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Hi, this is better suited to our [weekly megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/SAtIoyBC7f), thanks!


Train, then taxi from the nearest station, will get you door to door without paying for a taxi all the way. Elizabeth line is an option now as well as the tube, and more spacious inside for your luggage. Its stations are all step free so you can take a lift to the surface, whereas most tube stations will give you many stairs and escalators to negotiate. If you’re going somewhere central (you mention Millennium Bridge so I guess so), you should have no trouble finding a black cab on the street when you come out of the station. Tube and then walk feels like a recipe for impossible amounts of steps, escalators and walking.


Your arrival time will make a difference. In the middle of the day on the tube, it's maybe a possibility. Peak times? That won't be any fun at all.


I feel like "could I carry three suitcases across town and over the millennium bridge" is not an us question, it is a you question. In your shoes I'd get an Uber, but that is me.


with 3 suitcases it will be very hard and slow and maybe inconvenience others - plus on tube they all may move due to trains stopping/jerking. i would bite the bullet & cab it..


As someone who did this my advice would be to take a cab. When I moved by I had 3 standard bags and a bike bag. I got a black cab. Was it expensive, yes. But, it was door to door and had room for all of my stuff. Maybe an Uber XL would be a good cheaper option. The idea of doing any trains or tubes with all that baggage is a crazy to me.


Mini cab booked in advance


Elizabeth line to Tottenham Court Road (based on your description) then an Uber. Way, way cheaper with little aggro - all level boarding / lifts.


Take a taxi if you can afford it. Bolt is often cheaper than Uber.


If you can afford a cab 🚕 do it. The biggest hassle on trains with baggage is there is not much space, and ofcourse inconsiderate passengers. Cab will cut out the middle bit


I did this once, moving from London to Brussels. Take a cab (Uber) - more costly but worth it for the convenience and lack of stress.


Your crazy! Been said already: get an Uber. And find out in advance where the ride pick up point is. Mobile signal in the terminals can be dicey.


Agree with other responses, but I'd also just ask, have you looked at the buses at all? I'm sure there must be a bus connection that takes you closer than a 25 minute walk.


Even less room on a bus going from Heathrow. SL7 runs from there and there’s no way I’d expect to have room for that many cases.


I didn't mean door to door, I just would've thought they could get closer to their front door by taking the tube most of the way but changing to a bus at some point


You’ve picked up on the least relevant bit there. There’s pretty much zero chance of getting all those bags onto a bus.


I think the sl7 buses have luggage racks. But it goes to Croydon!


Yeah was using it as an example rather than option, I’ve never got on there and seen vacant space for that many bags. I’d guess if they fight their way into the bus first they might get the cases on it but the taxi would seem to be the best bet. Edit: i mean it has space for bags but that fills up quickly, not there is no space allocated for them.


Liz Line to somewhere like Liverpool Street, then a cab.


When you get off the plane and pick up your bags, don't get a trolley. Just see how you get on with manhandling those three bags around. If it's proving a pain in the ass, then get a cab. If it's not too bad, then get the Elizabeth Line. Don't go anywhere near the Piccadilly Line unless you are a masochist.


Nah, if anything. Get a cab to Paddington and then Take a train (lizzy or Xpress)


If I'm carrying three suitcases, I'm not going to take the subway because I can't get around. I'm going to take a taxi


Check Elizabeth for running times. I don't trust it between Heathrow and Paddington, it seems to have problems often...I'd suggest pre-book cab unless you are on a budget