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How’s Green Acre’s doing these days? Haven’t been in years.


Whenever I drop my car off for work at a dealership nearby I end up there to kill time. It's not a dead mall yet, but it's definitely a wasteland in terms of being a food desert for sure. The mall itself doesn't feel unsafe but I'm usually there on a weekday.


Bunch of empty store spaces. I only shop there for Primark and Macys. A uniqlo is opening soon.


Driving over there is reminiscent of a demilitarized zone


Used to be the car theft capital of America at one time.Now it may be only good if you want to purchase those expensive fancy sneakers quite a few shops there for them, but watch you don’t get followed out.


In the 80s there use to be a metal detector for guns at the entrance of the movie theater that use to be there


The metal detectors were still there until it closed a few years ago.


I was in GA around Christmas in the early 90's eating at a Sbarros when I heard a fight start outside in the mall to my right but out of sight from my table. Like a grade school fight, curious people started heading to the right outside to get a better look until shots rang out and they all ran back to the left like a human tsunami. The Sbarro manager pulled the gates down fast and locked them as the smell of gunpowder drifted in through the open gate bars. We watched from inside as cop after cop ran to the scene. We were in there a long time until we got the all-clear to leave, walking out past over 30 cop cars and emergency vehicles. We went home and told our families what happened and waited to see it reported on the evening news. Nothing. So we waited until the morning papers reported it. Nothing. However, there was a small report in Newsday and other NY papers about a cop being shot in the face in a robbery just over the border in Rosedale. We were disappointed it wasn't reported but not really bothered, we didn't get hurt, it was exciting, and made a great story. We definitely weren't traumatized. because we went back to GA after no problem. Life has always been dangerous but every older person you see successfully lived through it. Any large gathering of humans anywhere has an element of danger. Mall danger was never well reported before cell phones and the Internet. My story is an example of how Christmas economics won out over truthful media reporting despite the size of the police response (kind of like the movie Jaws). Today, just about everything is recorded/reported by cell phones, and reports are multiplied and amplified via online gossip. All that amplification is enough to make scared shut-ins out of otherwise, healthy, vibrant people. Be safe. Be prepared. Keep your head on a swivel. Move in numbers when you can, but don't live afraid. You have a higher probability of living to a ripe old age these days compared to the prior millennium, despite all that perceived danger.


I work in RF and I don’t feel safe. Almost everyday there’s something going on there.


What else is happening besides muggings? I take my elderly aunt there often to watch a movie and go to the food court. Haven't seen any bad incidents.


Don't go at night.


How night?


night night


The darkest point before the dawn


Saw a mugging as I was coming out from the movies on a saturday night a few months ago


They should have the police dept stationed there. When I was travelling out of state some walmart has a police officer assigned in the store.


They have one in the basement. In addition there's a satellite office down the road.


Ty for the info


Yeah, but they don’t do anything but sit around all day.


There’s one in front of macys/Louis Vuitton.


Stationed there or standing at stores in mall? Walmart had a cop standing by entrances


The mall is huge with many stores, it would take too much resources to have police stand guard at each store. Most crime does not happen in the store, but outside in the parking lot at night. The NCPD used to have a few undercover cops sitting in parked cars in the lot, but idk if they do anymore.


So there’s either a “security” person there or a number of police stationed right in front of LV.


I believe there are 6 full time officers assigned to the mall and the recent addition of a K-9 unit.


Most NYC Targets have NYPD stationed at the exit


They are hired by the Target as an off duty uniformed security guard.


NYPD in uniforms are off duty? They’re not hired by Target to be stationed there?


It's called paid detail. There's a large list of establishments that cops can choose from to work off duty in uniform as security. They are paid by whichever establishment they choose to work for.


There has been employee muggings for years.


Yup, criminals go to malls and similar places regardless of where they are located, the landlords know this and just consider it part of business. They’ve never had security and keep adding nicer brands, it’s not something that care to curb


The stores are more fancy now than they were when I was a kid that’s for sure.


If your scared for your safety at Roosevelt Field Mall , i would hate to see how you would function at Atlantic Terminal mall or Kings Plaza.


Never felt unsafe there, Green Acres Mall is a different story though


Sometimes I feel like I need a taser or pepper spray when I shop there. For some reason I get harrassed when i'm walking near macys. A teenager was trying to sell some dollar store jewelry in a macys bag and called me a slur for a gay person when I ignored him. Recently a guy ran in front of me and got mad I didn't want to hear whatever dumb thing he wanted to say. Told me he just got out of jail and asked me to buy him an outfit at macys.


That made you feel unsafe?


Aggressive people do. It's a mix of annoyance and not wanting some random person blocking me from walking somewhere.


There’s indicators you can learn pick up on to gauge the likelihood of physical threats, and I’d be more than happy to share an article or two to help you recognize telegraphed cues of hostile intent. It’s one thing to feel unsafe because you can’t tell if it’s a problem, and then there’s feeling unsafe because there’s a genuine threat. It’s smart to stay aware, but pointless to feel worried for no good reason. Hopefully, once you learn to pick up on those things, you can feel better about both being aware prior to an attack and being able to respond adequately. I understand being afraid of genuinely aggressive people, but I’d personally not be too worried about someone calling me a slur nor harassing me for money/outfit. I’m also a relatively mid to large sized athetlic guy so there’s not really much for me to worry about physically when it comes to other men other than like, dudes that are absolutely humongous- in which case, probably a good idea to dip.


Bro, are you really telling someone they should read an article to know how unsafe they are instead of just following their gut? Fuck is wrong with you?


Yeah, actually I am, so I guess that makes me fucked up. Thinking or feeling you are unsafe because you merely are *uncomfortable* in a situation is not an objective measure of actual risk whatsoever. Prejudice, unconscious bias, and stereotypes are all factors that can affect your rationalization of your own perspective compared to the objective reality. You *need* to use objective criteria and data to accurately assess safety and dangerous situations. If a person of a given demographic approached you and you felt unsafe because they merely appeared a certain way, is that a reasonable feeling? If I said I was uncomfortable around hispanic men because their appearance makes me feel unsafe, is it reasonable for me to feel “unsafe”? No? What if my “gut” says so? Sounds kinda unjustified, right? If Karen sees a black man with a gun in a predominantly white neighborhood, is that an automatic go ahead to deem it an “unsafe” situation and call the cops? Is it okay for them to call the cops so they can go ahead and detain them merely because they are black and have a gun? What if their “gut” says that they’re dangerous? No! Being black and having a gun is NOT probable cause for any investigation, nor is it an indication of the situation being “unsafe”. There’s ZERO indicators that something is up, but because that Karen felt “unsafe”, the cops are now here. What if the cop is racist or biased towards black people? Now it’s suddenly a “reasonable suspicion” stop because he “feels” that something is up. Again, all kinda unjustified. This is not to say following your gut is *entirely wrong*, but for christ’s sake, utilize studied and measurable data points to help you *assess* actual danger instead of just your “feelings” and going off subjective and biased emotion. Basing your feeling of safety based on mere subjectivity and zero objective criteria is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. Go ahead, please make somewhat of a cogent argument against what I’ve said because I truly believe there’s nothing wrong with being educated and more objective over subjective while assessing situations.


My curiosity is piqued. Can you share the articles?


https://www.police1.com/officer-safety/articles/10-non-verbal-signs-all-officers-should-be-able-to-recognize-and-interpret-Xj0bx7nVn0PRlDne/ https://www.policemag.com/training/article/15346362/pre-attack-indicators https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/more-fbi-services-and-information/ucr/leoka https://www.police1.com/officer-safety/articles/10-pre-attack-behavior-cues-yi7gbnSaExnvhDZt/ https://www.police1.com/police-products/training-products/articles/pre-attack-indicators-conscious-recognition-of-telegraphed-cues-lHaGNktGomYevmQE/ https://www.lawofficer.com/invisible-threat/ (For shooters) https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-quick-reference.pdf/view ISBN: 9781285499840 I’ll admit that these are all law enforcement articles/blog types, with the exception of the textbook, so they’re potentially biased. (The articles kind of all say the same thing) Despite the many flaws of the policing system here, I’d be inclined to believe that this is something that’s relatively reliable in most cases. Body language is pretty well studied by (at least American) law enforcement as far as I can tell. Behaviors like blading the body, eye contact/movement and clenching, in my experiences, are reliable indicators of aggression and hostility.


Are you the one who did this?


Lol no. I feel unsafe when I’m in a situation that has a high probability of harm or death, not when a stranger makes an off-hand comment or verbally harasses me asking for money/an outfit from Macy’s. Y’all are just soft. Long Island has it so fucking easy compared to some parts in the rest of the country. I’d fucking sleep outside, anywhere on Long Island. Where are there shootings every single day on the Island like there is in South Side Chicago or Milwaukee? For context, I’ve lived on Long Island and in the shitty area of Milwaukee- there’s no contest in my mind that Long Island is literally one of the safest areas I’ve ever lived in. My first *year* in Milwaukee- I witnessed a shooting across the street, a drive by, and a homicide up the street from my apartment. My buddies first *night* after moving here he had his car stolen. The worst I’ve ever seen in NY over 19 years was a fucking *snatch and grab*.


Awful mall


It is garbage and always has been. I was surprised when people in another thread said the mall was flourishing. It's only by default since it's the only mall in that part of nassau. Can't even put up a new movie theater because people would ruin it like they did Sunrise Cinema aka Murderplex.


100%. Not worth risking like to shop in GA mall. All kinds of shady characters hang out there.


It all went downhill when they got rid of the cool food court


The blimp was great. Charlie’s cheesesteaks is the only reason I ever go to the new food court.


The choices at the food court suck now. I get Wendy's most of the time because it's the only place you can get a meal under $10 (I have to use the app).


Do you like their cheesesteaks? I thought it was okay. The fries were really good though


I like their Cheesesteaks in the same way that I like a burger from Wendy’s. Good in the context of fast food chain restaurants, but nowhere near what you’d get from a high quality local place. Agreed on the fries!


I work with autistic kids. My all time favorite client would want to go to Roosevelt Field from time to time. We’d do the mall walk. I was single back then. 2 trips around the zeppelin and you’d get enough samples to be full. (Dated a girl that worked at Mrs Fields’ Cookies…)


I’m there 3x a week for work, and have never felt unsafe.


In 2021 I walked around there for about an hour almost every day around lunch time and never felt remotely unsafe. Might have been a timing issue


There was a shooting there and my wife was in the mall when it happened. This was like 5+ years ago maybe? That mall has always been a shit show.


First time ever hearing about this. Had no idea people thought the mall wasn’t safe. If Roosevelt Field Mall isn’t safe then no mall is. I’m actually at the food court right now. Bunch of old people here and people with their toddlers.


If only it was like it was in the '80s: https://youtu.be/YmWTHCHHzZY?si=yY1e6ABAqBTFu1gQ


Man, if anyone argues that the Long Island accent hasn't faded over time, just show them this as a rebuttal. Unbelievable watch.


Holiday season approaching, protect ya hand bags and wallets


The meadowbrook parkway is by far WAY more dangerous than RFM


Never personally felt unsafe, but last time I was there something was going on, saw 4 or 5 cop cars within the first 2 minutes of being there and you could tell they were looking for someone, came out and immediately saw another cop in the parking garage and the police helicopter was overhead. Honestly, I’ve kinda just been avoiding malls for the past couple of years for a number of reasons.


Article from 8 years ago: https://nypost.com/2015/12/22/gunfire-reported-at-long-island-mall/ Not new, don't fall for the fear mongering


It’s not about you it’s how the employees that work there feel. They spend more time there than you ever would as a customer. If your job had an increase in crime, how would you feel?


So because violent crime happened 5 years ago, it’s fear mongering to report…current violent crime? Roosevelt field mall has had issues for as long as I can remember. I never even went to the mall that much, but as a kid I recall 3 separate brawls there, and that’s going maybe once or twice a year. Either I’ve been unlucky with my experiences there, or it’s simply not a nice place to be.


I'm sorry that was your personal experience. I've been going there since I was a kid there as well. I've never seen or experienced anything dangerous. I'm by no means saying things don't happen there, I'm saying the way the article is written is fear mongering. How many years can a place be getting more and more "dangerous", things happen everywhere.


https://www.city-data.com/forum/long-island/761840-roosevelt-field-8.html Forum from 15 years ago that mimics the same rhetoric you see on this sub when these articles pop up. Yet somehow the mall is thriving as much as ever. Huh


The site was very toxic...wish I never signed up... Wish I had known about Reddit sooner...for all the flaws this site has it doesn't touch a candle to the crazyness of City-Data. -Edit apparently people don't like me bashing CD...


Oh yeah not at all. City Data is CRAZY.


City data will legit have you thinking any given municipality is three weeks away from becoming south side Chicago. Like I grew up in a pretty shitty area and it’s always been sort of weird to me what qualifies as ghetto to Long Islanders in general but my god was it insane to read some of these City Data threads while I was looking for a house.


They make the doomers on here seem like the happiest, most content people on earth.


Lmaooooooo, don't you know Long Island has been going to hell for decades. Yet somehow still so unaffordable.


Gunshots reported at mall? Oh it’s not new so it’s fear mongering got it


Probably that Antifa guy in Brooklyn thought the same thing , unfortunately it cost him his life


In 2023, Nassau County will spend $960 million, or 28.8% of the operating funds’ expense for police services. It is an insult to taxpayers that NCPD will not devote two cars to police the parking lots and two officers on foot to patrol one of the largest shopping malls in the country.


Why patrol malls when you can pull people over for speeding all day and generate juicy revenue for the local government?


Just more local news stoking fears of a non existent crime wave. Long Island is legitimately one of THE safest places in the entire country, crime is very low. Don't fall for the propaganda


Kids and teens have started throwing drinks, dildos, and even pouring soy sauce from the second floor onto kiosks and passersby. An elderly man had a dildo thrown at him and his phone was knocked onto the floor and broke. They get away with it pretty often. There arent enough police officers and security is limited with how they can interact with offenders. I think the holidays are going to be bad.


They should be prosecuted and trespassed.


Malls are dying...they're just a place for assholefoolery to take place.


Many malls are dying, but Roosevelt Fields isn’t a dying mall by any stretch of the imagination. On the rare occasion that I’ve been there on a random weekday during the day, the parking lot has been packed.


Yeah the "luxury" malls are doing fine. No shortage of people wanting to spend money on designer clothes and handbags


Get rid of bail reform and this will end. There’s no consequences for this because if they get caught, they’re immediately let out on an Appearance Ticket.




I think this is part of it. I was born and raised in Queens. What LIers consider unsafe seems to be very different than someone who grew up in the boroughs. LI'ers seem to find a lot more things sketchy/unsafe. Mind your business and keep it moving folks. I live near Green Acres now. I only go to BJs, home depot, primark, chipotle, and old navy. Can it be ghetto sometimes ? yeah. Do I feel unsafe ? No.


Interesting how you equated 'black people' with white people being 'street smart.'




yeah, you kind of made it seem the only way to survive around black people is to be street smart.


I run to norstrums return and run out! Shop on line


I narrowly avoided being mugged there once, way back in the Motorola Razr days. Honestly as someone who’s been going there since the 90’s it’s never been a safe place to be, always best have your wits about you. Don’t be a dumbass




Truly curious, why?


Outside of the dumbass racists, the real reason malls are dying is online shopping. It's just much cheaper and people are lazy and don't want to do a mile lap around a bunch of over priced stores. Now a bunch of mainstay stores have vacated these malls and are replaced by some pretty terrible ones. Like ones that sell viral toys or super over priced "rare" or other country release snacks, or resale sneakers. Most people don't care about that. So all you are going to see is old people getting their weather controlled walking in or the random kids or person with a baby in a stroller.






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I’ve been there two times and haven’t had an issue.


I've never felt unsafe at RFM. Shit happens.


What a surprise.


Worked there circa 2002 and this happened regularly. Shit we had a shooting by the food court a few days before Christmas. A kid shot at another kid who was running up the escalator!


I’ve been to Roosevelt a million times and never felt unsafe, and this is from someone who lives right by smithhaven mall. I hate it there lol


Sunrise mall in massapequa was way worse


Only a matter of time before we see a video of a mass robbery at one of the stores.


Have you guys been to Amazon? Really safe.