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Early life interventions are some of the most cost effective social policy options out there. He's right to call for more funding for this.


What bloody summer?


It ended in June. 😭😭😭Pretty much as soon as the forecasters promised us a huge heatwave in the second half of July 💀


Rain is nature's policeman.


I remember reading this in Terry pratchett, and (maybe naively) I’ve always felt safer walking home on rainy nights.


is it free sneaker season again


Tbh, after my holiday, it would be nice to come back to a post-apocalyptic London. Half the population will have gone and the other will have turned cannibals. Then we can all Walking Dead our way through Xmas season before Easter Bunny saves us all.


Summer violence is part and parcel of being in a cost of living crisis


"Part & Parcel" clarifier: In September 2016, when asked to comment shortly after a bombing in New York, Sadiq Khan said: > I'm not going to speculate as to who was responsible. I'm not going to speculate as to how the New York Police Department should react. What I do know is that part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you've got to support the security services. And I think speculating when you don't know the facts is unwise. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/london) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Silly bot


And yet he is extending the ULEZ zone to take millions of pounds out of Londoners pockets.


Better than their kids dying of asthma, you daft twat


If you had a ounce of intelligence , it has been recognised even by Kahn that it will make negligible difference. Right keyboard warrior you are. Would not say a word face to face wanker.


Just increase ULEZ and Congestion charge , I’m sure that would help Londoners with their cost of living, you complete waste of space .




And he isn't doing either


Is he allowed to under the aggressive terms of central government funding?


He put a cap and brought in things like Hopper Fare. What has tosser Johnson ever did for you? Cut the tfl funding for one. Tories cut the tfl funding. Money has to come from somewhere. Literally everywhere in the world Public Transport is funded by govt unlike UK. Tfl is supported by itself and it's doing a fine job at that.


Unfortunately a politician saying this is never a good look and sounds like justifying violence


A proven liar and coward!


I don’t know how much he lies. Obviously he’s a politician so lies and half truths come with the job However, I DO know how much his political opponents lie. And it’s fucking orders of magnitude more than Khan


It's hilarious to call him a liar when Boris Johnson was the previous mayor. He was like a 10x liar compared to khan.


Boris this Boris that, he hasn't been mayor in 6 years, give it up


That's hilarious when half the conservative front bench blame Blair for the country's ills.


I wonder, as mayor of London, if he has any power to limit the cost of living crisis? It’s almost as if he could delay Ulez and give people more time to upgrade their cars and vans rather than spending thousands of pounds now (on a scheme which makes negligible difference to air quality). Nah, best press on


He may finally have a point.


Sounds like a Tory paper headline


Go fuck yourself little nobody