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> Btw these are young kids, they look to be around 18-25. Sounds quite old to be playing knock down ginger to me.


I mean when I was 18 my next concern was where my next drink was coming from LMAO not knocking down people's doors that's something you do when you're 8 or 9


The thought of a 25 year old being a young kid is wild.


yo wtf is with people referring to adults as "kids" these day wtfff


I'm almost certain this is a case of OP just being bad at guessing the ages of kids. I've seen police called on a 9 year old black girl collecting bugs and the caller said it was a "short black woman".




fuckin ell mate you're hard ent ya


Watch out we’ve got a regular Vinnie Jones over here


You’ll do nothin




Who the FOK is that guy ^




**snorts coke**


Part of the culture


Surely the best approach here is to do nothing when they ring. Don't react, don't turn on lights, don't open the door, don't shout at them. If it's disturbing their sleep, wear ear plugs. The people doing it will soon get bored.


Or murder. Murder is also an option.


Sure you would say that - don't let Big Murder Ltd dictate what you can and can't do! Support the artisanal locally produced GBH today!


“South London boy”😂


Camberwell FTW




That's your solution to everything!


Always my go-to option - but then have to think of pesky laws, etc. A punji stick trap at the front door would be absolutely ideal. Smeared with dog turds for added effectiveness. The agonising screams of whoever fell in would be a most effective deterrent to the other oiks.


>A punji stick trap at the front door would be absolutely ideal Yeah but getting planning permission for one of those is a nightmare nowadays.


Nah, you just build it first and then invite the planning inspectors for a meeting…


I think it would fall under landscaping?




Its been a while since I had a deep belly chuckle on reddit, thanks.




"My darling sweet 12 year old cherub was viciously attacked by a 55-60 year old man that he was being a cunt to"


That was a satisfying read


Chased him into ‘Hilly Fields’. Mmkay.




You mention having them on camera - do they have a Ring doorbell? If you get them one, they'll be able to see on their phone if it's safe to ignore or not.


Yes but unfortunately they can hide around the corner and pounce once the door is open. Thanks for your suggestion.


Or throw warm piss on them. The people doing it will soon smell of warm piss.


When I was a young kid we used to call this Knock-a-door Run. This is exactly what to do! If they didn’t answer or react at all, that house never got knocked again. As frightening as it might feel for some people, don’t give them the ammunition they want.


Turn off the doorbell


Consider posting this here and seeing what advice they have to help you out. I mean if they're being targeted like this it sounds like more than just a bit of fun. [Legal Advice UK - Legal help and advice for those in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/)




As I didn't explain it at first. The reason I said this isn't just about legal advice. You'll find advice that covers where the law isn't the right or even an option but there are other things you can do.


I mean legal seems the way to go, there is actually a law against knock door run  https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/articles/strangest-british-laws-still-use-today


Would it be practical to disconnect the doorbell for a few days? They perps will eventually tire and move on.


I think it would be more practical to put super glue on the doorbell.


What sort of looney tunes solution is that


You know? The kind of glue that stays wet for hours but dries instantly upon the little rascals touching it. And they don't just rip the door bell off.


One that if it includes a drawing pin, problem solved.


Probably more legal than dropping an anvil on their heads.


Vaseline would work however.


It’s hard wired to the original bell so prob not. Thanks for your suggestion though.


You can disconnect it from the fuse box. I doubt it shares the fuse with appliances or main light bulbs.


It could - mine does, unfortunately, share a fuse with the interior lighting.


Sloppy electrician 😡


The entire building of 90 flats is wired that way. It's not ideal


What type off bell is it? You could put a piece of cloth between the hammer and bell for example


We bought a £13 doorbell from Amazon (it's excellent) and disconnected our old one. The bell speaker plugs into any of the wall sockets in the house so (if this happened to us) we could simply unplug the speaker at night.


Hard wired is still fused. Its low voltage pull the fuse.


even if hardwired it shouldn't be hard to add a switch to the system to disable it during hours when this happens can be anything between a DIY manual switch to a pre-scheduled remote controlled system installed by electrician


I mean the only option is to smear dog shit all over your door and doorbell. That will teach them.


Amateur hour much? Just go down to your local ~~Soviet~~ Russian consulate and get some Novichok to stick on the doorbell! Sure, the DPD driver might be collateral damage but I think thats worth the risk


Evri cloud...


Had to scroll back to upvote this


I read your comment, scrolled, and scrolled back because I got it


They'll be safe. They just leave it on your doorstep and mark it as "recipient not home" anyway




I’m just happy to meet another person that calls it knockdown ginger


My 11 year old funnily enough told me yesterday he and his mates call it Ding Dong Dash. I’ve asked to leave home and find new residence. It’s KDG or nothing else. Hope he has luck on the London housing market with his pocket money.


American uni student in london, Ding Dong Ditching/Dashing is the term in the states. You better look out for other signs your 11 yo is actually a closeted American.


It’s dangerous for any American to do this, as there are more guns than people in the U.S., and plenty of home owners that will shoot people on their property for trespassing. It’s kind of laughable Brits do it for fun and get away with it.


Bobby knocking in south wales! Never heard any other names for it


Wasn't it always called that? Although apparently I'm now old (40 isn't, but I work with alot of 18 - 30s)


Regional differences, brummies call it ding dong ditch but I’ve heard some crazier names


Knock A Door Run


This was what we called it up north


Never heard it called this😂 The true north call it Knockies


I could swear it's called Knicky Knocky Nine-Doors somewhere in the country. I'm sure I'm not making that up.


Now let’s argue about what the appropriate name is for (a) a small round lump of bread, and (b) a small sliver of wood lodged in your finger. Based on those two we can probably dox ourselves down to the town we’re from


> (b) a small sliver of wood lodged in your finger There are other words for splinter?


Spelk in NE.


lol knockies!? Like it’s a puppy or something 😭 Ooo knockies In Manchester we call it ‘Knock A Door Run’. What part of north are you talking about?


This in Liverpool


That's what it is/was in Sheffield


+1 for this (South Yorkshire)


Brummie here. Never heard it called ding dong ditch, nor knock down ginger. It was always knock and run when I were a lad (37M)


In Sutton Coldfield we just called it knock door run.


Just checking in to represent knicky knocky nine doors, North East England.


Chappy for me, central Scotland.


Live in South, we call it “Knockie Dockie Whompie Domp Ding Ding Nine Dong Door”


“Knock a door run”where I’m from. We aren’t a creative people.


We just said knock and run where I'm from. I'm envious of the people with creative names.


Never heard it called that. It’s always been known as ‘knock-a-door-run’ to me.


Cherryknocking was what I grew up with. Just checked Wikipedia and it’s a name (mostly) specific to Gloucestershire, TIL 🤷🏼‍♂️


We called it that in Devon, but it's possible we had a Gloucester infiltrator.


[Here’s a cool map](https://www.ourdialects.uk/maps/prank/) Looks like it’s mostly centred around Gloucestershire and surrounding areas but yes also exists in Devon and is spattered around parts of the midlands too. Looks like Devon had a Plymouth/Exeter divide on this name lol. But it’s a small sample size


Ha, I was just trying to remember that. And yes, that’s what we called it. It doesn’t happen in the US where I live now (probably too afraid of being shot). But if it did, my doorbell is remote wireless and I could just unplug it at night or even put a timer on it. We’re not really seeing legitimate use after dark anyway. In a real emergency I’m sure they would knock.


I called it that in East Northamptonshire/Cambridgeshire!


I’m 25 and have always called it that 


Yes! It’s true name for this entertaining past time. My mrs used to say it was called ‘knock and run’ where she was from but that’s a special game played by Amazon drivers!


Evri are the grandmasters of knock and run


It was knock knock ginger where I grew up


"Cherry knocking" where I'm from


We called it knocky 9 doors up North.


Would it be an option to install powerful motion activated lights at the front door? But honestly, as someone suggested, the best option would probably be to disconnect or otherwise mute the door bell, to give them nothing to work with.


Couldn't they just knock?


the fact they're doing knock and run on an elderly couple in the middle of the night and nothing more serious suggests they're a bunch of complete and utter cowards. to wake them up without the bell they'd have to knock or thump pretty loudly, which unlike the bell would disturb other homes in the process. something tells me these gutless assholes won't dare do that. disconnecting or muting is the best option short of reporting them for what it's now become, harassment.


Install a video doorbell and name and shame on local media like Nextdoor and others. Their parents or neighbours will eventually recognise them and that will end it usually I say!


Install a video doorbell and that let's you know which rings to ignore. They soon get bored if you don't respond, it's the response they want.


For a second, I thought you meant the ring doorbell uses some advanced technology that can detect which rings are worthless. As in “oh it’s just the Jehovah’s Witnesses, let’s not notify”


If they're playing knock down ginger at that age it's low key pathetic LMAO. Get a CCTV camera and film them, log down all the times they're doing it then complain to the council or your landlord my boyfriend's mates had to do the same thing cos their scummy neighbours kids were kicking their fence. The only other thing you can do is put something on your door so that when they knock it hurts them somehow maybe hidden pins or superglue like a Home Alone trap.


I used to play this as a kid. As an adult I can understand how annoying it can be to be on the receiving end of it all.


Put a fake door bell there, with a small hole in the button and a straighten fishing hook inside, on an electrified wire, coated in super glue. Yea or just do nothing.


Not this guys first rodeo 😂


My family and I had this problem last year, thought kids were playing knock down ginger and it was driving my parents mad and stressing my dad out who has heart problems and making my dogs go crazy. Each time it was a super loud bang like something had exploded. We thought we were being targeted. I happened to catch them one day by chance looking out the window. It was a group of teens turned out they weren’t playing knock down ginger but they were booting their football hard against our front door. They had actually damaged our door frame doing this. I watched them walk past my house and I quickly got dressed and in my car and I drove down the road and shouted at them to stop hitting their ball or I’ll call the police. They never did it again.


I don’t know if anybody else has commented this but I personally would recommend getting a ring doorbell, they are a great deterrent. Not the same situation but I had an ex who used to regularly knock on my door in the middle of the night if he’d had a drink and as soon as I put up my ring doorbell he didn’t do it anymore because of the risk of being recorded. I reckon it may work for your parents problem too.


I do have a ring doorbell and have recorded them a few times. They’re not bothered at all. Sometimes they try to hide their face, ring the door and just run.


Ah that’s annoying. Might be worth contacting your local non emergency police number, they are definitely being a nuisance/ anti social behaviour. Maybe they can advise.


Just ignore it, if no one answers the door they stop doing it. You know they are playing as you can hear giggling.


Does the doorbell have a privacy feature which stops it from ringing when activated? Just a thought. We live in a flat with this feature on the intercom and when we first moved in we’d have kids buzz at stupid times until we realised what the privacy feature did. If anyone we knew urgently needed to get into the building or whatever they would just call us


Hide in the bushes and sling feces at them


Bound to be some nob-heads doing it for likes on tiktok.


These 18-25 year old are so sad playing a kids game simply out of boredom. WTF? I played that game when I was like 10 12, damn.


You say you doubt the police will do anything. Give them a chance. They would ignore one incident, but this seems to rise to the level of harassment. It can’t hurt to file a report. On the flip side, I had a problem with the friendly neighborhood crack head stealing from my shed at night. I got creative with heavy fishing line. I stretched tight lines across several places. There’s no way to see it, especially at night. He (or anther member of club crackhead) obviously busted ass several times. When I’d find a line broken, I’d slightly reposition. The lines have been unbroken for the past year.


If it’s repeat like that surely it’s harassment and the police can give them a formal first instance harassment warning?


Can you speak to a community police officer? If it's causing your parents distress and you have video evidence then that would be the logical step.


I had this happen to me in the past, I just turned off my doorbell (back when I still had a traditional doorbell), with video doorbells you can just silence them while still getting video of whoever pressed it. They'll get bored eventually when they realise no-one gives a crap.


Take the battery out of the doorbell. Put it back in in a couple of weeks when they’ve got bored and moved on to somebody else..


Police told me to get a ring doorbell when it happened to me. Obviously you have to pay for it, and sign up to the subscription to be able to record video footage, but just having one was a deterrent and it didn’t happen again.


I believe if they put a sign up saying that they want this to stop and it persists (which unfortunately the sign will not stop it) I believe it then legally becomes a case of harassment rather than ASB in which case using your pictures a report can be made to police who can action it. The courts can and likely will place notices preventing these people from coming close to your parents house. I’m sorry this is happening. I hope it improves.


anyone above 18 is an adult ,probably having some serious mental health issues ,if they are doing this nuisance


Disconnect your bell at night.


wait behind the door with a snooker cue when the approach ram it through the letterbox into said delinquents nuts


Electrify the doorbell with added electrolyte for better conduction.


Wire the doorbell to the mains...


Bear traps




How about replacing the doorbell with a kind that can be switched on and off? When "off" make it emit a low buzz outside so that the person thinks it's actually ringing.


Thanks for your suggestion


Wire doorbell into the mains


Beat me to it


I had a doorbell with faulty wiring once, gave a nice wee tingle when pressed....


Can you replace their bell with a video doorbell. Partly for security but also they can turn it off at night and it should give them peace of mind.


Get a smart door bell or a wireless one with a chime. Then get a timer plug either Smart or regular mechanical. Then set the wireless chime to turn off at bedtime. I do this ,it's helped massively with anxiety in people annoyingly knocking late. If you're expecting a delivery or something you can leave it on.


A cheeky sign saying “CCTV” can often help


Knock down ginger is still a thing. Wow. I’d agree with the ignore them and they’ll get bored approach.


People love to be annoying and get away with it. It's clever, clever for them!


Buy a ring camera and a paintball gun


I highly doubt grown men are playing knock down ginger every day at your place, they probably just look older to you but they're probably teens. They will eventually move on, reacting will just motivate them more. Did you or your parents react badly earlier? There's usually a reason neighbourhood kids pick on one house, and it's usually due to the reactions.


Get some very very lethal hot sauce, the sort of stuff only people without a care for their insides would consume. Put some on the doorbell button. They will go elsewhere.


Report to the Met: https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/asb/asb-v3/report-antisocial-behaviour/ This is what Safer Neighbourhoods Teams are for. Also look up your local authority's Anti-Social Behaviour team for both advice and action.


Thank you


my children did this when they were young. their faces were a picture when the old neighbour they thought was a pushover showed up at our door to ask what they were doing. i was mortified but good for him for not taking that nonsense.


Wait at the door with a chainsaw and then when they knock, burst open the door and chase them a hundred yards with it




Wait between the wheelie bins and grab em


18-25 ? You sure?


Who the fuck plays knock down ginger at night?


Idiots.. sometimes at 1am/2am in the morning ffs


fishing wire patience


Get a baseball bat ready


I would hope they soon get bored with it. I know it’s a pain but can’t they turn off the bell for a while? They will soon get bored when the bells not working and move on.


It’s hard wired to the original bell but will look into it, thanks for your suggestion.


Wait for them behind the bush n jump out in crazed screaming maniac mode. If nothing else it’s worth a laugh. If not tell them to fuck off n annoy the bloke you don’t like over the road instead.


My dad once told me of a similar story. Someone had the same problem. So, he took the outside light bulb away. He taped a drawing pin, pin protruding through the tape, outwards, over the doorbell. He then put dog sh:t on the pin. So what happens when you prick your finger, you put it in your mouth….. 🤢 However , I would suggest just disconnecting the door bell.


Print out a picture of the 'kids" and stick it next to the door bell


Shotgun through the door, obviously.


Knock down ginger? The fuck are you playing down south?


Born and raised East of England, never heard of it either. Maybe a Cockney thing?


Sounds like vehicular assault against a ginge


Dig a punji trap and throw the doormat over it.


You will need 1 litre boiling water, sugar and a water gun with lime juice in it. I don't think I need to elaborate


Just take some comfort in knowing the people doing it are very sad and who will go on to have a miserable life.


Have you thought about turning off the doorbell? I’ve got my doorbell always turned off except when I’m expecting someone. Seems like an easy solution unless I’ve missed something in your post that rules this out.


if you know who they are - get your community together and play the same game to them.. lets see how they like it


Can you buy paintball guns in london?


Knock a door run? You’ve gotta install some sort of water blaster that you can remotely operate that you can blast them with without moving from bed.


If they weren't so pathetic they would at least play Knock, Don't Run


What do they call this in America and/or around the world?


You mean Knock n run


Air rifle, bedroom window 


Disconnect the doorbell. We have a wireless doorbell connected to a plug. It costed something like 20 pound. I used to unplug it when my son was a baby and having a nap.


Throw eggs and four at them from a nearby window. Record for lasting humiliation


Remove monkey toy, unplug doorbell for two weeks, has bonus of no hawkers, driveway cons, and unwanted doorway religious conversations.


Sounds like they need to invest in a motion activated sprinkler


Turn off the doorbell




Stop and search. The gingers must be stopped


I grew up with it called "chap the door and run away", not the most concise.


Do you mean ding dong dash?😂 that’s what they call it in America 😂


Leave a note on the door warning them they are being recorded and will be reported to the police, if they carry on.


Big loud scary murderous dog could help I guess


No offence but paranoid about what? Just don't answer the door.


Super Glue the doorbell they don't do it again.


Knock down ginger is a different way of saying it. Here in America we call it ding dong ditch. Only way to really get it to stop is law enforcement or rig up a loud short alarm triggered by motion. If there is a pattern and time to it you can switch it off when it’s not needed. Some get extreme and will wait by the door and slam it open when they ring it.


I had this problem with school kids in the area, they are too stupid to notice it’s a ring doorbell so I’ve had fun downloading the video and emailing their schools with an irate note and video attached.


Knock a door run where I'm from


From the US.. why is it called knock down ginger? 🤣🤣


It was thunder and lightning from Manchester, bang on the door like thunder and leg it like lightning