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i understand how you feel. i left all my old friends because i realized i was giving so much into them but what were they giving to me? i’d rather live lonely than in pain with another person because at least at the end of everything you have you and yourself to work through everything. not worrying about another party helps to focus on you more. i relate to loving your best friend more than life itself and being just so inlove with them. i’ve liked some of my friends a little too much at times. enough to tear the bond sadly. time heals and things get better if you make the most of it all. i love you and just know you aren’t alone.


Thank you. Though mine was my actual partner, they were honestly always more my best friend. And that just makes it hurt worse. I just wanted them to be happy. Hopefully they are. Anyways, I hope your life is going well and you get off this subreddit soon!!


ah, i’m stuck in that place too of letting go of your partner. she was my best friend before we hit it off. i get that part of wanting them to be happy but you’ll be happy too soon. as for looking at this sub i just needed some grounding, to feel like i wasn’t the only one, and i mean i found you :) and you too with this sub!! i wish you the best of luck in life and i truly hope you find happiness.


Thank you, I hope you have a good life :]