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Is that a flip phone? If he was threatening that he was going to shoot you, he wasn't


You'd end up all pixelated at those resolutions


“Might be a suspect” “Help me report him” Uhmm. This is weird lol


I'm very confused. A homeless guy told you he almost got shot last night? Why would he have been waiting for you?


I am unable to follow the story either...


So basically he might be suspect of breaking into my car…


The part that threw me off was “waited for me because he knew I was going to move it Monday morning.” So the guy in this photo said he was going to shoot you or he’s telling you the other guy was? They broke into your car overnight and waited for you to shoot you, or he waited for you to return to warn you how close you were to getting shot? Was he going to shoot you for the fun of it or was it a threat to rob you? You also said in the OP that he broke into your car and are now saying you suspect him of breaking into you car.


And how the hell would a rando know you were going to move your car on Monday.....🥴😵‍💫 Nahhhh that guy didn't remember it's not winter anymore




Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


What language is this?


It’s even to far also that sometime can’t but catfish.








I’m just glad I’m not the only person that is confused.


Not sure how.


Because your post is incoherent


What do you need me to explain????


Stealing someone else’s comment: why did you think someone helped him break into your car? how did you know he broke into your car? how did you know someone else helped him? why was he waiting for you after he broke into your car? most thieves ditch the scene why would he threaten you?


OP is 100% trolling


Im not trolling… theres some one on here that proved him saying crazy shit to people in real life.


Him saying crazy shit has nothing to do with you not being able to explain how he went from breaking into your car to maybe being suspected of breaking into your car.


I just explained.


I got home from work late at 8pm some lady approached me with her small dog off the leash dog was tryna throw bites at me and shit. She had small talk with me i got her name asked if she lived around she happened to live in the apartments across the street. Monday morning i get to my car my jacket is missing i notice its on the curb i go to pick it that dude pops up and threatens me and under neath the jacket was a pair of a womans bra.


Yeah, that doesn’t help.


Dude did you pass 3rd grade English?


why did you think someone helped him break into your car? how did you know he broke into your car? how did you know someone else helped him? why was he waiting for you after he broke into your car? most thieves ditch the scene why would he threaten you?




>Once i was near it he threatened me saying i almost got shot last night He's threatening you saying YOU almost got shot LAST NIGHT? Or HE almost got shot last night?


Yes threatening me. Obviously key words in there… im not really sure what everyone is upset about…


I doubt this person could afford the ammo, nor would they waste it on shooting you for whatever was in your car. I've been threatened by crazy folks in Long Beach and Manhattan Beach in the same manner yet i remain unholy. Edit: spelling


Yes! I think I saw him without his shirt on wandering around in the East Village. On 1st and Linden. Acting very crazy.


Any tattoos or distinguishing marks?


I only saw him from behind and not that I could tell.


I saw this guy a ton when I lived in LB. I think he lives near Nebraska and 4th Ave.




Yup! He was an odd duck for sure. I lived on Nebraska and would see him quite a bit while walking my dogs. I think scary dog privilege stopped him from talking to me for the most part. Would always say “god bless you little lady”


Finally someone that knows him and knows wtf im probably talking about.


Yup, his name is Michael and he stays in his mom's condo, sometimes his brother will come stay with him to watch him but I haven't seen him for a while. The mom is the nicest, sweetest lady and is very kind. I haven't seen her in years but anyway yea, Michael has been here since we moved into the complex 19 years ago and from day one he has been looney. He usually keeps to himself and says stuff like "have a good day sir" or something nice, but we've learned to ignore him because as soon as he's off his meds he starts talking shit and being psychotic saying stuff like "I don't know that man!!" Or "stay away from me!", "don't ever talk to me!" Or other annoying bullshit. He always has his tv on super loud and plays loud music and when he's smoking weed he's calm as fuck and just keeps to himself. He lives upstairs above the front entry so you never know when he's gonna snap and say crazy stuff to you when entering or exiting the building. And we have a shared laundry room downstairs so god help us when he's in there because he'll start with his bullshit and talking madness. I'm not sure about him breaking into cars though, he's just mental and does his own thing like walking around the block or walking to the market while wearing that ugly old ski mask lol. He's not physically violent but is very verbal and erratic.


Yea bro when he said that comment to me hit turned left into that small ally way with all the apartments


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He does travel alot around there. Everytime I've run into him he yells something like "Jesus loves you" or something to that effect. I've never gotten I'll break into your car and threaten to shoot you vibes from him




what do you mean “help me report him?” am i supposed to call LBPD and tell them this guy MAYBE broke into your car?


Think I’m gonna report you before I report him.


I’ll help you report him!


I’ll report myself 🫡


You didn't really answer the question. Was he threatening to shoot you or was he saying that he almost was shot? What evidence do you have that he was the person who broke into your car?


Ik exactly where that is, I pass by that area sometimes, thanks for the warning.


that's the intersection of 7th and walnut. he's on the southeast corner about to walk north - towards adelberto's, right?




Where was this? I think I saw him while passing Wine Mess Liquors last night. It was a guy in a t shirt and this kind of ski mask and I was getting really sketchy vibes


Yes bro! Help me report him! Just tell the police you feel unsafe about this guy.


Dude, cops in LB don't do anything when an actual crime has been committed. If you call about "feeling unsafe" you're literally wasting your breath. What are they supposed to do? Jail him for being scary?


Either dude is trolling, high , mentally unstable or a transplant. Cops barely care to respond to gun shots. They gonna come cuz he is “scary”?


1- Walk around until you see him. 2- Call the police, heck call 911 and say its an emergency, 3 the police will come, but there's no proof of any crime. 4- Have a nice day, the cops aren't going to do anything but tell you to not call them unless you're being murdered.


That’s not really how that works…


Eat a bowl of rocks lady.


lmao the cops won’t do shit


You a transplant? Cops gonna lol if not hang up and tell you to only call them when he is in the process of stabbing you


Yea i figured they will only come for you once your about to die, half dead or dead.


Hey that guy lives in my complex, he's mentally unstable and when he's off his meds (weed) he acts very erratic and starts yelling at people randomly. We all avoid his crazy ass.


this guy is terrified of your neighbor lmao


He's harmless but annoying. His bark is worse than his bite...


I love when people become dispatchers “suspect was caught potentially on a 10-62. He said he waited for me to move my car and that he almost shot me. Please advise suspect may be arm and dangerous”


I hope you love it the day you need the police


I don’t even care about the police, I wasn’t making fun of them I was making fun of you. Take a joke op. We’ve all tried to sound more official than we are once in our lives.


Go make fun of your father.


Sock that foo lol


If he’s still being looked for, he walks on Nebraska and forth every day


Yea. If i was a cop id probably search him every week until he took off that stupid balaclava


OP probably a Long Beach crackhead that got Reddit access since everything they’re posting is incoherent as hell


I’ve seen this guys before!! Always with the mask. I noticed him following a woman once and decided to follow with my car. If she stopped, he stopped. If she turned into a st, he followed. At some point he noticed me starting at him, then he crossed the street and went the opposite way.




This was not the same day as the following incident. I just saw him again randomly and snapped a pic just in case.


Thats not him


This post is so wildly incoherent that I’m starting to wonder if OP is the guy in the photo.


Sounds about right.


I’ve seen this cat a few times. The ski mask always gave me pause, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen him actively engaging in criminal activity.


Did you call the police? File a report? Reddit posts don't actually make a difference in the eyes of the law.


I did


Long beach activities


A lot of assumptions.




You said he “might be a suspect “ that’s assuming my friend.


Yes. Due to lack of context.




Its wild people think LB pd doesn’t do anything 😂 I have lived in LB for 2 years and they are at my house in less than 5minutes. I have dealt with car break in, Road Rage, and a fighting a transient and the police were always there to help. Nothing but good from them, I hear LB has some rough areas so it may just be that


So you’re obviously a cop


Plus if i was a cop I would just deal with issues myself😂 legal protections with the blicky


Brother I wish😂 Have you seen my reddit. I tried being a cop and unfortunately got medical issue so I can’t. Maybe just a high priority area?


This just proves my point even further


Yeah who knows. Its ratchet outside my cul da sac😂 LB wild


Out of all the places I’ve ever lived, Long Beach cops are by far the fucking worst


Disagree. LA County deps are useless, NYPD was useless when I lived there, Hoboken Pd (nj), and Long Beach are extremely proactive in my opinion.


Your opinion, if only living in Lb for two years, is wrong lol


Well I’m sorry for everyone in the city who hasn’t been treated well by the police.


This is Reddit. These kids either have never dealt with law enforcement, or had a bad experience with law enforcement after doing some bonehead shit and now shit on them on Reddit as a hobby.


Thanks for understanding. Yea lol reddit is a bad place to post things🤣 lol im obviously worried about my safety and people downvoting are so oblivious. They’re not street smart. Ive been here my whole 25 years. Seen so many crazy things in long beach


You’re being downvoted because your story makes no sense and you refuse to answer basic questions people are asking you in good faith to try and understand what happened. You can’t even answer whether or not you know this person broke into your car or if you just suspect him of doing so. You’re also asking us to call the police and “report him” but won’t say for what.


What do you need me to explain????


Their whole 25 years yall!!!


Lol there you go.




Thanks i forgot lol


He's probably calling 911 because someone is photographing him and following him.


Look at this fucking goofy lookin' bastard dressed like he washes cars for the Taliban.


I stay on Appleton and Orange. Fuck this guy he’s a POS I say we jump him




I thought I saw on Nextdoor that he was arrested yesterday.. I’ll have to confirm that.




Are you sure you are not just afraid of the head/face wrap and got caught up in a fantasy about muslims? I mean that prayer mat he's carrying over his shoulder looks pretty scary (sarcasm). 👻


This photo looks fake