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Do you think that if he gets re-elected and brings these policies in a. He'll have backing from the Labour party and b. Will this reflect wider rental policy in the UK?




I listened to an interview with him recently and he said he and some of the other big mayors were invited to a meeting with Sir Keir recently to start planning


I would recommend never assuming any political figure checks anything first.


Why would this affect wider UK... of course not beyond London


Or we could build more housing, which actually does help, rather than implementing policy that routinely hurts housing production and aggregate affordability whenever it’s tried.


Mmm that sounds hard though, the best way to create new housing is good old fashioned rent controls!


I just need to *subsidise demand*




This is simply untrue, Khan has been bad on housing and remains so.




Right, they fudged it to get all the completes into 1 year for exactly that headline. Now look at the longer track record, and the pipeline..... See here for a more nuanced take: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/housebuilding-in-london-london-plan-review-report-of-expert-advisers >The review, held by an expert panel, found the mayor was falling well short of his target of 52,000 new homes every year over a decade. >"Over the long term, the supply of new homes has not kept pace with increases in jobs, population and housing demand. >"Four years into that 10-year period, when measured against the cumulative target, there has been an undersupply of more than 60,000 homes, more than a year of equivalent supply," the review said. >... it found the complexity of the London Plan - which is the mayor's planning strategy for the capital - was impeding development. >"There is persuasive evidence that the combined effect of the multiplicity of policies in the London Plan now works to frustrate rather than facilitate the delivery of new homes, not least in creating very real challenges to the viability of schemes," it concluded. See also here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67160104 > > No new affordable homes have been started in London over the past two years under the government's latest housing programme. > > There's been a delay because of a misunderstanding with City Hall over money combined with poor economic conditions, the London Assembly heard. > > A target of 35,000 affordable homes has now been revised down to a minimum of 23,900. > > This represents a drop of a third. > > The Affordable Homes Programme is the main mechanism used by the government to fund subsidised homes in the capital.




That is a bizarre interpretation. As the first quote makes clear, the target isn't "aiming high", it's what we need.


Ok. Still haven’t even tried to back up your bad label.


I wonder if he’s done any basic research on how rent controls have fucked the rental market in every city it’s been tried, except for the lucky few who are recipients of the cap, everyone else is shit out of luck.


But if the lucky few are the ones who vote for the candidate implementing the policy, does that qualify it as a success? Politics feels very divisive nowadays. No one is thinking of long term good of the city.


Isn’t that what has happened with council house tenants? If you manage to get one you’re set for life with subsidised rent and all will always vote labour (unless you miraculously manage to get right to buy which was Thatcher’s plan was to turn you Tory)


Yeah if the government gave me a free house, you better believe I'm voting them for life. But it's so destructive.


Well that kinda reduces my desire to vote for him. Rent caps don't work. They don't magic up new supply. The demand is still there with rent caps. You get all kinds of unintended consequences and actually getting housing becomes harder. We need more housing not bad sticking plasters.


I'm not sure you read this, it's a rent cap for 2 years. Alongside a large investment pledge form the government to build up supply.


Won’t landlords put the rent up to cover their the two years just before the policy starts? Landlords have mortgages which need paying so I imagine they’re more likely to be risk adverse and this policy could actually result in higher rents!


Tbh my knowledge is just reading the article lol, I can't pretend I'd know how it would be done


I'd rather the pledge without the cap. Pledges have a habit of not materialising and rent caps have been proven time and again not to work.


More housing won't work. If the UK built 10 million houses a year, net migration would increase to 20 million people per year.


So if we start removing houses will rent come down? I’m really not sure of your logic.


House building and migration are not connected. The only thing they have in common is both current policies are diabolical


Yes they are. London is a word city which means people from all over the world want to live there. The only thing stopping them from coming is the availability of housing.


They need the right to come here first.


If you earn enough you can come. The UK does not cap migration. It never has.


It very much has and does. I take it you've never interacted with our migration system.


Having a Labour government after the next GE will help a lot.


Listen, don't expect a blank cheque from Starmer bro. Keep expectations real here people, I expect (yes) slightly better supported policies from them both. But don't expect milk and honey.


Of course not, but at leat there's a chance to have some actual debates and policy on this with a Labour government, rather than the Tories just going LOL no at anything a Labout mayor might suggest.


I'm just looking for a reason to vote for him TBH. You're 1000% right though. Unless your political affiliations are currently in office you're pretty ineffectual as mayor.


Rent controls are idiotic though and if he actually brings this in, the only reason I wouldn’t vote for Khan. It’s about the only issue most economists agree make the situation worse - just see Dublin and Edinburgh as recent, close examples.


Even I know a rent cap is a terrible idea - and I’m an anarcho-communist


“rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing” - Assar Lindbeck


An economist who believes the welfare state makes people lazy or in other words, the best way to improve work ethic is to have a large population of homeless and starving to encourage those with jobs to work harder and not complain.


It has nothing to do with people being lazy, it's that the housing crisis is caused by lack of supply and rent controls lead to lower supply. They also cause a bunch of adverse effects like incentivising people to hold onto housing they don't need, causes massive waitlists that prevent people moving to a different city for work which has negative economic effects, and fuck over people who aren't currently renting, living with parents, the next generation etc. There is a very broad consensus among economists that rent control is an awful policy that only makes the housing crisis worse \[1\] \[2\]. We can't make fun of Jacob Rees Mogg when he says people are tired of experts, or be angry at brexiters for not listening to the experts when they said Brexit would be bad for the economy, and then totally ignore the experts ourselves when it comes to rent control. \[1\] [https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/rent-control/](https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/rent-control/) \[2\] [https://econpapers.repec.org/article/ejwjournl/v\_3a6\_3ay\_3a2009\_3ai\_3a1\_3ap\_3a73-112.htm](https://econpapers.repec.org/article/ejwjournl/v_3a6_3ay_3a2009_3ai_3a1_3ap_3a73-112.htm)


Rent caps is a terrible idea. Making a poor situation worse isn't a vote winning platform.


A rent cap would be a horrible idea, which has failed both in theory and in practice (see Berlin, New York etc). It benefits current renters at the expense of future renters, disincentivises movement of people, and disincentivises the building of new houses (worst possible thing you could do when the issue is primarily a supply issue). It is a buzzword policy that sounds great at first glance but completely falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, and advocating for it either indicates political opportunism or a total lack of understanding of the housing crisis. I cannot emphasise enough the fact that this would make the crisis worse, it is dismissed as a solution by basically every housing economist regardless of political affiliation. I repeat - it has been tried *multiple* times in multiple cities and it has NEVER failed to make things worse. If you want more of an explanation as to why it doesn’t work, I highly recommend this freakonomics podcast episode - aptly entitled ‘Why Rent Control Doesn’t Work’: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3gG7znLyNsMLfTdlVjgJRf?si=iWDqyao-QTKz7m7uJJzXAA


Hasn’t this gone horribly in Scotland with a 9% rise there and only3% in England during same period. Is he stupid? It doesn’t work.


It goes horribly anywhere its implemented. It kills any economic incentive to build housing.


Rent controls don't and have never worked. The problem is a lack of properties, caping the price will only increase the demand and reduce the supply even further with lamdlords pulling properties from the rental market. Either you build more to increase supply or increase prices to reduce demand. Price cap doesn't achieve anything to resolve the core issue that we don't build anywhere near enough properties.


To impose a rent cap? U British need a proper economic class. This is the worse idea ever. U think u will have cheaper rent ? This is going to reduce the rental supply even more ! Black market is going to be rife and u won’t have any protection.


The "black market" people selling rentals in pubs!?!? Fucking nonsense


I suggest u to shut up if u have 0 knowledge in economics/finance.


I actually have 3.4 knowledge so boo to you.


Then why don’t you know what I meant by “black market” and spoke like a 12 years old council estate idiot ?


You keeping using ‘u’, fucking bellend.


Lmao. Only someone with a mental capacity as small as a peanut would be triggered by trivial stuff like this. Just chill, you clueless mango.


You are giving him shit for speaking like ‘a 12 year old from a council estate’ yet here you are. Using ‘u’ in place of you. Moron.


Sound like u are from council estate yourself. Sorry that offended u. 


People said this about minimum wage legislation. That seems to have stood the test of time no?


Rental control is nothing new if u don’t already know. And u are right. It didn’t stand the test of time which is why it doesn’t exist anymore. Why return to something that history has already showed it didn’t work? It’s nothing more than another populist attempt.


All that any MoL can do is put pressure on the incumbent government to introduce legislation on rent controls.


Yes, lobby and influence policies that help, that all he can do at the moment, it is all up to Starmer and reeves at the end whether they will fully support khan policies for London


I am slightly wary of the idea of a rent cap based on when that energy cap came in everyone just seemed to charge the maximum? But I am not an economist


Everyone would charge the maximum, people would have to be paid to enforce it, and it would kill any incentive to build more rental properties, creating more problems in the long term. It would be a terrible idea like the energy price cap, which decimated the market and bankrupted 30 different suppliers.


You are delusional buddy How about you earn more money to pay the rent How does a mayor have any problem with it while its supply and demand thing


Why am I delusional? (I ain't your buddy, pal) I'm disabled and still working, my life is a battle. I'm on a decent enough salary for my sector. It's just ripping off people because it's either that or the street. My house is owned by an offshore company who really don't need to increase the rent due to an increase in overheads. It's just cashing in on an unregulated economy. The mayor has a problem with it because he isn't an asshole and sees the number of people living in squalor, poverty and increases in homelessness. He's also pledged to build another 6,000 houses....


It’s just a populist promise of economically illiterate Sadiq for economically illiterate voters.  Rent caps don’t work (until you incecivise landlords in some other ways). There’s a law of supply and demand and this always work. Build more houses, build more transport links, lower taxes and prices will go down. Recently in Argentina after removing rent caps prices went down 25% because supply increased by 50%.


Oh it’ll be another empty promise, and then blame game


Yeah, that's the concern right. I'm pretty disillusioned right now, fuck knows why it's been changed to FPTP now. He's barely got any policies through in 8 years. OFC he blames the Tories, he's got backing from Labour for the rent cap apparently, so the policy would only come in if Labour get voted in....


Honestly having lived through the Blair years and watched them sell off the gold reserves and enter an illegal war I have no hope for them, the tories are aweful but Labour are incompetent


The reality is rent controls don't work, certainly not long term, and is inefficient government meddling. No one wants rents controls, they want lower rents. It is something trivial like 6000 homes that will be rent controlled in his policy. So basically 200 homes per borough with minimum impact on the market or the problem it aims to solve, so I suspect he will be allowed to do it and it gives him a policy he can use to rebut the Greens and try and stop voted drift that way.


Diont believe this liar He just grabs money from the public to fu d his gravy train salaries


And more to the point, why hasn't he done it already?


So this is the thing right... He's been ineffective as major getting anything past the Tories apart from the ulez and fare freezes. I actually don't know how the London Assembly works though


Im not sure you know, he wanted better rents and conditions for tenants overall but was hamstrung by Tories every step of the way.