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**Moderator comment:** >Suspected market research [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Flondon) so that we may review it


I’d say there’s no sauna culture anywhere in the UK. Some gyms have a sauna and folks might do a quick blast post exercise, but that’s as far as I’ve ever seen it go in the UK


Jesus, your post history.... Where outside of Scandinavia/ the Baltic *does* have a sauna culture? We don't have a Kibbutz culture either. We don't have a Siesta culture. We don't have a gun culture. We don't have a lot of things other places do. It's almost like people and places are different


I really would love a siesta culture though.


Germany, Hungary, Turkey, North Africa, Japan, Korea. Those are the places that come to mind.


I mean Germany *is* Baltic. Turkey, North Africa, Japan and Korea have bath house culture but those are very different to saunas. I wouldn't say a Turkish bath house is really comparable to a Finnish sauna at all other than part of it being hot. I can't comment on Hungary as I don't know anything about sauna culture in Hungary


>I mean Germany is Baltic. Except for it not being Baltic. Maybe you are not familiar with Europe at all, in which case I can understand not realizing that to be the case. Obviously these variations of bath houses are not exactly the same, they all exist in different cultures and contexts, but they are pretty damn similar. Differentiating between them makes little sense in this context.


Which sea do Kiel and Lübeck and Rostock lie on the coast of? It's always impressive to see someone be so confidently wrong


Me so hornsey… do you like a good sauna? 👀🤔


Go to Turkish baths. They amazing


thank you, why are turkish bath over a sauna though?


Cause it’s not just a sauna. I wouldn’t really want to just go to a sauna. I lose interest quickly. Turkish baths have an assortment of wet rooms, cold baths, hot baths. It’s just a vibe. And you can take a book, some snacks etc to relax.


Wouldn't say there's no sauna culture. Plenty of people on the central line each morning.


Clever & Funny, thank you. But, seriously, the idea of a sauna… does that interest you at all?


I think if there was a bar and a large screen TV, people would go. But you should say - why do you think London should have a sauna culture? What is the attraction?


Saunas are amazing


No, people are generally not interested in saunas


This is what happens when people shitpost in the subreddit for years without any moderation. Most posts here now are just playgrounds for attention seekers. Every post has to be full of snarky replies and jokes, even serious headlines are treated with the kind of flippancy and disrespect you'd expect on 4chan or something.


You mean the sub becomes a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark and depressing world? The second comment is an answer to an otherwise fairly trivial and foolish question (how would most people know whether they like saunas or not if there aren't any? What even is sauna culture?) Go outside, yell at some kids skipping down the street. Or you know, just touch some grass.


Most city based subreddits treat innocuous posts with sincerity and just get to the point in answering a question, but this thin-skinned subreddit can't take anything seriously, and whenever anyone writes a negative experience in London this place gets very defensive over it with whataboutism. As a lifelong Londoner myself, this place is an embarrassment. Ah yes, 'touch grass', the obligatory infantile reply from people who are not articulate enough to continue a discussion.


I think you can extrapolate from the lack of saunas, that we, in fact, are not a sauna culture.


I spent about 2.5 hours yesterday in the sauna/cold plunge. Plenty of other people enjoying it. I’m not a massive fan of just sauna but combined with a properly cold pool it’s one of my favourite things. There are a decent number of people who enjoy it in the UK but obviously nothing like you’ll find in Nordic countries. Two main reasons for that are 1. It doesn’t get that cold here and 2. We have other things to do.


It's London, not Helsinki.


meaning what? you don’t like saunas? :,(


I lived in Finland for a while when I was younger so personally, I do like them, but they aren't a huge thing here.


We do not






There's loads of saunas in London, the hackney wick one above, stratford community sauna, sweheat in east London, loads of Turkish hammams, one in a council run centre in soho, a Russian banyan in poplar, and many more! I go every week.


I am completely unable to sweat due to a medical condition. I think if I entered a sauna, I would die.


OK Prince Andrew


woh 😨🥺


I personally attend a sauna every morning before starting work. I take a prawn sandwich and an entire bag of babybels in with me it’s a great way to start my day. I met my first husband in a sauna, he asked for a bit of my prawn sandwich it was love at first bite lol


Yeah people in Grimsby fucking love a sauna What kind of sauna obsessive are you?


I think lots of gay guys like going...


We certainly do. I've been to so many saunas in Europe just becauss I'm gay and it's technically part of our communities culture.


Never had one. I’d try it but it’s not something I’ve ever really thought about. You can find them in spas and gyms and things. But generally speaking saunas are specific to certain cultures around the world, mostly in very cold places, and the UK isn’t one of them.


They have gay saunas. But it'd be men only and everyone would be trying to fwck you. So ebbs and flows really.


There actually is a sauna culture in London, it’s just a small subculture. [BBC News- Community Sauna Hackney Wick](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-67963161)


Man’s not hot!


I love a sauna but unless you are at a gym they are hard to find..


I’ve tried to like saunas but always feel too sweaty and like i can’t breathe after about 3 minutes..


Lots of saunas in soho you can go to


I've never understood why anyone would want to be hot and sweaty. Sauna seems like my personal hell.


You can find saunas at spa centres, but it's not part of our culture.


When I go to swim either Putney or Oasis sports Centre, I always go for a sauna after(both places do have it included). But at Oasis is usually really packet and last time I didn't even get the chance to use it :-( I can recommend you the Porchester SPA near Paddington, although is quite expensive if you're not a member


We have sauna culture.... New docklands, porchester hall, Rio's, etc all cater to this. I go regularly to new docklands and its increasingly packed with a huge regular community.


thanks for this :) i’m curious, what types of people often go? do u find all ages attend?


It depends on the day and location. I go new docklands and mid week days its mostly orthodox jews, older guys and a few eastern european chaps in their 30-40s. Mostly working class. On fridays and mixed days its a lot younger with a few folks in their 20s but perhaps a 30-40 year old average. Porchester hall is a much more middle class group and i think probably a wider range of ages. Its a lovely spot though amd really nice building. If you wajt a younger crowd then the Hackney wick and Stratford sauna group is probably the one but its a bit of a hipster bubble i found.


It's not my bag but there are some around, under the Finnish church by Southwark park, various Gyms and even Elephant and Castle Leisure centre if you want a more crowded experience.


This is now the second weird post where the op behaves like a robot doing market research. These tiktok coaches telling everyone to use reddit fornl user acquisition.


Too expensive for what it is


Foot fungus, most londoners have it.


🤢🤣 Is this fact or does the idea of this just put you off from going to one?