensively. We further understand that this issue effects individuals daily and that improvements are needed quickly. As such, we are steadfastly committed to ensuring that we address every aspect of this situation and every factor contributing to high grocery prices. Through our amendments to the competition, our work in Budget 2024, and our commitments to various other organizations and initiatives, we assure you that the Government of Canada will hold corporations accountable and continue to make life more affordable for Canadians. Thank you once again for reaching out to the office of MP Arif Virani with your concerns and feedback; your input is greatly appreciated by our office.


Fine, then what are YOU doing about it, sir? You acknowledge that there is a problem and then shoot down the only proposed solution. What are you going to do about solving it?!


Judging by the rest of the email, blaming the Liberals and wanting to reverse a policy the Conservatives created.


It wasn't only the NDP who voted in favour though! There were two green votes and one liberal vote!


You expect a Tory MP to see minorities?




I emailed my MP yesterday, she is MP London West Liberal, she did not have a registered vote, i am guessing she was absent. I asked her what her vote would have been, and why. i will post the reply once i receive it.


"I'm going to pretend to care about your issue, but really- carbon tax😭!"


Him saying that removing the carbon tax would reduce food prices is… wild lol


What an useless response


I think it’s funny that they’re taking this opportunity to bring up the carbon tax. Everytime it’s about the carbon tax. Do they even know the history of the carbon tax anymore? Canada joined the western climate initiative in 2008- under John Baird, a conservative government.


They're basically just saying if we remove the carbon tax and you have more money than you can afford the higher groceries bills. Thanks for nothing


#$*@% every single one of these #$@%in' &!!holes


It’s funny how I’ve never heard of this clown but I know just from this which is his party. Of course, we could probably do that with a shill from any of the major parties.


I'm pretty sure if you get an email from the Conservative party that doesn't mention the Carbon Tax Pollivere has to temporarily wear glasses again.


He reverts back to his weasel form


The North West Company owns and operates grocery stores in northern Canada, not Loblaws.


So everyone needs to write their representative. And drive home the point of how unaffordable life in Canada has become. I'm going to start today writing my representative right now. High time to hold the government accountable to the people, not to the corporations.


Guess someone needs voting out


Well that was the most partisan reply I've seen so far...and the one that left the worst taste in my mouth


Is there any more useless job description than the MP in the mid-term before an election?


Maybe proactively this would have staved off some of the increase… Maybe. We all know to well that once corporations get away with charging these prices they never come down. What he has suggested would be nothing more than more profits for mega corporations. Never in the history of ever has a mega corporation board room said “Huh. Costs are down. I guess we can lower prices for consumers and still make a healthy profit.”


What a bunch of absolute cockwomble bellends. And they wonder why people don't trust the system and are apathetic about politics.


Crazy a guy who looks like he is made of cake wants to let the people know “let them eat cake”.


What a dick among pocket-lining dicks - and the LAST person we want to hear from is the so-called 'food professor', who can go back to Gilligan's Island and coconut phones, since he's tone deaf anyway. Well gotta say that MP knows what side his price-fixed bread is buttered on, Canada's got a real problem with monopolists, and not enough regulation to keep competition fair.


Step away from the desk, sir..




People suffering from food insecurity are going to be net positive on the carbon tax. In addition farmers are exempt from the carbon tax…🤷‍♀️ as per that cool trucker dude on Tiktok ?! I was sort of interested so I took a look at hos expenses at the HOC, spends a lot of money on books and literature. In an interesting way. I’d love to see those receipts! Like what is he taking at Great Courses?!?