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Congrats on having a child! lol you’re good just be honest and let them know.




My anxiety would ruin me if I ever got stuck in some sort of lie like that, lol. I understand panicking in the moment, however. I panic, just ordering my food most of the time and just accept my fate, but at least that's just food. I wish I had the courage to just slow down and take my time without feeling flustered. To just be straightforward. Regardless, best of luck to you, OP. For people like us, awkward moments happen all the time. We just have to move on. I wish you and your son the best. haha


Hi! I'm hard of hearing too, though I haven't started working yet. The best thing to do is to tell them upfront that you're HOH, 9/10 they will be sweet about it! It also gets rid of any confusion :)




Oh gosh... definitely report them. That's stuff I'd experience at school, but definitely not a workplace. I wish you the best of luck!


They may not be. One time this deaf kid we use to wrestle with got mad at these kids while we were in warmup or whatever. And the kids really weren’t making fun of him and he accused em that they was. Not saying that’s the case but sometimes are emotions pick up on threats that ain’t there. Ik mine does. Some girl told me off the other day on here and accused me of something I didn’t do. In fact I did the opposite but she blamed me for it instead. It felt bad and I really upvoted her and said something kind. But since someone downvoted around the same time and I posted right then she made it my fault. 😔 it didn’t feel good.




It’s possible =D just try to shrug it off.


What type of job if you don't mind me asking?


I once used an accent with my boss I had to keep up for 6 months and gradually phase it out. Sooo I get it. Good luck with the job hope it goes well.


And congrats on the child they grow up so fast




Don’t forget their Xmas presents at the holidays if you haven’t out them to not exist yet 🙃


If you're an idiot, you're in good company. :- ) Are you working security? Be that security person who's always studying and reading, it'll help you get out of security and ward off goofy questions. The higher you climb in your career the less people care about various life challenges. Congratulations on the new child! or possibly 8 children, lol. Have some fun making up a wacky backstory! Rich father, goes to a private school in another state, etc etc etc


Disabilities are tricky especially one that's kinda hidden. You are not the only one these awkward things happen to. It's gonna be OK. Just do your best, take it day bu day, don't overthink. Maybe an anxiety support or smthg? A group of people with similar life challenges who will understand


Congrats on your new job. I accidentally told someone in the neighborhood where I work, that the kid I nanny for is my kid. I literally can never walk down their road again. 😅


Would you consider hearing aids? Is your employer not obligated to accommodate disabilities? If there is a guideline for that then what happened could fall under discrimination as well, so maybe sue or threaten to sue for shits and giggles. If that is the case, they can't fire you on the basis of your partial deafness without breaking the law. Also LMAO congrats on the newly born 8 year old. If this fails, there are other jobs you can take that accommodate you better.


Oh your a parent now. Personally I think that's a violation of workers rights. They can get a ear peice to help the ealkie talkie. I would beat the shit out of anyone who made fun of you for your hearing


It’s always easier to get a job when you are employed. Look around for something else while you still have a job. Best of luck! My loneliness is killing me….


I feel you so much!! Honestly, it sounds like your coworkers are trying to include you but of course you should always listen to your gut and if you feel like the teasing is getting a bit sharp you should talk to them or maybe a supervisor. For the child I would say be honest! Most people understand being nervous and how that can lead to awkward situations. Sharing these stories can actually be a good way to make friends at work! You're not an idiot, you're a human and you got this!! 💪💪


Awful that they're being rude to you, I've worked with deaf and HOH people, as well as mute people, before in a coworker and customer service setting. It's really not that difficult as long as I put in the effort to be inclusive. I feel like there ought to be a way to deal with the walkie talkies, like some kind of realtime transcription or translation service like google phones offer? Some kind of vibrate on call function on the radios? Or using a transducer, or bone conduction headphones, if your hearing loss would allow for it? I do have some hearing loss, but I can hear bone conduction flawlessly.


I'm not deaf and I've done this too lol, so don't feel too bad OP


I wish you luck 🍀 🫂🙏!!!!


The work situation is just them trying to have fun but if it’s something your not comfortable with then you’ll need to discuss that with them too, but I doubt they actually mean any harm by joking around


I think some walkie talkies have a earphone jack or well maybe Bluetooth? I dinno how advanced walkie talkies have gotten since I last used them in the 80s as a child when going hunting with my grandpa...


Hearing aid


There’s always gonna be something out there for you! I’m sure it won’t be your last job just try your best and it will all work out!


If guys are making fun of you, you're better off than you might think. Men tease one another. It's how men form bonds. If they are teasing you, understand it is almost certainly not meant to be malicious. It might be hurtful, but try to play along. Say shit back. Rip on them howver you want when they say something. If you have hearing problems, be honest about it. Maybe have a sign on your desk that says you are hearing impaired, "Please speak clearly and slowly." or something like that.


I'm sure you can do it! And c'mmon, the 8 year old son thing might be embarassing now but I'm sure that in the future you'll laugh about it




Lmaoooo, why did she ask something like that to begin with? Btw, have you made it clear that jokes about your hearing issues are annoying? I feel that most people would at least tone it down if you confront them about it, especially in a professional setting




Hearing issues can be really annoying 😭. I'm a bit hard of hearing (luckily nothing serious) and people can be weirdly judgemental about it, like thinking you are dumb for not "understanding" what they are saying 'cause you didn't hear them well the first time


That's hilarious. I do this kind of thing for fun sometimes. Don't worry. It's only as weird as you now make it. Next time it comes up, just say with a smile: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you at all last time and I figured making up a few family members was way easier than asking you to speak up. I really am deaf af, so please speak loudly if you want me to not guess, or I might have to invent a few more family members. Keep it light! You're fine.


lol this is kind of cute. Sorry, but I had a good laugh at your expense. At least you still have your job! The small victories ;)


I am assuming you are in the US, as that condition should be covered under the ADA and should be able to get some accomodation.


That last part is actually comedy.


I have no words Mom😂


Your not an idiot BTW




Your Very Welcome…. Willl flattery get me everywhere?”lol


You’re not stupid. You’re a wonderful human deserving of love. Fix your mistakes and keep going. On job sites, especially around blue collar men, making fun is a form of acceptance and testing. If they say it to your face you’re good. Only be worried if it’s behind your back




You’re very welcome!


Sorry to hear. People in the workforce are often shitty to those with disabilities, espeically if they are invisible disablities.


Hey. I can understand your problem. I have so much anxiety i mishear people and have to ask them repeat themselves and even then I have a hard time understanding what they are saying. Lol.




How do you deal with it ?


dont fight it. go along with it and start playing into their jokes. start making up things you think they said, and make up a story to go with your make believe son. Also put a sign on your desk telling that you're hard of hearing so could they please speak up and look at you when they're talking. I sleep too much, and have nodded off at work, so i tell people that I need naps, and if they're jealous they can have my problem too. you sounds well balanced, so dont let things rile you, and spend a bit of time showing people you have a sense of humour and can fit in.


I manage staff who are deaf in an office setting... you have rights and your employer should be making reasonable accommodations to assist if needed. It's not that hard communicating and working with someone who is deaf if you get to know that person and put in a little effort. If you're working in an environment that isn't putting you in a position to succeed, then keep an exit strategy in the back of your mind.


Nah, lifes hard enough as is for you to be taking that shit on. I dont know what country you be in or your eligibility for stuff like that, but i also have horrible time with my ears and was eligible for free hearing aids. Chin up, good luck and grats on getting the job… having a hard time getting hired myself :)


Well you can always use the 8 year old son a get outta there for a day card “my sons broken his nose and I have to go pick him up”


Are u sure they are? Sometimes it’s easy to perceive a threat when ur on high alert. I do it a lot. It’s almost like when someone isn’t doing something I care. But when they actually do I don’t care lol. I’m not saying what it is but that’s a real thing. Try to ignore them and keep going. And Hang in there and good job landing the job!


Take the comments with a pinch of salt, wear some thick skin - and all that... 👍


Exactly it is tricky to do I still haven’t figured it out. Sometimes I do better just not sure how. I guess realizing that kinda helps. I think that’s what it is we’re just thinking these things for the most part. Idk


What I've been finding to help, more recently, is self-realization in the moment, leading to self-actualization. More concretely, grounding myself in the present as being "an okay person, not a weird-o, not a dullard, not unwanted, not boring, not incapable...", helps me immediately to feel more at ease. It's hard to describe if you're not someone who frequently gets hit with depersonalization/derealization, especially in social contexts. Tbf, I've been doing a lot of self work recently to try shut out those "voices" of doubt, that aim to punish you and bring you down all the time. It may be internalized from real people but it stems from within. And "those" people aren't worth listening to. Let alone internalizing. Hope I'm not projecting, good luck!


Exactly you’re totally right. ☺️


I don't understand this post. Can't you use hearing aids ?


Hearing aids don’t magically make you hear everything they only amplify the sounds you can hear. My dad wears them and it doesn’t magically just make you hear every single word someone says. Don’t be inconsiderate.


How is it inconsiderate to suggest hearing aids? It would help more than without it, that's a helpful remark.


Cause he said can’t you use hearing aids but I’m sure he’s already wearing hearing aids


It depends on the type of hearing loss you have and the severity how much and what a hearing aid will do for you.


Want to be friends op


This was funny haha. Keep it up, I'm sure everything will go okay :)


Wat do they pay u per hour




Dm me I must know more


Go see a doctor pls




U should visit a comprehensive hearing center maybe for some implants.


Well at first go to a specific doctor or hospital and ask for a appointment and make some hearing tests and after that they should figure out a solution for u, but u need to get tested.




I feel sorry for you , can’t imagine how that supposed to be.


"Awkward", "stupid", or "goof" moments are just part of everyday life. As uncomfortable the moment was, the moment will pass. Don't take it personal. Nothing more than a goof moment. I still have them and see them in others. I tend to get so focused on mine, I hardly think about the others.


They aren't allowed to ask you that if it's during an interview, also they aren't allowed to make fun of you for a disability, I wish I worked there I'd set them straight.


Making fun of you I'd slap the shit out of them for you! That's really messed up and why would you get fired for them talking shit. I'm really sorry you have to deal with fuck yards like that.


The ending is funny, but dang I pray you don't loose your job


You just have to adapt. Somebody with only one hand litterally made it to the nfl. Your weaknesses won't define you, just lean into your strengths. You play videogames at all? You know how you can look at player stats? Don't invision yourself as flawed, bc in reality, nobody has maxed our stats, you definitely bring value to the table, if your new employer didn't think so, they wouldn't have hired you. Just lean into your strengths. Make friends, find yourself in the culture. Getting over anxiety takes time. I used to have it very bad, but as things have gone well and I practiced what I preached here, things have turned out alright for me at my work. Dispite my short comings. I work at a burger joint, and I can't cook on the grill to save my life, but I lean into my other strengths, and my work loves having me around and I get great hours. I can't stress this enough, don't focus on what makes you weak, if you do, you will struggle. Lean into your strengths and you will thrive.


I'm feeling like this is super illegal. Like ADA type stuff. I also feel like I could be so illegal simply popping into HR and mentioning it would immediately shut it down. Any not-a- lawyer-but it,-would- be-fun cause I know a few resources types around here?


Hey nice to meet you.  You're lucky because you have a "virtual" child.  All the fun, none of them real life headaches. All joking aside though, like the last poster said, just let your co-workers know you are hard of hearing, or tell your boss and he/she will tell your co-workers.  People are pretty understanding if you give them a chance.  Sounds to me like you are good at your job, you just have this slight obstacle to overcome.  But remember, you're not alone, we all have obstacles to overcome, and some may not be obvious.  BTW, you can't be fired for not being able to hear - that is discrimination and your company can be fined or sued.




So a job doesn't work out and that's it your done? No More job hunting just like that because you got your feelings hurt? I joined this sub 5 years ago I was a complete mess I overdosed on pain pills 4 times trying to kms after my last attempt I realized that I'm the only one that can make my life better so I did. I started exercising going for walks and found a hobby I could put my soul into which led me to get out of my depression at the time. I was in such a terrible state I questioned my own existence and sanity I was bed bound for 24 hours of the day. Moral of my story here is if someone as lost as I was can do it ANYONE can don't let a fucking job ruin your life if it doesn't work out find another one that suits you Giving up over something as simple as a job is fucking pathetic..


Why did you delete your other post where you were being an asshole to people?




I didn't, I got a noti from the comment I left on that and followed the post to find you here with a new username pretending you're someone new

