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Garlic and shots has a crypt in the basement?


Thought so too as it has a table exactly like that, and apparently opened in 1992. Which means it could've been where OP pic was. Looking rather different now.


Yeah the crypt looks the right size for the photo


In the 60s it was an Italian restaurant called "Trattoria Toscana". I'm struggling to find photos of the right part of Frith Street in the 80s, but the building next to it has a very distinctive gothic Victorian window on the ground floor which does help a bit. Edit: In the 1980s it was apparently called "Frith's" according to [the 1987 Michelin Guide](https://archive.org/details/greatbritainirel0000pneu_q7a1/page/332/mode/2up?q=Frith). It's apparently considered to be [one of the first truly good Italian restaurants in London](https://thegannet.co/journal/back-to-the-garden-carla-tomasi-on-life-after-restaurants-friths-soho/) and the owner Carla Tomasi is somewhat famous for being a fixture on the scene and [Jason Atherton was the chef there for a while](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Atherton) - so it would have been a nice meal! [Painting of the outside at the time](https://se.pinterest.com/pin/9429480440944351/?send=true) - if this jogs any memories, /u/Drneedle because the vault looks the exact size and shape of the ones in that building. It was mentioned in the October 25th 1987 edition of the New York Times: > "In Soho, close to the West End theaters, is a ''nouvelle British'' restaurant, Frith's (14 Frith Street W.1, 439-3370). The chef, Charlie Mumford, cooks in the modern British style: lots of fish and game, small portions and light sauces. Inside, too, the decor is minimal and modern, though residing in a traditional building. Dinner for two with drinks and tip: $80" so it was getting international reporting if someone in America was looking to come to visit London and wanted to suss out a nice restaurant. Also duh! You don't know what Garlic and Shots looks like because you've never been. [These are the vaults we're talking about](https://static.designmynight.com/uploads/2012/09/3776garlic_and_shots_bar_soho_london-optimised.jpg), [another photo](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PdwPr5icHo4/UbpYhWMS5_I/AAAAAAAAExo/0RtU-92HQIU/s1600/garlic+and+shots.jpeg) - decor has obviously changed quite a lot but it could be the same spot!


Holy moly! This could be it! My mom was a big fan of the Michelin Guide and definitely would have researched it. The vault looks exactly the same size. Were you ever at the restaurant?


I've been to it as Garlic & Shots - the vaults stick in your mind!


What used to be stored in the vaults? Do you remember?


I don't think they've been used for their intended purpose for a very long time! [The building was originally built as a house in around 1730](https://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vols33-4/), so it was probably a coal cellar!


As an aside, what were you using in 1987 that gave location data?


No idea I was just browsing old photos and Apple had data for a pic I had uploaded. Probably incorrect but wild it could do that from a picture of a picture!


Data will be incorrect, guarantees. Even if it had location data (even from cell towers? Not gps) it would be from place when the picture of a picture was taken, nothing to do with original pic location I do remember some phones used to pull cell towers locations to estimate your location (after 2004 tho), before button-0hones had gps.


I don't think the smart phones were widely available back in 1987 - and definitely not camera phones - so even location data from cell towers seems very unlikely.


Good point, I even forgot what the times were back then (I was few years old šŸ˜­).. I was thinking ore of 2000s onwards I guess...


Zero cell phones back in 1987 for us. My first time with a cell phone was 1992/93 with one of those giant brick like ones and it was like $10 a minute lol. Itā€™s wild iPhone would somehow even attempt to geolocate a photo that old.


I think iPhone was geo locate itself when the iPhone was making picture... That, or it pulled data from somewhere online, maybe some archives with similar /same picture, maybe someone added cords manually (you can add geo location manually/edit it, too)


It makes sense that it would pull data online ā€¦..


That's could be it, especially if data is potentially correct ... Can't think of any other way really... That, or manually inserted/edited in, whoever made that pic


Perhaps upload the picture to help with finding it


I would if I knew how. Why is it so difficult ?


Where are you getting stuck? Perhaps we can help.


There doesnā€™t seem to be an option in Reddit to do so


Upload it to something like https://imgur.com/ and post the link.


Done. See edit above


There used to be a place called The Shunt under London Bridge Station. This was an art and performance venue. Can't remember if it had food but perhaps there was a restaurant in the same location, i.e. the vaults under the station which would tie up with your location data. Unlikely to be there still as the area has been heavily redeveloped and poshified.


nah that was from 2006-2010


Interesting. I figured it was long gone but it was such a cool placeā€¦


There are vaults like that under The Admiralty pub in Trafalgar Square. Probably redecorated many times but would definitely have been there in 1987.


There is no way you were hanging out in Potters Field in 1987. But, could you have been in Greenwich? The styling looks pub-like, and there are lots of nice pubs in Greenwich.


Oh itā€™s definitely possible. My mom was always finding cool restaurants wherever she went. Thanks!


Aye, thereā€™s cool restaurants and then thereā€™s that bit of Southwark in 1987. Itā€™s possible, but based on the decor and the other tag location itā€™s MUCH more likely that you were in Greenwich.


My flat was near Portabello road in Nottingham Hill i remember. Some shitty landlord crammed 5 of us into a 2 bedroom lol. Itā€™s possible we were within 30-40 minutes distance to that. Greenwich , Leicester square, Covent garden , all possible! Thanks!


Try googling Zedel


Looks very cool but the place Iā€™m remembering was literally underground. No windows, our little ā€œ roomā€ was like a cave. Three walls with just one way to get in and out ā€¦.


Gordonā€™s wine bar?


Itā€™s not that place but thatā€™s the absolute feel of it. Low ceilings , dark, cave like. Excellent try!


Holy shit - your dad is Chevy Chase?




Basement bar of what is currently a Hawksmoor, across from the Commercial Tavern near the spitalfields? Def a long shot but the booths in the basement are vaulted like that


I think it's somewhere in Covent Garden, possibly where Grays & Feather is now (pic to an area that looks similar to your pic, but redecorated: https://www.coventgarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Grays-Feather-inside-3.jpg) I can't find what used to be there, or even remember what used to be there, sorry


Do you remember the cuisine?


Sadly, I do not. It was a special meal though thatā€™s why we were dressed up.


Gordonā€™s wine bar?


Cork and Bottle, Leicester Square?


Yeah, I was thinking C&B


Looks a bit like The India https://maps.app.goo.gl/hmv8hPZnyrGHSVqaA


Tuttons, Covent Garden has vaulted dining rooms like that. Apparently Richard E Grant worked there in the early 80s


Brunswick House is another place with vaulted dining rooms in the basement


Dozo on Old Brompton Road.They have tables like this downstairs.