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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: NEW! Use code "FOODSECURITY" at OddBunch to receive 25% off your first produce box, and help support the boycott's efforts to create a charity. If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bell owns most of our media I wouldnt count on a monopoly going after a fellow monopoly. It would be very uncanadian 🤡


I point that out to the "defend the CBC" crowd. That message was pushed hardest by CTV. Because bell wants a bigger chunk of the government pie. Last year, it was half a billion, and they still fired 30% of their workforce to spend our tax dollars on stock buyback.


Defend CBC yes, defund no. ;-)


I like the news not a fan of the original programming


smart money


Haha What a banana republic we live in. God help us all . Hopefully this is the beginning of a movement that brings in more competition on the grocery front . BUT , we are eyeing you telcoms. You bastards


Once we kick Loblaws out of dodge we need to be united to work together and go **BAM** against a telco, I say the running Loblaws out of dodge should take 1.25 to 1.5 years as long as we hold to it. It will be faster if on the telco side if we can stick together. After the telco **BAM** we need to do a **BAM BAM** on a financial institution, the financial instruction will take longer than Loblaws because they hold a lot of money but I am sure other institutions will be quick to react if we can successfully pull Loblaws off and a telco company. The **BAM BAM BAM** should move back to a grocer, rinse and repeat if you will.


I LOVE this plan . It shows who ACTUALLY holds the power. It’s not the billionaires , it’s not the corporations , it’s not the politicians , its not the media , it’s “little ol us” lol


Loblaws is really in a special class of their own to be honest. Bell/Rogers were there a decade ago but I’m paying half the price I used to a decade ago for internet and getting speeds 7-8 times as well as unlimited bandwidth. On the cell phone end I was paying more for 200 mb of data than I pay now for 50GB 5G speeds and unlimited Canada/US. Cut the cord on cable long time ago so don’t care at all on that one. With banks the biggest issue I have is corporate lobbying. Their “economists” are basically lobbyists and go on the news calling for rate cuts and cheap debt so the bank can profit.


Yes Loblaws is however we need to keep the pressure up, I wanna say it was a W5 report or something I saw on youtube comparing Canadian cellphone costs to others around the world and how we are being pushed over the coals. If we can prove the Loblaws boycott works then we can prove that we are not push overs.


Done. Let's organize.


Patience young one, we need to do the first step (Loblaws) before we get into the **BAM** action. Maybe once they see we aren’t going to take it anymore the threat of a national boycott will scare the execs poopless, however if we put the cart a head of the horse we will lose this first battle before Loblaws realizes we are serious about the boycott.


Fun fact: the term Banana Republic comes from when Chiquita paid for death squads in central and south America, and deposed the leaders of one of the countries and put in their own puppet leader, and helped smuggle cocaine.


Dude that's totally what Galen is doing 


I came to say the same thing. Can't promote the disassemble of one monopoly without risking their own


While CTV has produced acclaimed scripted original series in the past like Saving Hope and Transplant, the search results do not indicate any upcoming new scripted/fictional CTV original productions that are currently generating significant buzz or hype for the near future. The promotional focus seems to be on their unscripted, reality, licensed, and sports programming lineups.


Can’t have working class people thinking they have power over the capitalists.  That would be the end of the game!


I don’t go to loblaws stores anymore and won’t be going back. I barely talk about it. That’s power.


I have been itching to discuss this. Am I the only one that sees a shocking black hole in mainstream media reporting about the Loblaws boycott PARTICULARLY since this devastating Leger Survey? This is a nationwide major issue worthy of incredible ongoing media clicks. We have seen the newspaper headlines scream for much less, as long as it didn't involve the potential takedown of a huge old "boys club" predator like Loblaw [https://leger360.com/grocery-store-boycott/](https://leger360.com/grocery-store-boycott/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cy2j5q/canadians\_feel\_grocery\_inflation\_getting\_worse\_18/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cy2j5q/canadians_feel_grocery_inflation_getting_worse_18/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cz3kpt/estimate\_loblaws\_has\_lost\_approx\_115\_million\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cz3kpt/estimate_loblaws_has_lost_approx_115_million_in/) The survey discovers that (based on 41 million Canadian population [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm) ) there are about (or at least) 7 million Canadians actively boycotting Loblaws (check my math). And I believe about 24 or 26 million Canadians are aware of the boycott. For a corporation, those numbers have got to be breathtaking and terrifying! Have the owners of all major media companies in Canada been contacted to print as FEW articles and draw as little attention to the boycott as possible? Is this a major part of their strategy? It has been said that the mega wealthy "circle the wagons" to protect each others interests. The boycott threatens their desired profits. Which wealthy and influential executives do you think have major shares in Loblaw stock, perhaps a personal conflict of interest, preying on the weakness of Canadians and their families? I think this whole apparent news blackout is well worth discussing Boycott. We are on to something


You're not the only one 😂 I find it funny that the biggest news worthy attention in Canada they (mainstream media) could ever grab and they can't even report on it Even the snippets they released gain 100k+ views.


MSM is bought and paid for. I wonder what else they aren't reporting on? Also a good reminder to try to get your news from journalists who are trying to support true journalism


The mainstream media is something I’ve also been itching to talk about as someone trained in old-school journalism when it was newspaper/radio/tv, and ‘hard news’ was simply stating the facts — the 5W’s (when, where, why, who, how)… Thing have changed drastically in the past 30+ years, but one thing has never changed: the biggest advertisers (grocers, real estate) cannot be cast in a negative light because they pay the the bills. The other major flaw in the traditional journalism model is that only a few people determine what actually makes it to print/air/online. An editor, or a team of editors are the first hurdle, and if a story is controversial somehow (or goes against an advertiser) it will go up the ladder to the publisher— and publishers are increasingly elite/political, and default to protecting their own. Lots of great stories don’t get published for all the wrong reasons. There’s no money in providing quality news; real money is in sensationalism/advertising. I believe most journalists enter the profession with a desire to provide truthful stories…but they’re only pursuing the stories they’re assigned (by editors, via publishers), and those can be edited up, down, and sideways. Not sure how to make a full spectrum of news told in a trustworthy way available for free/low cost. I’ve been ruminating on this for a long time without a coherent solution, so I haven’t even been able to wrap my head around how much AI is already affecting and will continue to affect journalism... YouTube, SubStack, etc offer ways for people to publish whatever story they want and get paid. You would hope the trustworthy with good content float to the top. Documentary film is a great way to provide a full news story in an interesting/easily consumable format and seems to be gaining popularity, which is encouraging as long as it’s not all Tiger King with no real bite;)… It’s not a (currently) feasible solution, but I end up thinking the same thing about providing quality news as I dream of for streaming services — it would be fabulous if you could just pay a nominal fee per movie/series or news story you want to consume, picking and choosing what you want/have time for. The current model of subscribing to each provider is idiotic because no one has the time or the money to consume that much content. Any feasible ideas out there?


Exactly what I said before... bought and paid for, and lefty to boot. But I still got downvoted to oblivion.




Lefty. Left. Liberal. You know full well what I'm talking about.


Lmao well now I know why you're being down voted into oblivion.


When I read this, I wondered how many Canadians just don't shop there but aren't part of the "boycott." I stopped years ago over some terrible customer service and found out about the savings then. I had been an exclusive user for about 20 years. I was blown away at how much I had cost myself, and it's now even worse. But my point is, it's that many households out of existing customers, not all of Canada. There's a portion of Canada that, for whatever reason, does not shop. They're boycotting by just never being a customer in the first place. If I were the people in charge there, I'd be crapping my pants. They've lost a significant portion of their customer base. People are fucking tired. After reading the canned garbage that MP's have given to people on reddit, it's clear beyond most doubt that our system of governance is bought and paid for or so ideologically driven, that it will sacrifice the people on the altar of it's vision. These people are supposed to represent us. They're supposed to protect society against this type of blatant abuse. The profiteering off of a basic necessity at the expense of people who can't afford to buy homes and live is the type of thing that in the past has caused revolutions. This seems to happen every 100 years or so. Fascism rises funded by really wealthy people who want to be even wealthier. It's happening in the world on an unbelievable scale. I have hope, though. When pushed far enough people will do what they have to. They always have. Loblaws has tapped into a part of Canada that is just done. Thankfully, it's peaceful. I do think that people in power better take note, the options for them get worse the farther they push. Historically, profiteers have rarely fared well.


I'm checking your math! The poll asks if the respondent or anyone in the respondent's household is particpating in the boycott. 18% said yes. Canada had 16,575,228 households as of 2023: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610010101 18% of that is 2,983,541 households. In 2021, there was an average of 2.51 people per household: https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/macroeconomic/average-household-size-in-canada-2096121/ So, it is likely that about *7,488,688* Canadians are in households that are participating in the boycott. Which is pretty much what you said, data whisperer! Edit: Forgot a link


thanks for breaking this down! This seems like it coooould be a realistic number. It's sad how many people think "it makes no difference" though. This mentality is what ruined and ran into the ground my country. The worst that can happen to democracy is people thinking "it doesn't matter anyways". So dumb.


The issue is that the news works solely on new developments. They won’t report if it’s just status quo. So, they’ll report the start and end of something, but unless you’re out there providing them something new or easy stories, they just have other stuff to do.


It’s painfully obvious that the media is owned by the oligarchs, who also own our politicians. It’s almost like our politicians no longer represent the will of the people


Millionaires paid off by billionaires


Corporate lobbying should be illegal. They own everything and are running our country. Just wait till Loblaws starts donating tens of millions lobbying for government bail outs for the lost revenue of the boycott.




It’s the same shit with Tesla, they don’t pay for advertising and that’s why all major news orgs slam them with false headlines incessantly


So far!


It’s the same shit with Tesla, they don’t pay for advertising and that’s why all major news orgs slam them with false headlines incessantly


Start putting lawn signs in places where Loblaws is located telling consumers to boycott them. Get everyone’s attention!


I actually hope this is something people see through this, how bought and owned the media is, as a bonus on top of the successful boycott


As I have been saying once Loblaws is gone we need to move onto the next thing. I say we go **BAM** to a telco, it wont take as long for the other telcos to drop prices and be competitive and the telco we chose to go belly up. After the telco we need to go **BAM BAM** to a financial institution, this boycott will need to last longer then the Loblaws and telco boycott but the moment we choose to go after a financial institution watch the others jump to make sure they are not next or so that they can get the new customers. For **BAM BAM BAM** I say we do another grocer, a rinse and repeat if you will. Keep everyone on their toes hoping they are not next.


Like r/telecomisoutofcontrol r/bellisoutofcontrol r/rogersisoutofcontrol On it. But taking care of some things more locally first, somewhat akin to smaller chains? Smaller providers. And yeah, financial institutions and credit too. I'm a mod here, but I'm also a broker for right sizing according to budgets and needs. I don't work for any of them, especially the big expensive ones. - r/ConsumerBroker


But the capital gains tax proposal is in the news….oh wait. Never mind. 😉


Look at how other big changes have happened. For instance, drunk driving. There are several factors: Public pressure. Media attention. Organizations taking up the cause. Politicians legislating. All of this is part of the process. If we want real change, we need to engage widely. Partner with other groups who are also affected by food prices. We need to continue to take action, like the boycott. Refine our demands. Put pressure on legislators. And we should do media campaigns. No one thing will do it. All of them will contribute to change over time.


Yup it would benefit this cause to max out our alliances, partnerships, affiliations. And of course with due diligence. Keep inching forward. There are great forces in Canada when people come together and collaborate


Not sure where you live but the only big change in drunk driving is that it has gone up again 30% in the last year. Maybe not a good example.


Attitudes and laws have changed, which is my point. Citation for the 30%?


https://ottawa.citynews.ca/2024/05/15/ontario-to-introduce-legislation-that-increases-penalties-on-impaired-driving/amp/ Stand corrected as it is actually impaired collisions and charges that are up 30% from the five year average. Per OPP.


Fair enough. At least we have public opinion and societal norms on our side now, which we didn’t in the past.


Not to downplay this movement, but this is very very far from the biggest news story right now. For pete's sake, half of our politicians may be treasonous traitors, wittingly, and they won't even tell us which politicians it was... So no, grocery inflation is NOT the biggest story, c'mon.


Sure of course, not to downplay it. We know Canada is in chaos. However, this IS our cause and our focus. So regardless of the c'mon, and again we are clear there are other stories, lets just say that it is our job to make this the biggest story and keep changing it up and keep making headlines so we can all stay focused and be successful. We are fighting a giant. But everyone has to eat. So just like any cause, sell it as much as you can, knowing all the other stuff. With all due respect, do not get distracted by c'mon. There will always be treason, there will always be war, there will always be distraction. Distraction is the game. Distract, ignore and divide the people. Once you see through this game you will stop giving up your power and double down Stay focused. Boycott


Most Canadian Newspapers are owned by American Postmedia. Located in New Jersey. Owned by Asset Management Companies, the scourge of our earth, right wing Corps. No ethics. No morality. Parasites.


Ya because most american news outlets are right wing LOL. Moron.


The same media that gets paid by Loblaws to run commercials for Loblaws promoting Loblaws? Gee I wonder why they wouldn't want to piss off the people that pay them all that money. As usual the corporate-owned media favours corporate ownership. This is why we need to get our news from social media.


We do NOT need to get news from anywhere. Period. Doesn't matter where it comes from, mainstream or otherwise, it's biased, inaccurate, sensationalized, clickbait, absolute shit that nobody needs to see or hear.


So you are suggesting we sit in blissful ignorance?


I'll keep going until the whole nation is talking. And if that is never, well I guess I'll never go to Loblaws.


If this boycott keeps going I am sure Loblaws will only have 1.25 years maybe 1.5 years left.


I believe there is no freedom of the press in Canada. Outlets are being gobbled up by corps that have a shared worldview with the 1%. I think the digital age hastened this agenda and average joe is all on their own in this nightmare. I read the Guardian for what I perceive to be the unvarnished truth. Is it true? Who knows these days?


They will never report on a peasant uprising 😝


International news is.


Yeah and when I go abroad I will report it to the international news lol


This is why we need the CBC.


Yall need to stop caring about the media, they sure as shit don't care about you lol


No, because mainstream media are in cahoots with their monetary brothers and cousins.


Lol.. Biggest news story 🤡


The media cycle is short. They moved on.


Yeah I can see numerous articles in the Globe, Star, Post about the boycott. But old. It moved on. Might get an update, but the general reporting was - it has affected sales. Kind of shocking, I’m still not sure what idiots shop there. This to me is less about the media and more about Canadians.


War and climate change just hog the headlines, big surprise. If a spaceship landed in a Superstore parking lot and aliens made their presence public, then Superstore would be front page news.


Why not doing an email blast to the three major TV news stations in each community and see if that gets a response. The media is far too quiet on This but I don’t think they could ignore two or three hundred emails a day on the boycott?


Why do you think this is the biggest story tho?


I think the treason might be more important rn


Pretty sure parliamentarians committing treason with China and India is a bigger deal...


A bigger distraction


*Just fight each other over stupid stuff... also we hate you.*


We should do a flashmob and post on every nees article that there’s something more important happening in Canada. Oh wait, there are no news in the social media anymore


I dont know the nok er nok term must be tikbook terms




Ty :)


"Boycott Loblaws" got all the clicks that it's going to get. They've moved on to other things.


I wouldn’t say the biggest story. I’d say our MPs and foreign interference is a at bigger lol


I think we have to see actual numbers and damage before anything major will be reported. Anecdotal stories are not enough as there was some reporting at the start of the boycott and now we wait. In my town in BC, every time I drove by a Loblaws owned business, it seems as busy as ever.


Which story? What did I miss?


I gave up on reading mainstream media in 2021.


Our country is owned by India, China, and corporate bond proxies. There is no media, there is only propaganda.


what's considered the biggest news story of canada is very subjective. also this boycott did itself no service by saying boycott for the month of may as if the boycott is only May, thus only news coverage in the month of May


No I think the one month was a good starting point; if you tell people to change their lives indefinitely they are less likely to jump at the chance, however if you tell people to dip their toes in say for a month you can convince them to do it longer. Instead of pushing people into the deep end you let them walk there slowly so they can swim first.


Interesting but I disagree. Giving the people and the media something "specific" to focus on is what helped to make the headlines. If it started with boycott forever then I doubt there would have been as much traction. Anyone with training in psychology and social behaviours can chime in to explain how to manage a population that has been trained to have a short attention span. Anyone with PR training can also help explain. If we have to keep coming up with a new shiny angle then lets do that. But the most important thing is to stick to the boycott (remove the money from the system) while we are still working on those things, be it public education, engagement, whatever. The organizers made a clear press release that the boycott is now extended past May and is indefinite. I try to focus on the upcoming quarters (quarterly reports) to maintain a specific goal while still reinforcing that this is absolutely indefinite With the combination of actual store foot traffic lowered, the Leger Survey details, the realization that this is not a fringe Reddit group and that 7 million Canadians are engaged with 26 million aware, the reality sunk into Loblaw executive their PR team that they have to take this serious and switch up their strategy. Hence the media for this toned way down and the media for literally any other legit or non-legit issues is now dialed way up to execute the age-old strategy of ignore, distract, and divide


I'm sorry but this really isn't a big thing. The only reason I've heard about it is through reddit. I think all of these corporations need to be put in their place, and groceries specifically need to be federally run. But fuck me you can't pretend that this boycott is noteworthy right now. You want to make an impact? Rent billboard space, website ad space, plaster anti greed shit all over facebook, tiktok, instagram, twitter. Talk with people about it in person across the country and make a real organization and plan for it. As it is, it's no better than the anti vaxxers in ottawa. There's no unified plan. These companies aren't going to shut down because 50000 people stop buying from them. They won't even notice it. Can anyone on this subreddit even name specific politicians that are on their side? Is anyone coming up with laws to prevent corporations from profiting like this? Can you at least have an opinion on this if you're going to downvote it? It'll make people take your cause even less seriously, by making it look like you don't want to do things that matter when you won't explain what you are doing to make a real difference. I want to get behind this, but you make it really difficult with posts like this one.


You have an important point. Only a small margin of people outside of reddit know about this. I have been asking around alot. And nope, so far only redditors. I'm going to a huge family party on Saturday, and I am sure NONE of them are even aware. I will bring it up and see who says what. So far I get "No kidding? That's interesting!" And they move on, unconcerned. People just don't get mad enough to do anything usually.


It was covered on the BBC and the NDP drafted legislation in response. It’s been wildly successful so far.


What does that say about the boycott? The front page of the BBC website has a meaningless article about chatgpt being on iphones. Also legislation that doesnt pass is meaningless. Where can i even see exactly what was drafted?


Welcome to reddit. Did you enjoy your first post? You don't need to be spoonfed to find your answers. Woohoo spirited discussion Haha the shills here are epic, coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. Clearly we are on to something


I wanted to upvote you but you made it very difficult. Did you read the Leger survey and do the math? Do you seriously think only 50,000 people across Canada are participating in this boycott? Read the survey again


No what the fuck is the leger survey? I don't think even 10000 people are participating, but I was being generous. You're kind of braindead though. I'll just be blocking posts from the subreddit if you're the type of person involved in it. Keep up the good work on destroying your cause. If I wanted to interact with the brainlets on canada\_sub, I could just do it there. I don't need to see you on two subreddits.




Lol wut?


Yeah, I told y'all you can't sustain a permanent boycott. They just moved on as will members of this sub.


I can and have effectively been for years.


Good for you.


Yup, it has been and will continue to be good for me.




There was a boycott? News to me...


lol the supposed boycott failed in the first week when all the fake posts about empty stores started going up. 




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.