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Kinda want to fuck this guy because I think it would be funny at this point lmao


Maybe you can fuck some sense into him.


Curious if he’d kill me if I called him a beta bitch while I’m deep inside (No hate to those who are; just chirping the guy in the pic. We love you guys)


if he tries, choke him and say "this is what happens to naughty boys" and I guarantee he'll cum right then


He'd burst right there. But oof he looks annoying as hell.


You can call me a beta bitch 🥺


Yes that sounds hot. No joke fucking a dude who is convinced of this alpha bullshit and degrading him like that is one of my fantasies from now on


Hopefully one day this guy can enjoy being submissive without having to give a whole monologue beforehand


That’s what OP’s there for. You go, OP. We’re rooting for you. 🎉


Thank you king/queen 🙏


The elusive oh-so-masc alpha male who's submissive to men in bed XD [r/Sniffies](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sniffies/s/UqWDd40jQp)


Every “straight” male on sniffies, I swear. Even when they start on a basic chat, the panties and submissive side are almost always bound to show up… My favorite was a dude that wore panties, which his wife loved. BUT! What she didn’t know is that her own mother was buying the panties for him and having an affair with him. Which I was invited to join in on for $100. 😳


Totally agree, they are almost systematically sub


Post screenshots






Post screenshots


Why does everything have to be an identity...can't people just fuck when and how they like to? Getting a dick in your ass doesn't have to be your hole personality!


I see what you did there


I see the hole personality frequently. A close up photo is often how they say "hello" 😉


I don't think that means what he thinks that means.


"naked passion with select men"


I guess you can still be in Alpha and be a bottom but I think the second you become submissive you lose the alpha title. I mean does he not understand the word contradiction. The way this reads how he starts off very sure of himself and confident and stuff makes me feel like he's one of those guys who's into being submissive but he just wants a guy to make him do it that's the real turn on. Some guys like to be broken into submission and I think this might be one of those guys.


I haven’t encountered this kind of sub. How does a Dom go about doing this? I ask cause I don’t do anything without consent. So the idea of forcing a guy to be submissive, feels like it runs counter to that.


I'm not into the Dom and sub role play. The thing to consider though is that this person wants to be submissive but their mind also wants the idea that they were talked into it or they were pressured. Their mind must have some level of an out to where they're not responsible for what happened. This isn't a situation where they're looking to be raped or anything like that. This is my theory at least like I said I'm not into this stuff myself. I think you just put them in a Subs place and they just respond.


Sounds similar to bratting, where you kind of have to "win" over the sub, as opposed to being offered submission freely.


Exactly and for this guy to say 100% that he's straight but yet he wants a guy to be submissive under that's a big thing and it's telling.


Darn, that pesky gay friend of mine seduced me and NOW I like men :-( Damn youuuuuu gay friend!


When someone describes themselves as an alpha, I just assume they've got at least one active restraining order out against them.


No real alpha will ever have to tell you they are one


leave a pair of panties at his house under the pillow


Or a cock ring that is obviously not his size 🤭


no see you want it to look like he's cheating with another woman to fuck with him even more as penance for being a fuckin "discreet married" dude cheating on his wife instead of just talking like a normal person


i’M aN aLpHa durrrrrrrr


I don’t really understand, he’s just trying to enjoy sexual interests with someone who might identify as Dom, but uses crude language about roles. You might enjoy it as well. Im not an expert, just confused about the disrespect he is having to endure, whether he knows it or not. /downvote, or change my mind.


If you do, you’ve gotta look him in the eyes when you first get inside him and say ‘Look at me. I’m the alpha now’


Gotta love openly gay guys who think there’s only one way to be gay.


Its like "I'm glad you were never in the closet but maybe some empathy for those still stuck in there would be nice" or at the very least not putting them on blast to the homo sub idk


My favourite recently was a "straight" guy who only likes big dicks because apparently that's less gay? Somehow????


Mans said he enjoys naked passion with select men. Who tf talks like that😭




Dude idk why this sub thinks these are funny. Thats a dude who walks around STRESSED, he sees a cute boy and starts panicking. He's living a secret that is probably kinda fun but is also hollowing his soul out daily. Its mad sad idk why we're laughing.


I can guarantee you his fake bratty attitude is a code for "topmetopmetopmetopmetopme".