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Dope! However with the 3.5° wedging angles of the deck, I personally prefer the 44° trucks for more stability at speeds on my Tesseract. But that’s just me :)


I see what you mean, he was definetley stuck between 44 and 50 when he ordered it but we thought 50s would be the best since our downhill is usually pretty light and we're often on flat ground and like to do slow slides. for that I figured the responsiveness of the 50s would be better. for stability, I opted for other things, like switching out the original paris bushing for double barrels, the deck itself which has a 25-26 inch wheelbase as opposed to choosing a deck with a smaller wheelbase, and just good old truck tightening and solid weight placement when we do downhill, which is usually never above 60km/hr.


Highly recommend exploring softer bushing options. 93a at 53º is quite stiff. Softer ones are easier to skate at low speeds and at higher speeds maneuverability is key for safety. Or better yet, maybe try a split angle setup if you don't skate switch very much.


also choosing 180mm was another stability-focused decision


I feel like 165's (or narrower) are more stable, bc you have more control. Either way, it's sick!!!!


180’s a little easier to break into slide/do 180’s. 165’s a little easier to control slide/grip up. The difference is subtle though. Would definitely gone with Paris 43 plates on that deck though, due to wedging angle.


true, but I heard the 180s width makes it feel a lot more stable under the feet, also that it's a lot better for sliding, which we do a lot of. we spent some time looking at the differences between 180, 165, 44, 50... we don't have a lot of personal experience. we did our best to built it based on his personal riding needs and so far it's riding great! as long as the trucks are tight, it feels pretty stable for downhill, but also super responsive for freeriding and sliding!


The stuff of 2015 dreams


haha check out my other post here if you want to see my board, it's also very "2015" I've been told. probably because we used to longboard back in 2014-2016 when we were young teenagers, and we just started getting back into it this summer.


Haha. Too true. What is the equivalent of this today? The Tessy has such amazing concave and durability


I don’t really think there are equivalents. The Zenit UFO concave kind of reminds me of Tesseract while being a smaller downhill platform.


Kinda hard to see from the video, why don't you send it my way and I can take a closer look at it and make sure it's all ship shape


Looks dope! Gonna wanna shrink that wheelbase for the park though


I got the exact same setup. It's hella fun.


90a and cali 44


is this a suggestion? or telling me what you use on your set up? dont know what this means lol


Thought it was SpongeBob at first


Took my truncated tessy on its maiden voyage a couple days ago. What a banger board.


My set up is very similar. I replaced the baseplates with boardnamics precision plates 44/33 I believe. Game changer. If you aren’t gonna be riding the skatepark a ton this will help when you start hitting some speed