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What a fucking nightmare. I believe the 6 year old passenger who was in critical condition passed on Tuesday as well. Such a beautiful family, I’m so heartbroken for them.


Bum, or course he is okay. Probably sorry he got caught. Let him rot.


How the hell did he survive a 120 mph crash?!?!?!


Only the good die young, scumbags live forever....




Yea, his struggles with addiction are the reason for this.... I have all sympathies for addicts but when you're an adult your actions have consequences. Regardless of whether you have addictions or not...


True. You can be an addict and not drive your car 120 mph


Very much, you can be an addict and choose not to get behind the wheel. That's my big problem with shit like this you didn't have to drive you, made the decision, and chose to drive, and end the lives of more than one person, had he just killed himself im not saying im ok with it but at least there were no innocent people hurt


IMO having to live with the deaths of a dad and 2 kids hanging over your head is worse than death.


Doubt he has any remorse. He looks like a dirtbag drug addict


Unless your legit a psychopath I'd imagine anyone would at least eventually feel guilty and remorse when you spend decades of your life in prison with nothing but time to think about why you're their. If hes a legit psychopath jail won't do the good the general public hope for other than keeping him off the streets.


He had two previous DUI charges, so no, he doesn’t give a shit. He will feel bad that he’s in jail, but don’t for a second think he actually cares about the victims.


He obviously didn't care he was putting people in danger with his substance abuse *but* I'm sure now that he'll be forced to sober up he'll have guilt. Given his past history he clearly had substance abuse issues so withdrawals will be added punishment.


Dude a DUI where nobody is harmed is different than actually killing people. Obviously the potential to do something like this is present when driving intoxicated and he was stupid to ignore that, but most people who drive in this state never think it'll happen to them.


Drunks usually survive and it’s due to being so relaxed as they ruin everyone’s lives around them


It’s physics, his speed protected him. The slower moving vehicle took most of that energy.


Looks like he went up and into the rear of the Malibu, meanwhile his car rolled over. Collisions that allow the front end of the car to collapse in (as it is intended to), combined with a roll over, allow a lot of energy dissipation. The more the impact is spread out the less the vehicle & passengers will suffer. Meanwhile, the Malibu had its entire rear end and roof structure compromised. If the cabin area of a car starts deforming, things go south quickly.


ty for this explanation


When you're that high your reflexes don't work as good, so he probably didn't tense up as it was happening.


This “tensing up” theory is actually not backed by science


Does that mean it was debunked, inconclusive or there are no studies about it? I'm just thinking that a loose rubber band is flexible while one under tension will snap when pressure is applied


Debunked, urban legend. Front-first crashes are the safest, which is usually how drunk drivers crash. Their victims dont survive because they are mostly tboned or rear ended, which are the least safe. Also the statistics are skewed, drunk drivers get in way more accidents that sober drivers would easily avoid


I'm trying to look into it, but I haven't seen any obvious studies debunking it. The one study I found so far is a doozy to easily comprehend (I might also be too stoned rn) They also include other variables like restraints that complicate it even further. As far as I can tell, there are too many variables to come to a conclusive answer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3256778/


I had always blindly accepted the "floppy drunk hypothesis", so this thread blew my mind and sent me down a rabbit hole. Here's an interesting blog post that reviews some literature: https://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2020/02/do-drunk-people-really-survive-car-crashes-more/ I do find the idea that being drunk helps you survive some physical traumas pretty intuitive - it blunts your adrenaline response thus making you less likely to panic/go into shock. Also I imagine there are some classes of impacts where human anatomy allows for effective bracing that reduces force, whereas others it doesn't and is counterproductive, and intuitively I would think head-on impacts are the former and tbone or rearends are the latter (though I imagine people rarely brace when getting rearended anyway), so as a consequence of what u/walterwhiteguy points out this would naturally improve drunk drivers relative survival rates anyway.


If you asked AI to draw the typical LI douchebag, it would draw that guy. I hope he never breathes free air again.


100% . This is the typical LI douche bag


Long Island Man, if you will


1000000000 percent


Spot on! This guy is *the* quintessential Long Island douche.


Some of your kids are doing this in their cars but haven’t killed someone, yet. I think all of us can confidently say, everyday we’ll see some young kid speeding and swerving like it’s need for speed. Check on your kids.


The problem is that most people would say not my Timmy, he is a good kid. They don’t know Timmy behave differently with friends and guards are down and he drives like a maniac.


Yup. A friend of mine has a unique colored car with vanity plates. You absolutely CANNOT miss them. A few years ago I saw their teenage son racing through our village area like a lunatic. I had to say something and she absolutely bit my head off. Luckily he didn’t hurt anyone but himself when he eventually crashed into a fence speeding at 2am.


The type of people who raise kids that have no concern for others usually are trashbags themselves.


Yes, there are spots on LI where people would drag race. Haven't heard much about it lately. This guy was 32 yrs old, not a teen and he was high on cocaine and fentanyl. This was in the light of day, on a well travelled road I've been on hundreds of times with my kids. In fact, in Massapequa , there's an old fashioned ice cream shop/restaurant named Kirsch's that we've been too multiple timesI wonder if that's where they went to celebrate. This could have been me and my kids or anyone and it's so incredibly tragic. The dad was a vet and worked with other vets to procure jobs and training for them. Even after he left that job, he could still call his employer to give them job tips for vets. This is such an incredibly tragic loss of life, my heart breaks for his family and friends, the children suffering the loss of their dad, and siblings, the children suffering injuries in the hospital. Why is it that this man walks away, and the others had to die for his sins? Is that how it often happens? Sad.


It’s not just kids. Plenty of shitty adults driving drunk and or like assholes, and don’t forget the elderly that don’t want to give up their keys, but aren’t fit to be on the road.


I agree. And any driver who drive 120 MPH or stoned or drunk should do prison time, even if they get pulled over by a cop right outside the bar or as they pull into their driveway. People should know there will be hell to pay for driving like this, even if nobody gets hurt, because none of these assholes are thinking they are going to hurt or kill anybody.


It's why I hate the SSP so much. That road seems to be a magnet for lane-weaving asshats going way way over the speed of traffic. There's usually three or four of them in a group. We've all seen it...


This guy is 32 years old, on fentanyl and cocaine, driving a fairly quick SUV. Not saying there aren’t kids driving wildly as well, but this comment doesn’t apply here.


The fact he’s 32 just floors me. Nobody should do this but it’s what you expect from an idiot teenager not a fully grown adult


Age means nothing. He’s a child. Drunk, high, just being ignorant. A 32 year old would know to act right. He’s acting the same way the kids act I originally called out. So it does apply here.


Two idiots were tailgating and racing each other swerving around traffic last year near me. Ended with them both spun out in a ditch.


Unfortunately the enforcement by police seems to be very limited.


And the cops do nothing. A speed demon was weaving in and out of traffic just yesterday while I was driving home going at least 25 mph over the limit. Police car was parked with lights on on the shoulder and let him go.


You’re crying because someone was going 25 over? And somehow comparing to someone high off heavy drugs driving 120…?


I think they were just saying the cops don't do much even when they see it. We all know it's true. It's not the 25 over - it's 25 over the speed of traffic, and even more than that it's all the weaving in and out of traffic while they're doing it.


People will justify and minimize. There’s no enforcement of traffic laws here. If people speed in their own communities and endanger their neighbors, what’s stopping them from caring about strangers on the highway? That’s my point. People recklessly drive in all situations and the police even do it themselves without any good reason. Accidents like in the news aren’t happening in a vacuum.


Lol okay I didn’t say this was on the highway. 25 was unsafe, weaving in and out is unsafe, and cops ignoring speeding in all situations creates a culture of lack of accountability. Justify unsafe driving however much you like 👍


They're totally being defensive. Way triggered. Guess we know who the reckless drivers are here.


Most people on Long Island are “unsafe drivers” because they can’t drive lmfao. Make the test 10 times harder and start locking up intoxicated drivers for a substantial amount of time. Issue solved. Cops handing out more speeding tickets to accumulate revenue isn’t going to solve anything 👍


Here is a Gofundme for the family https://www.gofundme.com/f/massapequa-car-crash-victim-fund


Thank you for sharing this


>why did he still have a license I got t-boned by a piece of shit with a suspended license. These fucks don't care. They drive with or without a license.


I got t-boned by a 16 year old with no license in March. Then the dad threatened to kill ME. They really don’t gaf.


Did you file a police report? That's straight up a threat.


No. It happened in front of the first responders and 2 police officers. I told the responding officer but he just said yeah he’s a dad that’s what dads do. So I did nothing


Good ol boys in blue, eh?


I kinda wish I turn up dead now to prove that cop wrong


This is a major issue and an easy fix. Anyone caught driving with a suspended license should have their car seized and go to prison.


I don't know about prison... Our prisons are already overcrowded. Car seizure, definitely. Also, I didn't mention, the guy didn't have insurance either. Total scumbag.


Without prison time, laws against driving without a license or with a revoked license have no teeth and reckless and drunk drivers will keep doing it. Now, it should not apply to people who got suspended for non safety reasons like unpaid parking tickets or failure to renew their licenses. But, it should be a felony, with mandatory prison time to drive with a license taken away for unsafe driving.


Nothing, not even threat of prison, will deter inconsiderate/stupid people from doing as they please. Just look at prohibition and the failed drug war. For decades drug laws had plenty of "teeth" and where did it get us? My friend, I can buy heroin from my goddamn ice-cream truck driver. Delivery. More prison sentences is not the answer. The only people who should be in prison are violent offenders.... And bankers who gamble people's livelihoods away for sport.


I totally disagree. Nothing will eliminate such behavior entirely. But, consequences will change the behavior of many. Despite its problems, war on drugs and crime actually worked. The homicide rate in the US dropped by over 40%, and only began to increase again recently. "Coincidentally" this is at the same time that soft of crime and drugs policies have spread across the country. Also, the crackdown on drunk driving greatly reduced such fatalities.


>the war on drugs and crime The what now? You can't just lump crime statistics in and say the war on drugs worked. >homicide rate is down Again, this is completely irrelevant information when discussing non-violent crime. Which is what I was talking about. You sound like a politician trying to dance around the facts. Or a private prison lobbyist. The facts are that the drug war failed miserably. You know it. The government knows it. Because putting people in jail for useless reasons drove us to the prison state we live in.


They need to impound the cars for these offenses.


120 mph is a completely insane speed on a freeway, but on Sunrise Highway really takes the cake. He needs to be charged with murder and be sent to prison for decades, he’s a complete menace to society. And I’m sure he’ll be blubbering before a judge saying crap like “I’m so sorry, this isn’t who I am.”


120 on sunrise highway? How is that even possible with the streetlights?


It wasn't, he crashed into the back of a car waiting at a light.


This is the type of accident I fear because there’s nothing you can do.


This is why when I have to slam by brakes, I always look to my rearview mirror if there is a car behind me, I always have safe distance to the car in front, but I don't know about the driver behind me.


Years ago I was on 454 just before the Northern State and traffic came to a complete stop. I stopped with a few feet of distance before the car in front of me, but looked in my rear view mirror and I can still picture it in my mind what I saw - woman coming right at me with her head down on her cell phone, completely oblivious. I had time to hold the brake hard, but she slammed into me so hard it pushed me into the car in front of me. Since then I always look in my rear view anytime I hit the brakes even slightly hard.


When ever I see a consolidation ahead in the highway (especially during rush hour traffic) and I'm in the fast lane, I slam my brakes way ahead of time to indicate to the car behind me that their is ALOT of traffic in front. Most of the time, they will think I'm an asshole and switch to the middle lane to get ahead, THEN realize oh wait, this guy was trying to tell me something.


I instinctively put my hazards on in this situation


When you stop at a light always look in your rearview mirror. Always be aware of your surroundings. This way you know where to swerve if needed. I always drive like every car is going to hit me.


Someone with the mentality to go 120 on a commuter road probably doesn’t care too much about street lights.


He must have blown in there like a guided missile. Scary


My gut tells me he didn't stop at the lights.


Not even that, consider where the accident took place. He was driving westbound by the Sunrise Mall and this was just past the under the railroad overpass and that first light there. You have no way to see that stop light coming around that turn in the road. How the hell did he not flip that car doing 120 around that bend?


Vehicle he was driving is a relatively fast SUV that accelerates 0-60 in 5 seconds. Combine that with drug use and lack of care it’s not too hard to see how quickly things can go wrong.


From the photo that area looks like old sunrise highway/Carmen road. That area is very very narrow because it goes from 2 lanes into one lane. Sunrise highway goes into Old sunrise highway from that photo.


in suffolk there's no lights on sunrise


This was Massapequa. Definitely has lights.


Well this didn’t happen in Suffolk


The lights start/end just west of 109 (where the service road begins/ends) in Lindenhurst.


This was in Nassau, in Massapequa, where there are many traffic lights. It would be difficult to do 60 MPH there most of the time, without some major weaving.




East of lindenhurst there’s nothing.


Lindenhurst is *between* West Babylon and Amityville… did you also forget about Copiague? Look at a map, man




There are traffic lights out to Lindenhurst.


The picture of that family, all together, but now destroyed, I just can't. My heart is breaking for them. That poor mother/grandmother.


This is so heartbreaking. Why was someone with TWO DUIs even allowed to drive? I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for people with DUIs at all. For me, it's a "one strike and you're out" deal. My aunt was killed by a drunk driver.


This is what happens when we let people with DUIs keep their freedom… but apparently I’m crazy for saying they need to be fried after the first one….


It’s peak Long Island that I thought this was going to be about the OTHER drunk guy who killed two people with his car last weekend (over in Jericho). I’ve never been anywhere where drunk driving is as normalized as it is on LI


Looks like this lowlife will spend the rest of his days behind bars. Good. This is why I’m scared as a driver and a resident of Long Island to share the road nowadays. It’s literally every man, woman, and child for themselves. These drunken/drugged-up scumbags behind the wheel have made the daily commutes, errand-runs, and going out in general for us *responsible* motorists seem like a tricky, life-endangering mission rather than a simple, basic task. It’s scary out there, NGL. You could be on the road for 5 minutes, or be half a mile away, and something horrible happens as a result of somebody else’s poor life decisions.


*This is why I’m scared as a driver and a resident of Long Island to share the road nowadays* It’s nothing new. In 1971 two kids I went to high school with were walking home from the movies (in Massapequa, no less) were hit and killed by drunk, off duty cop who fled the scene. They didn’t find his car until he was well sobered up and he said he thought he’d hit garbage cans that were put in the road for collection. Got away scot free. Can you imagine what a piece of shit you have to be to kill two kids and say you thought it was garbage? One of the kids was about 6’ tall and had a mop of white-blonde hair. Closed casket for both kids.


Excatly! Police need to do their freaken job and enforce traffic violations! They are paid way too much to do nothing. People shit on red light cameras and speed limit cameras but before those existed I literally saw people blatantly running red lights because they feel entitled or can get away with it since they have a blue lives matter flag on their car.


Exactly, all those Back The Blue flags & stickers are usually donned by the same jerks who make life living hell for everyone else on the rd. Yeah, Suffolk is such a benevolent PD… 🙄.


2 prior DWI arrests. So let’s just charge him with 1st degree murder and take the mutt to the vet for euthanasia


It should be standard practice to publically hang people that do this.


My opposition to the death penalty is purely based on executing innocent people because our society has allowed our legal system to become so defective. But when you have a trial case where there's no way to deny the facts of the case, and there's no plausible mitigating circumstances (ex. - people can trigger DWI/DUI levels without actually drinking sufficient alcohol to be "inebriated"), then let them fry.


There’s a special place in hell for people like this


You know what scares me the most ? The only thing that stopped this deviant was a crash ,so how many other accidents did he cause that he was never caught ..two priors ? And what about what’s driving next to us daily that are high on their prescriptions and alcohol? Roll down your window at any service road intersection and look at all the discarded liquor bottles and cans it’s insane. I’m just rambling here I know but as I’ve seen from many of the comments here everyone knows how dangerous it is just to drive to the store. I don’t have the knowledge to suggest a solution but it seems all of our highly paid public servants don’t either,there certainly doesn’t seem to be any concentrated or effective effort to arrest,jail and get repeat offenders off the roads. good luck fellow LI motorists we’ll need it seems like we’re on our own.


It’s a shame. There aren’t reasonable solutions, which is why we just rely now on “catch the ones we can and make an example out of them”. We have mandatory jail for even first time offenses, and we have (at least we had) a literal wall of shame with pictures of offenders up in garden city near the courthouses. People know all of this and continue anyway.


Totally agree with your sentiments. I wish things were more aggressive I used to read in my local “Patch” news about DWI arrests from checkpoints ..I guess Covid stopped that and never any legislation about changing penalties …but your right this is the world and best just to live with it.


rich people drink and drive but they dont really do drugs as much thats why imo you see harsh penalty on drugs but for DUI your out in no time! politicians needs to protect themselves and their country club buddies


Rich people love cocaine are you kidding


I really hope drug and DUI laws become more reinforced. It sucks that we need to have anxiety about our little ones being killed in their car seats just because we're waiting for a light to change. This piece of shit should get a life sentence.


Dude what year was this picture taken?! That looks like a 32 year old in 1999


Technology exists to prevent 120 on a commuter road. In almost every car there is gps whether you have a screen or not. Limit the speed to 2X speed limit on roads tempering engine power.


People seriously drive too freaking fast, as well as driving very fast *without* full attention on the road. It sucks


There should be a mandatory speed limiter of like 85-90 on all vehicles, even sports cars since there is no place or reason to ever go that fast on a public road as a civilian. Reason I say 85 is because some states out west do have 80 mph speed limits and Texas has one road with an 85 mph speed limit.


People would lose their minds over taking away their freedom to kill dads and kids going out for ice cream though.


If they’re not going to take away guns despite all the school shootings, they’re not going to reduce speed limiters on vehicles.


With both gun crime and car crime, it seems like people are more focused on taking away rights from people who use guns and cars responsibly rather than punishing those who use them violently or recklessly.


Nope. Just about everyone is saying both.


I have thought about this idea for years. I have a 2 year old now, and all I can think about is his safety on the road. Also, I would like to be able to record someone who is tailgating me for over 30sec-1min with a rear camera and submit it so they get a ticket. We have the technology to do it. I don't care if it "infringes on people's freedom or privacy." Driving up my tailpipe with my family in the car is harassing my sense of safety.


I hope you just pull over and let them by. Them and the cell phone idiots, who just can’t wait to text someone.


I'm with you on the tailgating thing. That's so rampant on Long Island and annoys me. It happens to me all the time on Jericho Tpke in sections where there's lights every few blocks. It's not going to save them much time if any or make me drive faster and I'm not a slow driver. Tailgaiters think it saves them time because then they keep switching lanes and cut people off just to get a few cars ahead only to get stuck at the next light or get slowed down by traffic. Meanwhile all that tailgating and cutting people off risks causing accidents.


I get tailgated trying to pull into my fucking driveway on a residential street. Long Islanders are complete assholes on the road.


depends sometimes on jerhico the guy in front of you is just not even trying to make the next light and it gets really frustrating. i hope you at least stay in the right lane and outta peoples way


There is no need for me to stay in the right lane when I'm going faster than the right lane traffic and passing them, I'm going with the flow of the left lane lane traffic (not slower) and leaving the proper distance to the car in front of me so that if they stop suddenly then I don’t rear end them. Also, if you see that I'm not leaving a lot of space in front of me, then you shouldn't try to push me to go faster by tailgating me. You're not going to make me tailgate the person in front of me because you think I can also push the person in front of me to go faster when they don't have space to do so either.


I had someone tailgating me so closely last month it looked like they were sitting in my back seat. I chose not to go fast so they swerved around me and swiped my rear bumper and sped off. I have a front dash-cam and called out their plate (which was also readable in the footage). My insurance company was able to find them by the plate but their company says its not enough evidence??? Definitely going to be investing in a rear cam soon.


Yeah, looking for a new car this year and will definitely be getting front and rear cans installed.


I was driving down i95 to Disney and I was being tailgated by some jerk who wanted me to go faster. I will only ever go 5 mph over the limit because I’m paranoid but I crept up a few more because he was so close to me. There’s a cop that was hiding in the bushes and he flipped his lights on as soon as I drove by. My paranoid self was thinking it was for me but no, it was for the guy tailgating me! Wish I could have seen his reaction


A fantasy come true. Cops never seem to be around whenever I see assholes on the road.


I couldn't agree more with you!


Or maybe we just lock up the sociopaths who drive that fast.


in that kind of dystopian future id be glad my daily is 15 years old and has no tech in it. that sounds awful


2x speed limit is still way too fast


Agreed but it's a fair compromise. People abuse freedom and wonder why authorities want to take it away.


Ya but 2x the speed of LIE or any parkways is 110. That doesn't help much. I don't think these people would have survived if this guy was going 10 mph slower.


A governor at twice the limit would at least keep cars to 60 and under on 30mph residential streets. But there should also be alarms going off in the car once you cross 15 over the limit, and it should increase to unbearable air raid claxions at 25 over.


“BuT MuH fReedOM”


first they come for the gas stoves, now we aren’t allowed to do twice the speed limit. unreal


It reminds me of that time Obama took everyone’s guns. Communism.


precisely. or when joe biden caused my 6th wife to leave me socialism




It will never end with you people. In your minds Winston Smith was the villain.


Excuse me but they waited 5 days to arrest him? Not arrested at the scene?


He's been in police custody since the accident in the hospital, just wasn't officially arraigned until Friday.


Thanks for clarifying. The link wasn't too clear to me.


Yeah the wording for "arrested, brought in, charged, arraigned, etc usually are not interchangeable and people often confuse them. Common reaction I see to headlines


My guess is that since it wasn’t alcohol, they were waiting on tox screen results to confirm—rather than arrest him too soon without the proper evidence.


his actions alone should be enough regardless of tox screen


Yes but why not throw every charge you can at him, also he survived a 120mph crash I garauntee he probably isn't getting up and walking out of the hospital anytime soon. Also arraignment is different than being arrested Not that I'm saying that he shouldn't have been arrested, personally I don't even think he really needs a trial, he was caught red-handed so why waste taxpayer money just put him in prison, this is why I agree with capital punishment in certain cases




If they arrest him directly at the scene without investigating thoroughly and don’t have the correct charges he could walk and there goes your chance for any sort of accountability/justice.


Do you think they can't amend charges? Add or remove as needed?


The prosecutor can, and the DA. As far as the Police go, better to have all your ducks in a row. This guy wiped out a family. The Defense’s job is to clear their client and that doesn’t always mean to prove he’s innocent. All they have to do prove the prosecution is incompetent or at least instill that reasonable doubt. They go as far back as picking apart the preliminary investigation which is what leads to the arrest. The guy was laid up in a hospital. He wasn’t going anywhere. I’m glad they took their time and are doing their best to ensure he burns for this.


Well I appreciate your opinion even if I don't agree. Regardless it turns out he was in custody according to another redditor.


He was admitted to the hospital. He wasn’t in official police custody. They got a warrant for a blood draw. When the results came back and the investigation was done and scene was released he was arrested, officially charged, and got bedside arraignment. I appreciate the discourse as well. Regardless of opinion, that’s just how things are done.


> The Defense’s job is to clear their client and that doesn’t always mean to prove he’s innocent. Defendants almost never "need" to prove they're innocent. Our legal system is designed that the prosecutor must *prove* guilt, not that the defendant is "required" to prove innocence.




I’m so sorry for your loss. It is senseless and tragic. I can’t imagine what this has done to your family. People don’t realize that when something like this happens, it doesn’t start and end with the victims of the crash. It affects and victimizes entire families and can often times change the entire trajectory of their lives. I truly hope you are okay. ❤️


Dox the drunk driver, after his case is adjudicated. Frankly, I'd be doxxing him now. After all, you know who killed your mother.


Went to high school with this pos.


They should publicly cut this guys cock off


Had a guy call my court yesterday inquiring about why his license is revoked. When I looked at his driving history, the amount of speeding convictions was incredible. 105/55, 95/55, multiple 60s-70s in 30 or 35 mph zones. Honestly so many I can remember them all. Not to mention the speeds he had been reduced to non speeding violations. He was revoked by DMV for having 3 speeding convictions in an 18 month period. Young guy, in his 20's. Told him he needed to slow down or else he is going to kill someone. He seemed to realize his driving was beginning to ruin his life. Told me he lost his job because he doesn't have a license anymore. The issue is, Judges and DMV can suspend people's licenses all day for these dangerous speeds, however it many cases it doesn't stop people from driving. The amount of 511 (agg. unlicensed oper.) charges I see, is astounding. This terrible story reminded me of a story about [another](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/jordan-randolph-indicted/) serial drunk driver who killed someone on LI. I really hope this shit ends.


I wasn't that bad, but this was me in my late teens/early 20s The worst for me was 88 in a 55 on the NSP. Had to get rid of the car, it was too easy to drive fast and I was too immature to handle the responsibility of a powerful car. As a car guy I love the power and speed, but there is a time and place for everything. That being said, we don't need a drag strip or road course where people can do stuff like that in a sanctioned environment.... /s


The saying goes: It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.


I hope that one day we look back on this era as backwards and barbaric. I fear though that the solution is a surveillance dystopia. I think with the right technology we can detect people speeding at this level, driving dangerously, etc... but how do you stop them? In the end cars, especially here, are lawless and deadly. The rules we do have are easily circumvented and punished by fines that only hurt lower income folks. Look at how many cars have illegal tints, exhaust systems, and other mods which compromise health and safety.


I hope his life is long and full of excruciating pain and his death is equally as long and painful.


What an absolute piece of trash. Unreal. Should be executed.


Lock that guy up for life, this is terrible. https://reddit.com/r/longisland/s/RHdgLoU5TH I saw this thread a few days ago and it was full of people telling him how to avoid a speeding ticket, seeing a thread like this just makes me super sad, as it could have been avoided entirely.


I thought the exact same thing. Post after post about the speeding and terrible driving on the island and right in the middle "speeding tickets are bullshit"


Too many selfish POS around here. I worry every single day my wife leaves with my daughter. It shouldn’t be that people following the rules get punished.


like I said in a previous post about DUI/DWIs. It needs to be a felony on the first offense, whether or not you hurt someone. license needs to be permanently revoked and never be able to own a vehicle. What we have now doesn't seem to deter these pieces of shit. it's not like you can accidentally drive drunk. Fuck that guy, I hope he gets the maximum time. mfkr ended 3 lives because his ego was more important than everybody else. a family is destroyed and 2 children didn't even get to experience life. I hope this mfkr experiences 100x the pain and suffering that the victims' family will have to endure. My father in law always insists on driving after he drinks. no one wants to ride with him. I can't say shit because of family dynamics but his ass is going to hurt someone one day and imma throw the biggest I-told-you-so at them. and lastly: HE FUCKING PLEADED NOT GUILTY!! THE FUCK! fuck that guy, fuck him. I can't say it enough, fucking piece of shit.


Not defending him but that is standard operating procedure at your arraignment. Source: I have been arraigned on more than one occasion... The stories of a misspent youth I could tell, NEVER for dui/dwi though


It is my understanding that nearly all DWI's are being plead down unless they are aggravated or there is an accident. As for this POS pleading not guilty, well that isn't really surprising and completely expected. I would love to see this case go to trial and this guy get sent away for a long long time. I would imagine they will be able to charge him with multiple counts of vehicular manslaughter at the very least, but I'm not an attorney so don't take my word.


Terrible, terrible tragedy. This is incredibly unfair to that family. Heartbreaking.


Speeding assholes like this should get a life sentence in jail with no parole, for vehicular manslaughter. Just once, I would like to NOT see one these scum’s family members in court, waving to them, blowing kisses, etc. Just once, I would like to see them saying, yes, he’s a POS for doing what he did. We want nothing more to do with him.


Hope he rots in jail.


The Germans have a word for this guy: Backpfeifengesicht — a face that’s badly in need of a fist.


Because... Cars are freedom. D/As, car companies, oil companies just will not stand for the limiting of any access to car rights. Shit is more second amendment than the second amendment...


Cars are not freedom. You're just a brainwashed LI consumer. > D/As, car companies, oil companies just will not stand for the limiting of any access to car rights. Its not even abstract like that. For openers, American car companies are almost irrelevant to the national economy. We've been long outsold by foreign owned car companies. Petroleum and energy companies will still be relevant (if not omnipotent) even after internal combustion vehicles get replaced with EVs & PHEVs. Why does LI law enforcement allow drunk drivers to kill other drivers? Its because of cops, firemen, lawyers, celebrities, spoiled rich kids, mom's who imbibe the glass of wine or mimosa at brunch, or parents who consider their lives an existential hell and are the supreme rationalizers for their drug addiction. Its rich people corruption. Make DUI/DWI law enforcement screw over rich people as well as poor people, and DUI/DWI deaths will decrease.


Look at this worthless piece of shit. - who already had multiple DUI. Took them 5 fng days to arrest him. “Michael Deangelo was arrested Friday for the deadly crash in Massapequa that occurred five days earlier.”


This murderer is the son of the guy who owns the Mario's Pizzeria chains in Levittown and such. Terrible tragedy.


Jesus. Cherish every second you have on earth it can all change in a blink of an eye


He should be executed.


Ever since the Sunrise Mall went largely out of business the roads around it became much more dangerous. It used to be that there was always a fair amount of traffic so that people couldn't get up to these speeds. But now once the usual dinner rush ends it tends to open up to speeders.




It’s time to reinstate checkpoints. This story just hurts my heart so much, and now I find out another child succumbed to injuries? What a nightmare.


\>Two earrings Of course


120 mph….. that’s the speed of some airplanes when they’re going to take off. What was he thinking?


He was on drugs……..


The bigger question is why are there so many young men who behave so destructively? It’s an every day thing . Why?


Why? Because there's 330 million people in the US. The higher the population density, there will be more garish instances of destructive activity. It does not mean there's an increase of out of control young people. There are aspects of our society that probably enables more of such people to "come about", but at that point, you have to ask "should society change or should you leave society?".


I see people flying by my train when I'm going full speed all the time. Wish there was a button I could push to send them straight to jail.


But, drugs are a vIcTImLeEsS cRImE! The POS should be locked up for the rest of his life. TBH, a person should do 20 years just for driving that fast and that high, even if nobody gets hurt. That is a big problem with our intoxicated and reckless driving laws. We punish outcomes, not the underlying extreme recklessness and disregard for human life. None of these assholes think they are going to kill anybody and do 20 years. But, if they knew just driving that fast or in that state would get them 20 years, a lot of them would think twice.


> We punish outcomes, not the underlying extreme recklessness and disregard for human life. We *should* (uniformly) punish outcomes, but if you impose *laws* addressing underlying extreme recklessness and "disregard for human life", then guaranteed, you will just create a legal system to victimize the poor as well as the "guilty". As our current penal system operates, people do not get "rehabilitated" by their involuntary incarceration in prison. What is the point of ever allowing felons to leave prison if they're not "rehabilitated"? People indicted for felony crime do not get adequate legal defense if they're poor, and the people who administer the system do not get punished when they get caught committing crime. We should not be using the legal system to manage the drug problem in society. We should only be using the legal system to contain people demonstrating a danger to society (or the ability for a capitalist society to function). We need to invest more money in enabling stable homes, adequately educating potentially useful future adults, and only use the penal system to hold criminals that actually harm or pose a threat to society. It would also help if we put synthetic narcotic cartel operators into prison, like relevant members of the Sackler family.


I wonder if it’s possible to design “speed humps” to deter high speed driving. We all know “speed bumps”, those generally annoying things that make you slow to a crawl. Not that exactly. Something with a more gradual incline and decline that would be a minor annoyance at say 60 but really whack a car going say over 85. Intuitively it just seems like a physics problem. Maybe they use stuff like this at racetracks, don’t know. It wouldn’t prevent tragedies like this one, but I’d bet most people would reduce speed rather than damage their cars.


Just give every intoxicated driver 30 years the first time they’re caught and stuff like this wouldn’t happen. Simple.


We have speed bumps in our condo development. My neighbor is crazy and just retired from the commack school district. She drives over the speed bumps at 60mph (speed limit in the development is 25mph) and literally catches air and doesn't care. They will only slow down the good people and not the people that really need to slow down. We really need speed cameras. I know people hate them but if people keep getting fined they will slow down.


> She drives over the speed bumps at 60mph (speed limit in the development is 25mpg) You probably won't have to worry for long about her driving. Soon her vehicle will cease to operate from the damage to her suspension and possibly the transmission.


Yeah . Her Lexus SUV is always in the shop.


Watch him get off for a technicality too This is so fucked up


Weeds about to be illegal again


He was high on cocaine and fentanyl