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"AI is gross" would be a fantastic name


Its that or the abattoir, if you gave the animal a choice... Well what would you choose?


What in the world are you talking about?


Artificial Insemination. Last summer I worked as a pig arouser, picked up some of the lingo.


I'm still confused what it has to do with my comment 😂 also no thank you I couldn't do that job, power to you lmao


you are right, it's nowhere near as erotic as I expected it to be, after the first month I no longer wanted to kiss them. well there was one... but thats another story.


ai help me during annual report design


I have no idea what you mean by this but you can hire someone who actually knows how to do it if you're not cheap and lazy


But it’s not going away


But it's still gross. Do you want to argue about my opinion? Cuz I guess okay if you really must.


No you’re entitled to your opinion. My point is that people are going to keep using it for stuff like this and trying to fight it is pointless.


Until someone in your family is deepfaked onto porn, of course. Or, you know, once you learn of all the photos of children in bathing suits it’s been making. Will you fight it then? If so, why must it affect you for you to care? It’s fine to talk shit on AI. It will only get worse.


We’re talking about logo design dude.


If you think that this logo wasn’t created by a program that is also used in creating everything I mentioned, you’re just willfully ignorant. AI (specifically generative) is something that artists should be fighting against at any and all opportunities.


Okay? Do you want me to list all of the ways that AI will benefit humanity? I won’t because that’s irrelevant to this convo, just like deepfake porn is. Stay on topic.


There are different sects of AI and you know it. We're talking specifically about image generation. How does it help humanity to generate logos and porn??? By saving cheapskates from paying actual people to get the images made?


There is nothing inherently immoral in using ai to generate art, logos etc. It actually benefits entrepreneurs because they can cut down on start up costs. Your example of child sexual abuse images clearly is immoral. Obviously if designing logos is your line of work, it sucks for you, but no one is going to pass a law to make it illegal and people will continue to do it. My point is that you can fight it all you want, but it’s not going to make a difference. We don’t pass laws against things just because technology is changing and we don’t like it. Then we’d still be riding horses.


Hey since you used AI for this why not ask AI for a name?


Yo, I agree that AI is gross and stuff, but just curious how you could spot it. Is the grey watermark an AI company or smth or is it just the image feeling off?


OP straight up said it was AI generated in another comment


I Ah, thx. I reported the post for low effort (AI = Zero Effort) and hope this gets removed, it will be a shame if this whole board gets turned into AI "art"


Damn bro. I just used AI to get an idea for a first draft, I’m not sure why so many people are taking so much offence to this :/


How about i get an AI personal trainer to do a bastardised attempt at your job using copywrited works from a shallow understanding then claim any success as my own despite me having zero input.


I’ve tried but didn’t like the sound of any it came up with unfortunately




Is Ai allowed on here?


yes and no i think. depends on context


Why are his eyebrows on fire?


It’s an AI generated logo, so it just came up with that :)


Take your AI bullshit elsewhere


Don’t use whatever AI gives you, you should just use them as examples and create your product.


So it is a plagiarised logo then? You must really value your business, I’m sure it will be a huge success 🤣


You understand that customers associate ai with bad or cheap quality. Also that dragon is used by like 300 other businesses. So fuck being unique right


You are not welcome here then.


Also the small flames in the eye brows will not scale well due to the intricate details


Don’t give him pointers, it’s AI


Good point, will definitely have to make them simpler in the next draft.


I'd probably just call it Dragon Fitness.


I love that idea almost as much as my own. https://preview.redd.it/8pzijxli0tad1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09116ba11dd8032a17658cc1feb70211f7afe019 Arguably the best branding strategy ever. Combining the genius of this strategy with the fat shaming industry we get these gems: "I don't believe that's a gym" (yeah? Stay with me) "Why be fat and ugly, when you can just be ugly" ( getting warm now right) "Butterface gym: great body butterface" (on fire now) So be risky, be a bit crazy with your brand... Coincidentally the two qualities that 93% of fatties look for in a personal trainer.\* If those specific examples aren't doing it for you, don't worry the strategy is well proven. I'm know the creative minds here can suggest alternatives. \*Source: Taylor.Jimmy et al., issue 2, Pg 19: nobody reads this far Journal. Article: I can't believe u read this far.


Ask ChatGPT


Game of Toned


Dragon fitness. The fire within fitness. Inner flame fitness


Mope Nope Muscle Factory


idea https://preview.redd.it/tjltx4bkfrad1.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=90123d178db5450a9de646dbf8237b687972e961


DragonBorn fitness DragonBurn Fitness DragonFire Personal Training Feel the Burn PT Inner Dragon Fitness Raging Fitness Zen Dragon Fitness


Spark? The dragon mascot could be called sparky.


Dont go for traditional names, go for someting creative or unique. stand out with you name also with your services also. also with the name font use someting bold for that. for more help you can reach out at [https://www.behance.net/thejusgangadh](https://www.behance.net/thejusgangadh)


Dragonite no hesitation


Is this a Sekiro reference xD


Future Body Body World Fit Body Excellerated Fitness Excellerated Body Excellerated Core Fit Core Fit Forever The Future Is Fitness 1,2,3 Fit Muscle Made Fitness Now Your Personal Fitness Prime Body Prime Workout Body Primer Prime Fitness I could think of some more but ... 🤷🏾‍♀️ I hope something resonates or triggers an idea you like. Good luck! Edit: I read some of the other options. I didn't know you were stuck on the dragon ... But some of these might still fit.


Thank you so much for posting this anyway! I can definitely use some of your ideas for inspiration :)


You're welcome ...


Start with seeing what URLs are available because it’s really frustrating to come up with a great name you can’t use.


A lot of inconsistencies and flaws in that attempt.


"Judge Gym: you Gym we Judge" I'm thinking a younger judge Judy as brand ambassador, she was hot when she was 70. It possibly just so happens that I may or may not happen to be in possession of some photos, that may or may not be available when she eventually Keels over.


This is an amazing comment, thank you so much for taking the time to post this! :)


I know right! Branding = reputation management. So long as you deliver beyond what's expected, you need never worry about what your logo looks like.


Honestly I’d get rid of the dragon theme altogether.


What is the dragon communicating for your branding? What is your why of running a fitness business? Why would I hire you when I can transform my life for free from Strength Sides YouTube channel? My point is that your name does not come from a logo, it comes from your why, your story, your value props. You using AI for a logo is not the issue here, it’s the order of how you are launching your brand.


Thank you for your comment and very valid points. This is just a draft for an idea I had but I do agree that I may have to re-approach this from a different angle.


Don’t work on a logo OR ANYTHING VISUAL until you have a strategy in place. Develop these three aspects: Why do you do what you do? Why would someone hire you over the hundreds of thousands of fitness bros already working? What do you offer? What is your differentiator? If I hire you, WHAT in my life will be changed for the better? Who is your target customer? You approaching a branding the order you are doing it is the equivalent of telling me to do 10 jacare pushups without teaching me how to do a push up, a mountain climber, a spider man, hand positioning, and the regressions to help me build up to a jacare. I am gonna get hurt. So is your business.


Great advice! Thanks :)


Fireborn Fitness gives you alot of options with the idea of rising out of the fire like a Phoenix kind of thing. Has double F's which I am a sucker for alliteration as it rolls off the tongue haha Still let's you use any fire or hot puns in any specials or promotions. You can still keep the dragon design or something very similar. I picture a logo with the dragon/Phoenix rising up behind the weight bar but have nothing below the bar, start the animal from the bar and above so it's rising from the bar itself, helps keep it simple too


Obviously need to change the name but I just thought I'd post a quick example of what I mean, also need to simply the dragons eyebrows and that. Tried to draw quickly on the train but it's hard to do on a phone haha [logo example of rising over the bar](https://ibb.co/3Bmy52C)


You’re an absolute legend, I really like you’re ideas and will definitely take them into consideration!


Fiery Fitness


Fitness sounds like a gym more than a trainer tho; you might consider _____ Training


How about "Dragonsports Fitness"? It would resonate with your logo design. (Please note that this name is used by https://www.dragonsports.eu/ already, but they are a martial arts sports goods supplier)


Great suggestion, thanks for informing me about the other company as well. Much appreciated brother!


“Ignite” is the name of a vape company


Sparky’s Fitness or Beast Fitness


I totally just read that as Breast Fitness; it’s been a long day 😔


OP - what’s your target demographic? What about Flaming Beast?


Walt’s Fitness Center ^/s