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It's on councils to apply for / partly fund any expansions (Lambeth paid for it to be extended to Brixton a few years back, for instance). There's London mayor / assembly elections coming up next year, so make sure the people you're considering voting for know this is something you'd want. Labour have said they want to use the extra ULEZ funding to improve walking and cycling infrastructure, so the Santander bikes could be one option for them.


I contacted them once about expanding to near LCY when I lived in the area, its only zone 3 and would've been so convenient! They said I have to message my MP to ask them to raise the issue.


Sadiq will not invest in the scheme because they are and forever will be known as Boris Bikes and it grinds old Sadiq's gears! So, no. The scheme will never expand unless Sadiq is gone.


…yeah the scheme has expanded multiple times during Sadiq’s time as mayor and has introduced e-bikes to the network. If anything the scheme will shrink if the anti ULEZ Tory crowd get in.


Sure, sure


Probably not, especially where hills are involved. They don’t want a situation where people cycle them into central, gliding down the hill in the morning but decide to take public transport back in the evening because they’re tired/don’t fancy the hill etc. You rapidly end up having to continually drive truckloads back into the suburbs to replenish the supply or you end up with no free stands in central and empty racks out on the edges.


I agree it needs to expand but the councils need to invest in it. There are other dockless bikes available but they are expensive. In South West London I have found Human Forest is probably the cheapest if you try an accumulate free minutes watching ads and wait for the occasional £10 free credit they send in the app. (Also £10 credit with referral code NBxOQBT1) Never get any promos with Lime or the other companies.